Who are the real snowflakes and why?

I see that label being used a lot in the current political environment. Why is the other side snowflakey in your opinion?

If you think the other side shouldn't even have their opinion, you might be a snowflake.

If you are so fragile that hearing an opposite opinion causes you agony and turmoil, then you definitely are a snowflake.

When you actively try to suppress opinions you 1) don't like and 2)cause you emotional pain then you are a fascist snowflake.
^ just perfectly described Trump

When has he ever tried to actually silence anyone?

Yelling back is not silencing.

You're joking, right ? Or have you not been paying attention to the details of the "silencing" tactics the left has been employing for decades? invective, demonization, dismissal and yes "yelling back" when confronted by a difference of opinion, which is EXACTLY what Trump does constantly.

Trump has shown no more capacity for having a strictly reason and evidence based debate than the left wing dingbats do.

*Maybe* you could reasonably argue that he's fighting fire with fire but to claim that he doesn't portray the attributes you put forth (in abundance) is to completely ignore the empirical evidence.
I'm not sure how snowflake is being used here. As far as I'm concerned it is still (1) the stuff I came to hate in Ohio and (2) a town in Arizona first settled by the Snow and Flake families. I'll leave its current context to the millennials. Thus it is nothing I would be bummed about no matter who lays it on me, keeping up with these things just isn't my bag.
I see that label being used a lot in the current political environment. Why is the other side snowflakey in your opinion?

If you think the other side shouldn't even have their opinion, you might be a snowflake.

If you are so fragile that hearing an opposite opinion causes you agony and turmoil, then you definitely are a snowflake.

When you actively try to suppress opinions you 1) don't like and 2)cause you emotional pain then you are a fascist snowflake.
^ just perfectly described Trump

When has he ever tried to actually silence anyone?

Yelling back is not silencing.

You're joking, right ? Or have you not been paying attention to the details of the "silencing" tactics the left has been employing for decades? invective, demonization, dismissal and yes "yelling back" when confronted by a difference of opinion, which is EXACTLY what Trump does constantly.

Trump has shown no more capacity for having a strictly reason and evidence based debate than the left wing dingbats do.

*Maybe* you could reasonably argue that he's fighting fire with fire but to claim that he doesn't portray the attributes you put forth (in abundance) is to completely ignore the empirical evidence.

I actually concern myself more with actual silencing, i.e. stopping people from entering a speech, disrupting a speech, getting speech givers fired, things like that.

Yelling back after a person has had their say is not disrupting, its discourse (albeit at it's most barbaric form).

The contents of someones speech cannot to me be considered "silencing". Actions are required for that.

Calling someone an idiot is not silencing, calling a news organisation a bunch of liars is not silencing.
I see that label being used a lot in the current political environment. Why is the other side snowflakey in your opinion?
snowflake is a term for leftwing folks. It is the notion they are all unique and special (like a snowflake) and they are entitled to everything. They must never face adversity, failure, but most of all, opposing opinions........the reason they have safe spaces, trigger warnings, micro aggressions and all that bullshit.
Its a pejorative term and it fits really well

an example....lefties believe hard work = white supremacy
Calling someone an idiot is not silencing, calling a news organisation a bunch of liars is not silencing.
That's exactly what it is, it's marginalization in an attempt to invalidate their opinions, in other words shame them into silence. It's what the left does when they call people "racists" or whatever the "ist" du jour happens to be and it's what Trump does to those that disagree with him.

Same shit, different sides of the "aisle".
Calling someone an idiot is not silencing, calling a news organisation a bunch of liars is not silencing.
That's exactly what it is, it's marginalization in an attempt to invalidate their opinions, in other words shame them into silence. It's what the left does when they call people "racists" or whatever the "ist" du jour happens to be and it's what Trump does to those that disagree with him.

Same shit, different sides of the "aisle".

Marginalizing is not silencing. Silencing is silencing. CNN gets yelled at all the time by Trump, yet their website is still up there bitching about him constantly.
Calling someone an idiot is not silencing, calling a news organisation a bunch of liars is not silencing.
That's exactly what it is, it's marginalization in an attempt to invalidate their opinions, in other words shame them into silence. It's what the left does when they call people "racists" or whatever the "ist" du jour happens to be and it's what Trump does to those that disagree with him.

Same shit, different sides of the "aisle".

Marginalizing is not silencing. Silencing is silencing. CNN gets yelled at all the time by Trump, yet their website is still up there bitching about him constantly.

Come on, you're smarter than that.....

If I marginalize you to the point where people no longer consider what you have to say worthy of consideration are you not in effect silenced?
Calling someone an idiot is not silencing, calling a news organisation a bunch of liars is not silencing.
That's exactly what it is, it's marginalization in an attempt to invalidate their opinions, in other words shame them into silence. It's what the left does when they call people "racists" or whatever the "ist" du jour happens to be and it's what Trump does to those that disagree with him.

Same shit, different sides of the "aisle".

Marginalizing is not silencing. Silencing is silencing. CNN gets yelled at all the time by Trump, yet their website is still up there bitching about him constantly.

Come on, you're smarter than that.....

If I marginalize you to the point where people no longer consider what you have to say worthy of consideration are you not in effect silenced?

No, I am marginalized. If I can;t effect a valid defense of the attempt, or lack the stamina to defend myself, then that's on me.

Silencing is an action, either cutting off access, or physically stopping someone.
I see that label being used a lot in the current political environment. Why is the other side snowflakey in your opinion?

A snowflake is one that thinks a red cup is offensive to Jesus because it doesn't have a snowflake on it, and Starbuck's needs to be boycotted until they put snowflakes on the cup. This applies to green cups as well, all other color cups are exempt from this snowflake rule.

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