Who are these Democrates to tell us what kind of Guns we can have?

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Cheer up Dave

You would still have interweb posting privileges

You are just too unstable to own a gun

Like you would know, you fucking fascist?

Let me talk to someone for five minutes and I can decide who is stable enough to own a gun and who is not

Neither one of you would pass

That you think you can evalutate someone over the internet in 5 minutes proves that the hubris, arrogance and stupidity you posess is inrivalled by all except Jake Starkey who is still the world champ.
No stupid, you don't have second amendment rights to a high capasity clip but more to the point, why do you want illegals, terrorist, the mentally ill (like most rw's here) and criminals to have them?

you are kinda mentally ill yourself Dudley....."obsession" is an illness....seek help.....you might go off one day.....
Abuse the guns you have....lose your privileges

Why should assassins be allowed the weapons of their choice?
your right.....and if the abuse is criminal.....Prison time to match it.....and i mean PRISON time.....no time off for good behavior.....you serve every fucking minute.....ZERO tolerance for violent people......
Make no mistake......every liberal on this board wants ALL guns banned. Its always been the objective and they've made it plainly clear.

But it aint happening s0ns.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
you must reading LaKota and Hazels posts.....there are many Liberals here who have stated they are not for any Bans.....
Make no mistake......every liberal on this board wants ALL guns banned. Its always been the objective and they've made it plainly clear.

But it aint happening s0ns.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:

Liberals are all PUSSIES. They are scared to death of firearms.

LOUD FARTS make liberals flinch and duck.

all of them?......or just the ones like LaKota?....
Abuse the guns you have....lose your privileges

Why should assassins be allowed the weapons of their choice?

Abuse the opinions you have...lose your privileges.

Why should thoughtcriminals be allowed the weapons of their choice?

Simple solution.......let me decide who gets to have a gun

Let me talk to you for five minutes and I can tell whether you are the type of person who should be armed

Heads up

Many on this board would not pass the test

why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:
200 years ago we were predominately a rural society. People needed guns for protection and a means of putting food on the table. Today most people live within feet of their neighbors not miles. If they see a prowler, they call the police. They get their food from a grocery store, not by hunting.

With increased population, urbanization, and media coverage of violence the demand for gun control will only grow.

So only criminals and terrorists will have guns, and high capacity clips. You want us to
be like defensless sheep. Oh , we are all living in the modern world and don't need guns?
Please sir keep your opinions to your self. Its people that think like you why people get victimized
by criminals.
Over half the people in this country do not own guns. Even those that have guns rarely use them for protection for a variety of reasons. I'm not against owning a gun for protection but I am against the sale of guns that are designed for mass killings.

An AR-15 is NOT designed for mass killing, because if it were it would be full auto, not semi-auto, which is why the military DOES NOT BUY AR-15's, dude.

Why cant libtards ever use acurate terminology? Because it gets in the way of their lies?
Make no mistake......every liberal on this board wants ALL guns banned. Its always been the objective and they've made it plainly clear.

But it aint happening s0ns.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
you must reading LaKota and Hazels posts.....there are many Liberals here who have stated they are not for any Bans.....

And that, in most cases, is merely the use of tactical lies of ommission.

They NEVER state their final goals. When people got sports to break down its color barrier, libs said that was all they wanted, just fairness in sports, and I agree.

But it went a lot further than that, in fact they have largely reversed who is getting discriminated against legally by the government these days.

The libs argued for easy divorce and breaking down the laws against adultery and fornication, which is fine by me, but their opponents said that by their same logic sodomy of all sorts should be allowable, but the libs howled, 'No!, This is about now, not later; stay on topic'. Well anyone can see that they subscribe to not only tolerating sodomy but they actually promote it as an acceptable alternative normal life style. *Then whine about being gay when it suyits them when arguing for genetically based cause for homosexuality.*

Liberals ALWAYS lie, they ALWAYS decive, they ALWAYS infiltrate the opposition and destroy it from the inside.

That is how they do things, and anyone that takes their word for not going for an incremental total gun ban is a fool.
Dudes YOUR own right wing scotus guys say weapon control is poerfectly constitutional.

Do you hate them too?

yea you said this already...Groucho Marx said......I must confess, I was born at a very early age. ..........

The court also said a gun ban was not reasonable, did they not?

And where is the logic in banning relatively harmelss weapons that are used less often in murders than are knives, fists and clubs each individually?
Abuse the opinions you have...lose your privileges.

Why should thoughtcriminals be allowed the weapons of their choice?

Simple solution.......let me decide who gets to have a gun

Let me talk to you for five minutes and I can tell whether you are the type of person who should be armed

Heads up

Many on this board would not pass the test

why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:

Why not me?

I have met many people that leave me scratching my head and saying "I can't believe this asshole is allowed to run around with a gun"

Why not just give me formal authority
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Make no mistake......every liberal on this board wants ALL guns banned. Its always been the objective and they've made it plainly clear.

But it aint happening s0ns.............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
you must reading LaKota and Hazels posts.....there are many Liberals here who have stated they are not for any Bans.....

And that, in most cases, is merely the use of tactical lies of ommission.

They NEVER state their final goals. When people got sports to break down its color barrier, libs said that was all they wanted, just fairness in sports, and I agree.

But it went a lot further than that, in fact they have largely reversed who is getting discriminated against legally by the government these days.

The libs argued for easy divorce and breaking down the laws against adultery and fornication, which is fine by me, but their opponents said that by their same logic sodomy of all sorts should be allowable, but the libs howled, 'No!, This is about now, not later; stay on topic'. Well anyone can see that they subscribe to not only tolerating sodomy but they actually promote it as an acceptable alternative normal life style. *Then whine about being gay when it suyits them when arguing for genetically based cause for homosexuality.*

Liberals ALWAYS lie, they ALWAYS decive, they ALWAYS infiltrate the opposition and destroy it from the inside.

That is how they do things, and anyone that takes their word for not going for an incremental total gun ban is a fool.

Jim i work with a Liberal who is as Liberal as Dean is......was 20 years in the Military......and this guy has an arsenal at his house and goes out with a group of guys in Fatigues to the OC hills and i think he would take up those arms if they were coming to take his guns.......

Liberals ALWAYS lie, they ALWAYS decive, they ALWAYS infiltrate the opposition and destroy it from the inside.

like Conservatives dont?....:eusa_eh:
Simple solution.......let me decide who gets to have a gun

Let me talk to you for five minutes and I can tell whether you are the type of person who should be armed

Heads up

Many on this board would not pass the test

why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:

Why not me?

I have met many people that leave me scratching my head and saying "I can't belive this asshole is allowed to run around with a gun"

Why not just give me formal authority

i just told you why......many serial killers were the guy next door that everyone thought was just the greatest guy ever....but he was a killer just the same.....
why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:

Why not me?

I have met many people that leave me scratching my head and saying "I can't belive this asshole is allowed to run around with a gun"

Why not just give me formal authority

i just told you why......many serial killers were the guy next door that everyone thought was just the greatest guy ever....but he was a killer just the same.....

Don't worry Harry...I would have no problem allowing you to be armed

Others on this board?

I don't think so
Surely there's some other country on the planet where citizens have no right to arms and government has the type of controls over all human activities where our progs could find true happiness
Simple solution.......let me decide who gets to have a gun

Let me talk to you for five minutes and I can tell whether you are the type of person who should be armed

Heads up

Many on this board would not pass the test

why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:

Why not me?

I have met many people that leave me scratching my head and saying "I can't belive this asshole is allowed to run around with a gun"

Why not just give me formal authority
Just go ahead and assume that authority. Take guns away from people you don't believe are worthy.
why you?.....you might be more unstable than anyone here.....:eusa_eh:

Why not me?

I have met many people that leave me scratching my head and saying "I can't belive this asshole is allowed to run around with a gun"

Why not just give me formal authority
Just go ahead and assume that authority. Take guns away from people you don't believe are worthy.

A pussy like you?

Plenty of space available in the FEMA Death Camps

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