Who benefits from high oil prices?

I talked a lot with financiers and traders, for more than 10 years and have never seen an idiot who doubted that oil is traded in dollars. I even not imagined that this could be. This is a unique specimen even for Chicago.
I talked a lot with financiers and traders, for more than 10 years and have never seen an idiot who doubted that oil is traded in dollars. I even imagined that this could be. This is a unique specimen even for Chicago.

Who the fuck doubted that oil was traded in dollars? Link?
We get high oil prices when the Fed starts hinting about cutting off the free money.
That's ridiculous. The price is governed purely by supply and demand.
You know, the same capitalist system republicans voted for?
That's ridiculous. The price is governed purely by supply and demand.
You know, the same capitalist system republicans voted for?
Yes, this is exactly the reason why customs, banks and trade agreements were canceled lol
What are you trying to prove to me then? What are you arguing with?

Someone who thinks oil must be traded in dollars......

Yes, this is exactly the reason why customs, banks and trade agreements were canceled lol
I'd like to see proof of that.
I know you want to blame Biden for this one but your totally wrong and still ignorant on this. Not to mention a liar also.
There is regulation not only in the field of trade and finance, but even in the area of quality. China does not export goods of the same quality to the United States as to Laos or Russia, such goods will not pass to the United States due to customs restrictions due to the requirement of quality and safety. Now on all goods it is indicated for which country it was produced and what technical requirements it meets
Someone who thinks oil must be traded in dollars......

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In short, I am not able to conduct a dialogue with the Downs. I don't even understand what you are arguing with at all and what you are trying to prove to me. A conversation with you looks to me exactly the same as with a drunken inadequate who is delirious
I talked a lot with financiers and traders, for more than 10 years and have never seen an idiot who doubted that oil is traded in dollars. I even not imagined that this could be. This is a unique specimen even for Chicago.

In August 2018, Venezuela declared that it would cease pricing its oil in US dollars and instead use Euros, Yuan and other currencies.

China’s currency displacing the dollar in global oil trade ...

Apr 19, 2018 · Despite China’s central role in global oil markets, the RMB is unlikely to challenge the dollar as the default currency for oil trade anytime soon. A number of obstacles stand in its way ...
I know you want to blame Biden for this one but your totally wrong and still ignorant on this. Not to mention a liar also.
No, Biden has nothing to do with it. The left is bad, but he didn't invent trade and financial regulation
Is there any country which does not sell oil in dollars ...
I think the question is about crude oil. Countries do sell crude in currencies other than USD. But they do such trades with only some particular countries. For example, Iran sells crude to India under an agreement where India pays 45% of the cost in Indian Rupees and 55% of the cost was paid through a different route which was not in dollar (it was Euros which was then converted to Iranian rial while
No I'm not. Just want to see th e proof please. Do you have it?
Do you really think that everything happens on the principles of the free market? Why do you get involved in topics in which you absolutely do not understand anything? Why would I waste my time proving basic things?
Is there any country which does not sell oil in dollars ...
I think the question is about crude oil. Countries do sell crude in currencies other than USD. But they do such trades with only some particular countries. For example, Iran sells crude to India under an agreement where India pays 45% of the cost in Indian Rupees and 55% of the cost was paid through a different route which was not in dollar (it was Euros which was then converted to Iranian rial while
These are again links not to real financial information, but to some kind of Internet trash heap, and again we are not talking about real transactions, but about some plans for the future.
In short, I am not able to conduct a dialogue with the Downs. I don't even understand what you are arguing with at all and what you are trying to prove to me. A conversation with you looks to me exactly the same as with a drunken inadequate who is delirious

You said Germany must buy dollars from the Fed in order to buy oil from Russia.

Are you retarded?
These are again links not to real financial information, but to some kind of Internet trash heap, and again we are not talking about real transactions, but about some plans for the future.

In what currency does Europe pay Russia for natural gas ...
Answer (1 of 3): It looks like the majority of the gas trade with EU was conducted in dollars at least until the beginning of 2014. Then, after onset of the Ukrainian ...

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