Who broke Washington? Truth getting out

In my view, it was the Newt Gingrich Republicans who broke Washington.

After almost 20 years as a Republican, they drove me from the party. I said....I don't want to be associated with these assholes

balanced budgets?
welfare reform?
The diff with me and so many is I respect another persons views
what I do not respect is not being honest with your self when the wheels come off and one still pretends its okay
this country is in more trouble today than in my 50+ years of life

the dems had congress from 06-2010
had it all 09-2010
and have 2/3 till the present
it is a wreck

Government Shutdown
Killing bipartisanship

The new GOP

They sent mny bills to the senate to prevent the shut down
Who did they impeach? Clinton? he lied under oath
Bi partisanship?
That ended in 2008 with Tarp
as I recall GWB was the president
6 months later we had a failed 1 trillion dollar stimulus
2 years later we had this ACA that now has us in this mess
The gop has 33% of the power
They cannot shut anything down without help
Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
Democrats, who have long posed as the party of peaceniks and doves, have been anything but during the great rhetorical war of 2013. In fact, the party of George McGovern and Jimmy Carter has been mad as hell as of late, leading an offensive of bombastic insults and rhetorical bullying that has dominated the government shutdown. It’s a perfect storm, with Democrats leading the pace.

President Obama called Republicans “reckless and irresponsible,” casting the Grand Old Party in the role of villain. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referred to Republicans as “anarchists,” and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, deemed Republicans “legislative arsonists.”

Read more: Doves and peaceniks no more: These Democrats relish the role of bullies - Washington Times
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FDR, Truman, LBJ, Clinton, Obama.....Not peaceniks. If you believe they were/are then you've been sold a lie.

Everyone knows it's the Republican plan to attach amendments specifically targeting the Democrats signature legislation to the CR (that funds the entire government) rather than engage in regular negotiations over the budget that caused this current brouhaha. They have blocked conferencing on the budget at least 17 times now.

The current mess is 100% about Obamas current mess, the ACA

No, the current shut down was not caused by the ACA.

Republicans' demanded concessions on the ACA in the CR that funds the Government and Democrats refused their demands, and rightly so I might add. The republican are holding funding for the entire government hostage so they can get their way with defunding the ACA. It is owned by the GOP and most all polls show this and I suspect that the numbers against the GOP madness will increase as time goes by.
Who broke Washington?

The politicians...

you knwo at the end of the say your right
we have a budget of 2.7 trillion on the last GOP budget
The last 3 major pieces of legislation the GOP passed, 2 of them where the expansion of govt
No child left behind
Medicare D
I guess I caanot see radical in that

Dont forget Sarbanes Oxly

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