Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

NFBW wrote: Your substitution of the TOOTH FAIRY in place of a real historical figure like Magellan is absurd. We have uncovered the FACT that your inability to accept that a specific White House meeting took place despite actual proof on the record that it did, coupled with your inability to make a case that it did not happen, has reduced you to being absurd. 21DEC15-POST#0801

Correll wrote: Your claim that someone is "absurd" for not knowing about something you care so much about, 21DEC15- POST#0802

NFBW wrote: You are a liar Correll . . . I wrote; . . . The inability to accept that a specific White House meeting took place despite actual proof on the record that it did, coupled with the inability to make a case that it did not happen has reduced you to being absurd. 21DEC15-POST#0816

I don't care about the meeting, I don't trust your word on it (you are crazy and dishonest, no offense meant) and I don't care enough to check your sources.

If you made a point, and I cared about the point, that could change.

Make your point. Bonus points, if it is something new and not just the same old shit.
9thIDdoc wrote: I am not required to believe such a meeting occurred or what may have been discussed there or the legality of what you allege was discussed. 21DEC15-POST#0795

Correll wrote: Actually, the vast majority of Americans, do not know about, nor care about that specific meeting, if it happened. 21DEC15- POST#0802

Question for both of you:

NFBW wrote: I am an agnostic with regard to my personal belief in god - - - Is it a fact or is it an opinion that a man named Jody Hice is a member of the US House of Representatives from Walton County Georgia as described in the newspaper report shown below?

20DEC21-Headline: Walton's congressman meets with Trump in White House​
David Clemons | The Tribune Dec 21, 2020 Updated Jan 29, 2021​
Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., addressess a meeting of the Walton County Republican Party on Oct. 12, 2020, at 1025 Church in Monroe, Ga.​

Hice to challenge Georgia's electors in Congress (#2) J6DJT riot jHice 20DEC21-wt 21DEC16 POST#0818

1. Link does not work.

2. YOu are agnostic? Wow. Why did it take you so long to answer such a simple question?

3. Do you understand that most people disagree with you on that issue? The vast majority of hte world today and historically speaking?
Well it is possible that Joe Biden will run for President and unless some miracle occurs and his popularity increases he will lose in a landslide. He will go out to campaign and the crowd will chant, “Let’s go Brandon“ if not “F**k Joe Biden.”

Giggles Kamala Harris could run but nobody seems to think she is competent as VP let alone POTUS.

It seems Hillary is once again getting ready to run but people are SICK and TIRED of Hillary and all her whining about how Trump stole her chance to be our first female President. Will Hillary ever go away?

Perhaps Bernie Sanders will run or perhaps AOC who will turn 35 in October of 2024 (the legal age to become President). I don’t thing the nation is ready for Marist socialism but I could be wrong. Our school systems and colleges have done of good job of brainwashing the younger generations.

Much will depend on the economy. If inflation is roaring along the Democrats can forget winning the Oval Office. Also if the big cities are still having a crime spree the republicans will run a strict law and order candidate and likely win.

I suspect the democrats will tie Trump up in court and make it almost impossible to run. However there are a number of republicans such as Ron DeSantis the Governor of the free state of Florida who could take Trump’s place. DeSantis is a less obnoxious version of Trump.
December of first year in office. Election or re-election is a long way away. Who knows if will still want to try for another round?

Hillary would still be almost as dangerous in the long run as Donny. I couldn't vote for her now, any more than I could the first time, though her running is again and Republican wet dream.

Forget Bernie and AOC. Not happening. At the same time, you can forget trumpist loyalists. We just have no intention to change types of government, as we like having a constitutionally mandated voice in our government and the ability to kick the corrupt to the curb, whether they want to go or not.
December of first year in office. Election or re-election is a long way away. Who knows if will still want to try for another round?

Hillary would still be almost as dangerous in the long run as Donny. I couldn't vote for her now, any more than I could the first time, though her running is again and Republican wet dream.

Forget Bernie and AOC. Not happening. At the same time, you can forget trumpist loyalists. We just have no intention to change types of government, as we like having a constitutionally mandated voice in our government and the ability to kick the corrupt to the curb, whether they want to go or not.
Well perhaps if you have the ability to kick the corrupt to the curb you might consider doing that to Joe Biden.

Well perhaps if you have the ability to kick the corrupt to the curb you might consider doing that to Joe Biden.

Nothing new here. Trump DOJ did not bring or prove charges, pretty well meaning they couldn't connect the dots, unless you are saying Trump and Barr are or were closet Biden supporters.
Correll wrote: I don't care about the meeting, 21DEC16-POST#0805

Correll wrote: It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#0238

NFBW wrote: You cared enough in October to opine based on nothing that you presented as facts that there was no plan to take the White House from Biden on Jan20. The meeting at the Trump White House on December 21 was described by one participant as making plans for Jan6. . .

Brooks said Monday’s White House meeting was originally scheduled for about an hour, but lasted for three hours, with Trump participating for much of it.​
Other attendees including Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who has spent the weeks since the election promoting false claims of voter fraud. - - - Brooks said he also met with Vice President Mike Pence. As president of the Senate, Pence is to preside over the Jan. 6 session and declare the winner. Brooks said the group is making plans to challenge the election results from Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada, all battleground states Biden carried.​

Nothing new here. Trump DOJ did not bring or prove charges, pretty well meaning they couldn't connect the dots, unless you are saying Trump and Barr are or were closet Biden supporters.
Much of this information came to light late in the Trump administration. A book on Hunter’s laptop from hell was just published. The FBI has had that computer since December of 2019.

Many feel the FBI is a partisan organization at the top and will investigate Hunter’s computer for years and never go any further. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI loses the laptop.

***snip ***

But it gets worse. Much worse.

Now, mere days before the presidential election, we learn from Hunter Biden's abandoned hard drive that his dad Joe was up to his hair plugs in graft. According to Hunter's emails and those of his associates, it was then V.P. Biden who set up the influence-peddling schemes in Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Hapless Hunter was merely the bagman while Joe Biden and his family all got a generous cut of the action.

But that's not the most shocking part of this sordid tale. What's utterly mind-blowing is that Wray and the FBI have had Hunter Biden's hard drive in their possession since last December. And did absolutely nothing with it.

Christopher Wray ignored all the evidence suggesting that the entire Biden clan was splitting the moolah from Hunter's no-show job in the Ukraine. He knew the truth but stayed silent, even as President Trump was being impeached for suggesting to the Ukrainian president that he look into the sketchy Biden-Burisma doings.

Wray also kept it to himself that Joe Biden could already be compromised by numerous foreign entities.

Wray may even have looked the other way at clear evidence of child abuse, according to those who've seen the disturbing photos and videos on Hunter's hard drive.
3. Do you understand that most people disagree with you on that issue?
Being faithful to God or not has nothing to do with being faithful to facts. Oh no one disagrees with me because I don’t disagree with them. As far as I’m concerned belief in God - to each his own. Their belief is none of my business. My belief is none of their business. So Correll what the fuck?
Correll wrote: I don't care about the meeting, 21DEC16-POST#0805

Correll wrote: It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#0238

NFBW wrote: You cared enough in October to opine based on nothing that you presented as facts that there was no plan to take the White House from Biden on Jan20. The meeting at the Trump White House on December 21 was described by one participant as making plans for Jan6. . .

Brooks said Monday’s White House meeting was originally scheduled for about an hour, but lasted for three hours, with Trump participating for much of it.​
Other attendees including Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who has spent the weeks since the election promoting false claims of voter fraud. - - - Brooks said he also met with Vice President Mike Pence. As president of the Senate, Pence is to preside over the Jan. 6 session and declare the winner. Brooks said the group is making plans to challenge the election results from Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada, all battleground states Biden carried.​

So what? Are you claiming there was something illegal about that? And if so who committed what crime and where is the proof?
Correll wrote: I don't care about the meeting, 21DEC16-POST#0805

Correll wrote: It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#0238

NFBW wrote: You cared enough in October to opine based on nothing that you presented as facts that there was no plan to take the White House from Biden on Jan20. The meeting at the Trump White House on December 21 was described by one participant as making plans for Jan6. . .

Brooks said Monday’s White House meeting was originally scheduled for about an hour, but lasted for three hours, with Trump participating for much of it.​
Other attendees including Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who has spent the weeks since the election promoting false claims of voter fraud. - - - Brooks said he also met with Vice President Mike Pence. As president of the Senate, Pence is to preside over the Jan. 6 session and declare the winner. Brooks said the group is making plans to challenge the election results from Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada, all battleground states Biden carried.​


I like the way that you dishonestly conflate plans to fight the certification, in politically/legally way with what we were discussing, ie plans to take over the country as per a coup, once the capitol was taken by force.

That shows how utterly dishonest you are, strongly implying a lot of desperation on your part. Which is you realizing how badly you have lost this debate.
Being faithful to God or not has nothing to do with being faithful to facts. Oh no one disagrees with me because I don’t disagree with them. As far as I’m concerned belief in God - to each his own. Their belief is none of my business. My belief is none of their business. So Correll what the fuck?

I find it hard to believe that such a rationalist as you, are just agnostic. That hardly fits with your obsession with "observable facts".
Much of this information came to light late in the Trump administration. A book on Hunter’s laptop from hell was just published. The FBI has had that computer since December of 2019.

Many feel the FBI is a partisan organization at the top and will investigate Hunter’s computer for years and never go any further. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI loses the laptop.

***snip ***

But it gets worse. Much worse.

Now, mere days before the presidential election, we learn from Hunter Biden's abandoned hard drive that his dad Joe was up to his hair plugs in graft. According to Hunter's emails and those of his associates, it was then V.P. Biden who set up the influence-peddling schemes in Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Hapless Hunter was merely the bagman while Joe Biden and his family all got a generous cut of the action.

But that's not the most shocking part of this sordid tale. What's utterly mind-blowing is that Wray and the FBI have had Hunter Biden's hard drive in their possession since last December. And did absolutely nothing with it.

Christopher Wray ignored all the evidence suggesting that the entire Biden clan was splitting the moolah from Hunter's no-show job in the Ukraine. He knew the truth but stayed silent, even as President Trump was being impeached for suggesting to the Ukrainian president that he look into the sketchy Biden-Burisma doings.

Wray also kept it to himself that Joe Biden could already be compromised by numerous foreign entities.

Wray may even have looked the other way at clear evidence of child abuse, according to those who've seen the disturbing photos and videos on Hunter's hard drive.
Heard bits and pieces about it since early 2020, long time before election, no real connection to Joe, so nobody got too excited.
Correll wrote: It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#0238

Correll wrote: I like the way that you dishonestly conflate plans to fight the certification, in politically/legally way with what we were discussing, ie plans to take over the country as per a coup, once the capitol was taken by force. 21DEC16-POST#0831

NFBW wrote: YOU LIE Correll . The above quote by you is a permanent record on this message board. There was no discussion involving any plans to take over the country by violent coup once the capitol was taken by force. - - - See below the track of the ORIGINAL discussion. - - - Scroll down to Fort Fun Indiana ’s 21OCT18-POST#237. We were discussing what I said we are discussing “Yes, they were trying to stop the certification of the election. To keep their orange lard and master in power, after an election he lost.” 21DEC16-POST#0835

rightwinger wrote: President Trump sent an angry mob after his Vice President and Mike Pence barely escaped the clutches of the mob who was screaming to hang him. Yet, Pence has yet to publicly denounce the actions of Trump on that day. 21JUN07-POST#001

struth wrote: I think Pence realizes that your rhetoric is lying propaganda 21OCT18-POST#224

Fort Fun Indiana wrote to Correll: But we will keep your "But we cultists are mindless sheep, and the antifa guy acting crazy caused us to engage in a violent riot" defense in mind. Because it is hilarious and embarrassing. 21OCT18-POST#225

rightwinger wrote: You mean Trump did not send an anti-Pence tweet that enraged the TRUMPmob? 20OCT21-POST#226

Correll wrote: We see one lefty agitator on film. Were there others? 21OCT18-POST#229

Correll wrote: The 1/6 riot was an oddity, in this country. A right leaning riot. The obvious question is why, what was different. - - - One possible answer would be possible lefty agitators infiltrating and leading or agitating violence. Especially if there was coordination with city police or the FBI. 21OCT18-POST#231

Fort Fun Indiana wrote: It was an attempted insurrection by a Trump-licking crowd that absolutely thought it was going to get its hands on the Vice President and keep him from certifying the election. 21OCT18-POST#232

Correll wrote: It was not an attempted insurrection. - - - That might be what the history books show. IF your side wins, and lies a lot. In that case, I imagine they won't even mention that hundreds of far more serious riots that YOUR side did, in the years prior to 1/6. - - - My point stands. AS a right leaning riot, is was quite the anomaly. The question is why? Lefty infiltrators, possibly working with city police or the FBI would explain it nicely. 21OCT18-POST#235

Fort Fun Indiana wrote: Well, then you are a delusional cultist who is too far gone to discuss any of this. Yes, they were trying to stop the certification of the election. To keep their orange lard and master in power, after an election he lost. Again, this is what history will record, as well as your cult's bizarre behavior. 21OCT18-POST#237

Correll wrote: It was a riot. A violent outburst. It was not an insurrection. There was no plan to take over 21OCT18-POST#238 - - - The only death was one of their own, shot to death by a cop. - - - 21OCT18-POST#238 - - - You people are trying hard to gin it up, into a mountain, to distract from your own, far worse riots AND to justify your increasing use of government force against your partisan enemies. 21OCT18-POST#238

NFBW wrote: You are a dishonest dumbass Correll.21DEC16-POST#0835
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Heard bits and pieces about it since early 2020, long time before election, no real connection to Joe, so nobody got too excited.
The reason you only hear bits and pieces is the main stream media ignores the issue. There have the attitude that if they don’t report on something nobody will realize it happened.

Email evidence, backed by Tony Bobulinski’s testimony and text messages, shows that Joe Biden may have been active in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, which are currently under investigation by federal prosecutors in Delaware.

In October, just days before the election, evidence of Joe Biden’s potential involvement with his son Hunter Biden’s business interactions came forward from Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden. This story was largely ignored by major mainstream U.S. news outlets and dismissed as an attempt of Russian interference in the 2020 election.

But the evidence is there but of course the FBI will never do anything with it and it does seem the FBI works for the Democratic Party.

The reason you only hear bits and pieces is the main stream media ignores the issue. There have the attitude that if they don’t report on something nobody will realize it happened.

Email evidence, backed by Tony Bobulinski’s testimony and text messages, shows that Joe Biden may have been active in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, which are currently under investigation by federal prosecutors in Delaware.

In October, just days before the election, evidence of Joe Biden’s potential involvement with his son Hunter Biden’s business interactions came forward from Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden. This story was largely ignored by major mainstream U.S. news outlets and dismissed as an attempt of Russian interference in the 2020 election.

But the evidence is there but of course the FBI will never do anything with it and it does seem the FBI works for the Democratic Party.

Laptop from hell may be an exiting book and may make a hell of a movie, but proves nothing. Do assertion of the columnist being true in your mind, mean the myriad trump tell all books are just as true in your mind, too?
Laptop from hell may be an exiting book and may make a hell of a movie, but proves nothing. Do assertion of the columnist being true in your mind, mean the myriad trump tell all books are just as true in your mind, too?
I believe the information in the book comes from the laptop itself. Many of the books about Trump contain information from unnamed sources.

The FBI has the laptop. I wish I had confidence in the honesty and integrity of our FBI and DOJ but looking at how they handled Trump, I don’t.

The FBI will investigate Hunter’s laptop until the cows come home and nothing will result of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to lose it.
I believe the information in the book comes from the laptop itself. Many of the books about Trump contain information from unnamed sources.

The FBI has the laptop. I wish I had confidence in the honesty and integrity of our FBI and DOJ but looking at how they handled Trump, I don’t.

The FBI will investigate Hunter’s laptop until the cows come home and nothing will result of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they manage to lose it.
Well if nothing comes of it, nothing comes of it. Let me know when it does. Republicans in power investigated the heck out of Hillary and nothing came of that either and that surprised me. We can think what we like, but if it comes down to it, we go by the rule of law. I can live with that. Can you?
Well if nothing comes of it, nothing comes of it. Let me know when it does. Republicans in power investigated the heck out of Hillary and nothing came of that either and that surprised me. We can think what we like, but if it comes down to it, we go by the rule of law. I can live with that. Can you?
Well if nothing comes of it, nothing comes of it. Let me know when it does. Republicans in power investigated the heck out of Hillary and nothing came of that either and that surprised me. We can think what we like, but if it comes down to it, we go by the rule of law. I can live with that. Can you?
Politics in our nation today reminds me of a corrupt football game where the refs are paid by one team.

Hillary should have been indicted and prosecuted for negligently handling classified information. Hillary is above the rule of law.

Joe Biden and Family were busy selling Joe’s influence all over the globe but nothing will ever come of it. Joe Biden is above the rule of law. China may own Joe Biden but China likely owns half the politicians in Congress and many of high level government bureaucrats.

I expect Trump will be charged for something and prosecuted with a passion. He will be tied up in courts and unable to campaign in 2024.

Trump is an outsider to the Swamp and outsiders the Swamp doesn’t own are not welcome. Trump will serve as the example of why unapproved outsiders should never, ever consider running for President.

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