Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

That one riot, resulted in a 4 hour delay in certification. YOur hysteria about it, is more a testimony to what a drama queen you are, then to anything else.
No kidding. The delay should have been more than four hours since there should have been an investigation into voter fraud.
Correll wrote: The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested. 21JAN08-POST#171

NFBW wrote: What facts did you gather Correll prior to your decision to accuse an officer of needlessly shooting a potential assassin among the violent mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan6.? 22JAN05-POST#1082
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Correll wrote: That one riot, resulted in a 4 hour delay in certification. 22JAN05-POST#1074

lennypartiv wrote: The delay should have been more than four hours since there should have been an investigation into voter fraud. 22JAN05-POST#1081

NFBW wrote: Could you Correll straighten lennypartiv out that there was no need for an investigation because there was no significant fraud preventing states from certifying their elections. All fifty states certified their elections by December 14 in accordance with the Constitution and that meant Congress cannot undo it on Jan6. Biden’s win was locked in on December 14.
Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, New York, could face up to five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding.​

The amount of delay to the official proceeding on Jan6 was caused when a thousand Trump supporters breached security of the US Capitol by attacking police and breaking doors and windows to gain entry. The delay was not caused by peaceful protesters outside the walls of the Capitol. The delay was caused by Matt Greene!s crimes. He was caught and he has pled guilty. There is no way Greene should be defined as a political prisoner. Trump 22JAN06-POST#1083
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Correll wrote: The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested. 21JAN08-POST#171

Correll wrote: So, being greatly outnumbered by a violent mob justifies the use of a gun? Good to know. 21JAN09-POST#221

NFBW wrote: I see you understood from the start Correll that the cop who shot Ashley J6dumbass Babbitt was outnumbered by a violent mob that she was leading. Here are two more facts to keep in mind. (1) The cop was on duty to defend lawmakers including Mike Pence who was acting as President of the Senate with his entire family with him on that day. (2) The cop in the chaotic moment when he fired his weapon had no idea how many of the twenty thousand Stop the Steal protesters had decided to violently attack the Capitol and harm those who were officially inside on that day. 22JAN06-POST#1084
NFBW wrote: Will you lennypartiv and Correll participate in some sort of MAGA rally in support and in honor of accused J6CopBeater4Trump Edward Jacob Lang aka political prisoner#006.5
An accused Capitol rioter ripped into former president Donald Trump in a TV interview from jail on Wednesday night, the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection. “I am so disappointed in Trump for canceling his January 6th press conference,” Edward Jacob Lang told far-right personality Stew Peters, according to the Daily Beast. - - - Lang, who is accused of assaulting a police officer with a bat during the insurrection, said he was on the brink of crying during the interview - - - “It just shows how far we have fallen ... where is our rally tomorrow?” Lang said, adding that “there should be a hundred thousand people in D.C. tomorrow at the very minimum. - - - "I am so disappointed with Trump and the American people at large that just do not get behind the January 6 political prisoners," Lang said. “President Trump, where are you? ... You better do a press conference, man. ... We are rotting in jail because we stood up for what you told us to stand up for!”‘President Trump, where are you?’ MAGA rioter begs Trump for help in jailhouse interview
Peters, the host, also expressed frustration with Trump. - - - “We had hoped that Trump would address all of the evidence that the chaos of January 6th was orchestrated by agent provocateurs,” Peters said. “Instead, Mar-a-Lago has signaled today a surrender of the narrative."​

Or are you going to forget about and ignore the dumb bastard for being so stupid to believe DJT ever gave a shit about his miserable waste of a life full of nothing but his list of blame everybody else grievances. 22JAN06-POST#1085
Correll wrote: I have clearly stated that one incident, involving a small number of Proud Boys, does not define them, does not out weight the years of Free Speech marches and only using violence in self defense. - - - That has clearly been my point. Would you like to address it now? Or would you like to spam some more shit instead? 22JAN05-POST#1078

NFBW wrote: I have clearly stated about 15 minutes ago that one incident involving a small number of thousands of proud boys does not outweigh the years of free speech marches and mostly using violence in self defense. What can I address to that point other than I agree with it? - - - Matt Greene did not join the proud boys until December 2021 but he did join so he could participate in an assault on the capital with them. Proud boy history has nothing to do with the crimes that he and other proud boys committed on Jan6 22JAN05-POST#1079

1. Your wording is vague and overly wordy. Are you admitting that your earlier characterization of the Proud Boys as "stormtroopers" was false?

2. "THOUSANDS" of Proud Boys? Please support that claim.
Correll wrote: I have clearly stated that one incident, involving a small number of Proud Boys, does not define them . . . 22JAN05-POST#1078

NFBW wrote: Why are you interested in defining them? You say Matt Greene is a political prisoner. He is not locked up fir being a Proud Boy. He will be in prison for maybe four years because he pled guilty to a federal crime that carries a max sentence of 20 years. He’s getting four for cooperating with the Feds. Why do you agree with DJT that he is a political prisoner? 22JAN05-POST#1080

You have spent a lot of wordage trying to define them as various bad things. You seem to think that it is important for YOU to define them, now you are acting like it is odd that I want to define them.

The truth is, that by defining them one way, you taint them, and thus get to say the most absurd shit, and expect people to believe it, because you have defined them as, for example, "fascist".

BUT, if your definition is false, then you could be running a line of bullshit jive past people.

Is that your intent? Do you not want to be correct in your facts? Or are you more interested in defining the "facts" in the way that makes your case easier to sell?

What is your goal here? Truth? Or Winning?

ALSO, the bit where you want to define them, then act like it is odd that I respond to that? That is you being an asshole.

So you realize that you are an asshole? Do you WANT to be an asshole? Do you LIKE being an asshole?

These are not rhetorical questions. I want real answers. Don't cut out one point and reply to it in your normal wordy fashion. Hit the REPLY button and address it all!

What is your goal here? Truth? Or Winning?

Correll wrote: The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested. 21JAN08-POST#171

NFBW wrote: What facts did you gather Correll prior to your decision to accuse an officer of needlessly shooting a potential assassin among the violent mob that attacked the Capitol on Jan6.? 22JAN05-POST#1082

A non-autistic person would have been able to tell by context that that post was mocking the double standard that leftards have in such use of force instances.

To be clear, for the not normal people among us, The woman was engaged in a riot and being shot was appropriate.

The only thing that really makes it unusual, is that it does not match the recent soft handling we have been giving LEFTARD rioters.

And indeed, it this was a left leaning riot, and a white cop had shot a black unarmed woman, you leftards would be having a little hissy fit.
Correll wrote: That one riot, resulted in a 4 hour delay in certification. 22JAN05-POST#1074

lennypartiv wrote: The delay should have been more than four hours since there should have been an investigation into voter fraud. 22JAN05-POST#1081

NFBW wrote: Could you Correll straighten lennypartiv out that there was no need for an investigation because there was no significant fraud preventing states from certifying their elections. All fifty states certified their elections by December 14 in accordance with the Constitution and that meant Congress cannot undo it on Jan6. Biden’s win was locked in on December 14.
Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, New York, could face up to five years in prison for the conspiracy charge and 20 years for obstructing an official proceeding.​

The amount of delay to the official proceeding on Jan6 was caused when a thousand Trump supporters breached security of the US Capitol by attacking police and breaking doors and windows to gain entry. The delay was not caused by peaceful protesters outside the walls of the Capitol. The delay was caused by Matt Greene!s crimes. He was caught and he has pled guilty. There is no way Greene should be defined as a political prisoner. Trump 22JAN06-POST#1083

Why do you say, "no SIGNIFICANT fraud"?
Correll wrote: The woman shot was unarmed. That cop should be arrested. 21JAN08-POST#171

Correll wrote: So, being greatly outnumbered by a violent mob justifies the use of a gun? Good to know. 21JAN09-POST#221

NFBW wrote: I see you understood from the start Correll that the cop who shot Ashley J6dumbass Babbitt was outnumbered by a violent mob that she was leading. Here are two more facts to keep in mind. (1) The cop was on duty to defend lawmakers including Mike Pence who was acting as President of the Senate with his entire family with him on that day. (2) The cop in the chaotic moment when he fired his weapon had no idea how many of the twenty thousand Stop the Steal protesters had decided to violently attack the Capitol and harm those who were officially inside on that day. 22JAN06-POST#1084

Yeah, that is the type of context that any normal person would be able to use to understand that I was MOCKING you leftardsd.

That bit were you see things from the pov of hte cop? That is what you leftards never do, when the cop shoots an unarmed black male.
NFBW wrote: Will you lennypartiv and Correll participate in some sort of MAGA rally in support and in honor of accused J6CopBeater4Trump Edward Jacob Lang aka political prisoner#006.5
An accused Capitol rioter ripped into former president Donald Trump in a TV interview from jail on Wednesday night, the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection. “I am so disappointed in Trump for canceling his January 6th press conference,” Edward Jacob Lang told far-right personality Stew Peters, according to the Daily Beast. - - - Lang, who is accused of assaulting a police officer with a bat during the insurrection, said he was on the brink of crying during the interview - - - “It just shows how far we have fallen ... where is our rally tomorrow?” Lang said, adding that “there should be a hundred thousand people in D.C. tomorrow at the very minimum. - - - "I am so disappointed with Trump and the American people at large that just do not get behind the January 6 political prisoners," Lang said. “President Trump, where are you? ... You better do a press conference, man. ... We are rotting in jail because we stood up for what you told us to stand up for!”‘President Trump, where are you?’ MAGA rioter begs Trump for help in jailhouse interview
Peters, the host, also expressed frustration with Trump. - - - “We had hoped that Trump would address all of the evidence that the chaos of January 6th was orchestrated by agent provocateurs,” Peters said. “Instead, Mar-a-Lago has signaled today a surrender of the narrative."​

Or are you going to forget about and ignore the dumb bastard for being so stupid to believe DJT ever gave a shit about his miserable waste of a life full of nothing but his list of blame everybody else grievances. 22JAN06-POST#1085

I would participate in a rally to protest the violation of Equal Protection clause.

As a rioter, he deserves to face justice for his crime. But, the 1/6 rioters are being singled out for special attention and effort and extra harsh sentencing, compared to the other rioters of the period of unrest 2016-2020.

Do you believe in the equal protection clause of justice?
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"

Not sure that the states "wanted" to correct their votes - in some cases Establishment Republicans - Georgia -were a part of the corruption.
It is not in question that there was fraud and irregularities in the 5 areas that were required to steal the election.

It is a little more complicated than Pence simply rejecting the fraudulent returns - but that would have started the process.

That is why the Establishment timed the movements as they did.

That is all.
It is a little more complicated than Pence simply rejecting the fraudulent returns - but that would have started the process.
Why include prominent government officials if they can't fix the problem of voter fraud? Pence should have been able to invalidate the fraudulent votes.
NFBW wrote: Please show us the facts you have researched Correll regarding The FBI’s unequal protection and treatment under the law and harsh handling of the case of Edward Jacob Lang who is accused of assaulting a police officer with a bat during the Jan6 riot. Is it fair to ask you for your facts before responding to your general comments in . Do you consider a bat used in the video recurred beating of a police officer be a deadly weapon? 22JAN06-POST#1091.
NFBW wrote: Please show us the facts you have researched Correll regarding The FBI’s unequal protection and treatment under the law and harsh handling of the case of Edward Jacob Lang who is accused of assaulting a police officer with a bat during the Jan6 riot. Is it fair to ask you for your facts before responding to your general comments in . Do you consider a bat used in the video recurred beating of a police officer be a deadly weapon? 22JAN06-POST#1091.

The 1/6 rioters have been targeted with vast resources and efforts to identify, treated more harshly than other rioters, such as not having bail, and then sentenced more harshly than other rioters, of the same time period.

THe "facts" are clear in the reports in teh leftard media, crowing about massive hunts and harsh sentences while dem elected officials are just dropping charges against dem rioters.
Correll wrote: The "facts" are clear in the reports in the leftard media, 22JAN06-POST#1095

NFBW wrote: If the facts are clear Correll regarding Lang’s assault on a police officer with a bat on Jan6 in the leftard media regarding The FBI’s unequal protection and treatment of Lang under the law and harsh handling of his case, then you must be able to share it, but you refuse. So where is it and why don’t you provide it to back up your conspiracy theory laced opinion that Lang Is not being treated fairly by the government that he attacked? 22JAN06-POST#1096
Why include prominent government officials if they can't fix the problem of voter fraud? Pence should have been able to invalidate the fraudulent votes.

Wasn't it Pence's job to reject the ones in question and return them to the state(s) for verification?
NFBW wrote: Will you lennypartiv and Correll participate in some sort of MAGA rally in support and in honor of accused J6CopBeater4Trump Edward Jacob Lang aka political prisoner#006.5
An accused Capitol rioter ripped into former president Donald Trump in a TV interview from jail on Wednesday night, the eve of the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection. “I am so disappointed in Trump for canceling his January 6th press conference,” Edward Jacob Lang told far-right personality Stew Peters, according to the Daily Beast. - - - Lang, who is accused of assaulting a police officer with a bat during the insurrection, said he was on the brink of crying during the interview - - - “It just shows how far we have fallen ... where is our rally tomorrow?” Lang said, adding that “there should be a hundred thousand people in D.C. tomorrow at the very minimum. - - - "I am so disappointed with Trump and the American people at large that just do not get behind the January 6 political prisoners," Lang said. “President Trump, where are you? ... You better do a press conference, man. ... We are rotting in jail because we stood up for what you told us to stand up for!”​
Trump cancelled the press conference because he got word the liberal media was refusing to carry it live. Then the liberal media would pick the sound bytes they felt would make Trump look bad. Hopefully Trump's new media company will hit the airwaves soon.
Wasn't it Pence's job to reject the ones in question and return them to the state(s) for verification?
No! Unlike Trump If you respect the Constitution it is clear Pence had constitutional authority to open envelopes and nothing more.
The vice president's role as laid out by the Constitution and a 19th-century law is ceremonial, though, and Pence has no real power beyond reading a script, opening envelopes that show states' electoral votes and announcing Biden as the winner. Trump presses, but Pence tells him he can't reject Biden's win before Congress
Correll wrote: The "facts" are clear in the reports in the leftard media, 22JAN06-POST#1095

NFBW wrote: If the facts are clear Correll regarding Lang’s assault on a police officer with a bat on Jan6 in the leftard media regarding The FBI’s unequal protection and treatment of Lang under the law and harsh handling of his case, then you must be able to share it, but you refuse. So where is it and why don’t you provide it to back up your conspiracy theory laced opinion that Lang Is not being treated fairly by the government that he attacked? 22JAN06-POST#1096

1. Why did you say "significant fraud"?

2. Why was it ok for YOU to define the Proud Boy, but odd when I responded?

3. Do you see yourself as an asshole?

4. And yes, the fact of the difference in treatment for the 1/6 rioters vs the leftard rioters, is clear. Your denial only shows how dishonest you are.

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