Who Causes US Recessions?

> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Wow, that's a blatant lie.
Bush was president in 1990 & 1991.

Everyone knows Obama inherited an economy already in recession.

And "W" was president in 2001.

Facts, there's only one set.
Bubbles. Bubbles supported by both parties and enabled by the Federal Reserve.
... and now the Fed is every bit as involved a player in the economy as the consumer.

The New Capitalism: For Better or For Worse.

Probably more so. And we pretend this is Capitalism.

Such dumb arguments on here.

Ok, so this guy that lives down a few streets from me. His parents immigrated here from Mexico. Legally. He worked a cook at a diner near by, called Starliner Diner.

He saved up money, and mastered his cooking, while working there. Today, he owns his own restaurant, that he saved up his capital, to buy. And he has trained a few Chefs, and runs the restaurant called louie's fusion grill, and he is opening a second store.

Now I don't know about you, but that is Capitalism at the truest definition of the word.

That's capitalism. He sold his labor, saved capital, invested capital, and is making a return on that invest, which is growing his capital.

Take me. I work, I put money into stocks. Those stocks have grown, with capital gain, and with dividends. (Capital gain, being the increase in the value of the stock. Dividends being profit payments as part owner of the company, that are used to buy more stock).

That is capitalism. I am investing my capital, and getting a return on that investment. I have more than doubled my money, even with the drop in stock prices (which actually increased my returns actually).

That is what Capitalism is.

How do you get that this is not Capitalism?
You appear to missing something. Like the entire point.

Do you have any idea what the Fed is doing right now in both bond and equity markets? What it did to unfreeze credit markets in 2019/2020? What it did to bail us out of the Meltdown?

Please describe it, show us where in its mandate is says it can do that, and how it is not a change from traditional capitalism. Show us the Fed doing these things before the Meltdown.

Thanks in advance.
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Bubbles. Bubbles supported by both parties and enabled by the Federal Reserve.
... and now the Fed is every bit as involved a player in the economy as the consumer.

The New Capitalism: For Better or For Worse.

Probably more so. And we pretend this is Capitalism.

Such dumb arguments on here.

Ok, so this guy that lives down a few streets from me. His parents immigrated here from Mexico. Legally. He worked a cook at a diner near by, called Starliner Diner.

He saved up money, and mastered his cooking, while working there. Today, he owns his own restaurant, that he saved up his capital, to buy. And he has trained a few Chefs, and runs the restaurant called louie's fusion grill, and he is opening a second store.

Now I don't know about you, but that is Capitalism at the truest definition of the word.

That's capitalism. He sold his labor, saved capital, invested capital, and is making a return on that invest, which is growing his capital.

Take me. I work, I put money into stocks. Those stocks have grown, with capital gain, and with dividends. (Capital gain, being the increase in the value of the stock. Dividends being profit payments as part owner of the company, that are used to buy more stock).

That is capitalism. I am investing my capital, and getting a return on that investment. I have more than doubled my money, even with the drop in stock prices (which actually increased my returns actually).

That is what Capitalism is.

How do you get that this is not Capitalism?

Your stocks have gained because of the massive Socialist infusions from the Federal Reserve.
I don't think he knows what we're talking about. Talk radio doesn't cover it.
Bubbles. Bubbles supported by both parties and enabled by the Federal Reserve.
... and now the Fed is every bit as involved a player in the economy as the consumer.

The New Capitalism: For Better or For Worse.

Probably more so. And we pretend this is Capitalism.

Such dumb arguments on here.

Ok, so this guy that lives down a few streets from me. His parents immigrated here from Mexico. Legally. He worked a cook at a diner near by, called Starliner Diner.

He saved up money, and mastered his cooking, while working there. Today, he owns his own restaurant, that he saved up his capital, to buy. And he has trained a few Chefs, and runs the restaurant called louie's fusion grill, and he is opening a second store.

Now I don't know about you, but that is Capitalism at the truest definition of the word.

That's capitalism. He sold his labor, saved capital, invested capital, and is making a return on that invest, which is growing his capital.

Take me. I work, I put money into stocks. Those stocks have grown, with capital gain, and with dividends. (Capital gain, being the increase in the value of the stock. Dividends being profit payments as part owner of the company, that are used to buy more stock).

That is capitalism. I am investing my capital, and getting a return on that investment. I have more than doubled my money, even with the drop in stock prices (which actually increased my returns actually).

That is what Capitalism is.

How do you get that this is not Capitalism?

Your stocks have gained because of the massive Socialist infusions from the Federal Reserve.
I don't think he knows what we're talking about. Talk radio doesn't cover it.

Odd about that.
For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.

The result was a completely corrupt system because unlike what Greenspan believed, the markets can not be trusted to do the right thing.

Not all of the "bad loans" really were "bad loans" though. Many could have been saved but the banks had no desire to do the right thing despite the fact that it was those very same taxpayers bailing them out.
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Wow, that's a blatant lie.
Bush was president in 1990 & 1991.

Everyone knows Obama inherited an economy already in recession.

And "W" was president in 2001.

Facts, there's only one set.

And Obama gave every corrupt banker a free pass. Not only did he give them a free pass he saw to it that Bernanke stayed in place to see that they thrived.

How do you renominate someone that had oversaw such a mess in the markets?
For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.

The result was a completely corrupt system because unlike what Greenspan believed, the markets can not be trusted to do the right thing.

Not all of the "bad loans" really were "bad loans" though. Many could have been saved but the banks had no desire to do the right thing despite the fact that it was those very same taxpayers bailing them out.
The banks didn't care. They packaged them into shit CMOs, got the "ratings" agencies to slap Treasury-level AAA ratings on them, and sold 'em.

My favorite part was when they were SHORTING and buying SWAPS on the VERY SAME shit securities they were SELLING people, WHILE the economy was crumbling. Fun!

Yeah, that's capitalism. It'll police itself. Greenspan said so.
For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.

The result was a completely corrupt system because unlike what Greenspan believed, the markets can not be trusted to do the right thing.

Not all of the "bad loans" really were "bad loans" though. Many could have been saved but the banks had no desire to do the right thing despite the fact that it was those very same taxpayers bailing them out.
The banks didn't care. They packaged them into shit CMOs, got the "ratings" agencies to slap Treasury-level AAA ratings on them, and sold 'em.

My favorite part was when they were SHORTING and buying SWAPS on the VERY SAME shit securities they were SELLING people, WHILE the economy was crumbling. Fun!

Yeah, that's capitalism. It'll police itself. Greenspan said so.

They knew it was all coming apart and were indeed still selling them as good investments. In any scenario that is fraud.

Pass off a fake $20 and get a knee on your throat. Commit major fraud that costs taxpayers billions of dollars and you get the government to richly reward you.

For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.

The result was a completely corrupt system because unlike what Greenspan believed, the markets can not be trusted to do the right thing.

Not all of the "bad loans" really were "bad loans" though. Many could have been saved but the banks had no desire to do the right thing despite the fact that it was those very same taxpayers bailing them out.
The banks didn't care. They packaged them into shit CMOs, got the "ratings" agencies to slap Treasury-level AAA ratings on them, and sold 'em.

My favorite part was when they were SHORTING and buying SWAPS on the VERY SAME shit securities they were SELLING people, WHILE the economy was crumbling. Fun!

Yeah, that's capitalism. It'll police itself. Greenspan said so.

They knew it was all coming apart and were indeed still selling them as good investments. In any scenario that is fraud.

Pass off a fake $20 and get a knee on your throat. Commit major fraud that costs taxpayers billions of dollars and you get the government to richly reward you.

We have a new toy - the Fed making trillions in asset purchases to save our ass when needed. Too soon to say whether this is good or bad, but most people don't know the first thing about it.

On one hand, it could be capitalism's missing link. On the other hand, we may abuse it to absurdity as we have with the debt.

Not making bets either way yet.
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For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.

The result was a completely corrupt system because unlike what Greenspan believed, the markets can not be trusted to do the right thing.

Not all of the "bad loans" really were "bad loans" though. Many could have been saved but the banks had no desire to do the right thing despite the fact that it was those very same taxpayers bailing them out.
The banks didn't care. They packaged them into shit CMOs, got the "ratings" agencies to slap Treasury-level AAA ratings on them, and sold 'em.

My favorite part was when they were SHORTING and buying SWAPS on the VERY SAME shit securities they were SELLING people, WHILE the economy was crumbling. Fun!

Yeah, that's capitalism. It'll police itself. Greenspan said so.

They knew it was all coming apart and were indeed still selling them as good investments. In any scenario that is fraud.

Pass off a fake $20 and get a knee on your throat. Commit major fraud that costs taxpayers billions of dollars and you get the government to richly reward you.

We have a new toy - the Fed making trillions in asset purchases to save our ass when needed. Too soon to say whether this is good or bad, but most people don't know the first thing about it.

On one hand, it could be capitalism's missing link. On the other hand, we may abuse it to absurdity as we have with the debt.

Not making bets either way yet.

The rest of the world isn't going to allow it to happen forever. They will ditch the dollar.
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Wow, that's a blatant lie.
Bush was president in 1990 & 1991.

Everyone knows Obama inherited an economy already in recession.

And "W" was president in 2001.

Facts, there's only one set.

And Obama gave every corrupt banker a free pass. Not only did he give them a free pass he saw to it that Bernanke stayed in place to see that they thrived.

How do you renominate someone that had oversaw such a mess in the markets?
Obama was far from perfect.

Bailing out bankers was a huge mistake. No one is too big to fail.
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Wow, that's a blatant lie.
Bush was president in 1990 & 1991.

Everyone knows Obama inherited an economy already in recession.

And "W" was president in 2001.

Facts, there's only one set.

And Obama gave every corrupt banker a free pass. Not only did he give them a free pass he saw to it that Bernanke stayed in place to see that they thrived.

How do you renominate someone that had oversaw such a mess in the markets?
Obama was far from perfect.

Bailing out bankers was a huge mistake. No one is too big to fail.

He did the exact opposite of what he promised. The "left" said little to nothing. Many even defended him. And then they wonder why people do the same for Trump.
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Wow, that's a blatant lie.
Bush was president in 1990 & 1991.

Everyone knows Obama inherited an economy already in recession.

And "W" was president in 2001.

Facts, there's only one set.

And Obama gave every corrupt banker a free pass. Not only did he give them a free pass he saw to it that Bernanke stayed in place to see that they thrived.

How do you renominate someone that had oversaw such a mess in the markets?
Obama was far from perfect.

Bailing out bankers was a huge mistake. No one is too big to fail.

He did the exact opposite of what he promised. The "left" said little to nothing. Many even defended him. And then they wonder why people do the same for Trump.
Not me. All those damn CEOs should be in jail and fined into poverty.
For example, the 2008 sub-prime crash, can be traced straight to 1997, when the government forced banks to make bad loans, and at the same time, guaranteed bad loans through Freddie Mac.

They did not force bad loans. They did guarantee bad loans. The banks were happy to oblige. It was a part of a quid pro quo. The banks got restrictions removed and in return they made loans that the government backed.
They were NOT bad loans, as the data proves, they were loans to QUALIFIED buyers. It was BUSH who made the bad no downpayment loans to to unqualified buyers with bad credit for more than the property was worth.
but you knew that already.
FDR wasn't sworn in until '32 with a promise to end the recession that evolved into the "Great Depression" in three terms. Democrats still love the big jerk though. You credit Reagan for a recession when it only took him two years to get out of the Peanut Man's recession.
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Looks like you don't have clue one when the Presidents took office and your math skills suck too. There are 16 recessions on your list, not 17, and 7 Republican plus 7 Democrat would be 14, not 16.

How did Roosevelt cause the 1929 Great Depresssion when he wasn't elected until 1933?

How did Carter cause the 1973 - 1975 Recession when Carter wasn't elected until 1976.

How did Clinton cause the 1990-1991 election when he wasn't elected until 1992?

How did Obama causes the 2008 recession when he didn't take office until 2009?

> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) HOOVER - REPUBLICAN
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75 Nixon/Ford Rep.
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 BUSH rEP
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 BUSH rEB
> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) FDR DEMOCRAT
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75CarterDEM
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 ClintonDEMOCRAT
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 ObamaDEM

17 Recessions in U.S. History

Democrats like to claim more recessions happen under Republican presidents than under Democrats. Above is the tally since 1857.

Looks like party does not make any difference.

Looks like you don't have clue one when the Presidents took office and your math skills suck too. There are 16 recessions on your list, not 17, and 7 Republican plus 7 Democrat would be 14, not 16.

How did Roosevelt cause the 1929 Great Depresssion when he wasn't elected until 1933?

How did Carter cause the 1973 - 1975 Recession when Carter wasn't elected until 1976.

How did Clinton cause the 1990-1991 election when he wasn't elected until 1992?

How did Obama causes the 2008 recession when he didn't take office until 2009?

> 1929–38 (The Great Depression) HOOVER - REPUBLICAN
> 1945Truman DEM
> 1949 TrumanDEM
> 1953 Eisenhower REP
> 1957 EisenhowerREP
> 1960 Kennedy DEM
> 1970 Nixon REP
> 1973–75 Nixon/Ford Rep.
> 1980–82 Reagan REP
> 1990–91 BUSH rEP
> 2001GW Bush REPUB
> 2008–09 BUSH rEB

1960 was Eisenhower REP, Kennedy got into office in 1961

Plus lets not forget to add 2020 Trump REP

so 13 Republicans, 4 Democrats.

And when talking about recessions starting during modern presidencies? It's 7 Republican terms, 0 Democrat.
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Inhuman market fluctuations.
Usually they are cause by the massive destruction of capital and equity liquidity, meaning there is alsmot no money left to lend out for business expansions and start ups that normally balance out or excede business failures and contractions.

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