Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?


You're beyond demented, gramps. Numbers don't just disappear from memory just because you don't like them. They are what they are. And despite your constipation, they are counted on Trump's watch. Just like abysmal jobs numbers in 2009 are counted against Obama even though he wasn't responsible for the Great Recession.
"Trump's watch" is the false flag idea of how/why Democrats created the pandemic, and wrecked the economy, And here you are showing it off. You don't even realize what you are dispalying here.
It was 600,000. Certainly not 50,000.
Damn fool doesn't even know that was refuted by the CDC in May 2020. HA. Keep talking. Show us all how ignorant you are, information-deprived liberal airhead.

Doesn't know about the Commorbitities the CDC talked about in their memo about the inflated Covid death numbers, and how it all happened.

Information-deprived. liberal, :lame2: airheads fck up a forum like this. :rolleyes:

When protectionist asked for ONE example of Trump lying, and I buried him with Trump's lies about Obamacare, his reponse is that Obamacare is a non-issue. :lol:

We are seeing in real time how a self-delusion evolves, folks.

He will still claim no one has ever proven Trump lied when challenged, despite the SEVERAL examples I provided.

Damn fool doesn't even know that was refuted by the CDC in May 2020. HA. Keep talking. Show us all how ignorant you are, information-deprived liberal airhead.

Doesn't know about the Commorbitities the CDC talked about in their memo about the inflated Covid death numbers.

Information-deprived. liberal, :lame2: airheads fck up a forum like this. :rolleyes:
Show me where the CDC said 50,000 deaths.
So? Trump's only been out of office for 8 months compared to Obama who's been out for 4 years and 8 months. Not to mention, Trump works hard to keep himself in the news everyday still while Obama isn't heard from often.

Keep slurpin', Rambtard.
And Trump will be in the news, when he wins POTUS election again in 2024.

When protectionist asked for ONE example of Trump lying, and I buried him with Trump's lies about Obamacare, his reponse is that Obamacare is a non-issue. :lol:

We are seeing in real time how a self-delusion evolves, folks.

He will still claim no one has ever proven Trump lied when challenged, despite the SEVERAL examples I provided.

I refuted your silly, feeble attempt at posting an alleged Trump lie. I gave you DAYS to do it. You came up with nothing, while you pretend that you did. Not my problem.
Show me where the CDC said 50,000 deaths.
I don't recall how manuy deaths they said, but they said the numbers were grossly INFLATED because hospitals were reporting very inflated numbers as a result of the CARES Act PAYING THEM ACCORDING TO the # of COVID DEATHS REPORTED.

The Commorbitities raised the number exponentially. People were being pulled dead out of car accidents, and they were being reported as Covid. You know nothing.

Practically everyone in America knows (and HAS known it for 1 year & 1/2) this, except you. You are pathetically ignorant.
Damn fool doesn't even know that was refuted by the CDC in May 2020.
I wonder if the CDC will let me borrow their time machine.

How else did they know the Covid death toll to the end of Trump's watch eight months into the future way back in May 2020?

Maybe they'll let me borrow it if I promise I'll only use the time machine to do good...
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I wonder if the CDC will let me borrow their time machine.

How else did they know the Covid death toll to the end of Trump's watch eight months into the future way back in May 2020?

Maybe they'll let me use it if I promise I'll only use the time machine to do good...
Nobody claimed they knew that. They made a statement in May 2020, regarding the Covid deaths at that time. Since the CARES Act still applies, as it has all along, everyone knows the hospitals are still over-reporting, to get money from the CARES Act. God, you are ignorant. I should be paid for teaching you all this.

And stop posting posts attempting to look smart and cool. You look like an IDIOT.
Nobody claimed they knew that. They made a statement in May 2020, regarding the Covid deaths at that time. Since the CARES Act still applies, as it has all along, everyone knows the hospitals are still over-reporting, to get money from the CARES Act. God, you are ignorant. I should be paid for teaching you all this.

And stop posting posts attempting to look smart and cool. You look like an IDIOT.
So, in other words, you have no proof the CDC said only 50,000 people died from covid on Trump's watch. You made it up.

You really shouldn't model yourself after Trump's mendacity. It's sad.
So, in other words, you have no proof the CDC said only 50,000 people died from covid on Trump's watch. You made it up.

You really shouldn't model yourself after Trump's mendacity. It's sad.

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Yeah. That was in the first half of the year with lockdowns, just like I said. And when Republicans realized they were being scammed to make the econoimy look bad in amn election year, they stopped locking down, in the 3rd quarter, and the economy boomed.

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes: :slap:
At least you finally admit the lockdowns were due to Trump's recommendations. Now the forum sees it's blind partisanship preventing you from holding him accountable for that.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

It's a bit difficult to tell. If he speaks it's rarely the truth.
Doesn't matter who was president, It wasn't the president who funded the Wuhan lab, and if it was, it would have been Obama (on his watch).

It wasn't the president who kept the lockdowns going into the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020.That was blue state governors.

And it wasn't the president who blocked the stimulus checks from being sent out. That was Pelosi. Ho hum.


Dumbfuck, Trump was president. Like it or not, it falls on him. Like it or not, history already recorded the job losses on his watch. I wasn't around in the 30's but I have no doubt there were rightwing lunatics like you who tried to dismiss the job losses and economy during Hoover's chaotic term. Nothing can change the numbers under Hoover who's now widely regarded as one of the worst presidents. Likewise with Trump. And like with Hoover, the numbers are what they are. Excuses will not wash them off of Trump like excuses failed to help Hoover.

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