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  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'll tell you people what... I live in WI, and there's little towns around me that are SOLID DEMOCRAT, but these people aren't STUPID. They love America. They have sons and daughters that are military. They're veterans themselves, but many of them are farmers so they have traditionally voted dem to get their crop rotation checks, but that isn't happening this time. As I drive around here in little rural, back woods WI, I see TRUMP signs ALL OVER! These are blue dog dems that are going to vote for TRUMP, because they know clinton is as CORRUPT as the day is long, and they see her LIES, and utter DISDAIN for average, salt of the earth, bread basket of America, Americans.

She's going to lose. WI is going to turn out for Trump. I've never seen anything like it before, and I'm 61.
Clinton (D)
Trump (R)
Johnson (L)
Stein (G)
SpreadRCP Average10/26 - 11/1---- +5.5Loras10/31 - 11/1500 LV4.4443872Clinton +6Remington Research (R)*10/30 - 10/301172 LV2.946424--Clinton +4Marquette10/26 - 10/311225 LV3.5464043Clinton +6Emerson10/26 - 10/27400 LV4.9484291Clinton +6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Looks like Wisconsin is solidly Clinton.
Not by what I've seen, and I live here. Those leftist skewed polls are GARBAGE.
Even here on left leaning USMB, TRUMP is winning the poll.

He's winning on Tuesday too. What will sanctuary cities like San Franqueerco do when president Trump cuts off their federal money? Might have to kick an illegal alien or two out of kullyfornia. Then the state might even go conservative!

Big changes on the way.

LOL Here are the polls that count

Election 2016
Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 46.6 44.8 Clinton +1.8

4-Way RCP Average 44.9 42.7 Clinton +2.2

Favorability Ratings -13.8 -19.2 Clinton +5.4
Live Betting Odds 82.7 17.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 216 164 Clinton +52
No Toss Up States 297 241
Clinton Trump Spread
Michigan 44.7 40.0 Clinton +4.7

Wisconsin 46.0 40.5 Clinton +5.5
Iowa 41.3 44.3 Trump +3.0

Virginia 47.4 42.2 Clinton +5.2
Maine 44.0 39.5 Clinton +4.5
New Mexico 45.5 41.5 Clinton +4.0

Arizona 42.3 46.3 Trump +4.0
Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Polls

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

There is almost no way for Trump to get to 270 now.
......... :lol:

They mean... exactly... NOTHING.
Well now, guess we will find out about that in about 48 hours.
Yep... we'll see.
Even here on left leaning USMB, TRUMP is winning the poll.

He's winning on Tuesday too. What will sanctuary cities like San Franqueerco do when president Trump cuts off their federal money? Might have to kick an illegal alien or two out of kullyfornia. Then the state might even go conservative!

Big changes on the way.


Buyers remorse in 4 month TOPS if he wins. He will dump his army of lawyers and instead use the IRS, SEC, DOJ, EPA, OSHA, and all the other 3 letter agencies to "strongarm" his deals. He wants entitlements so big they would make Bernie blush. He LOVES the idea of putting America deeper in debt. He is likely to be America's 1st Tyrant if elected.

So REASONABLE people who want to drain the swamp, end crony capitalism, slash the scope and size of govt and put the BEST QUALIFIED people into all those political appointments -- aint' voting for your meglomanic clown. They WILL support the LParty ticket. Even with no real chance of winning. Because how that clown HIJACKED your sorry ass party and turned it into a circus of taunting and baiting and free media attention is EXACTLY WHY ---- winning is not the reason you should vote out of fear. And winning is why the American political process is being dragged thru the sewer.

It's over when when Dem/Rep Loyalty dips below 45% or so. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to my right.
LParty has NAILED all the major issues for 25 years or more. We were right on MidEast policy. Right on Corp/govt collusion, right on MANY civil liberty issues and right on decrim. marijuana and reform of Judicial System and the War on Drugs. America has "caught up" to us on all those issues. And for 25 years has gotten more fiscally conservative and socially inclusive as time goes on. You guys won't HAVE a party 12 years from now that you recognize.
Last edited:
I don't think you're a soros/clinton/dnc paid troll, I just think you're a poor little leftist bubble head.

Well, my candidate is going to win big on Tuesday.
Yours is going to lose badly.

Just like 4 years ago.
Just like 4 years before that.

You're simply a loser.

Dear candycorn I might respect you calling Clinton "your candidate"
if you paid for Democratic party costs of policies as I've had to for the past
20 years. I took on the historic district of Freedmen's Town, neary destroyed
by Democratic politics and dealings, and sorry to say I've had no luck with
any of these top Democratic leaders elected helping to save it, but only
to handout tax money and sell out the community to corporate developers
in order to win favor for office. So until Democrats pay the bill for what
elected Democrats do with offices and money, I don't believe you are
fully accepting responsibility and don't deserve to call it your victory
when other people are paying the loss while you look the other way!
Sorry but that's how I feel, and have asked all Democrats to ask their
leaders to help save Freedmen's Town so it isn't hypocritical to
claim to defend Black interests if this Civil Rights landmark
is destroyed under Democratic leadership www.freedmenstown.com
I use this as the litmus test as to who takes responsibility or not.
do you care what Democrats claim to do with tax dollars and public office?
Or you just vote for what it "represents" and don't care who pays the costs? Thanks!

I'm not a democrat.
I like who Clinton will appoint as our SCOTUS justices for the next generation or two so I'm voting for her.

Okay candycorn if the Democratic support to get Clinton elected
relies on misrepresenting the policies of the Democrats leaders elected
to commit abuses of Black and minority voters who are defrauded of representation
and protection of interests,
do you feel voting for Clinton contributes to that fraud and abuse of public trust?

Commit abuses? Not sure what you're talking about.
Defrauded of representation and protection of interest? Uh what?

Voting for Clinton because of her SCOTUS nominees is my platform. I have zero faith in her ability to build bridges and bring us together or pay off the deficit.
OK candycorn
If you had the choice between justices who would impose the same beliefs you share but against the consent and beliefs of others of opposite beliefs
Justices who recognize diverse beliefs and seek to protect them equally including theirs and yours along with opposing beliefs of others,
Which would you say is closer to Constitutional standards on equal protection is laws and nondiscrimination:
A. Rulings that take your belief over other beliefs if sides cannot agree
B. Rulings that either resolve the conflicts between beliefs first so policies are written and passed by consensus or else they kick back responsibility to resolve issues and agree on policy back to the people, the states, the legislature to make that decision

Which is more consistent with Constitutional laws and ethics to you?
I'll tell you people what... I live in WI, and there's little towns around me that are SOLID DEMOCRAT, but these people aren't STUPID. They love America. They have sons and daughters that are military. They're veterans themselves, but many of them are farmers so they have traditionally voted dem to get their crop rotation checks, but that isn't happening this time. As I drive around here in little rural, back woods WI, I see TRUMP signs ALL OVER! These are blue dog dems that are going to vote for TRUMP, because they know clinton is as CORRUPT as the day is long, and they see her LIES, and utter DISDAIN for average, salt of the earth, bread basket of America, Americans.

She's going to lose. WI is going to turn out for Trump. I've never seen anything like it before, and I'm 61.

Oooh, this one is going to be fun to bring up on Tuesday Night.
Even here on left leaning USMB, TRUMP is winning the poll.

He's winning on Tuesday too. What will sanctuary cities like San Franqueerco do when president Trump cuts off their federal money? Might have to kick an illegal alien or two out of kullyfornia. Then the state might even go conservative!

Big changes on the way.


007 where do you get that USMB is left leaning or Trump is winning?

I have seen Conservative early voters tend to favor Republican tickets while the Democrats tend to run away with the "late" voters. So between the living and the dead, they balance out. :) I predict a more even race, rather than a blowout either way. And congrats to Greens and Libertarians for getting more and more exposure and presence in the public eye. Great job, keep it up!
I'll tell you people what... I live in WI, and there's little towns around me that are SOLID DEMOCRAT, but these people aren't STUPID. They love America. They have sons and daughters that are military. They're veterans themselves, but many of them are farmers so they have traditionally voted dem to get their crop rotation checks, but that isn't happening this time. As I drive around here in little rural, back woods WI, I see TRUMP signs ALL OVER! These are blue dog dems that are going to vote for TRUMP, because they know clinton is as CORRUPT as the day is long, and they see her LIES, and utter DISDAIN for average, salt of the earth, bread basket of America, Americans.

She's going to lose. WI is going to turn out for Trump. I've never seen anything like it before, and I'm 61.
Clinton (D)
Trump (R)
Johnson (L)
Stein (G)
SpreadRCP Average10/26 - 11/1---- +5.5Loras10/31 - 11/1500 LV4.4443872Clinton +6Remington Research (R)*10/30 - 10/301172 LV2.946424--Clinton +4Marquette10/26 - 10/311225 LV3.5464043Clinton +6Emerson10/26 - 10/27400 LV4.9484291Clinton +6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Looks like Wisconsin is solidly Clinton.

This election like MOST recent elections will be decided by turnout and the independents. And polling will go by the wayside in future elections if independents are BIGGER than the party faithful. Because all of those polls you are quoting make certain they select representative samples from Dems and Reps and OVER WEIGHT one or the other to reflect local/regional realities. So it's a GUESS based on the silly notion that a REPRESENTATIVE sample is composed of party faithful.

In an election like this -- where the party faithful have DROPPED to 57% and STILL CRASHING --- ALL of these polls are no longer representative. For instance --- Colorado was quoted a couple days ago as a "TIE" between ClinTrump. BUT --- the numbers were 39 to 39... Most people can add and see that there is 22% MISSING from this analysis. That's because you can FORCE any of 10 or 12 interpretations of the raw data by taking in different mixes of representative samples and TUNING with 2ndary poll questions. Like "strength of conviction" for the respondents choice.

The whole concept of polling will change after this election. Companies like Survey Monkey are already getting primed to have BETTER and far more accurate ways of drawing "representative samples" given the decline in the number of "party animals" in this country..
Even here on left leaning USMB, TRUMP is winning the poll.

He's winning on Tuesday too. What will sanctuary cities like San Franqueerco do when president Trump cuts off their federal money? Might have to kick an illegal alien or two out of kullyfornia. Then the state might even go conservative!

Big changes on the way.


007 where do you get that USMB is left leaning or Trump is winning?

I have seen Conservative early voters tend to favor Republican tickets while the Democrats tend to run away with the "late" voters. So between the living and the dead, they balance out. :) I predict a more even race, rather than a blowout either way. And congrats to Greens and Libertarians for getting more and more exposure and presence in the public eye. Great job, keep it up!
I've been on this board since the beginning. I've seen the trolls come and go. But the founder of this board was jimnyc. You can search his name and you'll see he's member #1. I used to talk with Jimmy on the phone. I even had the option to BUY this board some ten years ago, and I should have. He only wanted $500. But to get into details about why I believe this board is left leaning would require I talk about things that are against the rules. They ban you to "question" mod actions here. But this place used to be pretty even. There were plenty of liberals here and we had great conversations, but I see so many liberals here now it's sickening. But, I won't get into the why's and how's because I can't. Can't do that here. Can't question the mods or you'll be gone with zero notice.
......... :lol:

Biggest lie you've ever told too... pathetic little snowflake.

Hey, I've been accused of being a paid poster by several people. If you guys only knew how much I made making you look as dumb as possible. And the funny thing is that you do most of the work for me!!!
I don't think you're a soros/clinton/dnc paid troll, I just think you're a poor little leftist bubble head.

Well, my candidate is going to win big on Tuesday.
Yours is going to lose badly.

Just like 4 years ago.
Just like 4 years before that.

You're simply a loser.
Well... we'll see... so far Trump is ahead on this poll... what ya think of that?

What poll is that little man?

This poll will close on Nov 8, 2016 at 7:49 PM.'

Just copied and pasted for you to make it easier, you could also just look at the top of the page , (possibly)
The real give away is the word right after the word 'THIS" (second line) .... P O L L
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Hey, I've been accused of being a paid poster by several people. If you guys only knew how much I made making you look as dumb as possible. And the funny thing is that you do most of the work for me!!!
I don't think you're a soros/clinton/dnc paid troll, I just think you're a poor little leftist bubble head.

Well, my candidate is going to win big on Tuesday.
Yours is going to lose badly.

Just like 4 years ago.
Just like 4 years before that.

You're simply a loser.
Well... we'll see... so far Trump is ahead on this poll... what ya think of that?

More Conservatives are on here for Trump.
Clinton does not need our votes to win.
That's not who she represents, as Constitutionalists by nature
don't depend on govt to represent our interests, but we tend to do that ourselves.

I'm surprised there are liberals here able to hold a conversation
with conservatives on the Constitution. Most liberals who support
Clinton cannot justify both Constitutional principles and how Democrats operate.

It depends on your philosophy.

Do you think we should have NASA, FEMA, or the Air Force? Show me where a strict interpretation of the Constitution allows for that.
I believe if the public agrees then amendments can be passed to add functions to federal govt; otherwise people can agree to shift programs that aren't agreed upon back to states, or as I propose, to parties to manage so there is no taxation without representation and people take responsibility for what policies they agree to fund and where they invest their taxes.

It's by consent, either by majority rule if they agree to vote using that, or by consensus of they don't agree to give up authority to govt on areas of religious or political beliefs they want to represent themselves.
I don't think you're a soros/clinton/dnc paid troll, I just think you're a poor little leftist bubble head.

Well, my candidate is going to win big on Tuesday.
Yours is going to lose badly.

Just like 4 years ago.
Just like 4 years before that.

You're simply a loser.
Well... we'll see... so far Trump is ahead on this poll... what ya think of that?

More Conservatives are on here for Trump.
Clinton does not need our votes to win.
That's not who she represents, as Constitutionalists by nature
don't depend on govt to represent our interests, but we tend to do that ourselves.

I'm surprised there are liberals here able to hold a conversation
with conservatives on the Constitution. Most liberals who support
Clinton cannot justify both Constitutional principles and how Democrats operate.

It depends on your philosophy.

Do you think we should have NASA, FEMA, or the Air Force? Show me where a strict interpretation of the Constitution allows for that.
I believe if the public agrees then amendments can be passed to add functions to federal govt; otherwise people can agree to shift programs that aren't agreed upon back to states, or as I propose, to parties to manage so there is no taxation without representation and people take responsibility for what policies they agree to fund and where they invest their taxes.

It's by consent, either by majority rule if they agree to vote using that, or by consensus of they don't agree to give up authority to govt on areas of religious or political beliefs they want to represent themselves.


There is nothing in the Constitution that allows the federal government to have any of them. Yet we have them. Most would argue they are essential to both our national defense as well as our economies.

If you're a strict constitutionalist, you cannot shoe-horn things into the federal government's purview because they make sense, are needed, or are popular without amending the document.

If you are, like me, one that relies on the best legal minds of our times to decide the constitutionality of an issue, you're comfortable with the outcomes even if they are not very good for you personally like being forced to buy healthcare insurance or Citizens United. I'll take the bad with the good in this case.

You may differ. That, of course, is your right. But you'd better be ready to get rid of the Air Force, FEMA, NASA, etc..
Well, my candidate is going to win big on Tuesday.
Yours is going to lose badly.

Just like 4 years ago.
Just like 4 years before that.

You're simply a loser.
Well... we'll see... so far Trump is ahead on this poll... what ya think of that?

More Conservatives are on here for Trump.
Clinton does not need our votes to win.
That's not who she represents, as Constitutionalists by nature
don't depend on govt to represent our interests, but we tend to do that ourselves.

I'm surprised there are liberals here able to hold a conversation
with conservatives on the Constitution. Most liberals who support
Clinton cannot justify both Constitutional principles and how Democrats operate.

It depends on your philosophy.

Do you think we should have NASA, FEMA, or the Air Force? Show me where a strict interpretation of the Constitution allows for that.
I believe if the public agrees then amendments can be passed to add functions to federal govt; otherwise people can agree to shift programs that aren't agreed upon back to states, or as I propose, to parties to manage so there is no taxation without representation and people take responsibility for what policies they agree to fund and where they invest their taxes.

It's by consent, either by majority rule if they agree to vote using that, or by consensus of they don't agree to give up authority to govt on areas of religious or political beliefs they want to represent themselves.


There is nothing in the Constitution that allows the federal government to have any of them. Yet we have them. Most would argue they are essential to both our national defense as well as our economies.

If you're a strict constitutionalist, you cannot shoe-horn things into the federal government's purview because they make sense, are needed, or are popular without amending the document.

If you are, like me, one that relies on the best legal minds of our times to decide the constitutionality of an issue, you're comfortable with the outcomes even if they are not very good for you personally like being forced to buy healthcare insurance or Citizens United. I'll take the bad with the good in this case.

You may differ. That, of course, is your right. But you'd better be ready to get rid of the Air Force, FEMA, NASA, etc..
In simple laymen's terms... "it's rigged," as much of anything to do with politics is, and anyone can see that. Left, right, even hacks, we all see it.
Even here on left leaning USMB, TRUMP is winning the poll.

He's winning on Tuesday too. What will sanctuary cities like San Franqueerco do when president Trump cuts off their federal money? Might have to kick an illegal alien or two out of kullyfornia. Then the state might even go conservative!

Big changes on the way.

LOL Here are the polls that count

Election 2016
Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 46.6 44.8 Clinton +1.8

4-Way RCP Average 44.9 42.7 Clinton +2.2

Favorability Ratings -13.8 -19.2 Clinton +5.4
Live Betting Odds 82.7 17.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 216 164 Clinton +52
No Toss Up States 297 241
Clinton Trump Spread
Michigan 44.7 40.0 Clinton +4.7

Wisconsin 46.0 40.5 Clinton +5.5
Iowa 41.3 44.3 Trump +3.0

Virginia 47.4 42.2 Clinton +5.2
Maine 44.0 39.5 Clinton +4.5
New Mexico 45.5 41.5 Clinton +4.0

Arizona 42.3 46.3 Trump +4.0
Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Polls

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

There is almost no way for Trump to get to 270 now.
No toss-ups gives the toss-up state of Florida to Hildabeest. Most of the other "toss-ups" aren't really so close.

Cheeto Jesus flips Florida and it's 270.
OK 007 here's an interpretation of your informal poll

Since the information by Constitutionalists on this board smokes the liberals who cannot justify imposing political beliefs that are in conflict, that is OBVIOUSLY the reverse of real world politics where the opposite is happening, especially in the media.

Thus whatever poll results you see here, that should reflect the opposite you see in the real poll results. Thus I predict the real meaning is Clinton will win over Trump 60/40 in the population vote.

As for candycorn thank you for reminding me it's not just the Democrats to blame for spreading perception and habit of Blacks depending on govt. Even non Democrats and OTHER parties are responsible if Black history gets destroyed using taxpayer money. Not just Democrats who were in office when the deals and money exchanged hands. Thanks for that realization how big the problem really is and why we can't rely on parties to fix it!
OK 007 here's an interpretation of your informal poll

Since the information by Constitutionalists on this board smokes the liberals who cannot justify imposing political beliefs that are in conflict, that is OBVIOUSLY the reverse of real world politics where the opposite is happening, especially in the media.

Thus whatever poll results you see here, that should reflect the opposite you see in the real poll results. Thus I predict the real meaning is Clinton will win over Trump 60/40 in the population vote.

As for candycorn thank you for reminding me it's not just the Democrats to blame for spreading perception and habit of Blacks depending on govt. Even non Democrats and OTHER parties are responsible if Black history gets destroyed using taxpayer money. Not just Democrats who were in office when the deals and money exchanged hands. Thanks for that realization how big the problem really is and why we can't rely on parties to fix it!
Well, emilynghiem, I respectfully disagree. I think besides the leftist voter fraud, besides the Soros owned voting machines that flip republican votes to democrat, and besides all the polls that people are being inundated with that purport clinton ahead, Trump is going to win, and I believe this for one reason, and that is because there are millions of people out here in fly over land that haven't been involved in politics for decades, but the fever pitch and hyper partisanship of this election has trickled down to them and they have become aware, but these are the people that NO POLL can measure. All these polls have been be JUST people selected by those administering the polls, and they are using these polls in an attempt to alter a persons perception as to whether or not they should even bother to vote. If you just listen to the polls you'd think that hitlery should already have the new drapes for the white house delivered because she's already won, and that is what they want. That's what the establishment and leftists want you to believe. But what's happening, and has so many leftists in a total PANIC, is that for the first time ever, thanks much to many more millions of people that now have computers and can get news from other sources other than the leftists, DNC propaganda machine of lies and bias, people are seeing through the fog of liberal trash media. So I think we're going to see a turn out voting for Trump, as we've seen by the THOUSANDS of people turning out at his rallies. People are sick of Washington and the corruption, and they know a vote for clinton is a vote for CORRUPTION, and a vote for Trump is a vote a person that is NOT politician, and who promises to DRAIN THE SWAMP. That's what I see.
OK 007 here's an interpretation of your informal poll

Since the information by Constitutionalists on this board smokes the liberals who cannot justify imposing political beliefs that are in conflict, that is OBVIOUSLY the reverse of real world politics where the opposite is happening, especially in the media.

Thus whatever poll results you see here, that should reflect the opposite you see in the real poll results. Thus I predict the real meaning is Clinton will win over Trump 60/40 in the population vote.

As for candycorn thank you for reminding me it's not just the Democrats to blame for spreading perception and habit of Blacks depending on govt. Even non Democrats and OTHER parties are responsible if Black history gets destroyed using taxpayer money. Not just Democrats who were in office when the deals and money exchanged hands. Thanks for that realization how big the problem really is and why we can't rely on parties to fix it!

Wasn't my intent.

My intent was this; decisions are made by those who show up. If you were to look at black political power, it is strongest where blacks vote in numbers and less where blacks do not. I would say it is the same for Hispanics and other ethnic minorities as well.

Gender is starting to skew in that direction as well.
OK 007 here's an interpretation of your informal poll

Since the information by Constitutionalists on this board smokes the liberals who cannot justify imposing political beliefs that are in conflict, that is OBVIOUSLY the reverse of real world politics where the opposite is happening, especially in the media.

Thus whatever poll results you see here, that should reflect the opposite you see in the real poll results. Thus I predict the real meaning is Clinton will win over Trump 60/40 in the population vote.

As for candycorn thank you for reminding me it's not just the Democrats to blame for spreading perception and habit of Blacks depending on govt. Even non Democrats and OTHER parties are responsible if Black history gets destroyed using taxpayer money. Not just Democrats who were in office when the deals and money exchanged hands. Thanks for that realization how big the problem really is and why we can't rely on parties to fix it!
Well, emilynghiem, I respectfully disagree. I think besides the leftist voter fraud, besides the Soros owned voting machines that flip republican votes to democrat, and besides all the polls that people are being inundated with that purport clinton ahead, Trump is going to win, and I believe this for one reason, and that is because there are millions of people out here in fly over land that haven't been involved in politics for decades, but the fever pitch and hyper partisanship of this election has trickled down to them and they have become aware, but these are the people that NO POLL can measure. All these polls have been be JUST people selected by those administering the polls, and they are using these polls in an attempt to alter a persons perception as to whether or not they should even bother to vote. If you just listen to the polls you'd think that hitlery should already have the new drapes for the white house delivered because she's already won, and that is what they want. That's what the establishment and leftists want you to believe. But what's happening, and has so many leftists in a total PANIC, is that for the first time ever, thanks much to many more millions of people that now have computers and can get news from other sources other than the leftists, DNC propaganda machine of lies and bias, people are seeing through the fog of liberal trash media. So I think we're going to see a turn out voting for Trump, as we've seen by the THOUSANDS of people turning out at his rallies. People are sick of Washington and the corruption, and they know a vote for clinton is a vote for CORRUPTION, and a vote for Trump is a vote a person that is NOT politician, and who promises to DRAIN THE SWAMP. That's what I see.

Dear 007 maybe YOU can see through all the media mess,
but most people cannot do and see what you do.

When Obama tells Black voters and Democrat Voters to vote for Clinton,
they do that in ways the rightwing are NOT "sheep" and think for themselves
as more independent and self-governing and will NOT "do what someone tells them to"

Cruz has more conscience than to sell out as Sanders did and push for Clinton putting
party over principles. And that conscience that makes people so strong also
divided the party over something like this, where they aren't going to sell out if they disagree.
The left will do that as they did for Obama and now Clinton; both divided the party
and both times the sheep followed the lead that was HANDED them to follow.

Constitutionalists and independent minded business owners are less likely to act like sheep.

The left may think that because of the cohesive collective unity of Christians and Constitutionalists
that APPEAR to be "blindly following" but it's the PRINCIPLES that unite the right.
If division occurs, that same adherence to conscience serves to divide.

To be fair, the LGBT movement had to learn this lesson, and could not get anywhere with
the division over bisexuals and later transsexuals being discriminated against for fear they would
discredit and weaken the movement.

My peace and justice friends on the left/Green side of the spectrum
ALSO struggle with this issue of being of such conscience, they
cannot so easily forgive and work with others that are dominating or distrustful in their approaches.
The CUTTHROAT greedy people will set aside differences to collude to get more power concentrated
among them, but the CONSCIENTIOUS people won't compromise where those with no ethics would!

So my advice is the conscientious people must be as "ruthless" as our unethical counterparts
who will stop at nothing to get what they want for self-serving reasons,
those who are selfless need to learn from them how to do the same thing in terms of forgiving problems
in order to do GOOD, as those who put differences aside to serve themselves.

Romney was too nice and wouldn't stoop to dirty mean politics to win, so we lost out on a better leader.
If we keep rewarding the ruthless ones, we keep getting bullied over by the "bigger bully."

The people who don't ruthlessly force their way over others
end up sitting back and taking whatever is handed down.

So until we change this, we'll see these bullying tactics used
to exploit the minority votes that keep depending on this bigger bully.

We have to change the game, or else it keeps ending the same way!
OK 007 here's an interpretation of your informal poll

Since the information by Constitutionalists on this board smokes the liberals who cannot justify imposing political beliefs that are in conflict, that is OBVIOUSLY the reverse of real world politics where the opposite is happening, especially in the media.

Thus whatever poll results you see here, that should reflect the opposite you see in the real poll results. Thus I predict the real meaning is Clinton will win over Trump 60/40 in the population vote.

As for candycorn thank you for reminding me it's not just the Democrats to blame for spreading perception and habit of Blacks depending on govt. Even non Democrats and OTHER parties are responsible if Black history gets destroyed using taxpayer money. Not just Democrats who were in office when the deals and money exchanged hands. Thanks for that realization how big the problem really is and why we can't rely on parties to fix it!
Well, emilynghiem, I respectfully disagree. I think besides the leftist voter fraud, besides the Soros owned voting machines that flip republican votes to democrat, and besides all the polls that people are being inundated with that purport clinton ahead, Trump is going to win, and I believe this for one reason, and that is because there are millions of people out here in fly over land that haven't been involved in politics for decades, but the fever pitch and hyper partisanship of this election has trickled down to them and they have become aware, but these are the people that NO POLL can measure. All these polls have been be JUST people selected by those administering the polls, and they are using these polls in an attempt to alter a persons perception as to whether or not they should even bother to vote. If you just listen to the polls you'd think that hitlery should already have the new drapes for the white house delivered because she's already won, and that is what they want. That's what the establishment and leftists want you to believe. But what's happening, and has so many leftists in a total PANIC, is that for the first time ever, thanks much to many more millions of people that now have computers and can get news from other sources other than the leftists, DNC propaganda machine of lies and bias, people are seeing through the fog of liberal trash media. So I think we're going to see a turn out voting for Trump, as we've seen by the THOUSANDS of people turning out at his rallies. People are sick of Washington and the corruption, and they know a vote for clinton is a vote for CORRUPTION, and a vote for Trump is a vote a person that is NOT politician, and who promises to DRAIN THE SWAMP. That's what I see.

Dear 007 maybe YOU can see through all the media mess,
but most people cannot do and see what you do.

When Obama tells Black voters and Democrat Voters to vote for Clinton,
they do that in ways the rightwing are NOT "sheep" and think for themselves
as more independent and self-governing and will NOT "do what someone tells them to"

Cruz has more conscience than to sell out as Sanders did and push for Clinton putting
party over principles. And that conscience that makes people so strong also
divided the party over something like this, where they aren't going to sell out if they disagree.
The left will do that as they did for Obama and now Clinton; both divided the party
and both times the sheep followed the lead that was HANDED them to follow.

Constitutionalists and independent minded business owners are less likely to act like sheep.

The left may think that because of the cohesive collective unity of Christians and Constitutionalists
that APPEAR to be "blindly following" but it's the PRINCIPLES that unite the right.
If division occurs, that same adherence to conscience serves to divide.

To be fair, the LGBT movement had to learn this lesson, and could not get anywhere with
the division over bisexuals and later transsexuals being discriminated against for fear they would
discredit and weaken the movement.

My peace and justice friends on the left/Green side of the spectrum
ALSO struggle with this issue of being of such conscience, they
cannot so easily forgive and work with others that are dominating or distrustful in their approaches.
The CUTTHROAT greedy people will set aside differences to collude to get more power concentrated
among them, but the CONSCIENTIOUS people won't compromise where those with no ethics would!

So my advice is the conscientious people must be as "ruthless" as our unethical counterparts
who will stop at nothing to get what they want for self-serving reasons,
those who are selfless need to learn from them how to do the same thing in terms of forgiving problems
in order to do GOOD, as those who put differences aside to serve themselves.

Romney was too nice and wouldn't stoop to dirty mean politics to win, so we lost out on a better leader.
If we keep rewarding the ruthless ones, we keep getting bullied over by the "bigger bully."

The people who don't ruthlessly force their way over others
end up sitting back and taking whatever is handed down.

So until we change this, we'll see these bullying tactics used
to exploit the minority votes that keep depending on this bigger bully.

We have to change the game, or else it keeps ending the same way!
Good conversation Emily... and today we see how it all turns out.

I think... (and pray)... it's Trump.

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