Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

No! Unlike Trump If you respect the Constitution it is clear Pence had constitutional authority to open envelopes and nothing more.
The vice president's role as laid out by the Constitution and a 19th-century law is ceremonial, though, and Pence has no real power beyond reading a script, opening envelopes that show states' electoral votes and announcing Biden as the winner. Trump presses, but Pence tells him he can't reject Biden's win before Congress

that is simply false
thank you.
Mike Pence at WHITE HOUSE meeting said to President Trump “So, if you have a strategy for the 6th, it really shouldn’t involve me because I’m just there to open the envelopes.” 21JAN05-REALITY#005

NotfooledbyW said: No! Unlike Trump If you respect the Constitution it is clear Pence had constitutional authority to open envelopes and nothing more.

The vice president's role as laid out by the Constitution and a 19th-century law is ceremonial, though, and Pence has no real power beyond reading a script, opening envelopes that show states' electoral votes and announcing Biden as the winner. Trump presses, but Pence tells him he can't reject Biden's win before Congress

Billiejeens wrote: that is simply false 22JAN06-POST#1101

NFBW wrote: please allow Mike Pence teach you Billiejeens the constitutional facts of the matter: 22JAN06-POST#1102
On the evening of January 5, as he waited for Pence to arrive from a coronavirus task force meeting, an aide informed Trump his supporters were gathering near the White House on Freedom Plaza near Pennsylvania Avenue. "I'm Just There to Open the Envelopes:" The Select Committee and DOJ Investigations Converge at Mike Pence - emptywheel
Despite the bitter cold, the supporters were cheering loudly and chanting his name. They were waving “Make America Great Again” flags. - - - When Pence arrived, Trump told him about the thousands of supporters. They love me, he said. - - - Pence nodded. “Of course, they’re here to support you,” he said. “They love you, Mr. President. - - - “But,” Pence added, “they also love our Constitution.” - - - Trump grimaced.- - - That may be, Trump said, but they agree with him regardless: Pence could and should throw Biden’s electors out. Make it fair. Take it back.- - - That is all I want you to do, Mike, Trump said. Let the House decide the election. Trump was not ready to give up, especially to a man he maligned as “Sleepy Joe.” - - - “What do you think, Mike?” Trump asked. - - - Pence returned to his mantra: He did not have the authority to do anything other than count the electoral votes. - - - “Well, what if these people say you do?” Trump asked, gesturing beyond the White House to the crowds outside. Raucous cheering and blasting bullhorns could be heard through the Oval Office windows.- - - “If these people say you had the power, wouldn’t you want to?” Trump asked.​
- - - “I wouldn’t want any one person to have that authority,” Pence said.- - - “But wouldn’t it almost be cool to have that power?” Trump asked.- - - “No,” Pence said. “Look, I’ve read this, and I don’t see a way to do it. - - - “We’ve exhausted every option. I’ve done everything I could and then some to find a way around this. It’s simply not possible. My interpretation is: No. - - - “I’ve met with all of these people,” Pence said, “they’re all on the same page. I personally believe these are the limits to what I can do. So, if you have a strategy for the 6th, it really shouldn’t involve me because I’m just there to open the envelopes. You should be talking to the House and Senate. Your team should be talking to them about what kind of evidence they’re going to present. 22JAN06-POST#1102​

NFBW wrote: So, Billiejeens can you make a case that Mike Pence was wrong and you and DJT are right? 22JAN06-POST#1102
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Mike Pence at WHITE HOUSE meeting said to President Trump “So, if you have a strategy for the 6th, it really shouldn’t involve me because I’m just there to open the envelopes.” 21JAN05-REALITY#005

NotfooledbyW said: No! Unlike Trump If you respect the Constitution it is clear Pence had constitutional authority to open envelopes and nothing more.

The vice president's role as laid out by the Constitution and a 19th-century law is ceremonial, though, and Pence has no real power beyond reading a script, opening envelopes that show states' electoral votes and announcing Biden as the winner. Trump presses, but Pence tells him he can't reject Biden's win before Congress

Billiejeens wrote: that is simply false 22JAN06-POST#1101

NFBW wrote: please allow Mike Pence teach you Billiejeens the constitutional facts of the matter: 22JAN06-POST#1102
On the evening of January 5, as he waited for Pence to arrive from a coronavirus task force meeting, an aide informed Trump his supporters were gathering near the White House on Freedom Plaza near Pennsylvania Avenue. "I'm Just There to Open the Envelopes:" The Select Committee and DOJ Investigations Converge at Mike Pence - emptywheel
Despite the bitter cold, the supporters were cheering loudly and chanting his name. They were waving “Make America Great Again” flags. - - - When Pence arrived, Trump told him about the thousands of supporters. They love me, he said. - - - Pence nodded. “Of course, they’re here to support you,” he said. “They love you, Mr. President. - - - “But,” Pence added, “they also love our Constitution.” - - - Trump grimaced.- - - That may be, Trump said, but they agree with him regardless: Pence could and should throw Biden’s electors out. Make it fair. Take it back.- - - That is all I want you to do, Mike, Trump said. Let the House decide the election. Trump was not ready to give up, especially to a man he maligned as “Sleepy Joe.” - - - “What do you think, Mike?” Trump asked. - - - Pence returned to his mantra: He did not have the authority to do anything other than count the electoral votes. - - - “Well, what if these people say you do?” Trump asked, gesturing beyond the White House to the crowds outside. Raucous cheering and blasting bullhorns could be heard through the Oval Office windows.- - - “If these people say you had the power, wouldn’t you want to?” Trump asked.​
- - - “I wouldn’t want any one person to have that authority,” Pence said.- - - “But wouldn’t it almost be cool to have that power?” Trump asked.- - - “No,” Pence said. “Look, I’ve read this, and I don’t see a way to do it. - - - “We’ve exhausted every option. I’ve done everything I could and then some to find a way around this. It’s simply not possible. My interpretation is: No. - - - “I’ve met with all of these people,” Pence said, “they’re all on the same page. I personally believe these are the limits to what I can do. So, if you have a strategy for the 6th, it really shouldn’t involve me because I’m just there to open the envelopes. You should be talking to the House and Senate. Your team should be talking to them about what kind of evidence they’re going to present. 22JAN06-POST#1102​

NFBW wrote: So, Billiejeens can you make a case that Mike Pence was wrong and you and DJT are right? 22JAN06-POST#1102

My goodness you are fucking simple.
My goodness you are fucking simple
The Constitution is also quite simple. I can’t understand why you don’t believe in it.

The 12th Amendment states that, "The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of votes for President, .. . . SHALL BE THE FUCKING PRESIDENT

Certificates come in sealed envelopes - Pence opens them - simple.
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The Constitution is also quite simple. I can’t understand why you don’t believe in it.

The 12th Amendment states that, "The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of votes for President, .. . . SHALL BE THE FUCKING PRESIDENT

Certificates come in sealed envelopes - Pence opens them - simple.

Question for you -

You are simple like a child would be - were you alive in 2000?
Ethan Nordean after his arrest spoke about Trump: "We are now and always have been on our own. So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and shit on us on the way out," Nordean said in an expletive-laden message about the former president. "Fuck you trump you left us on [t]he battle field bloody and alone."

Billiejeens wrote: 100% that it was left wing agitators unfortunately. 21JAN07-POST#0872

NFBW wrote: do you still believe in your original knee-jerk reaction to the Jan6 riot? The leader of the Proud Boys on that date in DC does not appear to be a left wing agitator.

Ethan Nordean Age: 30 - Arrested or charged on: Feb. 3, 2021 - Home state: Washington
Charges: Conspiracy; obstructing or impeding an official proceeding; aiding and abetting; knowingly entering or remaining in restricted building or grounds; and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

What happened: There Nordean, an officer with the Seattle chapter of the Proud Boys, marched with a group of known Proud Boys during the riot, entered the Capitol and was near the front of a crowd that confronted and outnumbered police, the Department of Justice said in a news release. He posted messages as early as December on social media indicating he was planning to engage in conflict, the release said. For example, he posted looking for donations of protective gear and communications equipment and stated "Let them remember the day they decided to make war with us." Nordean is listed as a manager in a Florida-registered corporation with two otherwise Proud Boys who have been arrested, Enrique Tarrio arrested in D.C. on Jan. 4 and Joe Biggs, who was charged for participating in the riot. https://www.usatoday.com/storytelling/capitol-riot-mob-arrests/ In a video posted Jan. 4, Nordean said the Proud Boys were going to "bring back that original spirit of 1776 of what really established the character of what America is. And it’s not complacency, it’s not low standards. It’s ‘this is how it’s going to be, and I don’t give a goddamn,'" according to the FBI. Later in the same video, Nordean said "No democracy, no peace." On Jan. 8, the FBI reports Nordean posted a photo of a Capitol Police officer administering pepper spray during the riot with the caption: "if you feel bad for the police, you are part of the problem. . ." In a March 1 filing, federal government attorneys said Nordean was nominated within the Proud Boys to have "war powers" after Tarrio's arrest, and to "take ultimate leadership of the Proud Boys’ activities on January 6, 22JAN06-POST#1108
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Correll wrote: The 1/6 rioters have been targeted with vast resources and efforts to identify, treated more harshly than other rioters, such as not having bail, 22JAN06-POST#1095 . . .

NFBW wrote: Here is a J6 rioter who is arrested but was not charged with conspiracy. Obstruction of an official proceding or charged with beating any of the officers. Christian Secor, a white Supremacist, is out on bail. So which of the indicted rioters are you pissing and moaning about Correll ? Your complaint is not backed up by any facts.

Christian Secor Age: 22 Arrested or charged on: Feb. 13, 2021 Home state: California
Charges: Assaulting, resisting or impeding officers and aiding and abetting; civil disorder and aiding and abetting; obstruction; restricted building or grounds; violent entry and disorderly conduct
What happened: Eleven different tipsters identified Secor to the FBI, providing copies of photos and videos of him inside the Senate chamber and sitting in the chair of the presiding officer on the dais, the agency stated in court documents. In the photos, the UCLA student is wearing a red Make America Great Again hat and carrying an America First flag. The FBI said Secor is a self-identified Groyper, a network of "alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and 'America First' podcaster Nick Fuentes. The FBI stated a tipster reported Secor founded the campus organization "America First Bruins" and is a member of Bruins Republicans. The FBI stated Secor can be seen in a group of rioters pushing their way into the building. Court documents state a tipster told the FBI that Secor moved back in with his mother after the riot, got rid of his phone and car and bragged that he would not be caught for his involvement. The organization Left Coast Right Watch previously reported that Secor was one of the young men from southern California who chanted and shouted "America First" and streamed video of themselves tearing down the silver monolith that appeared in California last April. 22JAN06-POST#1109




The FBI started investigating UCLA student Christian Secor in late January, after receiving tips about his alleged involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot. This surveillance photo of Secor is cited in the government's application for a search warrant.

Department of Justice

Federal judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee and a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department, ruled that the student, Christian Secor, should be released. The court ruled that Secor will be subject to GPS monitoring and must surrender access to firearms and his passport, among other conditions. Secor has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Still, while Judge McFadden ruled that the government did not provide enough evidence to keep Secor locked up pending trial, he said that, "I understand why the government is concerned."

Federal prosecutors argued that Secor poses a danger to the community, and could attempt to flee.

In a search of his mother's home, where he was living, "law enforcement found three knives and a baton in the defendant's vehicle, mace and body armor plates in the defendant's bedroom, and a privately manufactured 'ghost gun' in a gun safe in the house," federal prosecutors said in a court filing. "Ghost gun" is a term for a firearm that is privately made - sometimes by hobbyists at home - and has no serial number, making it untraceable. California law requires that owners of such guns obtain a serial number for it from the state government, and restricts their sales. None of the charges against Secor relate to the gun. 22JAN06-POST#1109
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Correll wrote: The 1/6 rioters have been targeted with vast resources and efforts to identify, treated more harshly than other rioters, such as not having bail, 22JAN06-POST#1095 . . .

NFBW wrote: Most of the rioters convicted on trespassing type charges and sentenced were out on bail and have been given no jail time. Here’s an exception, … I think her mouth got her 60 days. - - - Your latest conspiracy theory is absurd.

A Jan. 6 rioter who bragged that she wouldn't go to prison is sentenced to two months​

November 4, 20212:19 PM ET

A real estate agent from suburban Dallas who flaunted her participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol on social media and later bragged she wasn't going to jail because she is white, has blond hair and a good job was sentenced on Thursday to two months behind bars.
While some rioters sentenced for the same misdemeanor conviction have received only probation or home confinement, prosecutors sought incarceration for Jennifer Leigh Ryan of Frisco, Texas, saying she has shown a lack of candor and remorse for her actions when the pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol building and delayed Congress' certification of Joe Biden's Electoral College victory.
They also said Ryan's belief that she's shielded from punishment shows she doesn't grasp the seriousness of her crime.
Ryan wasn't facing a felony for more serious conduct, but U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper said she was still among the mob who overnumbered police in an attack that led to the deaths of five people and will have a lasting effect on government institutions 22JAN06-POST#1110
AirTight wrote: Does anybody care about that statement not making a lick of since? Do you real want to support a leader where that type of statement works?

NFBW wrote: You are welcome to continue the thread about Trump’s Jan6 lies here.

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Correll wrote: The 1/6 rioters have been targeted with vast resources and efforts to identify, treated more harshly than other rioters, such as not having bail, 22JAN06-POST#1095 . . .

NFBW wrote: Anthony Williams is charged with obstructing an official proceding but like most rioters who are pending trial he is out on 10,000 bail. So I don’t know what you are precisely pissing and moaning about Correll unless it pisses you off Correll that the judge has denied Wiliams’ request to vacation in Jamaica while awaiting trial.

Anthony Williams who has pleaded not guilty to charges related to the January 6 riot -- had asked to travel to meet his girlfriend's family.​

Oh the inhumanity of that deep state judge. 22JAN06-POST#1112
Correll wrote: 2. Why was it ok for YOU to define the Proud Boy, but odd when I responded? 22JAN06-POST#1100

NFBW wrote: The Proud Boy is Matt Greene. He is defined as ex-military who joined the PB’s one month before Jan6 because he wanted to storm the Capitol for Trump - You want to define Matt Greene as a Proud Boy version long before Greene joined them. They were and most members still are a rightwing men’s drinking club promoting free speech, taking pride that white people created the modern world who live to fight with anti-fascists. You define the non-criminal Proud Boys which is ok. But you are a liar when you refuse to definine Greene as a criminal Proud Boy because he joined when the hate group engaged in a criminal attack to overthrow the incoming US Governnent by violently forcing a defeated one term president to acquire s second term against the wil of the people. 22JAN06-POST#1111
RetiredGySgt wrote: Again for the slow and painfully stupid, the LAW allows congressmen to challenge the electoral votes in individual States it is not a coup attempt to do so it is not illegal and it does not make one a traitor 21DEC30-POST#196

NFBW wrote: DJT was pressuring PENCE to unilaterally refuse to count, not count electors from seven states based on a lie that those states ‘wanted their certifications back.” - - - Doing that would change the outcome because there would be no electors deemed validly appointed by those seven States. - - - That means the total number of “electors appointed” becomes 454. A manipulated “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected.

FYI, RetiredGySgt , Billiejeens and Correll what DJT pressured Pence to do , because it was based on a lie, is an attempt to defraud the government and obstruction of an official proceeding. That would be highly unconstitutional and perhaps a federal offence. Pence told TRUMP no because it was unAmericsn to hold a notion that one person could change the results of an election by rejecting legal results from states because they did not vote in one’s favor. 22JAN07-POST#1114
Correll wrote: The 1/6 rioters have been targeted with vast resources and efforts to identify, treated more harshly than other rioters, such as not having bail, 22JAN06-POST#1095 . . .

NFBW wrote: Here is a J6 rioter who is arrested but was not charged with conspiracy. Obstruction of an official proceding or charged with beating any of the officers. Christian Secor, a white Supremacist, is out on bail. So which of the indicted rioters are you pissing and moaning about Correll ? Your complaint is not backed up by any facts.

Christian Secor Age: 22 Arrested or charged on: Feb. 13, 2021 Home state: California
Charges: Assaulting, resisting or impeding officers and aiding and abetting; civil disorder and aiding and abetting; obstruction; restricted building or grounds; violent entry and disorderly conduct

Are you actually too retarded to understand my point about unequal application of justice?

The point is, that you people went after him with everything you had, while the antifa and blm rioters, you have not.

That fact that you said, w.s. like that meant something, is very telling.

Do you think that this person, if he is actually a w.s., does that mean he loses the right to equal application of justice?

And if not, why did you fucking make a point of it? Was there a point, or are you just being an asshole?
Correll wrote: 2. Why was it ok for YOU to define the Proud Boy, but odd when I responded? 22JAN06-POST#1100

NFBW wrote: The Proud Boy is Matt Greene. He is defined as ex-military who joined the PB’s one month before Jan6 because he wanted to storm the Capitol for Trump - You want to define Matt Greene as a Proud Boy version long before Greene joined them. They were and most members still are a rightwing men’s drinking club promoting free speech, taking pride that white people created the modern world who live to fight with anti-fascists. You define the non-criminal Proud Boys which is ok. But you are a liar when you refuse to definine Greene as a criminal Proud Boy because he joined when the hate group engaged in a criminal attack to overthrow the incoming US Governnent by violently forcing a defeated one term president to acquire s second term against the wil of the people. 22JAN06-POST#1111

1. Are you admitting that the Proud Boys, as a group are not "stormtroopers"? If so, do so clearly. If not, drop the shit trying to draw lines between this one and the group.

2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. I asked you to support that. YOu have not. Please do so now, or admit that you were just talking shit, in order to smear your enemies.

3. I have asked you, do you like thinking of yourself as an asshole. Please address this. Because I am seriously interested in how you justify your asshole behavior, to yourself. Or if you just actively embrace the ideal of being an asshole.

4. If you want to discuss intent, then Greene's intent was to stop a fraudulent election of a false President.
RetiredGySgt wrote: Again for the slow and painfully stupid, the LAW allows congressmen to challenge the electoral votes in individual States it is not a coup attempt to do so it is not illegal and it does not make one a traitor 21DEC30-POST#196

NFBW wrote: DJT was pressuring PENCE to unilaterally refuse to count, not count electors from seven states based on a lie that those states ‘wanted their certifications back.” - - - Doing that would change the outcome because there would be no electors deemed validly appointed by those seven States. - - - That means the total number of “electors appointed” becomes 454. A manipulated “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected.

FYI, RetiredGySgt , Billiejeens and Correll what DJT pressured Pence to do , because it was based on a lie, is an attempt to defraud the government and obstruction of an official proceeding. That would be highly unconstitutional and perhaps a federal offence. Pence told TRUMP no because it was unAmericsn to hold a notion that one person could change the results of an election by rejecting legal results from states because they did not vote in one’s favor. 22JAN07-POST#1114

Odd. I would think you would mention that you believe that Pence did not believe it was a fraudulent election.

Are you implying that you think that Pence certified an election he believed was won by Biden by Biden cheating?
Digest this traitors

This seems like a good time and place to post this:

✔️ Trump’s CIA said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump’s FBI said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump’s NSA said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump’s DHS said no rigged election.
✔️ Chris Krebs, the head of CISA said no rigged election.
✔️ The Election Officials in 50 states said no rigged election.
✔️ Numerous Audits said no rigged election.
✔️ GA Sec’y of State Raffensperger said no rigged election.
✔️ GA Gov. Kemp said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump's Fixer Attorney AG Barr said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump's acting Attorney General Jeffery Rosen said no rigged election.
✔️ 60+ court petitions and appeals said no rigged election.
✔️ 80+ judges, many Trump appointees, said no rigged election.
✔️ The Supreme Court said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump’s Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett unanimously said no rigged election.
✔️ 👉 Cyber Ninjas said no rigged election. 👈

Only fools in rump Cult of Personality still claim election fraud, and there isn’t a damned thing they can do about it.

There is one thing they could do. They can whine.
Digest this traitors

This seems like a good time and place to post this:

✔️ Trump’s CIA said no rigged election.
✔️ Trump’s FBI said no rigged election.

I stopped reading here dude. Only a liar or a fool would pretend that the FBI has not been politicized by the dems/Deep State and thus was/is hostile to Trump.

Calling it "Trump"s FBI" is you announcing for all concerned, that you are a partisan zealot and nothing you say should be trusted.
NFBW tells Correll “what Proud Boys did up until the date (some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol & one incident involving a small number of thousands of proud boys does not outweigh the years of free speech marches and mostly using violence in self defense.

Correll wrote: 2. You claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. - - - I asked you to support that. - - - You have not. Please do so now, or admit that you were just talking shit, in order to smear your enemies. 22JAN07-POST#1116

NFBW wrote: You are a liar. I have never claimed thousands of Proud Boys were there. I have been telling you exactly the opposite - very few were there - - - are you an idiot or a bad liar or both?

NFBW wrote: I agree with you 1000 percent Correll (you should be pleased) that what a few Proud Boys did on Jan6 does not change in any way what Proud Boys did up until the date some of them, very few in fact, participated in the assault on the Capitol and committed federal crimes. 21JAN05-POST#1077

NFBW wrote: I have clearly stated about 15 minutes ago that one incident involving a small number of thousands of proud boys does not outweigh the years of free speech marches and mostly using violence in self defense. What can I address to that point other than I agree with it? - 22JAN05-POST#1079 22JAN07-POST#1120
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