Who Are The Palestinians " III "

RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Abbas left the Palestinian Authority in June of 2007.

Then the US installed him as dictator for life in the West Bank.

Mahmoud Abbas is the Chairman of the PLO and President of the Palestinian Authority.

America did not install Mahmoud Abbas as a "Dictator." The Arab Palestinians allowed him to assume that role.

REMEMBER: The Arab Palestinians hold all the weapons. There has never been an American Combat Unit in the West Bank. Any force that was used was taken by the Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Mahmoud Abbas is the Chairman of the PLO and President of the Palestinian Authority.

America did not install Mahmoud Abbas as a "Dictator." The Arab Palestinians allowed him to assume that role.

REMEMBER: The Arab Palestinians hold all the weapons. There has never been an American Combat Unit in the West Bank. Any force that was used was taken by the Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,
Here is something for your cognitive dissonance.

cognitive dissonanceRE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Mahmoud Abbas is the Chairman of the PLO and President of the Palestinian Authority.

America did not install Mahmoud Abbas as a "Dictator." The Arab Palestinians allowed him to assume that role.

REMEMBER: The Arab Palestinians hold all the weapons. There has never been an American Combat Unit in the West Bank. Any force that was used was taken by the Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,
More for your cognitive dissonance.

RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Mahmoud Abbas is the Chairman of the PLO and President of the Palestinian Authority.

America did not install Mahmoud Abbas as a "Dictator." The Arab Palestinians allowed him to assume that role.

REMEMBER: The Arab Palestinians hold all the weapons. There has never been an American Combat Unit in the West Bank. Any force that was used was taken by the Arab Palestinians.


Most Respectfully,

American Sabotage of Palestinian Democracy​

RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not news. It is quite old.

US aid to Palestinian security services to end Friday, at Abbas’s request

Here is something for your cognitive dissonance.

You are using some big words to change the perception.

Everyone knows that this is propaganda supporting anti-US and anti-Israeli efforts.

Furthermore, most countries work in their own best interest. The US is a staunch believer in democratic governments. However, not all important allies are democratic governments. Diplomacy does not stop just because the US does not like its government.

HAMAS is a terrorist organization.

And HAMAS did not liberate the Gaza Strip. The Israelis decided that the cost of bringing law and order to the Strip was not worth any tangible or foreseeable future. In 2005 they just executed a unilateral withdrawal.

True peace and understanding in the territories will not come in my lifetime. And I don't think the Arab Palestinians truly want peace, as Americans think of peace. They seem quite willing to allow a dictator to rule. The same is true in Gaza.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are the Palestinians III
SUBTOPIC: Who is the Leader
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is not news. It is quite old.

US aid to Palestinian security services to end Friday, at Abbas’s request


You are using some big words to change the perception.

Everyone knows that this is propaganda supporting anti-US and anti-Israeli efforts.

Furthermore, most countries work in their own best interest. The US is a staunch believer in democratic governments. However, not all important allies are democratic governments. Diplomacy does not stop just because the US does not like its government.

HAMAS is a terrorist organization.

And HAMAS did not liberate the Gaza Strip. The Israelis decided that the cost of bringing law and order to the Strip was not worth any tangible or foreseeable future. In 2005 they just executed a unilateral withdrawal.

True peace and understanding in the territories will not come in my lifetime. And I don't think the Arab Palestinians truly want peace, as Americans think of peace. They seem quite willing to allow a dictator to rule. The same is true in Gaza.


Most Respectfully,
I notice that you did not address any of my posts.

Was there any due process to any of this or is it just political name calling?
REMEMBER: The Arab Palestinians hold all the weapons. There has never been an American Combat Unit in the West Bank.
Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton of the United States Army served for five years as the U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, from 2005 to 2010. Dayton replaced Lt. Gen. William "Kip" Ward in December 2005 just a month before Hamas won a majority of seats in the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections. Nathan Thrall reports that "overnight, Dayton's task changed from reforming the security forces to preventing a Hamas-led government from controlling them.

Abbas' term in office expired in Jan. 2009

He left the PA on June of 2007.
RoccoR said:
Mahmoud Abbas is the Chairman of the PLO and President of the Palestinian Authority.
You have to know something about the constitution.
Term in office is four years with a two term limit.
PM and Cabinet (what the Palestinians call the government)
Appointed by the President and serves at his pleasure. They have no term limit. The President can replace them with a new appointment. However, the old one governs until the new one is approved by the PLC.
Legislature (PLC)
There is no term limit. There are (supposed to be) elections every four years. However, they hold their seat until replaced by an election.

Here is what happened. In June of 2007 Hamas was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah lost the elections. The US gave Fatah $86M to take out Hamas and put Fatah back in power with a military coup. Hamas ran Fatah out of Gaza. (the seat of the Palestinian Authority)

Abbas fired the government and left it, (see above) padlocked the PLC, and appointed a new government in Ramallah.

The problem is that none of the new appointees have had PLC approval as the constitution requires. That would be like presidential appointees in the US taking office without senate approval.

The last legally constituted Palestinian Authority was in March of 2007.
The popular Palestinian band Alashakeen has lost one of their members, artist Hussein Mundhir ‘Abu Ali’. According to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas this is a great loss for “Palestine”:

Abbas: “Palestine has lost one of itsloyal fighter sonswho dedicated his life to the Palestinian revolution.”
“[Abbas] added that through his national songs, the late artist turned the history of the modern Palestinian revolution, its battles, and its acts of heroism into a living image… [Abbas] praised the great role of the departed, after he enriched the national culture and the Palestinian popular art through his national songs, which expressed the sacrifices made by our people, its resolve, and its acts of heroism.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 19, 2023]​
That Abbas is a fan of the Alashakeen band is no surprise, as Palestinian Media Watch documented that he honored them by officially declaring them a “national institution” in November 2010.

So, what are the themes of these “national songs” that Abbas thinks has “enriched the national culture”?

For more than a decade, PMW has exposed the hate and violence promoting content of the band’s songs that include calling for the end of Israel.

PMW first exposed a song by Alashakeen in September 2010. It urges Jihad and armed struggle all over Israel, and calls to “pull the trigger”:


"Fight, brother, the flag will never be lowered,
the torches will never die out."
On [Mt.] Carmel (i.e., in Israel) and in the [Jordan] Valley,
we are rocks and streams.
In Lod (i.e., Israeli city) we are poems, and in Ramle (i.e., Israeli city) - grenades.
We, my brother, shall remain the revolution of the fighting nation."
"The Zionists went out from [their] homelands,
compounding damage and enmity.
But the Palestinian revolution awaits [them].
The orchard called us to the [armed] struggle.
We replaced bracelets with weapons.
We attacked the despicable [Zionists].

This invading enemy is on the battlefield.
This is the day of consolation of Jihad.
Pull the trigger.

We shall redeem Jerusalem, Nablus and the country."
[Official PA TV, Sept. 12, 2010]
The danger of popular bands promoting hate and terror was highlighted by Elisabeth Kendall, an expert on extremism at Oxford University. She warned about ISIS’ use of music to appeal to youth:

The rhyme, beat, evocative lyrics and punchy delivery are especially appealing to youth. This catchy sing-along method for propagating ISIS ideology means it spreads quickly and sticks in the collective memory. It tends to be far more effective than sermons or theological debate and treatises.”
[The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 21, 2019]​
A song and video, which Alashakeen in 2012 “dedicated to our brave prisoners” – i.e., imprisoned terrorists – shows Abbas vowing to free all Palestinian terrorist prisoners, followed by photos of 7 such “brave prisoners.” They are terrorists imprisoned for orchestrating the murder of more than 100 Israeli and foreign civilians. Some of them are serving multiple life sentences:


Text on screen: "Dedicated by the Alashekeen band to our brave prisoners."
Abbas: "We will not rest until all [prisoners] are freed, and the prisons are emptied."
Lyrics: "We are pledged to the promise and the revolution. Our hearts are full of faith.”
[Official PA TV, May 2012 – June 2019]​
This video originally aired on May 7, 2012 and was rebroadcast 11 times in 2012 and twice on Jan. 30, 2013, once in 2014, 3 times in 2015 on Fatah-run Awdah TV and 8 times on PA TV, and 4 times in 2019, most recently on June 2, 2019.

The terrorist murderers Alashakeen chose to glorify are:

Ibrahim Hamed - serving 54 life sentences for planning suicide bombings, including at Hebrew University (9 murdered), Cafe Moment (12 murdered), Cafe Hillel (7 murdered), Zion Square in Jerusalem (11 murdered).

Abbas Al-Sayid - serving 35 life sentences for planning the suicide bombing at the Jewish Passover dinner in Netanya in 2002, in which 30 Israelis were murdered. He was also responsible for a suicide bombing in Netanya in 2001 in which 5 were murdered.

Nasser Awais - serving 14 life sentences for planning terror attacks in which 13 civilians were murdered, including an attack at a private Bat-Mitzva celebration and the murder of a baby in 2002.

Marwan Barghouti - serving 5 life sentences for planning terror attacks in which 5 were murdered.

Yasser Abu Bakr - responsible for murdering 2 in terror attack in Netanya in 2002.

Ahmad Sa'adat - serving 30 years for heading the terrorist organization PFLP. Was honored by the PFLP during a televised ceremony for planning the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi in 2001, but he has not been tried for that crime.

Fuad Al-Shubaki - served 17 years for involvement in the Karine A Affair in 2002, in which 50 tons of illegal weapons were found aboard a Palestinian ship.

Official PA TV highlighted another of Alashakeen’s songs as one of the ”songs of the revolution.” It mentions that “the fire ignited and the rifle sang ‎," and PA TV told viewers:

Text on screen: "The song 'The fire ignited and the rifle sang' - whose lyrics were written by poet Ahmad Dahbour, and which was composed by artist Hussein Nazek, performed by the Alashekeen band - is one of the songs of the revolution."
[Official PA TV, Dec. 29, 2022]​
PMW exposed a performance of this song in the Gaza Strip, which included additional lyrics of Alashakeen’s song, announcing that ”the dawn of freedom is painted with blood”:

(full article online)


Islamic Jihad's "largest parade ever" apparently had no audience

Islamic Jihad celebrated its 36th anniversary with what it billed as its largest military march ever in Gaza.

It may have had more marchers than ever, but there weren't too many spectators.

The only crowd I saw was in the stands, which all seemed to be filled with Islamic Jihad members themselves, wearing military colors.

And they made a big deal about a dozen or so female members of Islamic Jihad throwing flower petals on them.

But based on the many photos I saw, there were far, far more marchers than there were spectators.

By any measure, that is pretty pathetic.

Maybe the question will be, “Who Were the Pal’istanians”?

BREAKING: Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets Into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel Declares 'State of War'​

Difficult to tell if this will cause Israel to wage devastating retaliatory strikes. If the Islamic terrorists wanted a war, they may get it.
Palestine are the Muslim ShitLords that are going to be 90% wiped from the face of the earth tomorrow.
Maybe the question will be, “Who Were the Pal’istanians”?

BREAKING: Hamas Fires 5,000 Rockets Into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel Declares 'State of War'​

Difficult to tell if this will cause Israel to wage devastating retaliatory strikes. If the Islamic terrorists wanted a war, they may get it.
It's not difficult to tell, they're dead. Probably a lot of muslims in Israel, too. Innocent along with the bad ones.

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