Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Israel is mentioned well over 2,000 times in the Bible.

Palestine is never mentioned.
Who’s calling calling out?

Who wants to get lucky?

Fatah calls for terror in the West Bank – “Call out Allahu Akbar from the rooftops”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Nov 3, 2023
Abbas’ Fatah:
  • “Call out Allahu Akbar from the rooftops… Call out Allahu Akbar from your mosques – Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
    This is a call of mobilization to all those who have a weapon”
Palestinian West Bank youth:
  • “Call out – Allahu Akbar”
“Allahu Akbar!” …
“O mother of the Martyr, lucky are you…”
A Hamas boss in Gaza remarked in a public statement, "half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis."


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Palestinian American Noura Erakat on the Israel-Hamas War | FULL EPISODE | Uncomfortable Convos​


Noura Erakat Speaks at PalFest NYC: "But We Must Speak: On Palestine & the Mandates of Conscience"​

At the end of President Biden's visit to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem, they both issued statements.

And Abbas' statement included explicit Jew-hatred.

According to the official Palestinian Wafa news agency:

He told the American president that the holiest site in Judaism should be Judenfrei.

Slightly less explicitly but no less clearly, Abbas also insisted that all of the Old City be empty of Jews as well. When he refers to the "historical situation" of the holy sites in Jerusalem under Hashemite rule he means the situation between 1949 and 1967, when Jordan controlled the Old City - and not one Jew was allowed to visit.

Not Israelis, but Jews. Jordan banned Jews from any country to visit the Old City as well as the rest of Judea and Samaria.

Mahmoud Abbas publicly told the US President that the holiest city in Judaism should be off limits to Jews.

This pure antisemitism will be roundly ignored in the international media. Because the English version of the story in Wafa didn't include any of this part of his statement.

UPDATE: Abbas also said that all of Israel is "occupied Palestinian land." In his speech, according to YNet, he said, "After 74 years, isn't it time for occupation to end?"

The US should strongly condemn these words that insult not only Israel but the US itself.

(full article online)

All you have to do to get a rise out of the Palestinians is make a move on the mosque. It works every time.
Hamas doesn’t represent Palestinian people. Hamas, cynically and without th complete cowardice, uses Palestinian people as human shields.

To some extent, perhaps some Palestinians accept Hamas. But that mental illness cannot be ascribed to all Palestinians.

It is perfectly sane and fair to feel extreme concern for Palestinian people presently trapped in Gaza. But the actual blame for their dire plight isn’t with Israel. It remains with Hamas.

Israel-Hamas war: Sky speaks to veteran Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi​

She's only jealous because Hamas threw her own folks off of buildings...

Her kind will flee abroad and pretend to be "stuck" in luxury hotels,
feeding their narcissism in interviews away from the
consequence of her political fetishes.

Hamas is the "Free Palestine" norm.
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