Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Correll wrote: One riot, that lasted for like FOUR hours, is your biggest attack? And it wasn't against any "traditionally disadvantaged" group, but against the Deep State and Biden. 21SEP12-POST#32

NFBW wrote: There is no settled definition of what the “deep state” actually is or secretively is, so I offer that depending on who is referring to it, it can be a “real thing” such as the Federal Government’s bureaucracy sending out Social Sevurity Checks or a toxic and nefarious obsession such as Ashley dumbsss Babbitt believed that ended getting her to attack the Capitol and get shot to death for Qanon and DJT. 21DEC23-POST#0898

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil.​
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice. Jan6-TIME-BabbitMartyr 21DEC15-POST#0786​

Not sure what your point is, in posting this.
Correll wrote: Wow. I can remember when leftards ridiculed the idea of the Deep State as conspiracy theory. Now they brag that it is on their side 21DEC20-POST#0897

NFBW wrote: Yes. The DOD, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity - All Constitutional card carrying members of the deep state have my back - not yours Correll - I’ll admit it. . 21DEC23-POST#0902

NFBW wrote: Sorry to you - loser 9thIDdoc , The DOD is working with the Deep State against any future political MAGA extremist uprisings you ( 9thIDdoc ) may have in the conniving stage right now. - - - I’m confident that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity have my back and not yours 9thIDdoc . THE MATTER is SETTLED with them Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief. It is not DJT or retired General Qanon whack job Michael Flynn. If you wish to serve under the pretender CinC and his whackjob General in some kind of uprising against imagined tyranny and oppression go for it loser. You will end up like the Jan6riot600 if you take it beyond talking tough on a message board. See you in court where your stupid opinions won’t matter. 21DEC20-POST#0894​

NFBW wrote: Your response Correll smells like you are convinced that the DoD, the Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women in the US military who serve our country with honor and integrity are part of the deep state and were conspiring to wreck DJT’s presidency because the blob couid not wreck it himself. Is that correct? 21DEC23-POST#0902
NFBW wrote: Are you oppressed and under the tyranny Correll of what MAGA World defines as the “Deep State” ? 21DEC24-POST#0

9thIDdoc wrote: You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression 21DEC20-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: Would Deep State oppression and tyranny as mentioned by 9thIDdoc above Correll drive you to engage in a violent uprising against the “Deep State” at least as “brave” and “patriotic” and red-blooded American as Ashley Babbit did. 21DEC24-POST#0903

@DragonIady wrote: - - - Sleazy ( @easy165 ) and his gang are just desperate to start a civil war 21SEP11-POST#29

NFBW wrote: I just read about there being a Nixonesque White House video recording from Jan6 that the Jan6 COMMITTEE wants released. It purportedly shows what DJT was doing (nothing good) while ABabbitt was storming the Capitol, attacking the Deep State with her fellow pro-Trump Republicans. There is potential that all Americans seeing DJT on video committing treason couid mean he couid be indicted or something. Which could also drive the sheep in MAGA world to become ravenous rabid wolves. - - - So, as you can see in the above comment Correll talk of civil war has already been around for a while now so I’d just like to get your views Correll on whether all us mostly unarmed CIVILIAN deepstaters need to get prepared for tens of thousands of ABabbits attacking us, except with guns this time. 21DEC24-POST#0903

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil.​
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice. Jan6-TIME-BabbitMartyr 21DEC15-POST#0786​
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NFBW wrote: . . . . . It was very sweet of you Correll to answer “NO” to the question “if” after DJT lost to Biden, was it appropriate for him to pressure Congress and Mike Pence on Jan6, to cancel votes in just enough states (six in all of all the states that DJT lost) in order to make the electoral college vote become revised so that DJT won instead? - - - The voters in Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Nevada and Arizona must really appreciate your opposition to what DJT attempted to do on Jan6. 21DEC24-POST#0904

NFBW wrote: . . . . . if you do not trust the process due to the reason you just mentioned Correll and your candidate loses, should all votes be canceled in just enough states that your candidate lost, then the electoral college vote becomes revised so that your candidate wins instead? 21DEC18-POST#0875​
Correll wrote: No. 21DEC20-POST#0879​
NFBW wrote: Last September you said Trump was well within his rights to call for a demonstration to put political pressure on Congress. You said back then that DJT was well within his rights to pressure Congress to eliminate six states that Biden won from the electoral count on Jan 6 so that DJT wins… - - - So, Correll why does DJT have a right to do something that you say is not the right thing to do because legitimate votes should not be canceled in order to make DJT win an election that he lost?

Correll wrote: 4. Trump was well within his rights to call for a demonstration to put political pressure on Congress. 21SEP23-POST#642​

NFBW wrote: Political pressure for a Congress to do what exactly on Jan6?- - - Here is what DJT wanted to happen on Jan6: When Pence or Grassley gets to Arizona, he lies by announcing that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. *** At the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes regarding all the mostly black Biden votes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” – the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. *** When the Democrats object saying that 270 is required, Pence or Grassley says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected. 21SEP27-POST#668​
Correll wrote: My point stands. One 4 hour riot is less of a problem than 4 YEARS of riots with scores death and over a billion dollars in damages. 21SEP28-POST#3496​

NFBW wrote: Do you really think Correll that one Stop the Steal riot for the purpose of denying the right to vote to millions of Americans Eva use they did not vote for the rioter’s candidate is not a huge problem? - - / It’s a huge problem because it is so massively and directly contributing to the unraveling of American democracy. American democracy easily survived the Chauvin riots. Will American democracy survive the TRUMP BIG LIE riot? The book is still open on that. 21DEC24-POST#0904
Correll wrote: Wow. I can remember when leftards ridiculed the idea of the Deep State as conspiracy theory. Now they brag that it is on their side 21DEC20-POST#0897

NFBW wrote: Yes. The DOD, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity - All Constitutional card carrying members of the deep state have my back - not yours Correll - I’ll admit it. . 21DEC23-POST#0902

NFBW wrote: Sorry to you - loser 9thIDdoc , The DOD is working with the Deep State against any future political MAGA extremist uprisings you ( 9thIDdoc ) may have in the conniving stage right now. - - - I’m confident that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women of the Department of Defense who serve our country with honor and integrity have my back and not yours 9thIDdoc . THE MATTER is SETTLED with them Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief. It is not DJT or retired General Qanon whack job Michael Flynn. If you wish to serve under the pretender CinC and his whackjob General in some kind of uprising against imagined tyranny and oppression go for it loser. You will end up like the Jan6riot600 if you take it beyond talking tough on a message board. See you in court where your stupid opinions won’t matter. 21DEC20-POST#0894​

NFBW wrote: Your response Correll smells like you are convinced that the DoD, the Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin and the vast majority of the men and women in the US military who serve our country with honor and integrity are part of the deep state and were conspiring to wreck DJT’s presidency because the blob couid not wreck it himself. Is that correct? 21DEC23-POST#0902

I would normally dismiss any lefty that pretends to not understand what the deep state is, because it has been extensively discussed for many years.

But you Not, have demonstrated, convincingly, to be unable to understand the simplest of concepts and ideas, and to have an unbelievable level of resistance to ideas or data that you don't like.

So, I will give you a definition.

The Deep State is, or WAS, a conspiracy theory, that the bureaucrat and officials of the Government, had developed a group identity or culture that had interests and goals that it was taking steps to protect and/or advance, even if this conflicted with their professional, or ethical or even LEGAL responsibilities.

With the behavior of the FBI, and other government agencies during the closing days of the Obama administration and the Trump Administration, this was proven to be true. It is now simply Fact. An "Observable Fact" as you might want to think of it.

If you truly did not know that, you need to adjust your thinking to include the new information. I know that, your brain is not wired properly.

You should thank me for taking the time to educate you in what is really going on in the world. Seriously.
NFBW wrote: Are you oppressed and under the tyranny Correll of what MAGA World defines as the “Deep State” ? 21DEC24-POST#0

9thIDdoc wrote: You would do well to get over the idea that the matter is settled. Far from it. I expect that Americans will not long tolerate tyranny and oppression 21DEC20-POST#0883

NFBW wrote: Would Deep State oppression and tyranny as mentioned by 9thIDdoc above Correll drive you to engage in a violent uprising against the “Deep State” at least as “brave” and “patriotic” and red-blooded American as Ashley Babbit did. 21DEC24-POST#0903

@DragonIady wrote: - - - Sleazy ( @easy165 ) and his gang are just desperate to start a civil war 21SEP11-POST#29

NFBW wrote: I just read about there being a Nixonesque White House video recording from Jan6 that the Jan6 COMMITTEE wants released. It purportedly shows what DJT was doing (nothing good) while ABabbitt was storming the Capitol, attacking the Deep State with her fellow pro-Trump Republicans. There is potential that all Americans seeing DJT on video committing treason couid mean he couid be indicted or something. Which could also drive the sheep in MAGA world to become ravenous rabid wolves. - - - So, as you can see in the above comment Correll talk of civil war has already been around for a while now so I’d just like to get your views Correll on whether all us mostly unarmed CIVILIAN deepstaters need to get prepared for tens of thousands of ABabbits attacking us, except with guns this time. 21DEC24-POST#0903

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil.​
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice. Jan6-TIME-BabbitMartyr 21DEC15-POST#0786​

What is your point with this shit? Are you just spamming? You are not making any points or asking any questions.
NFBW wrote: . . . . . It was very sweet of you Correll to answer “NO” to the question “if” after DJT lost to Biden, was it appropriate for him to pressure Congress and Mike Pence on Jan6, to cancel votes in just enough states (six in all of all the states that DJT lost) in order to make the electoral college vote become revised so that DJT won instead? - - - The voters in Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin Georgia Nevada and Arizona must really appreciate your opposition to what DJT attempted to do on Jan6. 21DEC24-POST#0904

NFBW wrote: . . . . . if you do not trust the process due to the reason you just mentioned Correll and your candidate loses, should all votes be canceled in just enough states that your candidate lost, then the electoral college vote becomes revised so that your candidate wins instead? 21DEC18-POST#0875​
Correll wrote: No. 21DEC20-POST#0879​
NFBW wrote: Last September you said Trump was well within his rights to call for a demonstration to put political pressure on Congress. You said back then that DJT was well within his rights to pressure Congress to eliminate six states that Biden won from the electoral count on Jan 6 so that DJT wins… - - - So, Correll why does DJT have a right to do something that you say is not the right thing to do because legitimate votes should not be canceled in order to make DJT win an election that he lost?


Just because you have the RIGHT to do something, does not mean that it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Correll wrote: Just because you have the RIGHT to do something, does not mean that it is the RIGHT thing to do. 21DEC25-POST#0907

NFBW wrote: Where does DJT get the “right” as President to pressure Pence who is on the losing ticket with Trump to unilaterally and based on lies, to cancel the voters in six states so that the electoral college numbers are manipulated such that Trump and Pence are re-elected. Pence knew he did not have such an absurd right. You know it’s wrong but you grant a President the right to anoint himself the winner just because he can’t accept the reality that he lost. You are a fascist, who no longer respects democracy. That is clear. Trump has the right you say to deny millions of legitimate voters the right to have their votes count so he can hang on to power. That is pure fascism. 21DEC25-POST#0908
What is your point with this shit? Are you just spamming? You are not making any points or asking any questions.

NFBW wrote: - - So, as you can see in the above comment Correll talk of civil war has already been around for a while now so I’d just like to get your views Correll on whether all us mostly unarmed CIVILIAN deepstaters need to get prepared for tens of thousands of ABabbits attacking us, except with guns this time. 21DEC24-POST#0903

NFBW wrote: Are you oppressed and under the tyranny Correll of what MAGA World defines as the “Deep State” ? 21DEC24-POST#0903
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Correll wrote: Just because you have the RIGHT to do something, does not mean that it is the RIGHT thing to do. 21DEC25-POST#0910

NFBW wrote: Trump has said publically that on Jan6 he intended to disrupt the House electoral vote-counting. 21DEC25-POST#0907

NFBW write: What gives you the idea that the loser Correll of a constitutionally certified presidential election by all fifty states, has a “right” to intentionally disrupt the constitutional required vote counting in the House of Representatives? 21DEC25-POST#0910
Correll wrote: Comparing riots to a riot, is not ridiculous. The election confirmation was delayed by hours. That you focus on that, and not the dozens of lives lost in the lefty rioting, is you being a vile person. 21NOV05-POST#038

NFBW wrote: OK as you wish. Let’s focus on motivation of a typical LEFTY May30 RIOTER compared to a RIGHTY JAN6 RIOTER shall we?

Starting with these two:

LEFTY RIOTER mjEngelhart - during CHAUVIN protest May30 Charged with looting stores, taking part in beating


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night. - - - Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests - - - A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors. - - - On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.

RIGHTY RIOTER mGreene: member of the far-right Proud Boys group pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy and obstructing Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s election on Jan. 6. Proud Boys member pleads guilty to conspiring to obstruct Congress on Jan. 6 | amNewYork - - - Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, New York, could face up to five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding. - - - He is the first self-described member of the Proud Boys to plead guilty for his role during the attack, which disrupted a joint session of Congress meeting to formally certify the November 2020 presidential election victory of Democrat Biden over then-President Donald Trump, a Republican - 21DEC26-POST#912
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9thIDdoc ’s failure to "observe the observable" is a deliberate and intended failure.

9thIDdoc wrote: I think I have been very clear in my opinion that President Trump did not then or at any other time incite a riot. 21DEC14-POST#0773

NFBW wrote: Trump, tweeted on Dec. 20. "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" - - - The tweet from DJT on December 20 was written six days after all fifty states certified Biden’s win. - - - It is an indisputable observable fact 9thIDdoc that Trump tweeted "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there” - - - Do you think there is a high degree of probability that Mathew Greene traveled from Syracuse New York to be in DC on Jan6 because DJT posted a message that he wanted thousands of Michael Greenes and Ashley Babbitts to be there?

RIGHTY RIOTER mGreene: member of the far-right Proud Boys group pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy and obstructing Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s election on Jan. 6. Proud Boys member pleads guilty to conspiring to obstruct Congress on Jan. 6 | amNewYork - - - Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, New York, could face up to five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding. - - - He is the first self-described member of the Proud Boys to plead guilty for his role during the attack, which disrupted a joint session of Congress meeting to formally certify the November 2020 presidential election victory of Democrat Biden over then-President Donald Trump, a Republican - 21DEC26-POST#0913
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9thIDdoc ’s failure to "observe the observable" is a deliberate and intended failure.

9thIDdoc wrote: I think I have been very clear in my opinion that President Trump did not then or at any other time incite a riot. 21DEC14-POST#0773

NFBW wrote: Trump, tweeted on Dec. 20. "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" - - - The tweet from DJT on December 20 was written six days after all fifty states certified Biden’s win. - - - It is an indisputable observable fact 9thIDdoc that Trump tweeted "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there” - - - Do you think there is a high degree of probability that Mathew Greene traveled from Syracuse New York to be in DC on Jan6 because DJT posted a message that he wanted thousands of Michael Greenes and Ashley Babbitts to be there?

RIGHTY RIOTER mGreene: member of the far-right Proud Boys group pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy and obstructing Congress from certifying President Joe Biden’s election on Jan. 6. Proud Boys member pleads guilty to conspiring to obstruct Congress on Jan. 6 | amNewYork - - - Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, New York, could face up to five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding. - - - He is the first self-described member of the Proud Boys to plead guilty for his role during the attack, which disrupted a joint session of Congress meeting to formally certify the November 2020 presidential election victory of Democrat Biden over then-President Donald Trump, a Republican - 21DEC26-POST#0913
Pointless post. You know of some law against inciting a peaceful protest? MLK would have stayed in jail.
9thIDdoc ’s failure to "observe the observable" is a deliberate and intended failure.

9thIDdoc wrote: You know of some law against inciting a peaceful protest? 21DEC206-POST#0914

NFBW wrote: I did not ask you if DJT incited a peaceful protest. This is what you were asked:

Do you think there is a high degree of probability that Mathew Greene traveled from Syracuse New York to be in DC on Jan6 because DJT posted a message that he wanted thousands of Michael Greenes and Ashley Babbitts to be there?​

Can you respond to my posts 9thIDdoc without making up absurd distractions that further your deliberate resistance and failure to observe the observable facts that are related to this discussion. 21DEC26-POST#0915
9thIDdoc ’s failure to "observe the observable" is a deliberate and intended failure.

9thIDdoc wrote: You know of some law against inciting a peaceful protest? 21DEC206-POST#0914

NFBW wrote: I did not ask you if DJT incited a peaceful protest. This is what you were asked:

Do you think there is a high degree of probability that Mathew Greene traveled from Syracuse New York to be in DC on Jan6 because DJT posted a message that he wanted thousands of Michael Greenes and Ashley Babbitts to be there?​

Can you respond to my posts 9thIDdoc without making up absurd distractions that further your deliberate resistance and failure to observe the observable facts that are relate
9thIDdoc ’s failure to "observe the observable" is a deliberate and intended failure.

9thIDdoc wrote: You know of some law against inciting a peaceful protest? 21DEC206-POST#0914

NFBW wrote: I did not ask you if DJT incited a peaceful protest. This is what you were asked:

Do you think there is a high degree of probability that Mathew Greene traveled from Syracuse New York to be in DC on Jan6 because DJT posted a message that he wanted thousands of Michael Greenes and Ashley Babbitts to be there?​

Can you respond to my posts 9thIDdoc without making up absurd distractions that further your deliberate resistance and failure to observe the observable facts that are related to this discussion. 21DEC2

You are the one attempting absurd distractions. Apparently you've forgotten the original question you started this idiotic thread with:

"Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?"​

I have answered your questions several times but you continue to play your little bait and switch games trying to get me to speculate about something I neither know or care about. I will try to resolve your determined confusion once again. Plain English.
I think that only an idiot would think there was an attempted insurrection.
There is absolutely no reason, even if you are quoting President Trump's post correctly (doubtful), to believe he "incited" or "wanted" anybody to do anything much less that they actually did..
There happens to be a very considerable difference between what you consider "observable" and what people actually observe.
There also happens to be a very considerable difference between observations and fact.
What you want to think is fact is nothing more or less than your opinion.
You don't get to decide what other people's opinions are. Thankfully.
Correll wrote: Now Not, to whom do you put the responsibility for the "conditions" for the much larger and far deadlier riots of the left over the previous 4 years? 21NOV30-POST#1154

NFBW wrote: dozens and dozens of criminals like this one:


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison 21DEC26-POST#0917

9thIDdoc wrote: Apparently you've forgotten the original question you started this idiotic thread with: - - - "Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?" - - - I have answered your questions several times . . . 21DEC26-POST#0916

NFBW wrote: As a Trump supporter 9thIDdoc you did not answer the original question that I asked to start this thread because you cannot face the reality that DJT lied when he said? "States want to correct their votes” - - - BUT you cannot mention one single state that wanted to correct their vote. That observable fact mean DJT lied when he said it. You lied when you tell us you answered my original post. Why do you think you can get away with lying? 21DEC26-POST#0917
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Correll wrote: Now Not, to whom do you put the responsibility for the "conditions" for the much larger and far deadlier riots of the left over the previous 4 years? 21NOV30-POST#1154

NFBW wrote: dozens and dozens of criminals like this one:

View attachment 580135

Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison 21DEC26-POST#0917

9thIDdoc wrote: Apparently you've forgotten the original question you started this idiotic thread with: - - - "Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?" - - - I have answered your questions several times . . . 21DEC26-POST#0916

NFBW wrote: As a Trump supporter 9thIDdoc you did not answer the original question that I asked to start this thread because you cannot face the reality that DJT lied when he said? "States want to correct their votes” - - - BUT you cannot mention one single state that wanted to correct their vote. That observable fact mean DJT lied when he said it. You lied when you tell us you answered my original post. Why do you think you can get away with lying? 21DEC26-POST#0917
Lies? You wanna talk about lies? OK, let's do.
Your question presupposes that President Trump (five times") lied about a coming insurrection in a tweet.
You have not proven any part of that, much less five times. You claim he lied 5 times in the tweet but provide no proof of any lie. Or proof that anyone planned or attempted an insurrection.
Your thread is based on your bogus claim and the burden of proof is on you.
As far as I can tell my first post in this thread was:
"9thIDdoc wrote: The pretense of an "insurrection" has never been more than left wing propaganda and all their weeping and gnashing of teeth has provided zero proof otherwise." 21NOV25-POST#719
I do, and consistently have, stood by that statement and if there was no incited planned or attempted insurrection it's pretty obvious President Trump could not have wanted/planned/incited or lied about filament of your imagination.
When do you intend to prove what any State did or didn't want? Another BS claim.
Past time for you to own your own outrageous lie.
9thIDdoc wrote: Your question presupposes that President Trump (five times") lied about a coming insurrection in a tweet. 21DEC27-POST#0918

NFBW wrote: You are a liar 9thIDdoc because I say DJT lied five times when he told the angry mob he gathered in DC on Jan6 this statement.

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

You lied 9thIDdoc when you said that I “presuppose”that President Trump’s five lies
are about a coming insurrection . . .
I presuppose nothing about an insurrection.
You are a liar. DJT told the mob “AND WE WIN” there was absolutely no need for violence for the mob to participate in what you 9thIDdoc refer to as an insurrection. 21DEC27-POST#0919

GET THIS STRAIGHT 9thIDdoc Correll this is my point :

DJT told the mob “AND WE WIN” so there was absolutely no need for violence, a riot or for the mob on Jan6 to participate in what you refer to as an insurrection.
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DJT Jan6 LIES for 9thIDdoc to refute:

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want (1) to correct (2) their votes, which they now know (3) were based on irregularities (4) and fraud (5) plus corrupt process (6) never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. (7) Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

lie (1) DJT has no ability to say what any state “wants”

lie (2) each state certified their election was correct.

lie (3) DJT has no ability to say what any state “knows”

lie (4) no state is on record finding any irregularities that would change the outcome that was certified.

lie (5) no state is on record finding any fraud that would change the outcome that was certified

lie (6) no court upheld any of DJT’s post-election challenges to any states’ election or voting process.

lie (7) Pence told DJT he had no authority to reject electors
Pence Said to Have Told Trump He Lacks Power to Change Election Result
A day before he presides over a joint session of Congress to ratify Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory, the vice president tried to lower the president’s expectations while seeking ways to mollify him​
Vice President Mike Pence told President Trump on Tuesday that he did not believe he had the power to block congressional certification of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory in the presidential election despite Mr. Trump’s baseless insistence that he did, people briefed on the conversation said.​

Mr. Pence’s message, delivered during his weekly lunch with the president, came hours after Mr. Trump further turned up the public pressure on the vice president to do his bidding when Congress convenes Wednesday in a joint sessionto ratify Mr. Biden’s Electoral College win.​
“The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday morning, an inaccurate assertion that mischaracterized Mr. Pence’s largely formal and constitutionally prescribed role of presiding over the House and Senate as they receive and certify the electoral votes conveyed by the states and announcing the outcome.​
Mr. Pence does not have the unilateral power to alter the results sent by the states to Congress.​
More Republican senators came out on Tuesday against attempts to undermine the results, including Tim Scott of South Carolina and James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, who said he viewed challenging any state’s certification as “a violation of my oath of office.” 21DEC27-POST#0920​
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