Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Correll wrote: So, in your mind, Trump is incapable of normal human error? 21DEC10-POST#0737

Correll wrote
: If someone is very emotional, and assumes the most beneficial, to him, possible assumptions, that person could possibly be wrong, but he would NOT be lying. 21DEC03-POST#0636

NFBW wrote:
Correll has a long history of appealing for mercy due to DJT’s mental instability following his loss to sleepy Joe.. 21DEC03-POST#0740

NFBW wrote: Do you really believe Correll that the secretary of state or governor whomever certified their states election that the winner was Biden, was going to tell his or her constituents that he or she wanted to take that certification back after December 14 so he could tell the voters in his state that they no longer will be participating in the 2020 election because we want the certifications back so that DJT will Win?? 21DEC03-POST#0638

NFBW wrote: I
t is not an assumption to state that seven states that Biden won “want” their certifications back so that the voters in those states no longer have have a say in the outcome of the election after they voted with the 8 million majority who want to be rid of the orange goon because of shit like this. - - - Think about your argument Correll bringing in DJT as a victim in an unstable state of mind who makes an excusable little human emotional mistake based on lie after lie that had he had more accomplices in those seven states plus Mike Pence being willing to violate the Constitution for himself to retain power millions of absolutely legal voters are crushed into non-existence at Mike Pence’s whim. Are you in favor of that chain of events becoming reality for a mistake because DJT was mad and upset Correll??????? 21DEC03-POST#0637

@Correll wrote: Are you so emotionally invested in the idea that Trump lied, that you cannot deal with the idea that he might have been mistaken? 21DEC10-POST#0721

NFBW wrote: There is no emotions involved on my side Correll . . . DJT made a very serious mistake if he thinks he got word that there were seven states that he lost with large percentages of urban black voters that wanted their certified electors back after December 14. It was a mistake. a fucking DJT MISTAKE. It was a mistake because it is not true. There was no state that wanted their certified election back - it never happened - and doing so would be absurd because it would have been a decision by each state per the EASTMAN procedural insurrection plan to cancel their voters right to have a voice in the election. IF DJT Read the EASTMAN memo he wouid have been aware that his path to winning meant disenfranchised millions of voters ONLY in states that he lost. THATS A MISTAKE TOO. it’s a mistake grounded in DJT’s incompetence. Do I believe DJT was an incompetent president in mind body and soul? Absofuckinglutely I do. DJT’s mistake was also a lie. He converted a mistake into disinformation to be passed to his supporters who went to DC motivated to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Biden based on that lie and many many more off the lips and thumbs of DJT. 21DEC10-POST#0724
. You and Not seem to believe that to be impossible.
You are a liar Correll . Trump couid be mistaken when he told his stop the steal mob that states wanted their certified electors back - Pence should send them back - and then MAGA CULT wins by elimination of seven states from the electoral college voting. It rather elaborate mistake based on something obviously not true. BUT TRUMP is a dumbass so anything is possible. It’s more likely that he lied by your desperate attempts to deny its a lie Correll whether DJT knew he was lying or not.
Correll wrote: So, in your mind, Trump is incapable of normal human error? 21DEC10-POST#0737

Correll wrote
: If someone is very emotional, and assumes the most beneficial, to him, possible assumptions, that person could possibly be wrong, but he would NOT be lying. 21DEC03-POST#0636

NFBW wrote:
Correll has a long history of appealing for mercy due to DJT’s mental instability following his loss to sleepy Joe.. 21DEC03-POST#0740

NFBW wrote: Do you really believe Correll that the secretary of state or governor whomever certified their states election that the winner was Biden, was going to tell his or her constituents that he or she wanted to take that certification back after December 14 so he could tell the voters in his state that they no longer will be participating in the 2020 election because we want the certifications back so that DJT will Win?? 21DEC03-POST#0638

NFBW wrote: I
t is not an assumption to state that seven states that Biden won “want” their certifications back so that the voters in those states no longer have have a say in the outcome of the election after they voted with the 8 million majority who want to be rid of the orange goon because of shit like this. - - - Think about your argument Correll bringing in DJT as a victim in an unstable state of mind who makes an excusable little human emotional mistake based on lie after lie that had he had more accomplices in those seven states plus Mike Pence being willing to violate the Constitution for himself to retain power millions of absolutely legal voters are crushed into non-existence at Mike Pence’s whim. Are you in favor of that chain of events becoming reality for a mistake because DJT was mad and upset Correll??????? 21DEC03-POST#0637

@Correll wrote: Are you so emotionally invested in the idea that Trump lied, that you cannot deal with the idea that he might have been mistaken? 21DEC10-POST#0721

NFBW wrote: There is no emotions involved on my side Correll . . . DJT made a very serious mistake if he thinks he got word that there were seven states that he lost with large percentages of urban black voters that wanted their certified electors back after December 14. It was a mistake. a fucking DJT MISTAKE. It was a mistake because it is not true. There was no state that wanted their certified election back - it never happened - and doing so would be absurd because it would have been a decision by each state per the EASTMAN procedural insurrection plan to cancel their voters right to have a voice in the election. IF DJT Read the EASTMAN memo he wouid have been aware that his path to winning meant disenfranchised millions of voters ONLY in states that he lost. THATS A MISTAKE TOO. it’s a mistake grounded in DJT’s incompetence. Do I believe DJT was an incompetent president in mind body and soul? Absofuckinglutely I do. DJT’s mistake was also a lie. He converted a mistake into disinformation to be passed to his supporters who went to DC motivated to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Biden based on that lie and many many more off the lips and thumbs of DJT. 21DEC10-POST#0724

If you were truly unemotional about this, you would admit that people make emotional decisions all the time. Especially in the heat of the moment, when the stakes are very high and very personal.

You would concede that Trump was operating on what he wanted to be true, and certain did not give a FUCK about teh color of the voters in the any of the states.

That is just you being an asshole, btw.

ANd then we could move on to...something relevant.

Also, an additional point. YOur pretense that it is a "mental instability" to make an emotional decision, is you being an asshole also. Ironically it is because you are so emotionally invested in this issue.

Well, really your entire lefty paradigm.
You are a liar Correll . Trump couid be mistaken when he told his stop the steal mob that states wanted their certified electors back - Pence should send them back - and then MAGA CULT wins by elimination of seven states from the electoral college voting. It rather elaborate mistake based on something obviously not true. BUT TRUMP is a dumbass so anything is possible. It’s more likely that he lied by your desperate attempts to deny its a lie Correll whether DJT knew he was lying or not.

Do you believe in God?
Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#238

NFBW wrote: Does the Eastman Plan to make DJT win by shit-canning millions of voters in seven states that Biden won, count as an attempted insurrection Correll ????? If not, what do you wish to call it, Correll . You were wrong to deny it was an insurrection. 21DEC11-POST#0747

Correll wrote: One riot, that lasted for like FOUR hours, is your biggest attack? And it wasn't against any "traditionally disadvantaged" group, but against the Deep State and Biden. 21SEP12-POST#32

NFBW wrote: The J6DJT riot targeted voters in seven states that voted for Biden. The purpose of the riot was to stop the counting of electors and reject enough states so that electoral college votes needed to win was to be reduced from 270 to 228. So with the seven states eliminated from being counted there would be 232 votes for Trump, and now only 222 votes for Biden. Pence would then gavel President Trump as re-elected. Have a nice day. It was an attack on Biden voters nationwide as much as it was an attack on Congress and the Constitution. It was not an attack on a non-existent deep state Correll. So because it was an attack on Biden voters, many of which are "traditionally disadvantaged" members of society, you can shove that conspiracy theory up your white racist ass. Deep State resisting whacko that you are. 21DEC11-POST#0747
Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote:
Please explain Correll how video showing street violence, rioting and looting on tv and youtube etc becomes evidence tying the criminals who committed those acts to a single organizer at BLM or a conspiratorial association to commit that violence to the leadership at BLM or any group or group of groups on the left? 21DEC09-POST#0717

Correll wrote: It is called a "pattern". You can deduce...facts by noticing a "pattern". 21DEC10-POST#0723

Correll wrote: Like when you give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. 21DEC10-POST#0723

NFBW wrote: You are accusing a single organizer at BLM / or a conspiratorial association at BLM of having the “INTENT” to promote violence looting and arson that would not happen if the BLM organization did not promote it . . . FOR POLITICAL ENDS! 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: Instead of an investigation into the individuals that you accuse of promoting anti/white violence you Correll tell us you deduced yourself into that conclusion by seeing a pattern emerge by watching riots on TV. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: A Question is necessary at this point Correll because I do not see how it is possible to deduce intent and responsibility on individuals you cannot see looting or throwing rocks at police on TV at the locations where the criminals are engaging in violence. . . . . You do not see the leadership at BLM on One America News. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: You give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. THATS CUTE @Correllbut you can YOU CAN FUCKING SEE HIM do it, (Be drunk) 21DEC10-POST#0734

Correll wrote: No, you don't see (the bum) him do it. He takes the dollar and you see him drunk later in the day. 21DEC10-POST#0738

NFBW wrote: yes you see him drunk personally as evidence that you wasted your dollar. But you still do not see the leader ship at BLM engaging in political violence on your stupid Newsmax news reel. You are such a dumb ass Correll. 21DEC12-POST#0748
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Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#238

NFBW wrote: Does the Eastman Plan to make DJT win by shit-canning millions of voters in seven states that Biden won, count as an attempted insurrection Correll ????? If not, what do you wish to call it, Correll . You were wrong to deny it was an insurrection. 21DEC11-POST#0747

Correll wrote: One riot, that lasted for like FOUR hours, is your biggest attack? And it wasn't against any "traditionally disadvantaged" group, but against the Deep State and Biden. 21SEP12-POST#32

NFBW wrote: The J6DJT riot targeted voters in seven states that voted for Biden. The purpose of the riot was to stop the counting of electors and reject enough states so that electoral college votes needed to win was to be reduced from 270 to 228. So with the seven states eliminated from being counted there would be 232 votes for Trump, and now only 222 votes for Biden. Pence would then gavel President Trump as re-elected. Have a nice day. It was an attack on Biden voters nationwide as much as it was an attack on Congress and the Constitution. It was not an attack on a non-existent deep state Correll. So because it was an attack on Biden voters, many of which are "traditionally disadvantaged" members of society, you can shove that conspiracy theory up your white racist ass. Deep State resisting whacko that you are. 21DEC11-POST#0747

Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote:
Please explain Correll how video showing street violence, rioting and looting on tv and youtube etc becomes evidence tying the criminals who committed those acts to a single organizer at BLM or a conspiratorial association to commit that violence to the leadership at BLM or any group or group of groups on the left? 21DEC09-POST#0717

Correll wrote: It is called a "pattern". You can deduce...facts by noticing a "pattern". 21DEC10-POST#0723

Correll wrote: Like when you give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. 21DEC10-POST#0723

NFBW wrote: You are accusing a single organizer at BLM / or a conspiratorial association at BLM of having the “INTENT” to promote violence looting and arson that would not happen if the BLM organization did not promote it . . . FOR POLITICAL ENDS! 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: Instead of an investigation into the individuals that you accuse of promoting anti/white violence you Correll tell us you deduced yourself into that conclusion by seeing a pattern emerge by watching riots on TV. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: A Question is necessary at this point Correll because I do not see how it is possible to deduce intent and responsibility on individuals you cannot see looting or throwing rocks at police on TV at the locations where the criminals are engaging in violence. . . . . You do not see the leadership at BLM on One America News. 21DEC10-POST#0734

NFBW wrote: You give a bum a dollar, and you see him drunk later in the day. Every day. For a year. THATS CUTE @Correllbut you can YOU CAN FUCKING SEE HIM do it, (Be drunk) 21DEC10-POST#0734

Correll wrote: No, you don't see (the bum) him do it. He takes the dollar and you see him drunk later in the day. 21DEC10-POST#0738

NFBW wrote: yes you see him drunk personally as evidence that you wasted your dollar. But you still do not see the leader ship at BLM engaging in political violence on your stupid Newsmax news reel. You are such a dumb ass Correll. 21DEC12-POST#0748

It is a good analogy. You don't see the action in either case, but you see the result and thus know that it happened.

The drunk guy, must have drunk booze.

The BLM organizers, know that their protests become riots and, AT BEST, implicitly work with that, to have it happen and thus advance their goals though violence and rioting. And far more likely, there is some organization of actual violence.
It is a good analogy. You don't see the action in either case, but you see the result and thus know that it happened. DJT

Correll wrote: The BLM organizers, know that their protests become riots 21DEC12-POST#0750

NFBW wrote: That is a lie. It is not true when you declare that BLM organizers know that their protests become riots. That is because you do not know the difference between a spontaneous riot such as the Chauvin Riots and a BLM peaceful protest that is marred by violence. Your drunk bum analogy is pure stupid because the bum is visibly responsible for the RESULT that you yourself can physically see. You cannot make a case that BLM leaders are responsible for any results from their protests that involve violence. 92% of BLM protests are absolutely peaceful. Newsmax and every other network do not cover peaceful protests because peaceful protests are not news. So idiots like you can’t acknowledge that they happen. 21DEC12-POST#0751
Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

Correll wrote: You don't see the action in either case, but you see the result and thus know that it happened. 21DEC12-POST#0750

NFBW wrote: When you see the massive video evidence on TV of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends Correll, what is the “action” that produces the result and thus brings you to know that a BLM leader has acquired the “intent” to use violence and rioting for political ends and is therefore responsible for all riots and looting if black people are involved? - - - And have you distinguished Correll when riots spontaneously coincided with the Chauvin protests that you see on TV versus a BLM Protest that turns violent and then only then the violence is caught on TV? 21DEC13-POST#0752
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Correll wrote: A few isolated examples exist. It does not disprove the massive video evidence of a real lefty movement using violence and rioting for political ends. 21OCT03-POST#129

NFBW wrote
: Where is your evidence Correll that Patrisse Cullors, as executive director of BLMGN in the summer of 2020 was using the spontaneous looting and violence that occurred alongside some of the peaceful Chauvin protests for her political ends? 21DEC13-POST#0753
Correll wrote: The BLM organizers, know that their protests become riots 21DEC12-POST#0750

NFBW wrote: You are a liar Correll when you fabricate and spew your right wing shit such as the lie that Patrisse Cullors, as executive director of BLMGN knows that BLM protests become riots. BLM is not a police force that is responsible for keeping criminals who spontaneously commit violence when an event such as the Chauvin protests immediately erupted after the video recorded murder of George Floyd went viral. - - - The Chauvin protests were not Patrisse Cullors’ protests. It is ABSURD to suggest that they are because it is an obvious known fact that the Chauvin protests are a perfect example that race related violence is sparked by anger over police mistreatment and going up to actual killing of black suspects when it happens and specifically when the act of violence by police is spread on social media like wild fire. - - - Patrisse Cullors knew just like the rest of us that the murder of George Floyd by Dereck Chauvin sparked violence by criminals she cannot control. Your expectation for Patrisse Cullors becomes to shut BLM down in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd due to the acts of criminals and agent provocateurs who commit violence for the sake of committing violence. You are demanding no peaceful protests after violence erupt more than three times over a race related social injustice event or trigger. - - - You are demanding Correll an end to the First Amendment Right of Free Speech for citizens who are not criminals regarding grievance against police brutality and any race related justice matters we face as a society. THAT DEFINES YOU Correll 21DEC13-POST#0754
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Correll wrote: Your desire to hold the President responsible for the actions of other people, is you showing that you are willing to make up shit to justify jailing your political enemies. 21FEB14-POST#340

NFBW wrote: You are a liar because I do not hold DJT responsible for the criminal attack, trespassing, attacks on cops at the Capitol on Jan6 to overturn the election so he can stay around for a second term after he lost an extremely free and fair election. I hold DJT responsible for the Big LIE and . . . all according to the EASTMAN PLAN. 21OCT05-POST#723

Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#238

NFBW wrote: Are you in denial of the existence of the Eastman plan having an impact on the J6DJT riot. 21DEC13-POST#0755
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Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#238

NFBW wrote: Are you sure there was no White House Plan to steal the election from Biden voters? 21DEC13-POST#0756
"Mr. Meadows received text messages and emails regarding apparent efforts to encourage Republican legislators in certain States to send alternate slates of electors to Congress, a plan which one Member of Congress acknowledged was 'highly controversial' and to which Mr. Meadows responded, 'I love it,'" the report said.​
"Mr. Meadows responded to a similar message by saying '[w]e are' and another such message by saying 'Yes. Have a team on it,.​

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Correll wrote: One riot, that lasted for like FOUR hours, is your biggest attack? And it wasn't against any "traditionally disadvantaged" group, but against the Deep State and Biden. 21SEP12-POST#32

NFBW wrote: The J6DJT riot targeted voters in seven states that voted for Biden. The purpose of the riot was to stop the counting of electors and reject enough states so that electoral college votes needed to win was to be reduced from 270 to 228. So with the seven states eliminated from being counted there would be 232 votes for Trump, and now only 222 votes for Biden. Pence would then gavel President Trump as re-elected. Have a nice day. It was an attack on Biden voters nationwide as much as it was an attack on Congress 21DEC11-POST#0747

NFBW wrote: Do you grasp the reality Correll that the vast majority of "traditionally disadvantaged" American voters chose Biden over DJT and not the other way around? So why would you think that removing, not counting seven states of Biden voters is not an attack against a group of "traditionally disadvantaged" American citizens by the top law enforcement officer in the land? 21DEC13-POST#0757
Correll wrote: I have no problem with people who actually organized a riot, being arrested for organizing a riot. 21FEB21-POST#198

Correll wrote: I acknowledge the possibility that some of the riots might have been truly spontaneous events without any input from blm. 21MAR07-POST-#1002

Correll wrote: I have no way of knowing if the riots were truly spontaneous or not. 21SEP28-POST#3498

NFBW wrote: There is a critical fact Correll that you must accept if you expect to be taken seriously and operating with a competent mind on a message board discussion regarding riots in America. - - - The critical fact is that whenever a riot erupts spontaneously, it means the criminals who commit violence spontaneously are not doing so in any organized manner or pattern beyond the local association of criminal peers. - - - The criminals are not committing violence because they take direction from leaders as if they are pawns in some organizational scheme to accomplish something through violence. 21DEC14-POST#0758
Birds of a MAGAfeather flock together series of questions regarding J6DJT riot

9thIDdoc wrote: The rigged election constituted a coup against the United States, her government, and citizens. 21NOV25-POST#719

9thIDdoc wrote: The pretense of an "insurrection" has never been more than left wing propaganda and all their weeping and gnashing of teeth has provided zero proof otherwise. 21NOV25-POST#719

22lcidw wrote: Trump gave Pence an opportunity of a lifetime. Pence was a radio host before he entered politics. If anything was true about the election fraud and there was, then Pence could have lived up to what he spouted. Courage is difficult for most people. Now we have a demented buffoon in office who is destroying the United States piece by piece and his voters applauding him. 21NOV13-POST#087

Correll wrote: Your desire to hold the President responsible for the actions of other people, is you showing that you are willing to make up shit to justify jailing your political enemies. 21FEB14-POST#340

ThisIsMe wrote: Trump didn't incite a riot. How many times does it have to be said. He said "peaceful and patriotically make your voices heard". How does that translate to incitement? 20FEB07-POST#162

NFBW wrote: Is it true . MAGA birds? . . (#1) that DJT in mid-December began to promote a large gonna be “wild” rally seeking tens of thousands of his supporters who believed he actually won the 2020 election to be in DC specifically on Jan6 to attend a peaceful but wild rally that would be a patriot’s last chance to save America from Democrat Party destruction? 21DEC14-POST#0759

NFBW wrote: Is . . . statement (#1) . . . What Correll calls “made up shit” or is it something you can admit is true as an observed and objective fact? 21DEC14-POST#0759
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"Mr. Meadows received text messages and emails regarding apparent efforts to encourage Republican legislators in certain States to send alternate slates of electors to Congress, a plan which one Member of Congress acknowledged was 'highly controversial' and to which Mr. Meadows responded, 'I love it,'" the report said.​
Well, when the other side steals the election with fraudulent votes....

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