Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

I made it. Maybe you read too fast

“. I have this on the record.” You claim you know more about Jan6 than Mike Pence..

So, you are upset that I claim to know more about an obscure and supposedly ceremonial function of the office of the VP, than Pence did?

OK. I stand by my take on it. If it is his job to do it, it is his job to NOT do it, if the situation calls for it.

Would you like to address that, or are you just going to post Pence's words again, as though that means something?
OK. I stand by my take on it. If it is his job to do it, it is his job to NOT do it, if the situation calls for it.
It is not his job to certify - The states certify - Congress counts them .Pence presides over the counting - he can’t send the certified results back - if they are certified by December 14 and in safe harbor. That is why Pence determined the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority .. ..
It is not his job to certify - The states certify - Congress counts them .Pence presides over the counting - he can’t send the certified results back - if they are certified by December 14 and in safe harbor. That is why Pence determined the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority .. ..
What planet are you living on?
Walk down the street and ask 10 Democrats this question and they will all get it wrong.
Correll Indeependent PENCE has no authority to decertify any state if a state has finalized its results six days before December 14, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results,

It may come and go without much fanfare, but on Tuesday, the U.S. will pass a key deadline cementing President-elect Joe Biden's victory as the 46th president.

The day, Dec. 8, is known as the "safe harbor" deadline for states to certify their results, compelling Congress to accept those results

Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes.

And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.
Correll wrote: It is Pence's job to certify the election.21DEC28-POST#0950

NFBW wrote. You are a liar. It is not Pence’s Jan6 job to certify anything.

The 12rh Amendment define Pence’s job:

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992) The Electors . . .shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;-The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;-The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, 21DEC29-POST#0966
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It is not his job to certify - The states certify - Congress counts them .Pence presides over the counting - he can’t send the certified results back - if they are certified by December 14 and in safe harbor. That is why Pence determined the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority .. ..

So, instead of getting hung up on that point, lets say HYPOTHETICALLY (DON'T PLAY THE ASSHOLE GAME WHERE YOU FORGET THAT)

Lets say HYPOTHETICALLY that you and Pence are right and that it is not an actual function, just bullshit in the system.

Ok. So, me and Trump were wrong about how an obscure function went.

Whoop de fucking do.

That would, hypothetically, be all that you have here.

Who the fuck cares about that? And don't post a bunch of shit about what we posted in teh past.

Just answer the fucking question.
Correll Indeependent PENCE has no authority to decertify any state if a state has finalized its results six days before December 14, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results,

It may come and go without much fanfare, but on Tuesday, the U.S. will pass a key deadline cementing President-elect Joe Biden's victory as the 46th president.

The day, Dec. 8, is known as the "safe harbor" deadline for states to certify their results, compelling Congress to accept those results

Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes.

And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.

Thank you for again spamming your position. I know that the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion is your favorite logical fallacy.

Was there any actual point to this post or was it just bullshit?
Correll wrote: It is Pence's job to certify the election.21DEC28-POST#0950

NFBW wrote. You are a liar. It is not Pence’s Jan6 job to certify anything.

The 12rh Amendment define Pence’s job:

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992) The Electors . . .shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;-The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;-The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, 21DEC29-POST#0966

What did it say before the revision?
don't post a bunch of shit about what we posted in teh past.

Why not? You three (see below) believe Biden stole the election from DJT.. And up until yesterday all three of you agreed that DJT had a right on Jan6 because the election was stolen, to obstruct Congress through Mike Pence to effectively cancel every single legitimate voter from Michigan Georgia Arizona Nevada Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to manipulate the electoral college count so that DJT wins. You Correll appear to be breaking from the group on Pence and DJT’s right to go for the win on Jan6 so I am recording your movement on that for posterity. Why does that bother you so much Correll

Back on August 18 in POST#11 @Correll wrote, “no, no dem victory can be legit while mobs are running rampant in the streets” and on November 25 we had 9thIDdoc Post#719 chiming in that “the rigged election constituted a coup against the United States, her government, and citizens and on November 13 we heard from 22lcidw Post#086 that “Trump gave Pence an opportunity of a lifetime. Pence was a radio host before he entered politics. If anything was true about the election fraud and there was, then Pence could have lived up to what he spouted. Courage is difficult for most people. 21DEC29-POST#0970
Why not? You three (see below) believe Biden stole the election from DJT.. And up until yesterday all three of you agreed that DJT had a right on Jan6 because the election was stolen, to obstruct Congress through Mike Pence to effectively cancel every single legitimate voter from Michigan Georgia Arizona Nevada Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to manipulate the electoral college count so that DJT wins. You Correll appear to be breaking from the group on Pence and DJT’s right to go for the win on Jan6 so I am recording your movement on that for posterity. Why does that bother you so much Correll

Back on August 18 in POST#11 @Correll wrote, “no, no dem victory can be legit while mobs are running rampant in the streets” and on November 25 we had 9thIDdoc Post#719 chiming in that “the rigged election constituted a coup against the United States, her government, and citizens and on November 13 we heard from 22lcidw Post#086 that “Trump gave Pence an opportunity of a lifetime. Pence was a radio host before he entered politics. If anything was true about the election fraud and there was, then Pence could have lived up to what he spouted. Courage is difficult for most people. 21DEC29-POST#0970

Nope. YOu just cut everything from my post and did not address my point at all.

That was an asshole move. And it showed that you realized that my point was true. You ran from itt.

ALL of this, the crux of the matter, is a difference in opinion on a minor function of the VP's.

You are just posting shit now, to try to gin up, an appearance of bad behavior by people you hate.

You are dishonest and a bad person.
Correll wrote: Trump and the 1/6 protestors believe that the election was fraudulent. So, in their minds, what RIGHTFULLY should have happened, is that "congress" specifically PENCE, should have refused to "formalize the outcome". 21NOV27-POST#1111

NFBW wrote: After Pence refuses to "formalize the outcome" what did Trump and the 1/6 protestors in their minds believe was going to happen? Versus what the Eastman memo advising DJT about what was going to happen? 21DEC29-POST#0972

NFBW wrote: Does “innocent until proven guilty” apply here? 21DEC29-POST#0972
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Correll wrote: Lets say HYPOTHETICALLY that you and Pence are right . . . 21DEC28-POST#0967

NFBW wrote: The Constitution is the final authority on you Correll being wrong when you wrote POST#0950.

Correll wrote: It is Pence's job to certify the election. 21DEC28-POST#0950

NFBW wrote: Pence does not certify the election. The election was certified on December 8. Your argument remains despite reality that DJT had a “right” to decertify the election through Mike Pence in order to throw out the votes in Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin Arizona Nevada and Michigan. You may think Correll that refusing to count the legitimate votes of millions of American is just a “Whoop de fucking do” because you don’t give a fuck about democracy since DJT lost. - - - You are ok with a sitting president that has a belief (no proof) in his mind that he won an election that he lost and “believing that” makes it “rightfully appropriate” to cancel voters who voted against him so the electors in their states don’t get counted on Jan6 and “Whoop de fucking do” DJT wins - one man - the other winner on the ticket - Mike Pence got to decide it? 21DEC29-POST#0973
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NFBW wrote FYI Correll : “The day, Dec. 8, is known as the "safe harbor" deadline for states to certify their results, compelling Congress to accept those results.” The election was over for DJT on December 8. There was nothing he could do to change it. 21DEC29-POST#0974

NFBW wrote: The concept of SAFE HARBOR is not confusing. That is why Correll I like your “confused mess of wishful thinking” explanation for DJT’s state of mind when he engaged in the plan to obstruct Congress on Jan6 through Mike Pence in order to overturn the election and stay in power. 21DEC29-POST#0974

Correll wrote: I think he (DJT) never knew about the details of the vp's by role in that, and was operating from what he wished it to be. 21DEC02-POST#0625

Correll wrote: I look at Trump's actions at that time and I see a confused mess of wishful thinking and doomed attempts. 21DEC03-POST#636

NFBW wrote: You admit you suspect DJT’s mind Correll was a confused mess over Pence’s inability on Jan6 to “win” the election. So what I know Correll is why you don’t apply the confused mess to DJT’s unsupported belief that he won the election that was certified by all fifty states including the one’s that he lost. 21DEC29-POST#0974
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yidnar wrote: I feel that censorship by social media giants and the msm had more to do with the election outcome than cheating ! 21DEC27-POST#0923

NFBW wrote: is it your “feeling” that election fraud / cheating by itself would not have changed the outcome? 21DEC30-POST#0975
yidnar wrote: I feel that censorship by social media giants and the msm had more to do with the election outcome than cheating ! 21DEC27-POST#0923

NFBW wrote: is it your “feeling” that election fraud / cheating by itself would not have changed the outcome? 21DEC30-POST#0975
i believe there was cheating but i cant say there was enough to turn the election one way or the other ... censorship and media blackouts about negative stories about their guy had a bigger effect on the elections .
Correll wrote: Trump and the 1/6 protestors believe that the election was fraudulent. So, in their minds, what RIGHTFULLY should have happened, is that "congress" specifically PENCE, should have refused to "formalize the outcome". 21NOV27-POST#1111

NFBW wrote: After Pence refuses to "formalize the outcome" what did Trump and the 1/6 protestors in their minds believe was going to happen? Versus what the Eastman memo advising DJT about what was going to happen? 21DEC29-POST#0972

NFBW wrote: Does “innocent until proven guilty” apply here? 21DEC29-POST#0972

Nope. YOu just cut everything from my post and did not address my point at all.

That was an asshole move. And it showed that you realized that my point was true. You ran from itt.

ALL of this, the crux of the matter, is a difference in opinion on a minor function of the VP's.

You are just posting shit now, to try to gin up, an appearance of bad behavior by people you hate.

You are dishonest and a bad person.
Correll wrote: Lets say HYPOTHETICALLY that you and Pence are right . . . 21DEC28-POST#0967

NFBW wrote: The Constitution is the final authority on you Correll being wrong when you wrote POST#0950.

Correll wrote: It is Pence's job to certify the election. 21DEC28-POST#0950

NFBW wrote: Pence does not certify the election. The election was certified on December 8. Your argument remains despite reality that DJT had a “right” to decertify the election through Mike Pence in order to throw out the votes in Pennsylvania Georgia Wisconsin Arizona Nevada and Michigan. You may think Correll that refusing to count the legitimate votes of millions of American is just a “Whoop de fucking do” because you don’t give a fuck about democracy since DJT lost. - - - You are ok with a sitting president that has a belief (no proof) in his mind that he won an election that he lost and “believing that” makes it “rightfully appropriate” to cancel voters who voted against him so the electors in their states don’t get counted on Jan6 and “Whoop de fucking do” DJT wins - one man - the other winner on the ticket - Mike Pence got to decide it? 21DEC29-POST#0973

Nope. YOu just cut everything from my post and did not address my point at all.

That was an asshole move. And it showed that you realized that my point was true. You ran from itt.

ALL of this, the crux of the matter, is a difference in opinion on a minor function of the VP's.

You are just posting shit now, to try to gin up, an appearance of bad behavior by people you hate.

You are dishonest and a bad person.
NFBW wrote FYI Correll : “The day, Dec. 8, is known as the "safe harbor" deadline for states to certify their results, compelling Congress to accept those results.” The election was over for DJT on December 8. There was nothing he could do to change it. 21DEC29-POST#0974

NFBW wrote: The concept of SAFE HARBOR is not confusing. That is why Correll I like your “confused mess of wishful thinking” explanation for DJT’s state of mind when he engaged in the plan to obstruct Congress on Jan6 through Mike Pence in order to overturn the election and stay in power. 21DEC29-POST#0974

Correll wrote: I think he (DJT) never knew about the details of the vp's by role in that, and was operating from what he wished it to be. 21DEC02-POST#0625

Correll wrote: I look at Trump's actions at that time and I see a confused mess of wishful thinking and doomed attempts. 21DEC03-POST#636

NFBW wrote: You admit you suspect DJT’s mind Correll was a confused mess over Pence’s inability on Jan6 to “win” the election. So what I know Correll is why you don’t apply the confused mess to DJT’s unsupported belief that he won the election that was certified by all fifty states including the one’s that he lost. 21DEC29-POST#0974

Because I don't care.
yidnar wrote: What did Trump do in his 4 yrs in office to limit the freedom of American citizens ? 21DEC04-POST#152

NFBW wrote: The planned and attempted obstruction of Congress through the gavel of Mike Pence on Jan6, had it succeeded, would have denied every citizen in Arizona George Wisconsin Pennsylvania Nevada and Michigan the very essence of American freedom - the right to have their votes counted rejected because their states went to Joe Biden.

The depriving of that right would have happened in DJT’s words if Pence joined the Eastman/Bannon/Oath Keeper’s Jan6 uprising against democracy that DJT pressured him to do:

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “”“John (Eastman) is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked . . . . at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, is this … “””

Here is the “right thing” according to Trump - deny every citizen in Arizona George Wisconsin Pennsylvania Nevada and Michigan . . the right to have their votes counted. Are you ok with that, yidnar ? 21DEC30-POST#0980

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