Who cost Hillary the election???

OK, imagine you're a Rust Belt democrat (the ones that voted against democrats up and down ticket in 2016). It's 2016, mid-election year. You're sitting at the dinner table with your wife. The news is on the TV in the background just before the meal is served. The talking head on the news announces "President Obama (head of the democratic party) has just issued a mandate to public schools to allow (deranged) boys to use the girls' showers, restrooms and bathrooms at public schools under threat of punishment for failing to adhere to the mandate".

You look over at your two young daughters and your wife (who will be next in all public restrooms, showers, etc.) and say "oh HELL NO!". Your wife, ashen with shock is one of the 20% of women who statistically were sexually assaulted in her lifetime by a deranged male entering her private space. And if she isn't, she knows five other women who were.

It really doesn't have to get much more complicated than that, does it? There couldn't be a more visceral issue for moderate thinking families. None. I mean we can play this game of "who dunnit" charades until the cows come home, but we all know this was the poison arrow in 2016.
The poison arrow being the bathroom debacle? Meh. It may have been one step in the long ladder of issues contributing, but hardly the main reason to vote against your candidate. It would have definitely made me sit up & take notice, but not enough to change my vote......just make sure everyone goes potty before we leave.

YOU are not the normal sampling of Rust Belt democrats who were shocked upon Obama's announcement. Play it down as you will. There is nothing NOTHING more visceral to the voter than the immediate safety of their own children.

You democrats still don't get it. When you chose to defend President Bill Clinton, you forfeited your moral authority.
and what does that have to do with your own lack of morality or so called 'moral authority'?
My morality isn't the topic. I didn't vote for a Pastor. I didn't vote for a Boy Scout Troop leader. I voted for a businessman to clean up our corrupt government, and he's doing a very good job.
ahhhh, you are using the democrat's Clinton ''excuse''....

he was a very smart and good President, they didn't vote for a Pastor, or a boy scout troop leader.....

you are no different, and should not throw stones in glass houses....

Mr. hypocrite! ;)
The talking head on the news announces "President Obama (head of the democratic party) has just issued a mandate to public schools to allow (deranged) boys to use the girls' showers, restrooms and bathrooms at public schools under threat of punishment for failing to adhere to the mandate".

You look over at your two young daughters and your wife (who will be next in all public restrooms, showers, etc.) and say "oh HELL NO!". Your wife, ashen with shock is one of the 20% of women who statistically were sexually assaulted in her lifetime by a deranged male entering her private space. And if she isn't, she knows five other women who were.

It really doesn't have to get much more complicated than that, does it? There couldn't be a more visceral issue for moderate thinking families. None. I mean we can play this game of "who dunnit" charades until the cows come home, but we all know this was the poison arrow in 2016.

Ummmmmmmmmm……………..For me it was the Muslims: Trump said, Keep them out!! and I heard it on TV, and that was it for me: instant decision, vote for Trump. As opposed to people who want to bring gazumpteen evil Muslims here to bomb and shoot us.

Nevertheless I agree that the sex craziness was also important. Homosexuals forcing men who don't want to to make wedding cakes for their illicit amours?? That's pretty awful

But yes, the crown to all the weirdities was all the perverts trying to change sex and trying to force us to accept this madness, and the Democrats supported that. They overreached. The day the Target boycott came out, because they openly and gladly welcomed men wanting to use the women's restrooms and changing rooms, both my husband and I independently signed up for the boycott before we even spoke to each other. I'll never walk into a Target again, and we have two in this county.

So I agree the transvestite thing was important, but there were a lot, lot of other really impossible atrocities to believe before breakfast that the Dems were pushing on us all.
Issa, you have proved you are pretty crazy, uneducated and pretty clueless in previous threads so your theory might soothe your butthurtness but it denies the fact The Donald won in a LANDSLIDE.
How can you live as a bigot and racist in American? Unless if you are in a shithole in the middle of nowhere with bunch of hillbillies. Lol

You yourself have repeatedly made derisive comments about white people, so I don't think you have much room to talk about bigotry.

And no, I'm not going to go fishing through all your comments to find the examples. You know you've done it. I know you have. Let's not try and play games about it.
I say to the racist ones....I'm white genetically, married to one and have white kids....if that helps.

It doesn't. You are accountable for your words regardless of your skin color. Maybe that's something we as a society need to agree on...
Accountable ? Like the bullying , name calling, attacks, racist comments that the orange does every day? What's your take on that?

What do you think?
How can you live as a bigot and racist in American? Unless if you are in a shithole in the middle of nowhere with bunch of hillbillies. Lol

You yourself have repeatedly made derisive comments about white people, so I don't think you have much room to talk about bigotry.

And no, I'm not going to go fishing through all your comments to find the examples. You know you've done it. I know you have. Let's not try and play games about it.
I say to the racist ones....I'm white genetically, married to one and have white kids....if that helps.

It doesn't. You are accountable for your words regardless of your skin color. Maybe that's something we as a society need to agree on...
Accountable ? Like the bullying , name calling, attacks, racist comments that the orange does every day? What's your take on that?

What do you think?
You tell us.
You yourself have repeatedly made derisive comments about white people, so I don't think you have much room to talk about bigotry.

And no, I'm not going to go fishing through all your comments to find the examples. You know you've done it. I know you have. Let's not try and play games about it.
I say to the racist ones....I'm white genetically, married to one and have white kids....if that helps.

It doesn't. You are accountable for your words regardless of your skin color. Maybe that's something we as a society need to agree on...
Accountable ? Like the bullying , name calling, attacks, racist comments that the orange does every day? What's your take on that?

What do you think?
You tell us.

Tell you what? Trump speaks for himself. Take him seriously. That's all I have to say about it.
obviously, Trump KNOWS he and his team illegally conspired with the Russian govt.... and this is why he has been bat shit crazy, denying it and the Russian's part in it.....
Obviously, you're a dingbat who doesn't know her ass from a whole in the ground. When you can post an actual fact, let us know.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
Its obvious she lost it because of her past, and the family reputation. The Beef options, Land deals, rumors of drugs importation, payoffs, words of Murders, Sell and receiving bribes, Nuke deals with Russia, payoffs from Russia, Foundation violations of law and ethics, lies, paying for false evidence, violation of federal law, malfeasance in office in day to day operations, receiving bribes from several Nations for infomation and services, running a pay to play operation, manipulation of Government Department (DOJ, FBI), making false statements to the press and supporters, looking down on the great working people (coal minders) tried to get some of the Nations voter not able to vote. (Military) Refused to have Voter ID used by the States.

What I liked about her: She stated that she was Progressive in all ways, she was positive in her support of females in the work force, she supported retraining for the unemployed, she supported being harder on the rouge Nations, She had some idea on how to control the boarder.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Low income white racists scared of change.
I say to the racist ones....I'm white genetically, married to one and have white kids....if that helps.

It doesn't. You are accountable for your words regardless of your skin color. Maybe that's something we as a society need to agree on...
Accountable ? Like the bullying , name calling, attacks, racist comments that the orange does every day? What's your take on that?

What do you think?
You tell us.

Tell you what? Trump speaks for himself. Take him seriously. That's all I have to say about it.
Are you ok with having a president with low morals ?
Hilary....she lost the election even with the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the White house spying on Trump for her....and even with putin giving her 145 million dollars through her money laundering charity.......

She couldn't steal the election, making her the biggest loser democrat since al gore failed to steal the election against Bush....

NO, she won the election by 3 million votes... and I wish the FBI had told us what they knew about Trump's collusion with Russia... but they figured he was going to lose so they didn't need to bring it up.

Now everyone knows that Trump is owned by Putin, it's just our system can't fix the problem without everyone losing face.
Its obvious she lost it because of her past, and the family reputation. The Beef options, Land deals, rumors of drugs importation, payoffs, words of Murders, Sell and receiving bribes, Nuke deals with Russia, payoffs from Russia, Foundation violations of law and ethics, lies, paying for false evidence, violation of federal law, malfeasance in office in day to day operations, receiving bribes from several Nations for infomation and services, running a pay to play operation, manipulation of Government Department (DOJ, FBI), making false statements to the press and supporters, looking down on the great working people (coal minders) tried to get some of the Nations voter not able to vote. (Military) Refused to have Voter ID used by the States.

Actually it isn't obvious for your reasons. Pound for pound Trump had easily as sordid a past as Hillary. And remember, democrats down ticket took a drubbing too. Did the Russians force Obama to issue his kiddie-bathroom mandate mid-2016? Fuck no they didn't. That was a blunder dreamed up by the affirmative action president/head of the democrat party all by hisself. Well maybe the Mook Mafia nudged him a little too. But none of them are Russian operatives so far as I know.

So many middle dems defected to red up & down that the only logical conclusion is that it was a platform issue. Not one of personality. Obergefell's tyranny was still quite fresh on the minds of all and then...

As I said, the most visceral issue that nauseated most people I talked to was the forcing of little girls in school to share their bathrooms with deranged boys inducted into the LGBT cult. All you have to do is close your eyes, imagine you are at a Rust Belt dem dinner table in 2016 when that news blared out from the boob tube. Even many democrats care about their daughters & nieces.

The answer to this "mystery" is so obvious that the spin machine on the left has had to struggle with the most immense effort to confuse & obfuscate it. Still though, the LGBT cult insanity latched onto the dem party like a deadly parasite is the giant hookworm in the living room.
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I was trying to find out what & if anyone could come up with answers of their own, based on their own experience...…..not what everyone else is talking about. And if they had been influenced away from voting for Hillary based on whatever factors they allowed to influence them...……..or did they make up their own mind without outside interference.

In a nutshell to see just how all the hype is real or BS

OK, imagine you're a Rust Belt democrat (the ones that voted against democrats up and down ticket in 2016). It's 2016, mid-election year. You're sitting at the dinner table with your wife. The news is on the TV in the background just before the meal is served. The talking head on the news announces "President Obama (head of the democratic party) has just issued a mandate to public schools to allow (deranged) boys to use the girls' showers, restrooms and bathrooms at public schools under threat of punishment for failing to adhere to the mandate".

You look over at your two young daughters and your wife (who will be next in all public restrooms, showers, etc.) and say "oh HELL NO!". Your wife, ashen with shock is one of the 20% of women who statistically were sexually assaulted in her lifetime by a deranged male entering her private space. And if she isn't, she knows five other women who were.

It really doesn't have to get much more complicated than that, does it? There couldn't be a more visceral issue for moderate thinking families. None. I mean we can play this game of "who dunnit" charades until the cows come home, but we all know this was the poison arrow in 2016.

Sil, you’re a one issue voter; your obsession with gays, lesbians and trans people.

Show us the evidence that Rust belt Democrats are as well. You can’t. You’re merely projecting your own personal obsessions, backed by nothing.
And throw away everything we ever believed in as right vs wrong? Everything, every value we were ever taught from birth by our parents of what is good vs evil??

I find that, a very hard task to do.... and I don't think it is good for America, to sit back and watch "the show" of the destruction of truth....


I found it pretty hard to adjust too but plenty of alcohol and medicinal herbs help to ease the problem...

But I think you're still in the denial phase, first you have to accept that this really is the Twilight Zone...

Let me give you an example, remember Stormy? Yesterday (or friday) she was arrested in a strip club for accepting money from a customer... and now her lawyer claims she being persecuted by the orange regime... and it's being reported as a normal story... just business as usual... nobody really cares...

Think about it, the president of the US is being accused by a porn star (who got paid $100,000 by that same president to keep quiet) of political persecution..... and she's probably right about that... you think that's normal?

If you do then maybe it's just me who slipped into the Twilight Zone, that's even more scarier.....


The low grade reality show turned out to be so bad I had to sell my TV.
Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones over $800,000 to shut up. What's your point?

My point is that we really are in the Twilight Zone

Bill and Monica, the cigars and the blue dress were already insane but I'm pretty sure that was still the real world

This really happened too.... but everyone seems to think it's completely normal.....

Maybe it's really just me that entered the Twilight Zone...


Trump is having fun tweaking the naïve kids on the left. You know how someone will keep doing something when they find out it really irks you?

Yes, I believe they're called 'assholes'.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Clinton was a nightmare. An entitled cheater that threw Sanders under the bus. That, and the email scandal sunk her chances. The Orange Virus is somehow even worse.
It doesn't. You are accountable for your words regardless of your skin color. Maybe that's something we as a society need to agree on...
Accountable ? Like the bullying , name calling, attacks, racist comments that the orange does every day? What's your take on that?

What do you think?
You tell us.

Tell you what? Trump speaks for himself. Take him seriously. That's all I have to say about it.
Are you ok with having a president with low morals ?

I don't care about the president's morals. He could snort coke off the ass of every hooker from Detroit to Bangalore for all I care.

I care that he gets caught.

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