Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Correll wrote: Odd. I would think you would mention that you believe that Pence did not believe it was a fraudulent election. . . . Are you implying that you think that Pence certified an election he believed was won by Biden by Biden cheating? 22JAN07-POST#1117

NFBW wrote: I do not believe that Pence did not believe it was a fraudulent election. Unlike you Correll I believe in observable facts. I have observed a report in which Mike Pence explaining what he believed about the election. - - - Pence said, “On Jan. 6, I said that I believe there were irregularities about which I was concerned, and I wanted them to have a fair hearing before the Congress” - - - I have not seen a report where Pence said he believed the election was won by Biden by Biden cheating. So your question is absurd because you must have made up the part about Biden cheating to win. And your question is more absurd because Pence did not certify the election on Jan6. - - - Pence told DJT the day before that us duty on the sixth was basically to open envelopes. So I am not implying anything close to that absurd nonsense the rattles around in a Trump devotee’s head. 22JAN08-POST#1121
NFBW wrote: . . . one incident (Jan6) involving a small number of thousands of proud boys . . . 22JAN05-POST#1079

Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: Are you going to stand corrected Correll or try to lie your way out of it ? 22JAN07-POST#1122
Correll wrote: Are you actually too retarded to understand my point about unequal application of justice? 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: I am trying to find a specific example of unequal application of justice for any of the Jan6 cases. Have the Feds hit “olde trump fart” Bob Snow too hard for pissing on our Capitol like a dog after knowingly entering a restricted federal building without passing through a security checkpoint?

Snow surrendered this week after a warrant was issued for his arrest. He is charged with four misdemeanor offenses: entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.​
Snow, who was released after appearing in court, said he doesn't agree with the charges - - - According to a criminal complaint against Bob Snow of Heber Springs, Arkansas, he told FBI agents “he urinated on a column inside an area he thought to be a cafeteria.”​

Olde Bob from Arkansas will never see a jail cell like most of his fellow Trump rioters, he will pay some kind of fine well below a few hundred bucks . . . . So how does that qualify being pissed and moaned about by you Correll because olde Bob’s is not being treated fair and gently equal to fuckhead criminal lefty looter Engelhart?

LEFTY RIOTER - during CHAUVIN protest May30 Charged with looting stores, taking part in beating


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night. 22JAN08-POST#11
WED JUN 10, 2020 / 2:12 PM EDT

Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence​


Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence

By Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball, Mica Rosenberg and Brad Heath
Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball, Mica Rosenberg and Brad Heath

Correll wrote: The massive rioting and violence of blm/antifa of the last 5 years, has been clear. 21DEC07-POST#0722

NFBW wrote: That is a lie Correll with regard to the Chauvin riots. There have been no FBI charging ANTIFA to any violence related to Chauvin’s cold callus murder of George Floyd. - - - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE THEM. You are a victim Correll of DJT’s thousands of lies including this one:

“I know about antifa, and I know about the radical left, and I know how violent they are and how vicious they are, and I know how they are burning down cities run by Democrats,” Trump said at an NBC town hall.​

Your whataboutism defense of the Jan6 coup attempt Correll is more absolutely absurd than it is not true. Nor is it related to any kind of reality that you can define for us. Culturally conditioned BELIEF is reality to you. 22JAN08-POST#1124
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Correll ‘s BLM/Antifa Contortions.

NFBW wrote: The Kenosha riot was not a part of a BLM peaceful organized planned event because no one at BLM knows when police are going to shoot a black person. 21OCT06-POST#743

Correll wrote: BLM, and Antifa don't NEED to know when it will happen. Th reactions of the libs in question are all...predictable. - - - A white cop kills a black criminal? - - - The BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders, had already set up the preconceptions that any such event is assumed to be wacist, and unjust. - - - The Libtards in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. - - - The thugs know what is coming and know that this is an excuse for crime and looting. - - - The local dems order the cops to stand down. - - - Antifa and/or BLM mobilize to get forces there to rile up or keep it going. - - - What part of this, doesn't make sense for you? 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: Trump supporters and his base of white evangelical Christian nationalists are so fortunate to have a self-professed cultural Christian like Correll on the team. Correll has developed one of the most universal whataboutism conspiracy theories for the political right in America. Blame it on BLM/Antifa. it makes so much sense no one can question it.

Darnella Frazier (17) and her 9-year-old cousin Judeah Reynolds witnessed a white cop killing a black criminal. Certainly it was BLM/Antifa and allied thought leaders that caused Ms Frazier and her little cousin to have preconceptions that the event they were witnessing should be assumed to be wacist, and unjust. - - - look at the racist anger and hate their BLM corrupted minds have to say.

Darnella Frazier, the teenager, now 18, who filmed the video seen worldwide of Floyd's death outside Cup Foods. "When I look at George Floyd I look at my dad, I look at my brothers, I look at my cousins, my uncles because they are all Black," she said. "I have a Black father, I have Black brothers, I have Black friends. I look at them and how it could have been one of them.."​
Judeah Reynolds, the 9-year-old cousin to Frazier who also witnessed Floyd pleading for his life. "I was sad and kind of mad and it felt like it was stopping his breathing and it was hurting him," she said. Who were the witnesses in the Derek Chauvin trial?

Imagine, a nine year old being mad about seeing a white cop suffocating a black man to death - obviously no respect for authority, obviously her young mind has been Brainwashed but the BLM/Antifa thought police. The rest Is explained in my favorite Correll conspiracy theory.

The liberals in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. - - - The thugs like - LEFTY RIOTER - during CHAUVIN protest


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison know what is coming and know that this is an excuse for crime and looting. - - - The local dems order the cops to stand down. - - - Antifa and/or BLM mobilize to get forces there to rile up or keep it going. - - oh yeah. the cultural christian Correll figured this out long before DJT was defeated by Joe in the 2020 election. A fuckin’ genius. 22JAN08-POST#1125
NFBW tells Correll “what Proud Boys did up until the date (some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol & one incident involving a small number of thousands of proud boys does not outweigh the years of free speech marches and mostly using violence in self defense.

Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. - - - I asked you to support that. - - - You have not. Please do so now, or admit that you were just talking shit, in order to smear your enemies. 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: You are a liar. I have never claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. I have been telling you exactly the opposite - very few were there - - - are you an idiot or a bad liar or both?

NFBW wrote: I agree with you 1000 percent Correll (you should be pleased) that what a few Proud Boys did on Jan6 does not change in any way what Proud Boys did up until the date some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol and committed federal crimes. 21JAN05-POST#1077

NFBW wrote: I have clearly stated about 15 minutes ago that one incident involving a small number of thousands of proud boys does not outweigh the years of free speech marches and mostly using violence in self defense. What can I address to that point other than I agree with it? - 22JAN05-POST#1079 22JAN07-POST#1120

Dude. Are you purposefully talking in circles like an ass, or is this really teh best you can do, with your poor communication skills?
Correll wrote: Odd. I would think you would mention that you believe that Pence did not believe it was a fraudulent election. . . . Are you implying that you think that Pence certified an election he believed was won by Biden by Biden cheating? 22JAN07-POST#1117

NFBW wrote: I do not believe that Pence did not believe it was a fraudulent election. Unlike you Correll I believe in observable facts. I have observed a report in which Mike Pence explaining what he believed about the election. - - - Pence said, “On Jan. 6, I said that I believe there were irregularities about which I was concerned, and I wanted them to have a fair hearing before the Congress” - - - I have not seen a report where Pence said he believed the election was won by Biden by Biden cheating. So your question is absurd because you must have made up the part about Biden cheating to win. And your question is more absurd because Pence did not certify the election on Jan6. - - - Pence told DJT the day before that us duty on the sixth was basically to open envelopes. So I am not implying anything close to that absurd nonsense the rattles around in a Trump devotee’s head. 22JAN08-POST#1121

Too bad you don't know how to use the reply button. I'm not going to go back to check the context, so, I will just assume you were talking shit.
NFBW wrote: . . . one incident (Jan6) involving a small number of thousands of proud boys . . . 22JAN05-POST#1079

Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: Are you going to stand corrected Correll or try to lie your way out of it ? 22JAN07-POST#1122

Dude. WTF are you on? Who talks like that? Seriously, are you trying to be an asshole on purpose?

Your wording is TERRIBLE. It looks like you are claiming there were thousands of Proud Boys there. My god you are an asshole.

Seriously. Are you seeing anyone for your autism?
Correll wrote: Are you actually too retarded to understand my point about unequal application of justice? 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: I am trying to find a specific example of unequal application of justice f....

YOu are ignoring my supporting argument where I already answered this.

You are being an asshole. Seriously.
WED JUN 10, 2020 / 2:12 PM EDT

Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence​


Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence

By Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball, Mica Rosenberg and Brad Heath
Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball, Mica Rosenberg and Brad Heath

Correll wrote: The massive rioting and violence of blm/antifa of the last 5 years, has been clear. 21DEC07-POST#0722

NFBW wrote: That is a lie Correll with regard to the Chauvin riots. There have been no FBI charging ANTIFA to any violence ....

Of course not. Dems/libs of the Deep State actively refuse to look for any, and probably actively bury any that is found.
Correll ‘s BLM/Antifa Contortions.

NFBW wrote: The Kenosha riot was not a part of a BLM peaceful organized planned event because no one at BLM knows when police are going to shoot a black person. 21OCT06-POST#743

Correll wrote: BLM, and Antifa don't NEED to know when it will happen. Th reactions of the libs in question are all...predictable. - - - A white cop kills a black criminal? - - - The BLM and Antifa and allied thought leaders, had already set up the preconceptions that any such event is assumed to be wacist, and unjust. - - - The Libtards in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. - - - The thugs know what is coming and know that this is an excuse for crime and looting. - - - The local dems order the cops to stand down. - - - Antifa and/or BLM mobilize to get forces there to rile up or keep it going. - - - What part of this, doesn't make sense for you? 21OCT06-POST#747

NFBW wrote: Trump supporters and his base of white evangelical Christian nationalists are so fortunate to have a self-professed cultural Christian like Correll on the team. Correll has developed one of the most universal whataboutism conspiracy theories for the political right in America. Blame it on BLM/Antifa. it makes so much sense no one can question it.

Darnella Frazier (17) and her 9-year-old cousin Judeah Reynolds witnessed a white cop killing a black criminal. Certainly it was BLM/Antifa and allied thought leaders that caused Ms Frazier and her little cousin to have preconceptions that the event they were witnessing should be assumed to be wacist, and unjust. - - - look at the racist anger and hate their BLM corrupted minds have to say.

Darnella Frazier, the teenager, now 18, who filmed the video seen worldwide of Floyd's death outside Cup Foods. "When I look at George Floyd I look at my dad, I look at my brothers, I look at my cousins, my uncles because they are all Black," she said. "I have a Black father, I have Black brothers, I have Black friends. I look at them and how it could have been one of them.."​
Judeah Reynolds, the 9-year-old cousin to Frazier who also witnessed Floyd pleading for his life. "I was sad and kind of mad and it felt like it was stopping his breathing and it was hurting him," she said. Who were the witnesses in the Derek Chauvin trial?

Imagine, a nine year old being mad about seeing a white cop suffocating a black man to death - obviously no respect for authority, obviously her young mind has been Brainwashed but the BLM/Antifa thought police. The rest Is explained in my favorite Correll conspiracy theory.

The liberals in the media, jump on it, and fan the flames. - - - The thugs like - LEFTY RIOTER - during CHAUVIN protest

View attachment 585448

Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison know what is coming and know that this is an excuse for crime and looting. - - - The local dems order the cops to stand down. - - - Antifa and/or BLM mobilize to get forces there to rile up or keep it going. - - oh yeah. the cultural christian Correll figured this out long before DJT was defeated by Joe in the 2020 election. A fuckin’ genius. 22JAN08-POST#1125

Correct. Would you like to address my point(s) or do you think that your tone is all the argument you have?
NFBW tells Correll “what Proud Boys did up until the date (some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol …

You read that me saying a thousand Proud Boys attacked the Capitol on Jan6 ?.. “Very few in fact”
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NFBW tells Correll “what Proud Boys did up until the date (some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol

How nice, you altered what you said before. Is that an admission what you said was unclear, or an attempt to clarify it, or is it a lie, and you are trying to pretend that you did not say what you said before? Or is it something else, completely off the wall that no normal person would think of?

Note that the way you posted it, was completely uninformative as to your intent.

If this is really your honest attempt at communication, then you SUCK at it, and need to improve your skills.

If this is just you being an ass, then stop it.
NFBW wrote: . . . one incident (Jan6) involving a small number of thousands of proud boys . . . 22JAN05-POST#1079

Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. 22JAN07-POST#1116

Now you blame me for your lie.
How nice, you altered what you said before. Is that an admission what you said was unclear, or an attempt to clarify it, or is it a lie, and you are trying to pretend that you did not say what you said before? Or is it something else, completely off the wall that no normal person would think of?

Note that the way you posted it, was completely uninformative as to your intent.

If this is really your honest attempt at communication, then you SUCK at it, and need to improve your skills.

If this is just you being an ass, then stop it.
If this is just you being an ass, then stop it.

Even ass holes benefit from Free Speech.
NFBW wrote: . . . one incident (Jan6) involving a small number of thousands of proud boys . . . 22JAN05-POST#1079

@Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: Are you going to stand corrected @Correll or try to lie your way out of it ? 22JAN07-POST#1122
I did not alter anything Correll - you
Are a liar.
Not. Why did you say the word "thousands"?
Because there are thousands of Proud Boys in the nation and the world.

NFBW wrote: . . . one incident (Jan6) involving a small number of thousands of proud boys . . . 22JAN05-POST#1079

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