Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

Whoever did knew math and physics that we no longer know.
Haha.....wuuuuuuut. Grade A nuttery.
OK bigshot...build a pyramid.
A pyramid shaped pile of stones? No problem. Should i do it before or after i build this?:

Actually the question of who built the pyramids is obvious.


Living in a land governed by conservatives.

Were it otherwise they'd still be doing the Environmental Impact Statements, battling in court and killing each other in NIMBY disputes.
-you missed my point ENTIRELY which actually referred to FORMS
of architecture.
No i didnt. It was a stupid point that was easily crushed by surada and deserved no further response.

My interest in this -- and my point that you keep ignoring in favor of tantrums and of repeating yourself -- is that your bizarre diatribe on this has its origins in religious apologism and desperation, all arising from a dishinest and desperate effort to prop up a bit of iron age mythology.

This merely explains your bizarre behavior. It is not meant to be a specific rebuttal to any of your absurd claims. You lost that debate already and don't even realize it.
I understand your "point" and you did not make it. I was not arguing RELIGION as
you IMAGINE I was. As for Surada---he/she/it has never made a valid point in its
life. Only an IDIOT ignores "SCRIPTURAL WRITINGS" ------and SEEKS to discredit
them as an occupation. <<<< that includes all scriptural writings. Aesop is not
scriptural. The Bhagavad Gita is
I'll wait while you Google how to build one.
Go right ahead. But i hate to break it you: your silly whining is not actually support for your bizarre claim of knowledge of math and physics that we have yet to achieve. It's just you changing lanes to talking about an individual poster in lieu of any good arguments. Which you always do. Next will be a madeup anecdote about all the physicists and architects you personally know agreeing with you. Rinse, repeat.
I'll wait while you Google how to build one.
Go right ahead. But i hate to break it you: your silly whining is not actually support for your bizarre claim of knowledge of math and physics that we have yet to achieve. It's just you changing lanes to talking about an individual poster in lieu of any good arguments. Which you always do. Next will be a madeup anecdote about all the physicists and architects you personally know agreeing with you. Rinse, repeat.
I'll wait while you Google how to build one.
Go right ahead. But i hate to break it you: your silly whining is not actually support for your bizarre claim of knowledge of math and physics that we have yet to achieve. It's just you changing lanes to talking about an individual poster in lieu of any good arguments. Which you always do. Next will be a madeup anecdote about all the physicists and architects you personally know agreeing with you. Rinse, repeat.
My eldest brother is an award winning astrophysicist -----want me to ask him?
I'll wait while you Google how to build one.
Go right ahead. But i hate to break it you: your silly whining is not actually support for your bizarre claim of knowledge of math and physics that we have yet to achieve. It's just you changing lanes to talking about an individual poster in lieu of any good arguments. Which you always do. Next will be a madeup anecdote about all the physicists and architects you personally know agreeing with you. Rinse, repeat.
My eldest brother is an award winning astrophysicist -----want me to ask him?
FFI is an award winning asshole.
I understand your "point" and you did not make it.
Excuse you. Show me ONE source of your bizarre claim in any academic work anywhere. Tje source of your claim is the writings of a 6th century. Catholic bishop. That's a known fact. That's my point. It is made. Now watch as you present zero good arguments or sources for the pyramids being grain storage.

Which further makes my point that the origin of your bizarre diatribe is silly religious apologism. What more can be done to make this point? I cant reason you out of a position i to which you did not reason yourself in the first place. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but rather throwing up a brick wall for you to bash your head against, in the hopes that the repeated damage to your brain and ego will give you pause the next time you decide to try to sell a little embarrassing bit of snake oil like this.
irosie91 i notice both of you want to ask your brothers or challenge me to build a pyramid.

This is because, if you actually asked the global community of archaeologists what they think, you would get laughed out of the room. So what do you have left?
I understand your "point" and you did not make it.
Excuse you. Show me ONE source of your bizarre claim in any academic work anywhere. Tje source of your claim is the writings of a 6th century. Catholic bishop. That's a known fact. That's my point. It is made. Now watch as you present zero good arguments or sources for the pyramids being grain storage.

Which further makes my point that the origin of your bizarre diatribe is silly religious apologism. What more can be done to make this point? I cant reason you out of a position i to which you did not reason yourself in the first place. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but rather throwing up a brick wall for you to bash your head against, in the hopes that the repeated damage to your brain and ego will give you pause the next time you decide to try to sell a little embarrassing bit of snake oil like this.
You post makes no sense. You actually IMAGINE that you KNOW exactly what every
structure that pops out of the sands was USED FOR. According to your post since I lost
my keys yesterday-----they never existed. PS---I never ARGUED that what are called---
variably Pyramids or Mastabas WERE used as grain storage----My statement was that some
of them COULD HAVE BEEN SO UTILIZED. You have a very closed mind. I have no idea
about the theories of a 6th century Catholic Bishop. Did he get MADE a saint?
My eldest brother is an award winning astrophysicist -----want me to ask him?
So what? His personal opinion on this would hold no more weight than, say, an insane neurosurgeon named Ben Carson.
What is "this" in the garble you posted. You have some evidence that Dr Ben Carson is
INSANE. Have you ever been called upon to evaluate a patient for INSANITY?
I understand your "point" and you did not make it.
Excuse you. Show me ONE source of your bizarre claim in any academic work anywhere. Tje source of your claim is the writings of a 6th century. Catholic bishop. That's a known fact. That's my point. It is made. Now watch as you present zero good arguments or sources for the pyramids being grain storage.

Which further makes my point that the origin of your bizarre diatribe is silly religious apologism. What more can be done to make this point? I cant reason you out of a position i to which you did not reason yourself in the first place. I am not trying to convince you of anything, but rather throwing up a brick wall for you to bash your head against, in the hopes that the repeated damage to your brain and ego will give you pause the next time you decide to try to sell a little embarrassing bit of snake oil like this.
I doubt the pyramids were built for grain storage.
Most likely for regal burials.
You actually IMAGINE that you KNOW exactly what every
structure that pops out of the sands was USED FOR.
Idiotic non sequitur.

Now you are in la la land. You have zero evidentiary support, and all the evidence stands against your bizarre claims.

So you are left to change the discussion to arguing against a magical, non-existent person who claims to know the original use for "every structure that pops out of the sands". Enjoy playing with your imaginary little friend. Maybe he will appreciate your imaginary, bizarre claims more than the global community of archaeologists would.
irosie91 i notice both of you want to ask your brothers or challenge me to build a pyramid.

This is because, if you actually asked the global community of archaeologists what they think, you would get laughed out of the room. So what do you have left?
So you think an archeologist could build a pyramid solely with man power?
Not bad...that would make Egyptians look like truly cruel assholes.
Let's kill a few million people to build a pyramid.

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