Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Get over it and move on!

Why? Here’s two responses I am looking for.

NOBODY! ...because everything Trump said is true.

None. It was 100% true.

There are five lies in Trump’s tweet that cannot be flipped to true. The lies were used to incite a riot on that day.

If you believe those lies are in fact lies
good for you.

if it doesn’t interest you to find a way to improve political discourse then go away..

It will be interesting to see if protectionist and theHawk can make a case that Trump’s tweet is absolute truth.

There is no state that wanted their certified results to be sent back and flipped to Trump.,

This makes it a current event because protectionist and theHawk are keeping Trump’s 45 day old lies alive. They are surrogate liars for Trump and they must be considered brainless and dangerous for the betterment of America. Do you agree with that?
he is 47 days out of office,

HE is still lying about the election and therefore is conducting himself detrimental to all future elections. His election lies are a form of violence against millions of Americans that don’t look like him and voted to rid the nation of his menace. His lies call their vote fraud.
he is 47 days out of office,

HE is still lying about the election and therefore is conducting himself detrimental to all future elections. His election lies are a form of violence against millions of Americans that don’t look like him and voted to rid the nation of his menace. His lies call their vote fraud.

It doesn't matter anymore, he is 47 days and counting out of office, he has lost many court cases over it, now he is in Florida.

I don't give a shit if his tweet is correct or not, it is not important anymore since he is out and will never be in power again.

attempting to critic a tweet from over two months ago.
Has Trump or his deluded masses given up the election fraud lies yet?

And this tweet is key evidence in the ‘ongoing investigations into the DJTQ 1/6 RIOT.

Should Trump’s lead role in the insurrection not be criticized and investigated?
I can easily show you 5 lies made by Hillary Clinton, William Clinton, Barak Obama and so on.

But none that were lies that were as egregious and directly related to inciting a riot for the direct purpose of overturning a presidential election that would, if it succeed m, have made the loser of that election the winner.

If you have specific lies by others that were of such monumental consequence as that Trump series please post it. I would love to learn about such a beast.
I can easily show you 5 lies made by Hillary Clinton, William Clinton, Barak Obama and so on.

But none that were lies that were as egregious and directly related to inciting a riot for the direct purpose of overturning a presidential election that would, if it succeed m, have made the loser of that election the winner.

If you have specific lies by others that were of such monumental consequence as that Trump series please post it. I would love to learn about such a beast.

Because I don't care to participate in YOUR partisan hypocrisy.
Because I don't care to participate in YOUR partisan hypocrisy.

In other words you don’t have anything that compares to trumps big stop the steal riot tweet.
Trump simply farted in public again. It stunk then and is no better now. Luckily he lost the election and the insurrection. His tweet is similar to a decaying dog turd left laying around after fido has been sent back home. You guys should clean up after your pets.
Meanwhile, after the 2016 election, the Dems and MSM told us for three years that the 2016 election was stolen via Russian influence, the only real proof that ever surfaced was that some Russian bought ~$10,000 in Facebook ads.

the Dems and MSM had a source:
Key Judgments​
Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations.​

I’m not sure what your sources or experience could be that you are capable of writing off US intelligence assessments as all lies, but I won’t argue that matter with someone who could be working on a Russian troll farm somewhere.

But I would like to draw your attention to that 2017 judgment I posted above. This phrase from that paragraph is so relevant to this thread I’m glad you tried to divert from it with your Russia Russia pout.

“Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order”​

Think about that in conjunction with what Trump’s insurrection tweet contains

“All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"​

Moscow had to be quite happy as it was with the insurrection they got out of Trump and his militant white nationalist fan club.

But just how overjoyed Moscow would have been if Pence had joined the insurrection as Trump wanted and he found a way to stop the certification and throw the entire 2020 election into chaos.

That I believe was Trump’s goal. chaos. He wanted to stop Biden’s certification and get it into the courts. Tie it up in court such that the it forces the election to be settled in the House of Representatives where Trump wins. Find an excuse to impose martial law.
Trump: “All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN.”​
Putin: “Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order,”​
The goals are intertwined.​

Too fuckin close to fuckin chaos for me. Can we stop with the whataboutism and focus on the real threat from Trump’s final acts to undermine US -led liberal democratic order,”
Obama lied as a candidate that you couid keep your doctor - give me a fucking break.
>I’m not sure what your sources or experience could be that you are capable of writing off US intelligence assessments as all lies,

I read the dossier the day it was released. Anyone with half a brain could tall it was a complete fabrication. Yet, this fake document, which was paid for by the Dems, was used to illegally spy on US citizens by the US intelligence agencies.

>but I won’t argue that matter with someone who could be working on a Russian troll farm somewhere.

LOL. You are a pice of work. No wonder you were so gullible to believe the Russia Russia Russia BS. You dutifully even propel novel nonsense today. You might want to see a psychologist. Seriously.

> 2020: @During the signing of a proclamation to honor National Nurses Day, Trump again said Obamacare would be replaced “with great healthcare at a lesser price, and preexisting conditions will be included and you won’t have the individual mandate.”

Trump delivered on his promise to lower prescription drug prices (Biden cancelled this in his first days, resulting in American paying more for insulin and Epipens and such than other countries). He also delivered on his promise to end the individual mandate. If he was given another term, he promised to further improve health care for Americans.

You didn't know this??
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Who can tell which libbers still have Trump centerfolds hanging on their walls???
I read the dossier the day it was released.

I am not referring to the steel DOSSIER.

Nice diversion from the facts.


Key Judgments
Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations

So you read all that from US intelligence agency’s and somehow you know it’s all not true because you think it’s the steel dossier? WTF?

Quite the brain fart there on your part.
Wacko alert!

Impressive response to a simple question

“Has Trump or his deluded masses given up the election fraud lies yet?”
Why would we deluded masses do that, we know the fake leftyvirus mailin ballots were not quality checked for accuracy. Its perfectly legal to challenge the results of any election, oh except in perhaps the countries you are used to Herr Libber.
Trump delivered on his promise to lower prescription drug prices (

Let’s see your back up on that:

Numerous fact checks have found that there's no evidence that Trump's policies have meaningfully slashed drug prices, as he's repeatedly claimed, let alone by "80 to 90 percent."

Brand name drug prices are on the rise, too.
Trump delivered on his promise to lower prescription drug prices (

Let’s see your back up on that:

Numerous fact checks have found that there's no evidence that Trump's policies have meaningfully slashed drug prices, as he's repeatedly claimed, let alone by "80 to 90 percent."

Brand name drug prices are on the rise, too.
Fact checks by whom, wacko libber goons like yourself??
we know the fake leftyvirus mailin ballots were not quality checked for accuracy.

You know? You actually know? When did you give Rudy and Sydney Powell a call? Why have you been holding out on them?
Anyone with common sense would realize that thousands and thousands perhaps millions of fake mailins with only the president selected are ridiculously illegitimate. Yes I actually know because I know how to actually vote
Fact checks by whom,

If you don’t like fact checks just give me some data. You made a claim so tell me where is the back up m, where is the data where are the examples of prescription drugs coming down 80 to 90%. I haven’t noticed anything like that. Or coming down 10%. There must be some kind of record of such things.
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