Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

I knew you would run away and claim you have not seen evidence of Trump's lies.

The willful blindness of you Trumpies is dazzling and breathtaking. Seriously.
Not running anywhere. I am right here - wasting my time talking to you, who pretends you have lies spoken by Donald Trump, but you're unable to show any.
He said, "We just approved, after 44 years -- they've been trying to get it -- Veterans Choice."

He was clearly trying to take credit for Obama's Choice Act. He told this lie countless times, including the "44 years" horseshit.

He would always say "Choice". He did not misspeak. He was willfully lying.
Wow, are you ever uninformed. For your edification Obama's Choice Act was a total flop. Trump revised it as the MISSION Act, which now is a total success (I myself benefitted from it with 2 surgeries outside the VA Hospital).

Nobody "takes credit" for something that was an utter failure. Trump got his well deserved credit from HIS Mission Act, not anything of Obama's.

Negative three million jobs. Worst record since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover. And as you point out, that's his "biggest accomplishment."
Keep going with the pandemic numbers and trying to pin them in Trump. See how far it will get you. Right now Trump's approval rating is higher than Biden. People aren't stupid enough to be DUPED by you're selling. You're better off just rigging the election again, like they're doing in California right now,

It's hysterical how you DON'T want to count job losses during covid but you DO want to count job gains.

TFB, gramps. They ALL count.
If you are referring to the 33.8% GDP growth in the 3rd quarter of 2020, that's because red states stopped being snookered by Fauci, Pelosi and Democrats advocating lockdowns, and opened their economies back up again. The big GDP drops of the first half of 2020 was from the lockdowns. The big gains afterward were from the reopening. Go ask your local 5th graders. They'll explain it to you.
Wow, are you ever uninformed. For your edification Obama's Choice Act was a total flop. Trump revised it as the MISSION Act, which now is a total success (I myself benefitted from it with 2 surgeries outside the VA Hospital).

Nobody "takes credit" for something that was an utter failure. Trump got his well deserved credit from HIS Mission Act, not anything of Obama's.
If he thought the Mission Act was so great, why did he not mention it the 150+ times he bragged about passing the Choice Act after others had tried for "44 years"?

Because he is full of shit. He lied. He was trying to take credit for Obama's achievement. That's why.
Not running anywhere. I am right here - wasting my time talking to you, who pretends you have lies spoken by Donald Trump, but you're unable to show any.
The willful blindness on your part is astounding. Simply astounding.

Poor, demented gramps, you don't have a font big enough to wash away Trump’s abysmal record of 3 million jobs lost on his watch.
The only thing needing washing is your silly posts trying to blame Trump for what Democrats did, so they could point to a bad economy, at the same time that Trump was in office, like you're doing now. Trouble for you is, this is all past history, and everybody has long recognized the ploy.

Wanna tell us about the alleged racist white boys of the Duke lacrosse team, or still claim that Rodney King was a victim of police brutality, 30 years after the KTLA scam was exposed ? I wouldn't be surprised if you would. :rolleyes:
As I said, why would I bother talking to use except to ridicule you?

You're a fcuking moron.
You can only respond this way because you can't prove your claim Trump submitted a repeal of Obamacare.

What a shame.
I respond this way because you're an idiot.
You respond this way because you were caught in a lie. And because deep down you cannot bear the truth that Trump and the GOP hoaxed you for YEARS. :lol:
You respond this way because you were caught in a lie. And because deep down you cannot bear the truth that Trump and the GOP hoaxed you for YEARS. :lol:

I respond this way because you're an idiot.

I'm not going to pretend that you have the capacity to commit logic, or even want to.
If he thought the Mission Act was so great, why did he not mention it the 150+ times he bragged about passing the Choice Act after others had tried for "44 years"?

Because he is full of shit. He lied. He was trying to take credit for Obama's achievement. That's why.
That's one of the moist idiotic posts of this entire year. Nobody takes credit for something lousy, which is what the Choice Act was, and it was not an achievement. The MISSION Act was the "achievement". Number 53 in my list of TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS. :biggrin:
That's one of the moist idiotic posts of this entire year. Nobody takes credit for something lousy, which is what the Choice Act was, and it was not an achievement. The MISSION Act was the "achievement". Number 53 in my list of TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS. :biggrin:
Trump took credit for the Choice Act. Overe 150 times! So he obviously thought it was really something great, by your own thinking.
Trump took credit for the Choice Act. So he obviously thought it was really something, by your own thinking.
That's one of the moist idiotic posts of this entire year. Nobody takes credit for something lousy, which is what the Choice Act was, and it was not an achievement.

The MISSION Act was the "achievement". Number 53 in my list of TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS. :biggrin:

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