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Who are the real Nazis?

We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

We must come to terms with the fact all societal struggles resulting in mass political murder and imprisonment of the last century boil down to a war between two ideologies: the emergence of capitalism from imperialism and ancient aristocratic feudal rule, and Marxism, or pure hatred of the middle class and their surrogate father: the rich. Capitalism runs along functionally, if not smoothly, with democracy and rule by Constitution and accordingly, liberation of the individual from feudal class torpor and unprecedented historical legal equality with even the loftiest noble aristocrat.

Marxism on the other hand purports the mythical antidote for final, complete equalization of the working class common man with the historical ruling class by essentially burning down the bourgeoisie and wealthy upper class. What Marxism has managed to implement thus far however, is removing all individuality, personal freedom and political power from the common man, while killing off or imprisoning or using for slave labor, the middle and upper class.

Nazism is synonymous with the American radical Left, particularly the overcomplicated American adaptation of French postmodernism and the supportive ideology of the Frankfurt School.
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Nazis were socialists, they are left, not right

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and say a Democratic Socialist such as Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing in common. Nazis were first and foremost German White Nationalists. Learn something.

The assumption that because the word “socialist” appeared in the party’s name and socialist words and ideas popped up in the writings and speeches of top Nazis then the Nazis must have been actual socialists is naive and ahistorical. What the evidence shows, on the contrary, is that Nazi Party leaders paid mere lip service to socialist ideals on the way to achieving their one true goal: raw, totalitarian power.​

Nazi was short for "national socialist." Fascism as a political ideology was meant to be a more palatable version of socialism whereby the government just directed the actions of private enterprise rather than seizing and/or controlling it, and that's what Hitler's Germany did. It had some "right-wing" elements to it as well though, but both parties in our country now from an economic standpoint are definitely not fascist: they take orders from private enterprise, not the other way around.

After Nazi Germany, people attach fascism with Hitler, and Hitler is naturally attached to genocide. So they basically make the "Fascism is genocide" connection. It doesn't wash for people who aren't stupid. No one who uses the word "fascist" as an insult or a label for someone doesn't really understand what it means. It's like calling someone an idiot or asshole: just a name with a negative connotation.

Yep. As you said, fascism is an economic system. The Nazis were racists, but they weren't being fascists when they were being racists.

It's like firemen wear pants. But wearing pants doesn't make you a fireman
One of the most obviously salient features of the Nazis was their hatred of Jews. Anybody who peruses the world sections here with any intelligence can see that the hatred of Jews here comes from BOTH ends of the political spectrum. Now, there are probably 3 or 4 left wing antisemites for each rightwing variety, and overall the left wing antisemitism is growing by leaps and bounds while the right wing is diminishing, but they are still under attack from both ends.

The one group that has actually been influenced by Nazi ideology more than any other is Islamists, who collaborated with Nazis in the 30s and 40s, and whose own proclivity towards hating Jews was strengthened by their relationship. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the main reasons the left has become more and more antisemitic -- in their championing of all things Islamic, they absorb much of the antisemitism as well.
Nazis were socialists, they are left, not right

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and say a Democratic Socialist such as Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing in common. Nazis were first and foremost German White Nationalists. Learn something.

The assumption that because the word “socialist” appeared in the party’s name and socialist words and ideas popped up in the writings and speeches of top Nazis then the Nazis must have been actual socialists is naive and ahistorical. What the evidence shows, on the contrary, is that Nazi Party leaders paid mere lip service to socialist ideals on the way to achieving their one true goal: raw, totalitarian power.​


Socialism is an economic system. You're trying to conflate that with a political system. Socialism is a centrally managed economy. The Nazis were socialists, there's no way around that

Nay - They paid only lip service to socialism. Again, they were German White Nationalists with one true goal - "Raw totalitarian power"
Nazis were socialists, they are left, not right

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and say a Democratic Socialist such as Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing in common. Nazis were first and foremost German White Nationalists. Learn something.

The assumption that because the word “socialist” appeared in the party’s name and socialist words and ideas popped up in the writings and speeches of top Nazis then the Nazis must have been actual socialists is naive and ahistorical. What the evidence shows, on the contrary, is that Nazi Party leaders paid mere lip service to socialist ideals on the way to achieving their one true goal: raw, totalitarian power.​


They have nothing in common?

I call BS!

National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI), quotes about Nazi:
We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

The only thing they may differ is in racism, but then, I hear many anti-white threads and comments from those on the Left so I'm not too sure about that either.

Even Maxine Waters embraces an openly racist black and the media and those in government don't seem to care

Racism isn't left or right. Either side can be racist, but they aren't being left or right when they do it
Both the left and the right's fringes right now are equally racist and prejudicial. The right against non-white people and the left against white people. So if someone is going to conflate "Fascism" with racial animus, both extremes have a pretty equal claim to it right now.
Nazis were socialists, they are left, not right

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and say a Democratic Socialist such as Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing in common. Nazis were first and foremost German White Nationalists. Learn something.

The assumption that because the word “socialist” appeared in the party’s name and socialist words and ideas popped up in the writings and speeches of top Nazis then the Nazis must have been actual socialists is naive and ahistorical. What the evidence shows, on the contrary, is that Nazi Party leaders paid mere lip service to socialist ideals on the way to achieving their one true goal: raw, totalitarian power.​


They have nothing in common?

I call BS!

National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI), quotes about Nazi:
We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

The only thing they may differ is in racism, but then, I hear many anti-white threads and comments from those on the Left so I'm not too sure about that either.

Even Maxine Waters embraces an openly racist black and the media and those in government don't seem to care

Racism isn't left or right. Either side can be racist, but they aren't being left or right when they do it
Both the left and the right's fringes right now are equally racist and prejudicial. The right against non-white people and the left against white people. So if someone is going to conflate "Fascism" with racial animus, both extremes have a pretty equal claim to it right now.
The Right loves Gold, Silver and Green.
Anyone who protests Ben Shapiro from speaking at a university is not only a racist but a total dumbass.
Nazis are those who proclaim themselves to be Nazis and those who do all they can to defend them and demonize anyone who opposes Nazis
Fascism is nothing more than national socialism.
You partisans and your constant bullshit bickering is getting so goddamn old...
"fascism is left wing"
"fascism is right wing you NAZI fuck!!"
Who gives a shit either way? Its fucking tyranny REGARDLESS

Well Harley - I'd put it this way -
Not all Trump voters are racist, xenophobic, jerks ...
But all racist, xenophobic jerks voted for Trump


Most CEOs and leaders are narcissit sociopaths. Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Bill Gates, Jamie Dimon...that is how they become successful CEOs. Research it. Doesn't mean they don't want what is best for their company.


Large corporations are like mini collectivist governments. They are the fuel of governments all around the globe and the catalysts for globalization.

Just look at how corporations like Facebook censor conservative talk.

They are trying to help achieve total globalization.
But we overtax corporations in America according to conservative dogma.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



Wrong, the nazis were socialists..... fascism in socialism.

From someone who actually knew something on the topic...

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.
Nazis are those who proclaim themselves to be Nazis and those who do all they can to defend them and demonize anyone who opposes Nazis

Yes. But those who ignore your POV and violently protest against it. See Berkeley. Are Fascists.
No, those are not Nazis, and there are not fascists

Everyone's point of view isn't equal -- Nazis and their ideology has been soundly and righteously defeated time and time again -- they no longer get to claim their ideology should have equal space as those of us who support human dignity.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...
Nazis are those who proclaim themselves to be Nazis and those who do all they can to defend them and demonize anyone who opposes Nazis

Yes. But those who ignore your POV and violently protest against it. See Berkeley. Are Fascists.
No, those are not Nazis, and there are not fascists

Everyone's point of view isn't equal -- Nazis and their ideology has been soundly and righteously defeated time and time again -- they no longer get to claim their ideology should have equal space as those of us who support human dignity.

People at Berkeley who didn't want Ben Shapiro to speak are Fascists. Plain and simple. There is zero dispute over this. Unless you can explain to me their reasoning to deny him his first amendment rights and their fellow students at the University who wanted to hear him speak and perhaps debate him? Intollerance for the sake of intollerance is a form of fascism.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

The racism card is used by those with weak constitutions and no real logical thinking abilities.
oh, and for those who claim Nazism is socialism like that is some type of indictment -- the truth of the matter is -- most white supremacists were always for socialism -- as long as only their "tribe" benefited from it.

Same goes for conservatives, they don't mind socialism as long as only they get it -- anyone else from the "others" group don't deserve it

Nazis felt the same way.....progressives on the other hand wanted these programs to benefit everyone -- even the racists
Nazis are those who proclaim themselves to be Nazis and those who do all they can to defend them and demonize anyone who opposes Nazis

Yes. But those who ignore your POV and violently protest against it. See Berkeley. Are Fascists.
No, those are not Nazis, and there are not fascists

Everyone's point of view isn't equal -- Nazis and their ideology has been soundly and righteously defeated time and time again -- they no longer get to claim their ideology should have equal space as those of us who support human dignity.

People at Berkeley who didn't want Ben Shapiro to speak are Fascists. Plain and simple. There is zero dispute over this. Unless you can explain to me their reasoning to deny him his first amendment rights and their fellow students at the University who wanted to hear him speak and perhaps debate him? Intollerance for the sake of intollerance is a form of fascism.
Then you don't know what fascism is...

you should also remember exactly who the 1a limits -- the government -- it doesn't guarantee you that other citizens won't take action against your BS covert racism -- and its funny you Trump cucks are all upset over Ben Shapiro -- since you same Trump cucks hurled plenty of Anti-Semitism at Ben for saying mean things about Trump -- so spare me

Ben Shapiro Can't Save The GOP | Dan From The Internet
Nazis are those who proclaim themselves to be Nazis and those who do all they can to defend them and demonize anyone who opposes Nazis

Yes. But those who ignore your POV and violently protest against it. See Berkeley. Are Fascists.
No, those are not Nazis, and there are not fascists

Everyone's point of view isn't equal -- Nazis and their ideology has been soundly and righteously defeated time and time again -- they no longer get to claim their ideology should have equal space as those of us who support human dignity.

People at Berkeley who didn't want Ben Shapiro to speak are Fascists. Plain and simple. There is zero dispute over this. Unless you can explain to me their reasoning to deny him his first amendment rights and their fellow students at the University who wanted to hear him speak and perhaps debate him? Intollerance for the sake of intollerance is a form of fascism.
Then you don't know what fascism is...

you should also remember exactly who the 1a limits -- the government -- it doesn't guarantee you that other citizens won't take action against your BS covert racism -- and its funny you Trump cucks are all upset over Ben Shapiro -- since you same Trump cucks hurl plenty of Anti-Semitism at Ben for saying mean things about Trump -- so spare me

Ben Shapiro Can't Save The GOP | Dan From The Internet

What did you just call me? Are you serious? You want to go down to the gutter its fine with me.

#1) I am Jewish so your words are plain and simple WAR against me. Take it how you want to. I know fascism very well. You don't understand the operational definition even though I just provided a portion of it for you. So now I am a Jewish anti-semite? Are you kidding me?

#2) I am not a Republican. I am an Indendent. I think with logic. Something you lack. Same as courage, you lack that too.

#3) Ben Shapiro was an example I gave. The same group protested Bill Maher too.

#4) I find the Alt Right Republicans abhorrent. But I find you equally abhorrent.

With all due respect.

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