Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Palestine was created as a state, by international treaties, in 1924.

No foreign powers have the legal authority to change that.

Making child soldiers in PA Security Forces/Fatah summer camp​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Sep 22, 2023

Another glimpse into a Palestinian summer camp proves that there is an organized PA effort to teach Palestinian youth to fight Israel with violence and terror. In a report by Fatah’s Awdah TV young boys are seen performing drills with assault rifles in a PA Security Forces and Fatah summer camp.

A PA Security Force member explains that there is “extensive cooperation” between the PA Security Forces and Fatah to “establish [summer] camps,” the goal of which is to teach youth “to deal with” Israel in different ways, including “in struggle,” i.e., the PA euphemism for fighting Israel – including with violence and terror.
[ Culture of Death ]

Another glimpse into a Palestinian summer camp proves that there is an organized PA effort to teach Palestinian youth to fight Israel with violence and terror. In a report by Fatah’s Awdah TV young boys are seen performing drills with assault rifles in a PA Security Forces and Fatah summer camp.

A PA Security Force member explains that there is “extensive cooperation” between the PA Security Forces and Fatah to “establish [summer] camps,” the goal of which is to teach youth “to deal with” Israel in different ways, including “in struggle,” i.e., the PA euphemism for fighting Israel – including with violence and terror.


Member of the PA Security Forces: “The role of the [PA] National Security [Forces], on the instructions of Gen. Nidal Abu Doukhan – National Security Forces Commander – is… to serve the national movement and our people. He directed extensive cooperation between us and [Fatah's] district branches, and specifically the Central Hebron district, so that we would establish [summer] camps that serve the national unity and make the civilians feel safe…
We are under occupation and the occupation (i.e., Israel) is always lying in ambush for us, and we need to deal with it intellectually, culturally, mentally, and in struggle, in every field.”
[Fatah-run Awdah TV, Facebook page, Aug. 3, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch exposed similar drills with weapons and combat training taking place in other Palestinian camps to turn teens into terrorists:

The Jerusalem Post reports:

A fire broke out on Friday morning in the Kissufim forest on the Gaza border according to a statement by Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), which manages the site.

Six firefighting teams were deployed to two different areas in the Ben Shemen area near the Adam IDF base in order to prevent the fire from spreading to the base, according to the Ayalon Regional Fire Brigade. Two planes were also deployed to help put out the fires.

It is suspected that incendiary balloons from Gaza started the fire. In 2018, the KKL-JNF statement said, a fire broke out in the exact same place at the outset of a string of incendiary balloon fires.

The last time incendiary balloons caused a fire in the region was in September 2021.

A group called the "Units of the Descendants of Nasser"claimed responsibility for what they called a "blast" of balloons being sent from central Gaza today.

The same group had also claimed to be behind a string of incendiary balloon attacks in 2020 and 2021, saying that "we promise you that we will not rest until the entire envelope east of our occupied territories burns."

Interestingly, in 2021, Hamas arrested members of the group for their attacks on Israeli forests. Which means that if this becomes a new wave of attacks, Hamas is allowing it to happen.

Environmental groups have been peculiarly silent about Palestinian groups deliberately setting forest fires.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

A group called the "Units of the Descendants of Nasser"claimed responsibility for what they called a "blast" of balloons being sent from central Gaza today.

The same group had also claimed to be behind a string of incendiary balloon attacks in 2020 and 2021, saying that "we promise you that we will not rest until the entire envelope east of our occupied territories burns."

Interestingly, in 2021, Hamas arrested members of the group for their attacks on Israeli forests. Which means that if this becomes a new wave of attacks, Hamas is allowing it to happen.

Environmental groups have been peculiarly silent about Palestinian groups deliberately setting forest fires.

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Who Are The Palestinians " III "​

Genetic Arabs from Arabia. :thup:

Male/female ratios were similar in all three groups, a point of interest given that a Polynesian isolate (Waldo 1999) has been reported to have an unusual male/female ratio in schizophrenia.
The preponderance of males in all three groups may reflect a bias for young age introduced by the demand that all probands have two living parents. The high rate of unemployment and disability in all three groups, even in the Bedouin, is in contrast to reports that pre-industrial peoples find schizophrenia to be less debilitating (Bebbington et al. 1998).
When looking at the proportions of patients having disability insurance, there is a significant difference between the Galilee Arabs and the Palestinian Authority Arabs, and the Negev Bedouin are in between. This may reflect a difference in the existence and availability of welfare services rather than differences in prognosis.
With regard to education, there seems to be no difference between the two groups living in Israel, but there is a significant difference between each of them and the Palestinian Authority residents, which may again reflect a social difference, and not a disease-related difference. Suicidal ideation and attempts seemed to be about as common in the Bedouin as in Arab neighbours, although the sampling technique was not appropriate for measuring this variable and this statistic clearly does not necessarily represent suicide rates of the whole population.
The content and character of the schizophrenic psychosis was different in the three groups studied. Paranoid schizophrenia was more common in Galilee Palestinians than in the two other groups, and delusions of persecution were more frequent. Auditory hallucinations were more frequent in this group. Somatic delusions were far more common in the Palestinian Authority patients. Age of onset was similar in the three groups, with no evidence of early onset forms.

History is usually about violence and conflict.

So then, what do peaceful people write about?
[ The culture of death and conquest. What belonged to Islam, always belongs to Islam ]

On the anniversary of the death of terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi – a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing) who was responsible for a series of shooting attacks – Abbas’ Fatah Movement published a video showing a ceremony from a military training course named after the terrorist, held by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Palestine – Martyr Nidal Al-Amoudi Brigade in the Gaza Strip.

The stage backdrop of the ceremony had a huge picture of terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi and posters of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat and arch-terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir “Abu Jihad,” who was responsible for the murder of 125. The logos of both Fatah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades appeared on the ceremony poster.


During the video, a small child is seen saluting the picture of terrorist Al-Nabulsi:


A narrator praises terrorist Al-Nabulsi as a “model of heroism” and as having left behind “an eternal revolutionary school, whose students are self-sacrificing fighters who believe in Allah.” For these Fatah soldiers, allegiance to the rifle is “sacred”:


Narrator: The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine make sure to commemorate the memory of their men in their unique military way, so that they will remain as models of heroism in the memory of the generations. Martyr Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi left us while leaving behind for us an eternal revolutionary school, whose students are self-sacrificing fighters who believe in Allah, and who love the homeland. On the anniversary of Martyr fighter Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi’s ascent [to Heaven], our brigades prepared an army bearing his name, and it swore that adherence to the rifle is sacred – out of loyalty to his last will… May Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi remain a legend of glory and honor in the history of the [Palestinian] cause.”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, Aug. 9, 2023]​
An audio recording was also played at the ceremony of terrorist Al-Nabulsi’s mother congratulating the participants:

[full article online]

Abbas left the Palestinian Authority in June of 2007.

Then the US installed him as dictator for life in the West Bank.

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