Who Are Your Favorite Opponents Here?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
By the word 'Opponent' I simply mean those that you are frequently in disagreement with, not necessarily someone in an opposing political party.

I find that I like a lot of the 'liberal' posters here, if not they soon find their way to my ignore list. The first thing I like is that they seem to be honest and sincere. Secondly they seem to put a great deal of thought into their posts very frequently (most posts really dont require a lot of thought reacting to another post). Thirdly is that they have a sense of humor and seem to realize that 200 years from now, no one is going to give a flying frack about what we all have done here, so there is a self-realization that this is not 'for keeps'.

In that vein, I have to say I appreciate Mac1958 for his many posts, sense of humor and the reflection he brings to the discussion here. I disagree with him about 50% of the time, but he always seems to have good reasons for his assertions.

The same goes for Xelor, Care4All, Peach, Montrovant, Toro, and Coyote.

While I also greatly enjoy the posts of some others who are more conservative and agree with quite a bit, it is really the thoughtful opposing points of view that keep bringing me back.
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Everyone winds up getting mad at me so no one. I don't like conflict
rderp, nat, sytfe and timmy. They are very knowledgeable and make very good points.

I enjoy posting with pretty much everyone here...



...I can't say they appreciate posting with me however.
Since I have a background in sales, I believe I don't have opponents, just misinformed allies waiting to be converted :D

In all seriousness, I can debate with anyone and will entertain all ideas as long as they are respectful. If they aren't I just won't respond. A few arguments have even influenced me and I will happily make note of them.
This forum provides such a vast amount of information on all sides of arguments that it's vital to listen and understand. I know my own personal life experiences have allowed me to suspend reality and listen to others.

I will say this though, almost any idea or theory has been tried in societies across the world, what is important is not re-inventing the wheel. What some Americans think will work, has often already failed in other countries. Which is why I invite Bernie and his supporters to a lengthy debate and I will clear up any misconceptions they have about socialism...

God Bless America!
Mostly I come here for the enjoyment of reading stupid posts. Take # 11.
Which is why I invite Bernie and his supporters to a lengthy debate and I will clear up any misconceptions they have about socialism...

God Bless America!
Bernie is more of a Nordic Socialist; do you consider that to be 'true' socialism?
Which is why I invite Bernie and his supporters to a lengthy debate and I will clear up any misconceptions they have about socialism...

God Bless America!
Bernie is more of a Nordic Socialist; do you consider that to be 'true' socialism?

In some respects I consider it worse as the abuses, nepotism and crony capitalism are covert rather than overt and well documented.
To be honest....USMB is not about honest debate

It is about talking smack with the other side

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