Who Are Trump Supporters, Really?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Today I gave the Trump campaign $135 and bought a MAGA hat I plan to wear everywhere?

Why? Because the Democrats in Richmond think they can take my guns away and my gun rights with no repercussions and I want them to have this firm understanding; they wikll pay the price for such stupidity,.

I also I resent the condescension of AntiTrump blow hards that insist that all Trump supporters are racist, bigoted,. lazy and 'deplorable'.

This documentary explores the Trump supporter demographic.

For over a decade I told people "our elected representatives on the left and the right no longer represent us"!

Finally one man stepped up & said the same thing...Donald J Trump!

I gave him a chance & he has now proven himself! His courage has made a handful of repub's follow his lead and now we have a few that are actually representing WE THE PEOPLE! And that number is slowly growing.

THAT is who Trump supporters are!
Today I gave the Trump campaign $135 and bought a MAGA hat I plan to wear everywhere?

Why? Because the Democrats in Richmond think they can take my guns away and my gun rights with no repercussions and I want them to have this firm understanding; they wikll pay the price for such stupidity,.

I also I resent the condescension of AntiTrump blow hards that insist that all Trump supporters are racist, bigoted,. lazy and 'deplorable'.

This documentary explores the Trump supporter demographic.

Relax...Liberals are insane.
Today I gave the Trump campaign $135 and bought a MAGA hat I plan to wear everywhere?

Why? Because the Democrats in Richmond think they can take my guns away and my gun rights with no repercussions and I want them to have this firm understanding; they wikll pay the price for such stupidity,.

I also I resent the condescension of AntiTrump blow hards that insist that all Trump supporters are racist, bigoted,. lazy and 'deplorable'.

This documentary explores the Trump supporter demographic.

Relax...Liberals are insane.

You discovered sliced bread :04:
Trump supporters are those that pay attention. They pay attention to what is happening in our nation. The stock market is great, economy is great and there are more jobs now than before he was elected. He has worked in NAFTA replacements. Mexico and Canada pacts, China movement to our country's needs. Less money going to welfare and more blacks employed than ever before. On top of a tax cut! Compare that to anyone.

When Trump draws a line in the sane, he means it. Since 2008, we are being respected around the globe.

I don't like the tweeting and the name calling, but when you take the whole package, some warts are there. I'm a supporter, not an idol worshipper. Thank you President Trump.
Trump supporters live here and also far and wide.....

Trump supporters come in all shape color sizes and nationalities....President Trump has touch a nerve in todays world ....the world loves President Trump! the world knows he is the one who is saving tradition ....Conservatism .....and the world knows President Trump is on GOD'S side. :huddle:

The world is totally aware of this.BLESS
Trump supporters are some of the most generous and nicest people you'll ever meet.
Today I gave the Trump campaign $135 and bought a MAGA hat I plan to wear everywhere?

Why? Because the Democrats in Richmond think they can take my guns away and my gun rights with no repercussions and I want them to have this firm understanding; they wikll pay the price for such stupidity,.

I also I resent the condescension of AntiTrump blow hards that insist that all Trump supporters are racist, bigoted,. lazy and 'deplorable'.

This documentary explores the Trump supporter demographic.

I donated $100 to the "get nancy's head out of Adam Schiff's ass" cause.

Obamacare won't cover it.
I don't know to what extent I would fit the definition of a "Trump Supporter." Prior to his election, I couldn't stand the man and I HATED the GOP for running him, thinking that he was sure to lose against media backed Hitlary.

I would have been happy with nothing more than that, but then he started making good on some of his promises, including solid Constitutionalist appointees to the courts.

For that, I am willing to overlook most of the tweets, snarky remarks, immature lapses in judgment and questionable comments. Lies, even. . . if the leftardz insist about it.

In short, I "support Trump" because he "still ain't Hitlary"
A Trump supporter....

Does not want Hillary and all her baggage.

Does not want any of the left wing whackjobs the dems are letting run.

Like Niel Gorsuch.

Like Brett Kavennaugh
For over a decade I told people "our elected representatives on the left and the right no longer represent us"!

Finally one man stepped up & said the same thing...Donald J Trump!

I gave him a chance & he has now proven himself! His courage has made a handful of repub's follow his lead and now we have a few that are actually representing WE THE PEOPLE! And that number is slowly growing.

THAT is who Trump supporters are!

I couldn't agree more. I didn't intend to vote for Trump when I entered the booth. After thinking about it. I decided to give the man a chance.

He's not a politician and never has been. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's a successful businessman who know how to get things done. Thats why I voted for the man.

And he's proved my faith in him to be correct. He'll get my vote in 2020 as well.
Trump supporters are the people who have been fed up with the way the country has been run and declining for decades. He had my support and vote in 2016, he has it again.
Trump supporters are Americans who love their country...the real America...not the liberal one..

Unlike the evil scum who don't support Trump.....as Bush famously said -- you are either with him, or you are against America.....which is why Bush remains so beloved still to this "oh wait!"
Today I gave the Trump campaign $135 and bought a MAGA hat I plan to wear everywhere?

Why? Because the Democrats in Richmond think they can take my guns away and my gun rights with no repercussions and I want them to have this firm understanding; they wikll pay the price for such stupidity,.

I also I resent the condescension of AntiTrump blow hards that insist that all Trump supporters are racist, bigoted,. lazy and 'deplorable'.

This documentary explores the Trump supporter demographic.

Fantastic Job Patriot !

TRUMP 2020 2024 2028 2032 ☺

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