Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

600,000 moved to Palestine in 15 years and doubled the population. Can you imagine that happening in the US?
600,000 is nothing for an arid land.
Your geography sucks.
Of course, after the Jews got there, the land turned green and then the Arabs wanted the toil of the Jews.
600,000 moved to Palestine in 15 years and doubled the population. Can you imagine that happening in the US?

600,000 moved to Palestine in 15 years and doubled the population.


How many Muslims moved there after the Jews started to build the economy?
Who built the pyramids? Who knows? Does anyone know why we actually don't know a great deal about past generations regardless of our modern technology? Because knowledge and wisdom die with each generation, we personally know only what we, within our lifetimes have accumulated, the rest depends upon a oral history, a written history or theories claiming to know what the past was like by learning about the present with the assumption that nothing has changed since antiquity.

One of the wisest men recorded in the Judeo/Christian history known as the Holy Bible declares it as such, "There is no remembrance of former things (past), nor will there be remembrance of things that are to come (future) by those who will come after." -- Eccl. 1:11

To quote something other than the Bible in recent history there was a person who concluded (and its seems reasonably true), "Each generation considers itself to be more intelligent than those who came before, and wiser than the one that comes after".

This is folly and foolish thinking. Each generation knows only what they actually experience........we are not computers whose hard drives can stored in the Cloud to save for future generations.

Consider how long there has been non-resolved debate about who actually built the pyramids, the statues of Easter Islands, the Nazca lines that can only be seen from an arial view, yada, yada, yada, etc., there are many mysteries that man with all his modern technologies have failed to literally learn. Why? Because there is no direct knowledge.

Are we smarter because we have a different technologies than our ancestors? We still can't figure out what our ancestors were up to because we are incapable of duplicating these things with all our modern tech. Another example would the fact that the Myan's created a far superior method of calculating dates i.e, a calendar, that we use today with all our modern computers. Y2K ring a bell?
There is NO WAY ancient humans could have constructed something as massive and complex as the pyramids.

The only logical explanation is that Ancient Aliens constructed the pyramids on their planet and transported them to Egypt.
Through the Stargate?
Every rational person.

Ancient egyptians.
A rational person has no need to debate anything. He just presents the objective, testable, reproducible evidence to sustain that which he CLAIMS to know is true. Proceed.......show how rational you actually are...........end the debate. :abgg2q.jpg: And receive your Nobel Prize in idiocy.

Must be one of those smarter than the previous generation Millennials that majored in socialism. Just what the world needs.
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A ration person has no need to debate anything. He just presents the objective, testable, reproducible evidence to sustain that which he CLAIMS to know is true. Proceed.......show how rational you actually are...........end the debate. :abgg2q.jpg:
We know when they were built. We know where. We know people built them. We know they were in Egypt.

And there you have it. No need for childish religious fantasies or childish emojis.
According to Islam everyone who loves God is a Muslim. It's very inclusive.. not like Judaism.
you know nothing about Judaism, suradie and have been demonstrating even less knowledge of islam over months. For the
record----suradi's statement would not hold
up in a shariah court of law where a dhimmi is
a dhimmi and a kafir is a kafir

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