Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over The only death was one of their own, shot to death by a cop.

YOu people are trying hard to gin it up, into a mountain, to distract from your own, far worse riots AND to justify your increasing use of government force against your partisan enemies

FOR THE RECORD Correll is a proven liar. SEE POST 860
Correll wrote: There was no plan to take over, ONCE THE RIOTERS STORMED THE CAPITOL. That is what I said.

NFBW wrote: No, you are a liar. This is what you said Correll

Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over The only death was one of their own, shot to death by a cop.
Correll wrote: It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT17-POST#0238

NFBW wrote: You are wrong Correll. There was a plan to take over. The plan was to be achieved peacefully with ABSOLUTELY no violence needed. The take over plan did not require peaceful protests outside the Capitol to succeed either? Do you agree Correll9thIDdoc ? 21DEC17-POST#08

Correll wrote: You are talking in circles, making no real point.

There was no plan to take over, ONCE THE RIOTERS STORMED THE CAPITOL. That is what I said.

The way you removed my context from my comment, and then changed it, by addressing it, as though I was commenting on other plans? COMPLETELY CHANGING THE MEANING OF MY POST.

That is you playing absolutely fucking retarded word games.

Any point you make, if you ever make one, based on such a fucking retarded game, will be nothing but a big old pile of fucking shit 21DEC17-POST#0857

And? Do you realize that you said nothing there? You made no point. YOu are insane.
FOR THE RECORD Correll is a proven liar. SEE POST 860

For teh record, you are insane. YOu are playing absolutely fucking retarded word games, as though if you catch us in a gotcha, based on your word games, that that would mean something.

All it would mean, was that we made a mistake talking to you like you were a human being, instead of a troll.
Correll wrote: There was no plan to take over, ONCE THE RIOTERS STORMED THE CAPITOL. That is what I said.

NFBW wrote: No, you are a liar. This is what you said Correll

Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over The only death was one of their own, shot to death by a cop.

You pathetic autistic fool. THAT is what you are basing all this pathetic shit on? YOur inability to pick up obvious context?

Jesus Christ, you are pathetic. I mean, my god.

Do you have any real life friends? Family? If so, try talking to them about this. Are there any voices in your life, that can help you see how insanely sad you are being right now?

Not. I do not hate you. I am not your enemy. I am saying this, not to troll you, but to try to help you. YOu need to...take a step back and look at yourself.
And? Do you realize that you said nothing there? You made no point. YOu are insane
The point is you lied while accusing me of manipulating your post to change your context.

obvious context
You are more absurd than ever after being caught committing cold blooded lying on a message board. Your word is everything on a forum such as this, You have proven yours is absolutely worthless. admit you lied and apologize. Don’t do it again.
s though if you catch us in a gotcha, based on your word games, that that would mean something.
It means you lied about my integrity- I have standards against lying that I will forcefully protect- if that launched you into another one of your pissing and moaning fits so be it You lied - You need to apologize and try not to do it again
And those plans had nothing to do with a forcible take over of the country, but instead with political and legislative process.
It’s a take over - peaceful plan to take / keep the White House by denying the Will of the Voters in six states. That is a form of willful oppression by the Republican Party against the voters in six targeted states - And they had a plan to do it.
There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president
Trump had a valid reason to be pissed off, the election had just been stolen from him. He was trying to get back what was rightfully his.
The point is you lied while accusing me of manipulating your post to change your context.

You are more absurd than ever after being caught committing cold blooded lying on a message board. Your word is everything on a forum such as this, You have proven yours is absolutely worthless. admit you lied and apologize. Don’t do it again.

All you have, is this silliness about two different "plans" and you... just being silly.
It means you lied about my integrity- I have standards against lying that I will forcefully protect- if that launched you into another one of your pissing and moaning fits so be it You lied - You need to apologize and try not to do it again

Dude. You are completely fucked in the head.
It’s a take over - peaceful plan to take / keep the White House by denying the Will of the Voters in six states. That is a form of willful oppression by the Republican Party against the voters in six targeted states - And they had a plan to do it.

1. That is your negative spin on it,

2. and you playing word games with the word "plan".
Correll wrote: 1. That is your negative spin on it, 21DEC18-POST#0872

NFBW wrote: Let’s hear your positives coming from a sitting president who lost his run for a second term that was certified by all fifty states but he refused to concede so he plotted with members of his Party to deprive six states’ voters of their legal Constitutional right to vote. Shitcan millions of votes for a sore losers’ illegitimate desire to hold on to power. Let’s hear the positive side of what DJT and his election henchmen maliciously tried to do to millions of citizens who voted against. Can you do that for us Correll ? Please drop the format bullshit and practicing psych babble without a license. 21DEC18-POST#0873
Correll wrote: 1. That is your negative spin on it, 21DEC18-POST#0872

NFBW wrote: Let’s hear your positives coming from a sitting president who lost his run for a second term that was certified by all fifty states but he refused to concede so he plotted with members of his Party to deprive six states’ voters of their legal Constitutional right to vote. Shitcan millions of votes for a sore losers’ illegitimate desire to hold on to power. Let’s hear the positive side of what DJT and his election henchmen maliciously tried to do to millions of citizens who voted against. Can you do that for us Correll ? Please drop the format bullshit and practicing psych babble without a license. 21DEC18-POST#0873

Perhaps something on how a pandemic was used by people like you, to MASSIVELY RELAX voting procedures, leading to legitimate concerns about voting security.
Correll wrote: I have no faith in an election "day" that is actually like a month or more. 21FEB11-POST#156

NFBW wrote: Does your “lack of faith” in an election month instead of an Election Day Correll override the voting rights of actual voters who cast legitimate legal ballots on days or weeks ahead of the official election day? I mean, if you do not trust the process due to the reason you just mentioned and your candidate loses, should all votes be canceled in just enough states that your candidate lost, then the electoral college vote becomes revised so that your candidate wins instead? 21DEC18-POST#0876
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NFBW wrote: Does your “lack of faith” in an election month instead of an Election Day Correll override the voting rights of actual voters who cast legitimate legal ballots on days or weeks ahead of the official election day? I mean, if you do not trust the process due to the reason you just mentioned and your candidate loses, should all votes be canceled in just enough states that your candidate lost, then the electoral college vote becomes revised so that your candidate wins instead? 21DEC18-POST#0876
The fraudulent votes that mysteriously appeared after midnight should not count.
BrokeLoser wrote: Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true. 20OCT03-POST#10

NFBW wrote: If we use the J6DJT riot as a measure of how many conservatives have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians then your particular broken losers’ MAGA dream come true BrokeLoser is not ever gonna happen. - - - The MAGA mob if we count MAGA voters that voted in 2020 is about 70 million or ten million shy of Biden voters. Of those only about 20 thousand could attend the Stop the Steal rally on Jan6. And of that 20 thousand, who were there, it looks as though only about 1000 were not heterosexual enough, white enough , and Christian enough, and therefore not conservative enough and did not have THE BALLS (think Ashley Babbitt did) to join the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters and general QanonNutJobbers to attack the joint session of Congress in order to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden. You have a lost cause whitey. Just like the Confederacy. 21DEC19-POST#0877
NFBW wrote: If we use the J6DJT riot as a measure of how many conservatives have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians then your particular broken losers’ MAGA dream come true BrokeLoser is not ever gonna happen. - - - The MAGA mob if we count MAGA voters that voted in 2020 is about 70 million or ten million shy of Biden voters. Of those only about 20 thousand could attend the Stop the Steal rally on Jan6. And of that 20 thousand, who were there, it looks as though only about 1000 were not heterosexual enough, white enough , and Christian enough, and therefore not conservative enough and did not have THE BALLS (think Ashley Babbitt did) to join the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters and general QanonNutJobbers to attack the joint session of Congress in order to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden. You have a lost cause whitey. Just like the Confederacy. 21DEC19-POST#0877
So you were at the Capitol on January 6 asking who was gay and documenting that data?
Correll wrote: I have no faith in an election "day" that is actually like a month or more. 21FEB11-POST#156

NFBW wrote: Does your “lack of faith” in an election month instead of an Election Day Correll override the voting rights of actual voters who cast legitimate legal ballots on days or weeks ahead of the official election day? I mean, if you do not trust the process due to the reason you just mentioned and your candidate loses, should all votes be canceled in just enough states that your candidate lost, then the electoral college vote becomes revised so that your candidate wins instead? 21DEC18-POST#0876

Correll wrote: All you have, is this silliness about two different "plans" and you... just being silly 21DEC19-POST#0870

NFBW wrote: There is not nor are there “two plans” being confused or conflated. - - - I am saying DJT, his lawyers, and a number of his most loyal Congressional Republicans met on December 21 at the White House to formalize ONE PLAN to march forward in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election that was certified as legitimate by all fifty states on December 14 2020 in that year of our Lord. - - - The plan set in motion by Lawyer John Eastman and others required the malicious act of overriding the voting rights of actual voters who cast legitimate legal ballots on days or weeks ahead of the official election day? The enacted plan effectively canceled just enough legitimate votes in just enough states that DJT lost which would revise the electoral college vote so that DJT wins instead of losing. - - - The singular goal of the “PLAN” was to cancel enough legitimate votes as necessary in order to make it possiblet that Trump becomes President on January 20, if all went as planned on January 6 . - - - So how is it not a PLAN to take over the government and why do you continue sympathy with and approval of DJT’s REAL attempt to procedurally to take control of the highest office of the government that he was not elected to be there by all Anericans that voted? 21DEC20-POST#0880

9thIDdoc wrote: I am not required to believe such a meeting occurred or what may have been discussed there or the legality of what you allege was discussed. 21DEC15-POST#0795

NFBW wrote: There is no requirement that Trump voters take their head out if the sand. It would make a nice reverse Jim Crow law in future elections though. 21DEC20-POST#0880
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