Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Correll wrote; I actually, imo, have insight into what Trump was thinking at the time. I have empathy for/with him and imo, can see and feel things from his perspective, 21DEC05-POST#0660

NFBW wrote: DJT’s ‘perspective’ produced the lie that seven states WANTED their certified electors back which wouid mean thay did not want their states votes counted in the 2020 election. So whatever state of mind that DJT was in on the morning of Jan6 has no bearing on the intended OUTCOME of the disinformation given to that angry mob who were led to believe that they deserved to be angry at Mike Pence because he would not do what seven states wanted him to do in order for DJT to stay in power after jan20. 21DEC09-POST#0711

Are you so emotionally invested in the idea that TRump lied, that you cannot deal with the idea that he might have been mistaken?

Because that is what I am seeing in you. You are... in a state of denial, over a very, very, VERY simple concept, and you seem to have an obsessive, deeply emotional, even HYSTERICAL, need to believe and constantly repeat your belief that Trump lied, instead of being mistaken.

Trump had at least was operating in the heat of the moment,

what is your excuse?
Correll wrote: Do you live under a rock? 21DEC07-POST#0710

NFBW wrote: No. I have fully witnessed with great interest and comprehension the race related violence that occurred and had a peak in the summer of 2020. The worst of it was the Chauvin Riots and came to a relative end with the Rittenhouse war in Kenisha. 21DEC09-POST#0713
OP21mar08-BLM The Black Lives Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or counterprotesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters.​

In short, our data suggest that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. - - - These figures should correct the narrative that the protests were overtaken by rioting and vandalism or violence. - - - Such claims are false. Incidents in which there was protester violence or property destruction should be regarded as exceptional – and not representative of the uprising as a whole. - - - In many instances, police reportedly began or escalated the violence, but some observers nevertheless blame the protesters. - - - OP21mar08-BLM - - - The claim that the protests are violent – even when the police started the violence – can help local, state and federal forces justify intentionally beating, gassing or kettling the people marching, or reinforces politicians’ calls for “law and order.” - - - Given that protesters were objecting to extrajudicial police killings of Black citizens, protesters displayed an extraordinary level of nonviolent discipline, particularly for a campaign involving hundreds of documented incidents of apparent police brutality​

NFBW wrote: You have accused Correll the BLM organization / movement of using peaceful protests as a means to accomplish it’s true “Ill intent” to spark anti-white violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder. - You are a liar - That us 21DEC09-POST#0713

NFBW wrote: . You exposed you are lying on 21SEP28 in your POST #3498 in which you confessed that you have no way of knowing if the riots were truly spontaneous or not.

@Correll wrote: I have no way of knowing if the riots were truly spontaneous or not. 21SEP28-POST#3498

NFBW wrote: I cited radcliffe.harvard. for my data - you pull emotions out of your ass for your data Correll . and about the only honesty we ever got out of you was when you wrote the truth “. . “I have no way of knowing” . . 21DEC09-POST#0713

So, you have not lived under a rock. Good. The massive rioting and violence of blm/antifa of the last 5 years, has been clear.

Your side's silly talk of "mostly peaceful" is absurd and dismissed.
Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote: Please explain Correll how video showing street violence, rioting and looting on tv and youtube etc becomes evidence tying the criminals who committed those acts to a single organizer at BLM or a conspiratorial association to commit that violence to the leadership at BLM or any group or group of groups on the left? Dont you have to investigate in order to make that connection. Have you done that investigation or have you been sitting on a sofa watching riot news on NewsMax instead? 21DEC09-POST#0717

It is called a "pattern". You can deduce...facts by noticing a "pattern".

Like when you give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year.

A normal person would start to realize that his talk about being hungry, is what is known as a "lie", and see the pattern.

You, not you. You would keep giving him money until he dies of alcohol poisoning.
Correll wrote: Are you so emotionally invested in the idea that Trump lied, that you cannot deal with the idea that he might have been mistaken? 21DEC10-POST#0721

NFBW wrote: There is no emotions involved on my side Correll . . . DJT made a very serious mistake if he thinks he got word that there were seven states that he lost with large percentages of urban black voters that wanted their certified electors back after December 14. It was a mistake. a fucking DJT MISTAKE. It was a mistake because it is not true. There was no state that wanted their certified election back - it never happened - and doing so would be absurd because it would have been a decision by each state per the EASTMAN procedural insurrection plan to cancel their voters right to have a voice in the election. IF DJT Read the EASTMAN memo he wouid have been aware that his path to winning meant disenfranchising millions of voters ONLY in states that he lost. THATS A MISTAKE TOO. it’s a mistake grounded in DJT’s incompetence. Do I believe DJT was an incompetent president in mind body and soul? Absofuckinglutely I do. DJT’s mistake was also a lie. He converted a mistake into disinformation to be passed to his supporters who went to DC motivated to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Biden based on that lie and many many more off the lips and thumbs of DJT. 21DEC10-POST#0724
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OldFlame wrote: . . . BLM, the Marxist organization that's a shell company created to send money right into the 'D' coffers? lol 21JAN28-POST#142

NFBW wrote: What motivated you to lie about BLM OldFlame being a shell company created to send money to Democrats? 21DEC10-POST#0720

I didn't lie, go do your own damn research.
OldFlame wrote: [ICODE][/ICODE]I didn't lie, go do your own damn research. DJT 21DEC10-POST#0725
Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc., the organization that operates the Black Lives Matter website, is a nonprofit. 20JUN16-BLM-Politifacr​

The Internal Revenue Service stipulates that 501(c)(3) organizations are "absolutely prohibited" from making contributions to political campaigns.​

Our ruling A popular claim on social media asserts that donations to Black Lives Matter go directly to ActBlue, which uses them to fund Democratic campaigns. JACOBSON | POLITIFACT.COM | 10:35 am CDT June 16, 2020​

NFBW wrote: You are a liar OldFlame. You didn’t do any realistic research. When Candace Owens says anything it’s best to assume she is lying. - - - If you have evidence that BLM is a shell corporation funneling money to the DNC By all means contact tHE IRS to report it.. . . If not quit lying. 21DEC10-POST#0726
OldFlame wrote: [ICODE][/ICODE]I didn't lie, go do your own damn research. DJT 21DEC10-POST#0725
Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, Inc., the organization that operates the Black Lives Matter website, is a nonprofit. 20JUN16-BLM-Politifacr​

The Internal Revenue Service stipulates that 501(c)(3) organizations are "absolutely prohibited" from making contributions to political campaigns.​

Our ruling A popular claim on social media asserts that donations to Black Lives Matter go directly to ActBlue, which uses them to fund Democratic campaigns. JACOBSON | POLITIFACT.COM | 10:35 am CDT June 16, 2020​

NFBW wrote: You are a liar OldFlame. You didn’t do any realistic research. When Candace Owens says anything it’s best to assume she is lying. - - - If you have evidence that BLM is a shell corporation funneling money to the DNC By all means contact tHE IRS to report it.. . . If not quit lying. 21DEC10-POST#0726

You're a fool if you think that's all there is to it. :cuckoo:
The Jan 6th FEAR PORN is ONLY about trying to damage Trump.

There is nothing else.

Those people were not a threat the assume LEADERSHIP OF THE USA.

You fuckin liars.
OldFlame wrote: You’re a fool if you think that's all there is to it. 21DEC10-POST#0727

NFBW wrote: No, I would be a fool if I accepted your word that you are not a liar. You have made an allegation that the BLM organization has been committing a crime. As much as I know you hate these people it is not comprehensible that if you had evidence of a crime that you would not take it to the authorities. You are a liar, you don’t have any evidence, and there’s no way you can convince anyone otherwise. You’re a liar. You got caught lying. It’s nobody’s fault but your own. 21DEC10-POST#0729
OldFlame wrote: You’re a fool if you think that's all there is to it. 21DEC10-POST#0727

NFBW wrote: No, I would be a fool if I accepted your word that you are not a liar. You have made an allegation that the BLM organization has been committing a crime. As much as I know you hate these people it is not comprehensible that if you had evidence of a crime that you would not take it to the authorities. You are a liar, you don’t have any evidence, and there’s no way you can convince anyone otherwise. You’re a liar. You got caught lying. It’s nobody’s fault but your own. 21DEC10-POST#0729
Is Black Lives Matter Laundering MILLIONS to Biden's Campaign?
Correll wrote: Are you so emotionally invested in the idea that Trump lied, that you cannot deal with the idea that he might have been mistaken? 21DEC10-POST#0721

NFBW wrote: There is no emotions involved on my side .....

Near as I can tell, all you did there was rave, with a side of race baiting.

Your emotional investment in Trump being the bad guy, has been pretty much demonstrated.

Thanks for playing.

Moving on, what more it there to say about it? You are hung up on wace, like a retarded child and...really, that is it. Oh, and your nonsense about a coup attempt.
Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote:
Please explain Correll how video showing street violence, rioting and looting on tv and youtube etc becomes evidence tying the criminals who committed those acts to a single organizer at BLM or a conspiratorial association to commit that violence to the leadership at BLM or any group or group of groups on the left? Dont you have to investigate in order to make that connection.

Correll wrote: It is called a "pattern". You can deduce...facts by noticing a "pattern". 21DEC10-POST#0723

NFBW wrote: You are accusing a single organizer at BLM / or a conspiratorial association at BLM of having the “INTENT” to promote violence looting and arson that would not happen if the BLM organization did not promote it . . . FOR POLITICAL ENDS! 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: Instead of an investigation into the individuals that you accuse of promoting anti/white violence you Correll tell us you deduced yourself into that conclusion by seeing a pattern emerge by watching riots on TV. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: A Question is necessary at this point Correll because I do not see how it is possible to deduce intent and responsibility on individuals you cannot see looting or throwing rocks at police on TV at the locations where the criminals are engaging in violence. You give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. THATS CUTE Correll but you can YOU FUCKING SEE HIM do it. You do not see the leadership at BLM on One America News. So how did you make your deduction, WATSON?? 21DEC10-POST#0734
No. He lied. There was no reason to believe a word of any of that. Stop treating him like he is a retarded child.

So, in your mind, Trump is incapable of normal human error? How odd. I always had the opposite feel from libs in the past. Suddenly, your opinion of Trump seems pretty much the opposite of what you have been pretending it was, for like, five years.

Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote:
Please explain Correll how video showing street violence, rioting and looting on tv and youtube etc becomes evidence tying the criminals who committed those acts to a single organizer at BLM or a conspiratorial association to commit that violence to the leadership at BLM or any group or group of groups on the left? Dont you have to investigate in order to make that connection.

Correll wrote: It is called a "pattern". You can deduce...facts by noticing a "pattern". 21DEC10-POST#0723

NFBW wrote: You are accusing a single organizer at BLM / or a conspiratorial association at BLM of having the “INTENT” to promote violence looting and arson that would not happen if the BLM organization did not promote it . . . FOR POLITICAL ENDS! 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: Instead of an investigation into the individuals that you accuse of promoting anti/white violence you Correll tell us you deduced yourself into that conclusion by seeing a pattern emerge by watching riots on TV. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: A Question is necessary at this point Correll because I do not see how it is possible to deduce intent and responsibility on individuals you cannot see looting or throwing rocks at police on TV at the locations where the criminals are engaging in violence. You give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. THATS CUTE Correll but you can YOU FUCKING SEE HIM do it. You do not see the leadership at BLM on One America News. So how did you make your deduction, WATSON?? 21DEC10-POST#0734

No, you don't see him do it. He takes the dollar and you see him drunk later in the day.

Seriously, your emotional involvement is making you make mistakes in your logic and thinking.

Which, completely demonstrates my point.

Unless you want to argue that President Trump is beyond human limitations like error or mistakes?
That was not normal human error. That was Trump just making shit up.

My position, that you replied to, was that he might have made an honest mistake. You and Not seem to believe that to be impossible.

Indeed, the very idea that TRump could be in error seems inconceivable to both of you.

YOu certainly are unable to explain yourself or your reasoning in any rational way.

Ironically, this emotional, dare I say, hysterical... delusion you both find yourself under,

proves my point.


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