Who Are The Palestinians?

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P F Tinmore, et al,

The "right to sovereignty" is a very nebulas concept.


The "right to sovereignty" is "Recognizing that the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of any State should be
respected in the holding of elections." It is a set of principles that span a number of concepts.

Yes, the Arab Palestinian has this set of rights, yet this rights do not overtake or supplant Israeli rights.

When a Resolution says it Reaffirming its resolution 58/292 of 6 May 2004, affirming, inter alia, that the status of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, remains one of military occupation and that, in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory, IT WAS SPECIFIC: "Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem"

It did not say it had the right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate, not did it say the Palestinians had the right to all of Jerusalem. It is specific and needs to be specific because the Hostile Arab Palestinians are claiming a sovereign right to Palestine as they define it: "Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right."

Most Respectfully,
Yes, the Arab Palestinian has this set of rights, yet this rights do not overtake or supplant Israeli rights.​

Where do colonizers get superior rights over the native population?

OUTSTANDING QUESTION! Let us not forget that the indigenous Palestinian people of the land WERE JEWS.

Israel Palestine Who s Indigenous by Ryan Bellerose Israellycool
I post a UN document and you post an Israeli propaganda site.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

Aha! So let us get this straight. Are you saying the indigenous Palestinians of the land were not Jews but Muslims?
I never said that.

You are so confused.

Well then do you agree the indigenous Palestinians were Jews? Make up your mind. Were the indigenous or native Palestinians of the land Jews or Muslims?
So, should we believe Roudy's opinion or wikipedia?

The Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-Filasṭīniyyūn, Hebrew: פָלַסְטִינִים), also referred to as the Palestinian people (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha‘b al-Filasṭīnī), are the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries, and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab due to Arabization of the region.[17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Despite various wars and exoduses (such as that in 1948), roughly one half of the world's Palestinian population continues to reside in historic Palestine, the area encompassing the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel.[25] In this combined area, as of 2004, Palestinians constituted 49% of all inhabitants,[26]encompassing the entire population of the Gaza Strip (1.6 million), the majority of the population of the West Bank (approximately 2.3 million versus close to 500,000 JewishIsraeli citizens which includes about 200,000 in East Jerusalem), and 16.5% of the population of Israel proper as Arab citizens of Israel.[27] Many are Palestinian refugees orinternally displaced Palestinians, including more than a million in the Gaza Strip,[28] three-quarters of a million in the West Bank,[29] and about a quarter of a million in Israel proper. Of the Palestinian population who live abroad, known as the Palestinian diaspora, more than half are stateless lacking citizenship in any country.[30] 3.24 million of the diaspora population live in neighboring Jordan[31] where they make up approximately half the population, 1.5 million live between Syria and Lebanon, a quarter of a million in Saudi Arabia, with Chile's half a million representing the largest concentration outside the Arab world.

A genetic study has suggested that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, could be descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool.
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ok if you believe fairy stories, but the evidence shows that the majority of "Palestinians" are recent illegal immigrants.

Evidence shows quite the opposite. The only illegal immigrants are the European Jews.
The indigenous people, before most of them were evicted by the Europeans were the people living in Palestine. They, the people of Palestine, practiced a variety of religion through the millennia, Religions may change, but the people are the same people for the most part. The first religion practiced in the area for which there is archeological evidence was a multi-theistic religion as practiced by the Canaanites. Also before the arrival of Judaism, the Philistines practiced a Minoan religion as they came from Crete, but adopted the Canaanite religion.

However, regardless of religion, the people are more or less the same people that have always lived in the area. Samaritans, for example practiced a religion similar to Judaism, but like those of the Jewish religion underwent mass conversion to Christianity, as when the Romans (the Eastern Romans/Byzantines) became Christians, they became less tolerant.
Yes, the Arab Palestinian has this set of rights, yet this rights do not overtake or supplant Israeli rights.​

Where do colonizers get superior rights over the native population?

OUTSTANDING QUESTION! Let us not forget that the indigenous Palestinian people of the land WERE JEWS.

Israel Palestine Who s Indigenous by Ryan Bellerose Israellycool
I post a UN document and you post an Israeli propaganda site.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

Aha! So let us get this straight. Are you saying the indigenous Palestinians of the land were not Jews but Muslims?
I never said that.

You are so confused.

Well then do you agree the indigenous Palestinians were Jews? Make up your mind. Were the indigenous or native Palestinians of the land Jews or Muslims?
They were Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others.

Are you trying to create a point here?
YOUR version of evidence of course. :cuckoo:

Let's not forget, you're the same Jew hater who claims that there were hardly any Jews in Israel for the last 2000 years.

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The Iraqi delegate, Mr. Jalami, summarized this position as follows:"I believe the world today is suffering from a lack of regard for certain fundamental principles of international relations and human life. We either lack these principles, or, if we do not lack them, we disregard them, or we are inconsistent in their application. This is the essence of the trouble with the world today.

The question of Palestine, for which a committee is being proposed, is no exception to this state of affairs. It is only a question resulting from a disregard of certain fundamental principles of human life; namely, the principle of self-determination, the principle of the right to live peacefully in one's own home, and the principle of self government in a democratic way.

I submit that if these principles were to be recommended by the Assembly the issue would be settled. If the consideration of these principles were put forward, there would be no problem in Palestine. The problem of Palestine consists merely in a disregard of the fundamental principles of the Covenant of the League of Nations, a disregard of the very principles for which the mandate was made; it is the imposition of the will of one people over another without their consent. The Balfour Declaration violated these fundamental principles.

It sold one peoples' land to another without their consent, without their knowledge. That is why we in Iraq believe that the question is very simple. […] I am afraid that if this problem is not solved in the spirit of the United Nations it will create a world problem."

International Law

The intelligent were shoved aside and the stupid got their way.

No the idiotic and greedy were shoved aside by INTERNATIONAL LAW of 1923 that granted the 22% of Palestine to the Jews as their National home. The other 78% was granted to the arab muslims for their National home under the rule of a Saudi minor prince. The pali supporters forget about the original partition of Palestine that gave the vast majority of the land to the arab muslims and in the process fulfilled the terms of the LoN covenant and the Mandate.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The "right to sovereignty" is a very nebulas concept.


The "right to sovereignty" is "Recognizing that the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of any State should be
respected in the holding of elections." It is a set of principles that span a number of concepts.

Yes, the Arab Palestinian has this set of rights, yet this rights do not overtake or supplant Israeli rights.

When a Resolution says it Reaffirming its resolution 58/292 of 6 May 2004, affirming, inter alia, that the status of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, remains one of military occupation and that, in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory, IT WAS SPECIFIC: "Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem"

It did not say it had the right to sovereignty over all the territory formerly under the Mandate, not did it say the Palestinians had the right to all of Jerusalem. It is specific and needs to be specific because the Hostile Arab Palestinians are claiming a sovereign right to Palestine as they define it: "Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right."

Most Respectfully,
Yes, the Arab Palestinian has this set of rights, yet this rights do not overtake or supplant Israeli rights.​

Where do colonizers get superior rights over the native population?

OUTSTANDING QUESTION! Let us not forget that the indigenous Palestinian people of the land WERE JEWS.

Israel Palestine Who s Indigenous by Ryan Bellerose Israellycool
I post a UN document and you post an Israeli propaganda site.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

Aha! So let us get this straight. Are you saying the indigenous Palestinians of the land were not Jews but Muslims?

The indigenous people of Palestine are the people that inhabited the area called Palestine prior to partition. The religion they may have converted to has no bearing on the matter. The indigenous people were certainly not European colonists of whatever religion.

Which partition as there have been 2 during the term of the Mandate. The first was when Palestine was partitioned into arab Palestine and Jewish Palestine. The indigenous arabs received 78% of the land leaving the Jews who were full citizens and not European colonists the remaining 22%.

So, should we believe Roudy's opinion or wikipedia?

The Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-Filasṭīniyyūn, Hebrew: פָלַסְטִינִים), also referred to as the Palestinian people (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha‘b al-Filasṭīnī), are the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries, and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab due to Arabization of the region.[17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Despite various wars and exoduses (such as that in 1948), roughly one half of the world's Palestinian population continues to reside in historic Palestine, the area encompassing the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel.[25] In this combined area, as of 2004, Palestinians constituted 49% of all inhabitants,[26]encompassing the entire population of the Gaza Strip (1.6 million), the majority of the population of the West Bank (approximately 2.3 million versus close to 500,000 JewishIsraeli citizens which includes about 200,000 in East Jerusalem), and 16.5% of the population of Israel proper as Arab citizens of Israel.[27] Many are Palestinian refugees orinternally displaced Palestinians, including more than a million in the Gaza Strip,[28] three-quarters of a million in the West Bank,[29] and about a quarter of a million in Israel proper. Of the Palestinian population who live abroad, known as the Palestinian diaspora, more than half are stateless lacking citizenship in any country.[30] 3.24 million of the diaspora population live in neighboring Jordan[31] where they make up approximately half the population, 1.5 million live between Syria and Lebanon, a quarter of a million in Saudi Arabia, with Chile's half a million representing the largest concentration outside the Arab world.

A genetic study has suggested that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, could be descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool.
Palestinians - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ok if you believe fairy stories, but the evidence shows that the majority of "Palestinians" are recent illegal immigrants.

Evidence shows quite the opposite. The only illegal immigrants are the European Jews.

Your own link stated that out of 1,500 illegal immigrants over 1,000 were arab muslims. This is a UN report that you relied on heavily to put across your POV, right up until this was posted from further in the report. But one of Churchill's speeches in the House stated that the arab muslims were migrating illegally into Palestine while British officials were being paid to alter official documents to hide this. The link to this has been given many times and so if you want to see it yourself look in the archives, or read Hansard from that era.
The indigenous people, before most of them were evicted by the Europeans were the people living in Palestine. They, the people of Palestine, practiced a variety of religion through the millennia, Religions may change, but the people are the same people for the most part. The first religion practiced in the area for which there is archeological evidence was a multi-theistic religion as practiced by the Canaanites. Also before the arrival of Judaism, the Philistines practiced a Minoan religion as they came from Crete, but adopted the Canaanite religion.

However, regardless of religion, the people are more or less the same people that have always lived in the area. Samaritans, for example practiced a religion similar to Judaism, but like those of the Jewish religion underwent mass conversion to Christianity, as when the Romans (the Eastern Romans/Byzantines) became Christians, they became less tolerant.

Lifted word for word from a Wikipedia entry by a Palestinian propagandist. Thought you could get away with it didn't you fred
OUTSTANDING QUESTION! Let us not forget that the indigenous Palestinian people of the land WERE JEWS.

Israel Palestine Who s Indigenous by Ryan Bellerose Israellycool
I post a UN document and you post an Israeli propaganda site.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

Aha! So let us get this straight. Are you saying the indigenous Palestinians of the land were not Jews but Muslims?
I never said that.

You are so confused.

Well then do you agree the indigenous Palestinians were Jews? Make up your mind. Were the indigenous or native Palestinians of the land Jews or Muslims?
They were Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others.

Are you trying to create a point here?

From 70 C.E right up until 1960 which people were known as Palestinians and which people would get angry and violent when you called them Palestinians ?
Don't be mistaken its known to all, some just deliberately deny it because they fear the truth, can't admit they were wrong or just a racists trying to justify their primitive emotional perspectives.
Palestinians are just Arabs, particularly hostile and stupid.
But a Semitic People.....like some Jews......
OUTSTANDING QUESTION! Let us not forget that the indigenous Palestinian people of the land WERE JEWS.

Israel Palestine Who s Indigenous by Ryan Bellerose Israellycool
I post a UN document and you post an Israeli propaganda site.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Good show.:clap::clap::clap:

Aha! So let us get this straight. Are you saying the indigenous Palestinians of the land were not Jews but Muslims?
I never said that.

You are so confused.

Well then do you agree the indigenous Palestinians were Jews? Make up your mind. Were the indigenous or native Palestinians of the land Jews or Muslims?
They were Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others.

Are you trying to create a point here?

Fact: There were no Muslims at all until the 7th centurty AD. Based on what you say there were no people at all in the land until that time. Or is it actually possible you just can't accept the fact that Jews were among the native Palestinians long before the Muslim Palestinians stole the land?
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