Who Are The Palestinians " III "

RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Palestinians celebrate Jerusalem synagogue attack
※→ Hollie, et al,
For the life of me, I just find it extremely difficult to understand how the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) find any heroism in an attack against unarmed worshippers in a religious facility while praying to the same God as the Muslims worship. Where is the bravery in this deed?

But then, they are Palestinians.

Palestinian is just another word for dishonorable, immoral, or improper.


Most Respectfully,
What is Palestinian Culture?

On September 22-24, the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) is hosting the Palestine Writes Literature Festival, which describes itself as “the only North American literature festival dedicated to celebrating and promoting cultural productions of Palestinian writers and artists.” UPenn’s website introduces it as follows:

The 2023 Palestine Writes literature festival is gathering dozens of writers, artists, publishers, performers, and scholars to explore the richness and diversity of Palestinian culture.

A closer look at the festival suggests it is less about richness and diversity of their culture, and more about antisemitism, terrorism and and terror support.

The following is just a sample – if I were to include every example this post might be beyond the attention span of most (it still might be!)

susan abulhawa
The executive director of the festival, the name Susan Abulhawa may sound familiar to you since I covered her appearance at the Adelaide Festival earlier this year. Canary Mission have more on her antisemitism and terror support, including:

  • The photo on her website’s contact page showing her sitting at her desk, along with photos of terrorist leaders responsible for the murders of thousands of Israelis
  • Expressing the wish that Hamas rockets land on us
  • Calling for Intifada
  • Equating us with Nazis
  • Denying Jewish history
And the rotten apple does not fall far from the tree. Her daughter Natalie Abulhawa was fired from her job as a private school teacher, as a result of antisemitic content that she published online.


And so it goes on.

A few days ago, at least six palestinians Arabs were killed after an explosive device they attempted to detonate on the Israeli border during a riot blew up prematurely. Another case of premature explodation, if you will.

The palestinian Arabs, of course, claim it was Israel who planted the explosive:


Razan Al-Najjar, 21 years old. My daughter's age. Shot dead in the back by an Israeli sniper as she tended to the wounded. I keep thinking about her taking the time to fix that tidy point on her hijab, a personal dignity, before entering another day in a world so inhospitable and hostile to Palestinian presence. Her murder is another war crime, in a long list of Israeli war crimes.
  • These Palestinians are running away because they can no longer tolerate life under the Islamist movement of Hamas. They are not fleeing because of Israel.
  • "I know I'm risking my life, but I want to leave, dead or alive. At least I will find a dignified life abroad. People want to leave because of the oppression and injustice we see here [in the Gaza Strip]." — Sfouk AlSheik, twitter.com, September 10, 2023.
  • Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been controlled by the Iran-backed Hamas terror group, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood organization. Instead of working to improve the living conditions of the two million Palestinians living under its rule, Hamas has since invested millions of dollars in manufacturing weapons and building tunnels from which to attack Israel. Hamas had an opportunity to turn the Gaza Strip into the "Singapore of the Middle East," but its desire to destroy Israel has brought only war and death to the Palestinians. To achieve its goal of murdering Jews and eliminating Israel, Hamas appears ready to sacrifice endless numbers of Palestinians.
  • Hamas evidently does not care if hundreds of Palestinians are killed and injured in wars instigated by its rocket attacks against Israel. Hamas does not even hesitate to use Palestinians as human shields during its wars with Israel. Members of the terror group have endangered the lives of thousands of their own innocent civilians by firing rockets from residential areas close to schools and hospitals.

  • "Despite their exposure to the risks of drowning, loss, and death, Palestinians fleeing the Gaza Strip see that Turkey and Europe are their hope and future." — Mahmoud al-Raqab, Palestinian political analyst, knooznet.com, September 10, 2023.


Ahed Tamimi: The Iconic Symbol of Palestinian Resistance and Defiance Against Israeli Occupation​

No “Palestinian Arab people” existed at the start of 1920, but, by December, it took shape in a form recognizably similar to today’s.

Until the late nineteenth century, residents living in the region between the Jordan Riverand the Mediterranean identified themselves primarily in terms of religion: Muslims felt far stronger bonds with remote co-religionists than with nearby Christians and Jews. Living in that area did not imply any sense of common political purpose.

Then came the ideology of nationalism from Europe; its ideal of a government that embodies the spirit of its people was alien but appealing to Middle Easterners. How to apply this ideal, though? Who constitutes a nation and where must the boundaries be? These questions stimulated huge debates.

Some said the residents of the Levant are a nation; others said Eastern Arabic speakers; or all Arabic speakers; or all Muslims.

But no one suggested “Palestinians,” and for good reason. Palestine, then a secular way of saying Eretz Yisrael or Terra Sancta, embodied a purely Jewish and Christian concept, one utterly foreign to Muslims, even repugnant to them.

This distaste was confirmed in April 1920, when the British occupying force carved out a “Palestine.” Muslims reacted very suspiciously, rightly seeing this designation as a victory for Zionism. Less accurately, they worried about it signaling a revival in the Crusaderimpulse. No prominent Muslim voices endorsed the delineation of Palestine in 1920; all protested it.


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