Most Trump Supporters Are Really Good People And They Don't Deserve The Crap The GOP Has Pulled On Them

Dictators will always fail when they try and demonize good people for their own gain... it never works even democrats cringe when Biden attacks MAGA folks...
Trump voters have families who love them despite their love for Trump... someone needs to tell Biden this.... he is scraping the gutter for voters and you can't trust gutter scum to show up on election day...
That's why they wanted to pass that amnesty bill.
Yes.....the border bill is just an amnesty bill.

They just generated another 19 million new votes by opening our borders.
Trump calls for the execution of people he disagrees with and calls his opponents vermin and you whine because Biden called Trump an effin a-hole. You put the flake in snowflake.
And the only way you people can cuss out Trump is if you put words in his mouth. Some NeverTrumper schmuck in some state offers a bill that mandates the deathpenalty for abortion and you think you can get away with blaming it on Trump.

Just how dishonest can you get?

They call him the greatest threat to the planet on Earth.
Funny, these same people think humans are a threat to the planet as well,.
Like, for example, the precious snowflake Orange Jesus cult believing the election was stolen!

Cults gonna cult!
We've got the evidence, but like a dog who needs his nose rubbed in his own piss, you'll never willfully acknowledge the truth.
We've got the evidence, but like a dog who needs his nose rubbed in his own piss, you'll never willfully acknowledge the truth.

You have evidence like you have evidence that the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese.

I remember when “conservatives” didn’t whore for a rapist. But then Orange Jesus came along and hey rapists are perfectly fine for “conservatives.”
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Uh Oh, one black guy walked through a crowd of Trump supporters and so that means trump supporters aren't racist.
Lets see you walk through a MAGA rally. In the middle of the crowd, shout, "where's my reparations?"
Lets see you walk through a MAGA rally. In the middle of the crowd, shout, "where's my reparations?"
What for? I know that one on one not er MAGA could whip me. It would take a crowd and that shows what kind of punks MAGAFAGS are.

They can't stop whats coming son. You have not seen the evidence that can be presented. Its an overwheming case. All you can do is run yur mouth online about whats not going to happen, but we can take our case to both houses, the supreme court, the UN, and if necessary, The Hague. And if we have to go through all that, the US will lose all credibility it has as a world leader.

Can you say sanctions?
What for? I know that one on one not er MAGA could whip me. It would take a crowd and that shows what kind of punks MAGAFAGS are.

They can't stop whats coming son. You have not seen the evidence that can be presented. Its an overwheming case. All you can do is run yur mouth online about whats not going to happen, but we can take our case to both houses, the supreme court, the UN, and if necessary, The Hague. And if we have to go through all that, the US will lose all credibility it has as a world leader.

Can you say sanctions?

Could you stop with the homophobia please? No one would try to beat you up at a MAGA rally. If you went to a liberal rally and started saying some Uncle Tom stuff, then you'd have a big problem. Some MAGA people especially love big tough black men such as yourself:


And how is NATO going to force the USA to give African Americans reparations? Wouldn't sanctions hurt black people as well? DEI is what the globalists devised as sanctions against ordinary White people.
Biden and his crew of misfits want everyone to believe that Trump supporters are all evil, angry, racist, you name it.

Turns out everything they accuse MAGA of is true of the left and anyone who would still vote for Biden.

Biden called Trump a four letter word the other day. He said the same of the President of Israel. Trump haters never have anything nice to say about the man or his supporters. They're called criminals, terrorists, cult members. Most Democrats think that the most hostile environment they could go to is a Trump rally.

But for some strange reason when a Biden supporter goes to a Trump rally you'd be surprised what they discovered.

Right now Schumer is trying to blame Republicans for the border crisis. He claims that if they don't vote for his "Border Bill" they'll be doing it because they want an issue for the coming election.

Sorry, but we didn't create the issue. Joe Biden and his 60+ executive actions created the issue.

Trump supporters are the absolute worst. They are without a doubt the worst people in the history of this nation.

If the Trump Supports all died tonight, the collective IQ of the nation would rise at least ten points.

Trump Supporters are without honor. Integrity. Or honesty. I wouldn’t trust one if he said night was dark and day was light.

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