Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

Haven't read this whole thread through, So I don't know if this has been brought up;

Multiple perspective here.

How fanciful.

You know you can measure the speed of light yourself, with a television and a piece of aluminum foil? Off topic, but fun stuff nonetheless.
There is nothing complicated about the pyramids as a 2 year old can stack blocks without help

You are STUPID

That would take a two year old that is 500 feet tall. Can you imagine the size of the diaper they would need ?
LOL so the aliens came here from alpha centuria and couldn't figure out any better building material than stone.

Again the pyramids are not in any way complicated as they are merely one block stacked on another and repeat.
Yes, that is the only logical explanation for the pyramids.

Stone is a good building material and could easily survive the journey through space.

Ever see Ant-Man?
They could have just shrunk the pyramids down to where you could fit them in your pocket and then brought them back to normal size when they got here.

View attachment 489812

Makes more sense than a bunch of dumb Egyptians building them.
LOL so the aliens built the pyramids from space stone.

OK kid you are really ant man, at least in the IQ area anyway

Actually the quarries where the pyramid stone came from is well known as is the type of rock.

Seriously can you explain why the aliens brought their own stone to Earth to build?

Eleven miles away is NOT alien.

Surviving written records, including papyri discovered in 2013 at Wadi al-Jarf on Egypt's Red Sea coast, indicate that large groups of workers — sometimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza.

The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer.

The group of workers transported limestone by boat along the Nile River a distance of about 11 miles (18 kilometers) from Tura to the Great Pyramid, where the stone was used to build the outer casing of the monument.
The pyramids are likely lost technology and much older than believed. Great video that dispels much of establishment theories.
Sorry I missed this post. I posted some articles about this.

Haven't read this whole thread through, So I don't know if this has been brought up;

Multiple perspective here.

How fanciful.

You know you can measure the speed of light yourself, with a television and a piece of aluminum foil? Off topic, but fun stuff nonetheless.

Your mind is so enslaved.
Haven't read this whole thread through, So I don't know if this has been brought up;

Multiple perspective here.

How fanciful.

You know you can measure the speed of light yourself, with a television and a piece of aluminum foil? Off topic, but fun stuff nonetheless.

ramses yul brenner did not have a television
Haven't read this whole thread through, So I don't know if this has been brought up;

Multiple perspective here.

How fanciful.

You know you can measure the speed of light yourself, with a television and a piece of aluminum foil? Off topic, but fun stuff nonetheless.

Your mind is so enslaved.

Oooh, that's disconcerting. Apparently the same applies to the global community of archaeologists. Won't they be surprised to learn that a bunch of message board goobers have outsmarted them using google searches and blogs!
It's a good time to note something that is ever present in these discussions with magical thinkers:

One of their favorite tactics is to accuse others of being "closed-minded". This is an absurd red herring that applies more to them than to anyone else. Simpleminded gaslighting is all that is. "Open-minded" does not mean acceopting any magical idea that comes down the pike. "Open-minded" means being willing to consider new information and assess whether or not it is good evidence of an idea. "Closed-mindedness", among other things, is insisting on the truth or strong possibility of things despite the evidence standing against it.

those who would consider all the evidence and go where it leads are open-minded. Those who are closed-minded will ignore the evidence and continue to desperately try to construct an idea that was laughed out of the room long ago by those who collect and study the evidence.
The pyramids were build by using slave labor that cannot be replicated by today's machinery
Oh look, another red herring. Exactly what slave labor cannot be replicated by machines? What the heck does this even mean? We absolutely could replicate anything these ancient people did. All you are banking on is the fact that we dont yet know exactly how they did it, then trying to cram your silly god of the gaps into these gaps in our knowledge.
I have attended lectures recently where it has been clearly stated that no machinery exists today that can handle the weight of the stones.
  • Funny
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It's a good time to note something that is ever present in these discussions with magical thinkers:

One of their favorite tactics is to accuse others of being "closed-minded". This is an absurd red herring that applies more to them than to anyone else. Simpleminded gaslighting is all that is. "Open-minded" does not mean acceopting any magical idea that comes down the pike. "Open-minded" means being willing to consider new information and assess whether or not it is good evidence of an idea. "Closed-mindedness", among other things, is insisting on the truth or strong possibility of things despite the evidence standing against it.

those who would consider all the evidence and go where it leads are open-minded. Those who are closed-minded will ignore the evidence and continue to desperately try to construct an idea that was laughed out of the room long ago by those who collect and study the evidence.


The pyramids of Giza contain information and have properties that would have been beyond the means of the Egyptians​


Not coincidental:

Probably not coincidental:

Maybe coincidental:

  • The Great Pyramid encodes the equatorial circumference and the polar radius of the Earth.
  • The Great Pyramid encodes the speed of light.
  • The pyramids are correlated with Orion’s Belt.
Probably coincidental:

  • The pyramids are correlated with the Sun and the three inner planets of our solar system.. . . "

The Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy, study shows, which could enable new sensors and solar cells​

There is nothing complicated about the pyramids as a 2 year old can stack blocks without help

You are STUPID

That would take a two year old that is 500 feet tall. Can you imagine the size of the diaper they would need ?
LOL so the aliens came here from alpha centuria and couldn't figure out any better building material than stone.

Again the pyramids are not in any way complicated as they are merely one block stacked on another and repeat.
Yes, that is the only logical explanation for the pyramids.

Stone is a good building material and could easily survive the journey through space.

Ever see Ant-Man?
They could have just shrunk the pyramids down to where you could fit them in your pocket and then brought them back to normal size when they got here.

View attachment 489812

Makes more sense than a bunch of dumb Egyptians building them.
LOL so the aliens built the pyramids from space stone.

OK kid you are really ant man, at least in the IQ area anyway

Actually the quarries where the pyramid stone came from is well known as is the type of rock.

Seriously can you explain why the aliens brought their own stone to Earth to build?

Eleven miles away is NOT alien.

Surviving written records, including papyri discovered in 2013 at Wadi al-Jarf on Egypt's Red Sea coast, indicate that large groups of workers — sometimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza.

The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer.

The group of workers transported limestone by boat along the Nile River a distance of about 11 miles (18 kilometers) from Tura to the Great Pyramid, where the stone was used to build the outer casing of the monument.
The pyramids are likely lost technology and much older than believed. Great video that dispels much of establishment theories.
Sorry I missed this post. I posted some articles about this.

I’ve followed Jimmy of Bright Insight for sometime. He’s good.
There is nothing complicated about the pyramids as a 2 year old can stack blocks without help

You are STUPID

That would take a two year old that is 500 feet tall. Can you imagine the size of the diaper they would need ?
LOL so the aliens came here from alpha centuria and couldn't figure out any better building material than stone.

Again the pyramids are not in any way complicated as they are merely one block stacked on another and repeat.
Yes, that is the only logical explanation for the pyramids.

Stone is a good building material and could easily survive the journey through space.

Ever see Ant-Man?
They could have just shrunk the pyramids down to where you could fit them in your pocket and then brought them back to normal size when they got here.

View attachment 489812

Makes more sense than a bunch of dumb Egyptians building them.
LOL so the aliens built the pyramids from space stone.

OK kid you are really ant man, at least in the IQ area anyway

Actually the quarries where the pyramid stone came from is well known as is the type of rock.

Seriously can you explain why the aliens brought their own stone to Earth to build?

Eleven miles away is NOT alien.

Surviving written records, including papyri discovered in 2013 at Wadi al-Jarf on Egypt's Red Sea coast, indicate that large groups of workers — sometimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza.

The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer.

The group of workers transported limestone by boat along the Nile River a distance of about 11 miles (18 kilometers) from Tura to the Great Pyramid, where the stone was used to build the outer casing of the monument.
The pyramids are likely lost technology and much older than believed. Great video that dispels much of establishment theories.
Sorry I missed this post. I posted some articles about this.

I’ve followed Jimmy of Bright Insight for sometime. He’s good.

I'm not saying that the Pyramids were "built by Aliens," there are many, many other possibilities.

The very fact that establishment media, governments, and educational bureaucracies had already put that paradigm out there? Should make us suspicious of that narrative.
There is a reason that the library of Alexandria was sacked, and valuable information seems to disappear from the internet while the useless stuff hangs around forever.

I have looked into that narrative of. . . the three ages of Earth's history, with, very little success. The third age, and the second age, you can find information on, but, the first age? Not so much.

Also, if time travel had been developed? Who the hell knows? :dunno:

One thing I can tell you about . . . is human nature.

The global ruling oligarchy seems to be the same across all ages, and throughout time. :heehee:

There is NO evidence that the Hebrews were ever in Egypt.

Live Science
Who built the Egyptian pyramids?
Owen Jarus 3 hrs ago

Egypt's pyramids are an archaeological marvel, rising high above the desert sands and visible for miles on end. Building these pyramids was undoubtedly a mammoth task, so who were the individuals that pulled it off?

a man riding a horse in a desert with Great Pyramid of Giza in the background: A Bedouin on a camel by the Pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure at the Giza Necropolis in Egypt.© Provided by Live Science A Bedouin on a camel by the Pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure at the Giza Necropolis in Egypt.
There are many theories about who built Egypt's pyramids, including large teams of enslaved Jewish people and wilder ideas, such as inhabitants of the 'lost' city of Atlantis or even aliens.

None of these theories, however, have evidence to back them up.

The pyramids could not have been constructed by Jewish slaves, as no archaeological remains that can be directly linked to the Jewish people have been found in Egypt that date back to 4,500 years ago, when the Giza pyramids were built, archaeological research has revealed. Additionally the story told in the Hebrew Bible about Jews being slaves in Egypt refers to a city named "Ramesses." A city named pi-Ramesses was founded during the 19th dynasty (about 1295-1186 B.C.) and was named after Ramesses II, who ruled 1279–1213 BC. This city was constructed after the era of pyramid construction had ended in Egypt.

"We have no clue, not even a single word, about early Israelites in Egypt: neither in monumental inscriptions on walls of temples, nor in tomb inscriptions, nor in papyri," wrote archaeologists Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman in their book "The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of its Sacred Texts" (The Free Press, 2001).

What's more, no archaeological evidence has ever been found for the lost city of Atlantis in any time period, and many scholars believe that the story is fictional. As for aliens, well, that idea is out of this world.

In fact, all the evidence shows that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, Egyptologists say. But how the pyramid builders lived, how they were compensated and how they were treated is a mystery that researchers are still investigating.

The pyramids and their builders
Egypt has more than 100 ancient pyramids, but its most famous include the first step pyramid, built during the reign of the pharaoh Djoser (about 2630-2611 B.C.), and the first true pyramid — one that has smooth sides — built under the rule of pharaoh Snefru (about 2575-2551 B.C.), Mark Lehner wrote in his book, "The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries" (Thames & Hudson, 2008). The Great Pyramid was constructed at Giza during the reign of pharaoh Khufu (about 2551-2528 B.C.), and two of his successors, Khafre (about 2520-2494 B.C.) and Menkaure (about 2490-2472 B.C.), also had pyramids built at Giza.

Pharaohs gradually stopped building pyramids during the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.), choosing instead to be buried in the Valley of the Kings, which is located about 300 miles (483 km) south of Giza, Lehner noted in his book. Over the past few decades, archaeologists have found new pieces of evidence that provide clues as to who the pyramid builders were and how they lived.

Surviving writteasimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza. The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer. The group of workers transported limestone by boat along the Nile River a distance of about 11 miles (18 kilometers) from Tura to the Great Pyramid, where the stone was used to build the outer casing of the monument.

In the past, Egyptologists had theorized that the pyramid builders were largely made up of seasonal agricultural workers who had reached a point in the year in which there was little agricultural work to be done. However, it remains to be seen whether this is actually true. The papyri detailing the pyramid's histories are still in the process of being deciphered and analyzed, but the results indicate that the gang led by Merer did far more than help with pyramid construction.
No evidence of Israelites in Egypt? A false premise based not upon finds of archeology but a negative of what has not been found. Because something has not been found is not an indication that it never happened. Examples follow from history actual. There are several instances of Prima Facie evidence demonstrating that indeed the Hebrews were at some point in their history familiar with Egyptian history.

1. It had been thought that the Egyptians never used grapes........thus dismissing the record of Joseph found in Genesis 40 where Joseph interpreted a dream from the account of the Pharaohs personal butler concerning GRAPES/WINE. The Historian Herodotus stated that the Egyptians grew no grapes and drank no wine from grapes causing many to doubt the accuracy of the scriptures. However this supposed historian was proven wrong when paintings were discovered on some the ancient Egyptian tombs. These prints showed the growing of vines, the pruning and dressing thereof, the cultivating and processing of the juices, as well as scenes of drunkeness.

2. The archeological findings of the bricks mentioned used in a passage describing the construction of bricks when the Israelites helped construct 2 treasure cities in Pithom and Raamses for the Pharaoh. (Ex. 1:11, Ex. 5) We are informed that they made bricks first with straw as a binding agent, then they had to use stubble and finally make bricks without a binder made purely of clay because of a shortage of straw and stubble.

In 1883, Naville, and in 1908, Kyle .....found at Pithom one of the cities constructed by the Israelites spoken of in Ex., the science of Archeology proved that the layers of bricks where just as described in the Holy Scriptures. The lower layers of brick were constructed using good straw, the middle layers used stubble, and the last layers were made entirely of clay.

3. The Hittite people where mentioned 48 times in scripture.......its important because scriptures detail how the nation of Hittites blocked Israel's path during the Exodus. Again people declared the Bible wrong concerning the escape from Egypt because no evidence of such a nation as the Hittites was ever unearthed.

Once again evidence is unearthed by the science of Archeology. In 1876 George Smith found the capital city of the Hittites.....in Asia Minor near Djerabis called "Carchemish".
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there is MORE compelling evidence that jews were in egypt---LINGUISTICALLY--
I have an "in law" named "aseneath" ---from hubby's family which
REMAINED in the LEVANT -----since forever and-----did everything kinda biblically.
and Hebraically. That name is the name of Joseph's EGYPTIAN WIFE----and not
at all Hebrew or aramaic-------it is a name PICKED UP IN EGYPT----the rest of
the nine kids ALL have hebrew names. I was born in the USA---but----somehow got
a Persian name---ASCRIBED to me-----from---well----you know where. Linguistics
are as good as DNA for pinning people to their REMOTE PAST

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