Who broke Washington? Truth getting out

Who Broke Washington? - NationalJournal.com
dont tell me it was W
Tarp proved that
the Iraq war was Bi partisan
no child left behind

Polls show a huge swing in the blame game on the shut down

It was those idiot supply siders who championed an economic 'theory' that wasn't even a theory at all. They bamboozled Kemp, Reagan and others to support a theory that held (incorrectly, I might add) that decreasing marginal tax rates increased revenues. It failed in it's first shot out of the gate during the Reagan years, and the evidence was there for anyone to see as deficits exploded. That's why Reagan was forced to raise taxes. But what does Bush 43 do? He doubles down on the theory, and the exact same results ensued as the deficit exploded. The theory will continue to fail. The only question is when will conservatives catch on.

I'm certainly not hold my breath for rich High School graduates like Sean Hannity to realize it.
History shows it was F.D. Rooseveldt who ignored all the warnings about what Japan was up to so he could get us into a war designed primarily to resolve HIS unemployment problem, Just as Obama will do.
Who Broke Washington? - NationalJournal.com
dont tell me it was W
Tarp proved that
the Iraq war was Bi partisan
no child left behind

Polls show a huge swing in the blame game on the shut down

It was those idiot supply siders who championed an economic 'theory' that wasn't even a theory at all. They bamboozled Kemp, Reagan and others to support a theory that held (incorrectly, I might add) that decreasing marginal tax rates increased revenues. It failed in it's first shot out of the gate during the Reagan years, and the evidence was there for anyone to see as deficits exploded. That's why Reagan was forced to raise taxes. But what does Bush 43 do? He doubles down on the theory, and the exact same results ensued as the deficit exploded. The theory will continue to fail. The only question is when will conservatives catch on.

I'm certainly not hold my breath for rich High School graduates like Sean Hannity to realize it.

No, those rich high school graduates will never catch on because your argument is pure hogwash. You don't understand "supply side" economics, and I seriously doubt that you understand any economic theory.

First, you have to include all of the relevant data into your analysis, and you seem to ignore the fact that both Reagan and Bush lowered marginal tax rates as the national economy was either already in recession, or going into recession. Tax receipts would have been reduced regardless of what they did, because economic activity was reduced.

In both cases, when the economic activity grew, so did tax receipts. Lower costs of doing business always stimulates an economy. The idea is to grow the economy and therefore collect more taxes from the increased economic activity.
Look in the mirror.

In 2007 we had an UE rate <5%
out defict was 162 billion
it was the first year in 12 that did not have a GOP house
It was the second time in the past 12 we did not have a GOP senate
we had a GOP president

so why should I need to look n the mirror?
Who Broke Washington? - NationalJournal.com
dont tell me it was W
Tarp proved that
the Iraq war was Bi partisan
no child left behind

Polls show a huge swing in the blame game on the shut down

It was those idiot supply siders who championed an economic 'theory' that wasn't even a theory at all. They bamboozled Kemp, Reagan and others to support a theory that held (incorrectly, I might add) that decreasing marginal tax rates increased revenues. It failed in it's first shot out of the gate during the Reagan years, and the evidence was there for anyone to see as deficits exploded. That's why Reagan was forced to raise taxes. But what does Bush 43 do? He doubles down on the theory, and the exact same results ensued as the deficit exploded. The theory will continue to fail. The only question is when will conservatives catch on.

I'm certainly not hold my breath for rich High School graduates like Sean Hannity to realize it.

you want try that again?
Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Democrats, who have long posed as the party of peaceniks and doves, have been anything but during the great rhetorical war of 2013. In fact, the party of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter has been mad as hell as of late, leading an offensive of bombastic insults and rhetorical bullying that has dominated the government shutdown. It&#8217;s a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace.

President Obama called Republicans &#8220;reckless and irresponsible,&#8221; casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to Republicans as &#8220;anarchists,&#8221; and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans &#8220;legislative arsonists.&#8221;

Read more: Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
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History shows it was Newt Gingrich


what did Newt do?

Newt brought in a whole new breed of Republican. In your face, take no prisoners, compromise is for pussies Republicans

His first act was to shut down government, just to show he could
His next act was to impeach Clinton, just to show he could

The Republican Party has never been the same
Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Democrats, who have long posed as the party of peaceniks and doves, have been anything but during the great rhetorical war of 2013. In fact, the party of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter has been mad as hell as of late, leading an offensive of bombastic insults and rhetorical bullying that has dominated the government shutdown. It’s a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace.

President Obama called Republicans “reckless and irresponsible,” casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to Republicans as “anarchists,” and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans “legislative arsonists.”

Read more: Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
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It sounds like the Democrats have decided to stop being the gop's punching bag. BRAVO!!!!! BRAVEO!!!!!!!!!! It's about time the Democrats started fighting back. Trying to work with the current republicans is a waste of time and effort.
Who Broke Washington? - NationalJournal.com
dont tell me it was W
Tarp proved that
the Iraq war was Bi partisan
no child left behind

Polls show a huge swing in the blame game on the shut down

It was those idiot supply siders who championed an economic 'theory' that wasn't even a theory at all. They bamboozled Kemp, Reagan and others to support a theory that held (incorrectly, I might add) that decreasing marginal tax rates increased revenues. It failed in it's first shot out of the gate during the Reagan years, and the evidence was there for anyone to see as deficits exploded. That's why Reagan was forced to raise taxes. But what does Bush 43 do? He doubles down on the theory, and the exact same results ensued as the deficit exploded. The theory will continue to fail. The only question is when will conservatives catch on.

I'm certainly not hold my breath for rich High School graduates like Sean Hannity to realize it.

you want try that again?

There's no need to try again because it's a fact.

But do you know what I think of any administration's cheerleading account. Not much. And less so of Bush and company. Do you know who they remind me of? Those football players (and the rest of the team along the sidelines) who SWEAR the player made the catch on 3rd down, only to find when the replay is shown, the ball was clearly trapped.

If you want an analysis of the Bush tax cuts and their effect on the deficit and the economy, don't go to ANY partisan site. Go someplace where they'll show the numbers without spin.

There's four layers (basically) in the tax code. The payroll tax which is regressive. Bush did not change it. The income tax which is graduated or progressive, and Bush cut that rate far more for upper income workers. Then there's the capital gains rate which is mostly earnings for wealthy investors although theoretically anyone can have income from stock. That tax rate was reduced to half that of wages or work-related earnings. And finally, there's the estate tax which Bush eliminated even though it wasn't permanent.

In all fazes of taxation, the wealthy received the largest cuts and the largest percentage of reductions, and the end result was that the deficit exploded just like back in the 1980s.
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Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Democrats, who have long posed as the party of peaceniks and doves, have been anything but during the great rhetorical war of 2013. In fact, the party of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter has been mad as hell as of late, leading an offensive of bombastic insults and rhetorical bullying that has dominated the government shutdown. It’s a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace.

President Obama called Republicans “reckless and irresponsible,” casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to Republicans as “anarchists,” and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans “legislative arsonists.”

Read more: Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
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FDR, Truman, LBJ, Clinton, Obama.....Not peaceniks. If you believe they were/are then you've been sold a lie.

Everyone knows it's the Republican plan to attach amendments specifically targeting the Democrats signature legislation to the CR (that funds the entire government) rather than engage in regular negotiations over the budget that caused this current brouhaha. They have blocked conferencing on the budget at least 17 times now.
Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Democrats, who have long posed as the party of peaceniks and doves, have been anything but during the great rhetorical war of 2013. In fact, the party of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter has been mad as hell as of late, leading an offensive of bombastic insults and rhetorical bullying that has dominated the government shutdown. It’s a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace.

President Obama called Republicans “reckless and irresponsible,” casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to Republicans as “anarchists,” and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans “legislative arsonists.”

Read more: Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

FDR, Truman, LBJ, Clinton, Obama.....Not peaceniks. If you believe they were/are then you've been sold a lie.

Everyone knows it's the Republican plan to attach amendments specifically targeting the Democrats signature legislation to the CR (that funds the entire government) rather than engage in regular negotiations over the budget that caused this current brouhaha. They have blocked conferencing on the budget at least 17 times now.

The current mess is 100% about Obamas current mess, the ACA
In my view, it was the Newt Gingrich Republicans who broke Washington.

After almost 20 years as a Republican, they drove me from the party. I said....I don't want to be associated with these assholes
In my view, it was the Newt Gingrich Republicans who broke Washington.

After almost 20 years as a Republican, they drove me from the party. I said....I don't want to be associated with these assholes

balanced budgets?
welfare reform?
The diff with me and so many is I respect another persons views
what I do not respect is not being honest with your self when the wheels come off and one still pretends its okay
this country is in more trouble today than in my 50+ years of life

the dems had congress from 06-2010
had it all 09-2010
and have 2/3 till the present
it is a wreck
In my view, it was the Newt Gingrich Republicans who broke Washington.

After almost 20 years as a Republican, they drove me from the party. I said....I don't want to be associated with these assholes

balanced budgets?
welfare reform?
The diff with me and so many is I respect another persons views
what I do not respect is not being honest with your self when the wheels come off and one still pretends its okay
this country is in more trouble today than in my 50+ years of life

the dems had congress from 06-2010
had it all 09-2010
and have 2/3 till the present
it is a wreck

Government Shutdown
Killing bipartisanship

The new GOP

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