Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Correll wrote: All you have, is this silliness about two different "plans" and you... just being silly 21DEC19-POST#0870

NFBW wrote: There is not nor are there “two plans” being confused or conflated. - - - I am saying DJT, his lawyers, and a number of his most loyal Congressional Republicans met on December 21 at the White House to formalize ONE PLAN to march forward in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election that was certified as legitimate by all fifty states on December 14 2020 in that year of our Lord. - - - The plan set in motion by Lawyer John Eastman and others required the malicious act of overriding the voting rights of actual voters who cast legitimate legal ballots on days or weeks ahead of the official election day? The enacted plan effectively canceled just enough legitimate votes in just enough states that DJT lost which would revise the electoral college vote so that DJT wins instead instead of losing. - - - The singular goal of the “PLAN” was to cancel enough legitimate votes as necessary in order to make it possiblet that Trump becomes President on January 20, if all went as planned on January 6 . - - - So how is it not a PLAN to take over the government and why do you continue sympathy with and approval of DJT’s REAL attempt to procedurally to take control of the highest office of the government that he was not elected to be there by all Anericans that voted? 21DEC20-POST#0880

That plan has nothing to do with the riot or the physical capitol building, nor is it a coup, which is what you have been trying to claim this entire time.

YOu are insane. Literally insane.
NFBW wrote: Do you agree Correll and 9thIDdoc that DJT was involved in a plan to fight the certification of the 2020 election, in an absolutely peaceful and politically/legally way so that he wouid win re-election and be inaugurated on January 20? 21DEC20-POST#0882

@Correll wrote:
That plan has nothing to do with the riot on the physical capitol building, nor is it a coup, which is what you have been trying to claim this entire time. - - - You are insane. Literally insane. 21DEC20-POST#0881

NFBW wrote:
I have consistently informed you Correll that I absolutely believe it true and I am solidly in agreement with you that DJT’s involvement in the planning of the procedural coup attempt on Jan6 in no way had anything to do with plans to physically attack the US Capitol or use violence in any way to achieve the goal of decertification of votes in six states so that DJT wins a revision to the electoral college vote and is re-elected. Violence had no part in that PLAN - I fucking agree with you on that 100 percent Correll why can’t you keep it consistently in your head 21DEC20-POST#0882

Correll wrote:
So, since NOT has posted that he knows that Trump was calling for a peaceful protest, then he is admitting that all his earlier talk of insurrection was a lie, 21DEC15-POST#0805

NFBW wrote: I
do not presume to know DJT’s intent on December 20. The tweet being discussed did not make reference to violence. I have no reason to believe DJT‘s call for a big wild protest had an expectation of his protesters initiating and escalating into violence. so get that straight. - - - 21DEC15-POST#0810
NFBW wrote: Do you agree Correll and 9thIDdoc that DJT was involved in a plan to fight the certification of the 2020 election, in an absolutely peaceful and politically/legally way so that he wouid win re-election and be inaugurated on January 20? 21DEC20-POST#0882

@Correll wrote:
That plan has nothing to do with the riot on the physical capitol building, nor is it a coup, which is what you have been trying to claim this entire time. - - - You are insane. Literally insane. 21DEC20-POST#0881

NFBW wrote:
I have consistently informed you Correll that I absolutely believe it true and I am solidly in agreement with you that DJT’s involvement in the planning of the procedural coup attempt on Jan6 in no way had anything to do with plans to physically attack the US Capitol or use violence in any way to achieve the goal of decertification of votes in six states so that DJT wins a revision to the electoral college vote and is re-elected. Violence had no part in that PLAN - I fucking agree with you on that 100 percent Correll why can’t you keep it consistently in your head 21DEC20-POST#0882

Correll wrote:
So, since NOT has posted that he knows that Trump was calling for a peaceful protest, then he is admitting that all his earlier talk of insurrection was a lie, 21DEC15-POST#0805

NFBW wrote: I
do not presume to know DJT’s intent on December 20. The tweet being discussed did not make reference to violence. I have no reason to believe DJT‘s call for a big wild protest had an expectation of his protesters initiating and escalating into violence. so get that straight. - - - 21DEC15-POST#0810
A shame you can't listen. My opinion was, and always has been, that the election was fraudulent and the installation of an illegal government was the treasonous coup. Attempts to protect America by patriotic Americans (including the President) were entirely appropriate and might have avoided chaos. You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression.
NFBW wrote: Do you agree Correll and 9thIDdoc that DJT was involved in a plan to fight the certification of the 2020 election, in an absolutely peaceful and politically/legally way so that he wouid win re-election and be inaugurated on January 20? 21DEC20-POST#0882

@Correll wrote:
That plan has nothing to do with the riot on the physical capitol building, nor is it a coup, which is what you have been trying to claim this entire time. - - - You are insane. Literally insane. 21DEC20-POST#0881

NFBW wrote:
I have consistently informed you Correll that I absolutely believe it true and I am solidly in agreement with you that DJT’s involvement in the planning of the procedural coup attempt on Jan6 in no way had anything to do with plans to physically attack the US Capitol or use violence in any way to achieve the goal of decertification of votes in six states so that DJT wins a revision to the electoral college vote and is re-elected. Violence had no part in that PLAN - I fucking agree with you on that 100 percent Correll why can’t you keep it consistently in your head 21DEC20-POST#0882

Correll wrote:
So, since NOT has posted that he knows that Trump was calling for a peaceful protest, then he is admitting that all his earlier talk of insurrection was a lie, 21DEC15-POST#0805

NFBW wrote: I
do not presume to know DJT’s intent on December 20. The tweet being discussed did not make reference to violence. I have no reason to believe DJT‘s call for a big wild protest had an expectation of his protesters initiating and escalating into violence. so get that straight. - - - 21DEC15-POST#0810

So why do you keep going on about it so much, often in teh same posts that you go on about the legislative and political activities? What is the point of all of this>?
So why do you keep going on about it

I do not bring it up, you do. Since the Beginning of our discussions I have said I have never seen any evidence that DJT called for or wanted a riot or any kind of violence as part of his coup attempt to decertify the election in six states so he could become president.
Hossfly wrote: My prediction, since we found out today that Biden had a closed door meeting with his advisors and staff and Trump returned from Florida earlier than expected: Within the next few days, before the Electoral College vote, Biden will concede the election to Trump. If Biden does not concede, the Congress will decide the election. Either way, Trump wins. Stay tuned 20DEC31-POST#019

NFBW wrote: Were you copied on the Eastman Memo Hossfly prior to the J6DJT riot.
I do not bring it up, you do. Since the Beginning of our discussions I have said I have never seen any evidence that DJT called for or wanted a riot or any kind of violence as part of his coup attempt to decertify the election in six states so he could become president.
Interesting how you fail to mention the stolen election.
9thIDdoc wrote: My opinion was, and always has been, that the election was fraudulent and the installation of an illegal government was the treasonous coup. 21DEC21-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: You opinion is nonsense. It is a baseless lie to yourself. Because there are still a number of right wing lunatics sharing such rejection of law truth reality and American decency your opinion is not on indecent and tragic it is a danger to democracy abd therefore a threat to our country. You have much for which to be ashamed. You are deplorable. 21DEC21-POST#08
I do not bring it up, you do. Since the Beginning of our discussions I have said I have never seen any evidence that DJT called for or wanted a riot or any kind of violence as part of his coup attempt to decertify the election in six states so he could become president.

1. That's bullshit.

2. So, what is your point?
NFBW wrote: I have consistently informed you Correll that I absolutely believe it true and I am solidly in agreement with you that DJT’s involvement in the planning of the procedural coup attempt on Jan6 in no way had anything to do with plans to physically attack the US Capitol or use violence in any way to achieve the goal of decertification of votes in six states so that DJT wins a revision to the electoral college vote and is re-elected. Violence had no part in that PLAN - I fucking agree with you on that 100 percent Correll why can’t you keep it consistently in your head 21DEC20-POST#0882

NFBW wrote: I do not bring it up, you do. Since the beginning of our discussions I have said I have never seen any evidence that DJT called for or wanted a riot or any kind of violence as part of his coup attempt to decertify the election in six states so he could become president. 21DEC20-POST#0885

Correll wrote: 1. That's bullshit. 21DEC21POST#0889

NFBW wrote: How can it be bullshit when I have your acknowledgment in writing my saying DJT did not plan to have a riot on Jan6 21DEC21POST#0890

Correll wrote: So, since NOT has posted that he knows that Trump was calling for a peaceful protest, … 21DEC15-POST#0805
9thIDdoc wrote: My opinion was, and always has been, that the election was fraudulent and the installation of an illegal government was the treasonous coup. 21DEC21-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: You opinion is nonsense. It is a baseless lie to yourself. Because there are still a number of right wing lunatics sharing such rejection of law truth reality and American decency your opinion is not on indecent and tragic it is a danger to democracy abd therefore a threat to our country. You have much for which to be ashamed. You are deplorable. 21DEC21-POST#08
It is you and your comrads who pose the threat. Proud you think I'm deplorable. May your alleged gonads rot.
9thIDdoc wrote: My opinion was, and always has been, that the election was fraudulent and the installation of an illegal government was the treasonous coup. 21DEC21-POST#088

NFBW wrote: Your “opinion” belief, fantasy, self and mass delusion is not based on any kind of realistic assessment, or with verifiable certainty or positive knowledge or any kind of mentally serious or judicial review of the facts. Your belief 9thIDdoc comes from a con man, a hoaxer, a liar, a huxter, a pathetic sore assed loser. What may seem to be true, valid, or probable to a cult like electorate gone mad over a highly probable loss and actual landslide loss (if DJT’s 2016 win was just that) is very simply - not true. It isan opinion based on self-delusion and mass ignorance. YOU and Correll don’t try to defend your opinion. You both simply demand that your opinion be valued as fact. That cannot be. 21DEC22-POST#0892
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9thIDdoc wrote: My opinion was, and always has been, that the election was fraudulent and the installation of an illegal government was the treasonous coup. 21DEC21-POST#088

NFBW wrote: Your “opinion” belief, fantasy, self and mass delusion is not based on any kind of realistic assessment, or with verifiable certainty or positive knowledge or any kind of mentally serious or judicial review of the facts. Your belief 9thIDdoc comes from a con man, a hoaxer, a liar, a huxter, a pathetic sore assed loser. What may seem to be true, valid, or probable to a cult like electorate gone mad over a highly probable loss and actual landslide loss (if DJT’s 2016 win was just that) is very simply - not true. It isan opinion based on self-delusion and mass ignorance. YOU and Correll don’t try to defend your opinion. You both simply demand that your opinion be valued as fact. That cannot be. 21DEC22-POST#0892
My opinion is far better informed than yours' (which you also cannot prove). Only true idiots could believe that Biden could have won fairly or that we would elect an obviously incompetent dementia victim. The last year has proven that he can't even function as a believable puppet. My opinion has been stated as exactly that; not fact. You are the one trying to pass off opinion as fact which is silly because it is obvious that you don't know the difference.
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9thIDdoc wrote: You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression 21DEC20-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: Sorry to you - loser 9thIDdoc , The DOD is working with the Deep State against any future political MAGA extremist uprisings you may have in the conniving stage right now.

Report on Countering Extremist Activity Within the Department of Defense December 2021​
“The overwhelming majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense serve this country with honor and integrity. They respect the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We are grateful for that dedication... We owe the men and women of the Department of Defense an environment free of extremist activities, and we owe our country a military that reflects the founding values of our democracy.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Memorandum, December 20, 2021​

I’m confident that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity.have my back and not yours 9thIDdoc . THE MATTER is SETTLED with them. Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief. It is not DJT or retired General Qanon whack job Michael Flynn. If you wish to serve under the pretender CinC and his whackjob General in some kind of uprising against imagined tyranny and oppression - go for it loser. You will end up like the Jan6riot600 if you take it beyond talking tough on a message board. See you in court where your stupid opinions won’t matter. 21DEC20-POST#0894
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9thIDdoc wrote: You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression 21DEC20-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: Sorry to you - loser 9thIDdoc , The DOD is working with the Deep State against any future political MAGA extremist uprisings you may have in the conniving stage right now.

Report on Countering Extremist Activity Within the Department of Defense December 2021​
“The overwhelming majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense serve this country with honor and integrity. They respect the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We are grateful for that dedication... We owe the men and women of the Department of Defense an environment free of extremist activities, and we owe our country a military that reflects the founding values of our democracy.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Memorandum, December 20, 2021​

I’m confident that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity.have my back and not yours 9thIDdoc . THE MATTER is SETTLED with them. Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief. It is not DJT or retired General Qanon whack job Michael Flynn. If you wish to serve under the pretender CinC and his whackjob General in some kind of uprising against imagined tyranny and oppression - go for it loser. You will end up like the Jan6riot600 if you take it beyond talking tough on a message board. See you in court where your stupid opinions won’t matter. 21DEC20-POST#0894
Get over yourself.

They respect the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We are grateful for that dedication...;

Absolutely. You fail to understand that the oath vows to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ; not the government. The Constitution is the law that limits and defines government while setting forth the rights of The People. Laws or orders that conflict with the Constitution are not legal and members of the military are under no obligation to abide by them. In fact they can be held accountable for failure to refuse an unlawful order. The Oath Keepers militia is made up of members of the military, military veterans, law enforcement officers and officials and veterans and patriots of like mind.
I took the same oath and spent much of my life in the military. My commitment to the Constitution is well proven and documented. I remain in touch with many military members and veterans and am confident that should push come to shove the majority will oppose tyranny and tyrants and traitors whether they represent themselves as "government" or not. I think you are nowhere short of delusional if you think they would have your back.
The original American Revolution took years to go from strong language to shots fired which is one of the reasons it succeeded.
NFBW wrote: I have consistently informed you Correll that I absolutely believe it true and I am solidly in agreement with you that DJT’s involvement in the planning of the procedural coup attempt on Jan6 in no way had anything to do with plans to physically attack the US Capitol or use violence in any way to achieve the goal of decertification of votes in six states so that DJT wins a revision to the electoral college vote and is re-elected. Violence had no part in that PLAN - I fucking agree with you on that 100 percent Correll why can’t you keep it consistently in your head 21DEC20-POST#0882

NFBW wrote: I do not bring it up, you do. Since the beginning of our discussions I have said I have never seen any evidence that DJT called for or wanted a riot or any kind of violence as part of his coup attempt to decertify the election in six states so he could become president. 21DEC20-POST#0885

Correll wrote: 1. That's bullshit. 21DEC21POST#0889

NFBW wrote: How can it be bullshit when I have your acknowledgment in writing my saying DJT did not plan to have a riot on Jan6 21DEC21POST#0890

Correll wrote: So, since NOT has posted that he knows that Trump was calling for a peaceful protest, … 21DEC15-POST#0805

So, what is your point?
9thIDdoc wrote: You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression 21DEC20-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: Sorry to you - loser 9thIDdoc , The DOD is working with the Deep State against any future political MAGA extremist uprisings you may have in the conniving stage right now.

Report on Countering Extremist Activity Within the Department of Defense December 2021​
“The overwhelming majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense serve this country with honor and integrity. They respect the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We are grateful for that dedication... We owe the men and women of the Department of Defense an environment free of extremist activities, and we owe our country a military that reflects the founding values of our democracy.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III Memorandum, December 20, 2021​

I’m confident that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity.have my back and not yours 9thIDdoc . THE MATTER is SETTLED with them. Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief. It is not DJT or retired General Qanon whack job Michael Flynn. If you wish to serve under the pretender CinC and his whackjob General in some kind of uprising against imagined tyranny and oppression - go for it loser. You will end up like the Jan6riot600 if you take it beyond talking tough on a message board. See you in court where your stupid opinions won’t matter. 21DEC20-POST#0894

Wow. I can remember when leftards ridiculed the idea of the Deep State as conspiracy theory. Now they brag that it is on their side.
Correll wrote: One riot, that lasted for like FOUR hours, is your biggest attack? And it wasn't against any "traditionally disadvantaged" group, but against the Deep State and Biden. 21SEP12-POST#32

NFBW wrote: There is no settled definition of what the “deep state” actually is or secretively is, so I offer that depending on who is referring to it, it can be a “real thing” such as the Federal Government’s bureaucracy sending out Social Sevurity Checks or a toxic and nefarious obsession such as Ashley dumbsss Babbitt believed that ended getting her to attack the Capitol and get shot to death for Qanon and DJT. 21DEC23-POST#0898

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil.​
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice. Jan6-TIME-BabbitMartyr 21DEC15-POST#0786​
NFBW wrote: There is no settled definition of what the “deep state” actually is or secretively is, . . . . 21DEC23-POST#0898

lennypartiv wrote: We know what it is, obviously you don't. 21DEC23 - POST#0899

NFBW wrote: because you have announced that you are a expert witness and spokesperson for the deep state, can you tell me if the CDC is a significant part of the deep state? I ask you about the CDC because on February 26, 2020 trump in the early coronavirus press conference said he agreed with Rush Limbaugh that the CDC was part of the deep state and it was a weaponizing the possible pandemic against Trump. And please do lennypartiv give us your best definition on what do you think the deep state is? 21DEC23 - POST#0900

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