Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Why ? For welfare leeches ? Only Democrats talk about such things.
Gosh, over 60 partial and full repeals of Obamacare while Obama was in office.

Surely you can find their repeal of Obamacare while Trump was in office!

You know you can't. That's why you and bripat are dancing all over the place. You can't embarrass me and shut me up and show it to me.

You know I'm right. You were seriously hoaxed.

Trump. Lied.
Poor Republicans. Poor Trump.

After 60 pandering votes to partially or fully repeal Obamacare, they somehow lost the repeal paperwork once Trump was elected and they had all the power!

It must have been in Hillary's email server. Yeah, that's it!

"I left it in my other pants."
If you don’t like fact checks just give me some data. You made a claim so tell me where is the back up m, where is the data where are the examples of prescription drugs coming down 80 to 90%. I haven’t noticed anything like that. Or coming down 10%. There must be some kind of record of such things.
In July 2020 President Trump signed four executive orders designed to reduce drug costs. One order permitted certain medications be imported in from Canada and another order changed the way how discounts for prescription drugs can be negotiated for Medicare patients. The most radical order mandated Medicare to sell certain medications at the same price in foreign counties.


President Trump signs executive orders on lowering drug prices
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Poor Republicans. Poor Trump.

After 60 pandering votes to partially or fully repeal Obamacare, they somehow lost the repeal paperwork once Trump was elected and they had all the power!

It must have been in Hillary's email server. Yeah, that's it!

"I left it in my other pants."
You are diminishing your political reputation by advocating Obamacare. That's not the right way for people to obtain medical care.
Keep going with the pandemic numbers and trying to pin them in Trump. See how far it will get you. Right now Trump's approval rating is higher than Biden. People aren't stupid enough to be DUPED by you're selling. You're better off just rigging the election again, like they're doing in California right now,
Who was president, gramps? Wasn't Obama ... Wasn't Biden ... it was ... ?

As far as Biden's JAR vs Trump's JAR ...

9/9 RCP average...

Biden: 45.3%
Trump: 39.9%

If you are referring to the 33.8% GDP growth in the 3rd quarter of 2020, that's because red states stopped being snookered by Fauci, Pelosi and Democrats advocating lockdowns, and opened their economies back up again. The big GDP drops of the first half of 2020 was from the lockdowns. The big gains afterward were from the reopening. Go ask your local 5th graders. They'll explain it to you.
"My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
You are diminishing your political reputation by advocating Obamacare. That's not the right way for people to obtain medical care.
I have always been against Obamacare. Would you like to see my posts to that effect?

Anyone who is opposed to Obamacare should be pissed as fuck for being hoaxed by Trump and the GOP about repealing it.
I have always been against Obamacare. Would you like to see my posts to that effect?

Anyone who is opposed to Obamacare should be pissed as fuck for being hoaxed by Trump and the GOP about repealing it.
I pay no attention to it all. If people want medical care, get a job or join the military.

The important issues are immigration, anti-white racism (CRT, AA, ARP), terrorism & Islamization, gun rights, the economy, crime.
I pay no attention to it all. If people want medical care, get a job or join the military.

The important issues are immigration, anti-white racism (CRT, AA, ARP), terrorism & Islamization, gun rights, the economy, crime.
Repealing and replacing Obamacare was the GOP's and Trump's biggest drum they beat. It's what got the GOP the majority in Congress.

I understand why you pretend to pay no attention to it since you would have to face head-on that you were profoundly and repeatedly hoaxed.

And the AARP is anti-white? :lol:

They are old white people!
"My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
Yeah. That was in the first half of the year with lockdowns, just like I said. And when Republicans realized they were being scammed to make the econoimy look bad in amn election year, they stopped locking down, in the 3rd quarter, and the economy boomed.

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes: :slap:
Yeah. That was in the first half of the year with lockdowns, just like I said. And when Republicans realized they were being scammed to make the econoimy look bad in amn election year, they stopped locking down, in the 3rd quarter, and the economy boomed.
At the expense of 600,000 American lives.
Repealing and replacing Obamacare was the GOP's and Trump's biggest drum they beat. It's what got the GOP the majority in Congress.

I understand why you pretend to pay no attention to it since you would have to face head-on that you were profoundly and repeatedly hoaxed.
Oh brother! No it was NOT. The economy was the big issue. So was immigration, for those who were not DUPED by leftist media, and understood the many HARMS of illegal immigration.

I understand why you pay attention to Obamacare - it's because you're a liberal who values social giveaways, to those too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and go out and get a job, and too chickenshit to join the military.
At the expense of 600,000 American lives.
50,000 at most. You're so DUPED you don't even know how/why the ludicrous 600,000 number is an inflated fabrication. The CDC documented it (and I posted their document) in May 2020.

Year and a half later, and youre still clueless on it. Ever hear of Commorbities ? Never mind. Information-deprived liberal airheads really fck up a forum like this.
Oh brother! No it was NOT. The economy was the big issue. So was immigration, for those who were not DUPED by leftist media, and understood the many HARMS of illegal immigration.

I understand why you pay attention to Obamacare - it's because you're a liberal who values social giveaways, to those too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and go out and get a job, and too chickenshit to join the military.
As I stated earlier, and am willing to bombard you with the evidence, I have alway been opposed to Obamacare.

I am also a retired veteran.

Nice try.
Who was president, gramps? Wasn't Obama ... Wasn't Biden ... it was ... ?

As far as Biden's JAR vs Trump's JAR ...

9/9 RCP average...

Biden: 45.3%
Trump: 39.9%
Doesn't matter who was president, It wasn't the president who funded the Wuhan lab, and if it was, it would have been Obama (on his watch).

It wasn't the president who kept the lockdowns going into the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020.That was blue state governors.

And it wasn't the president who blocked the stimulus checks from being sent out. That was Pelosi. Ho hum.


You are almost as bad as the two tards who claimed last week on this forum that only 9 people have died from Covid.
You don't know what the numbers are - you admitted just now, you thought it was 600,000. You are clueless.

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