Who cost Hillary the election???

We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Hilary....she lost the election even with the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the White house spying on Trump for her....and even with putin giving her 145 million dollars through her money laundering charity.......

She couldn't steal the election, making her the biggest loser democrat since al gore failed to steal the election against Bush....
Tell me there isn't a God.
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Its a free country. And people can say whatever they want.

But come to think of it…since illegal aliens supposedly don’t have the same rights as native-born Americans—perhaps we should restrict what “not a citizen” says on message boards????

What is good for the goose is good for the gander; right?
You almost got it all right, Candy
Are you a Putin Minion?

That depends on the definition, I think Putin is a good guy and a good president, he actually delivered on his promise to make Russia great again and they seem to be very happy with him over there so I don't have a problem with him and wish him luck
I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate.

Eh, only muricans are allowed to post here? Or is it illigitimate to question to question the vast Russian conspiracy?
I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Don't worry, I'm back in Holland, I don't need to visit the exceptional empire to post here

But you're wrong, this does concern me, the orange saviour isn't pretzeldent of the entire world but what he does certainly affects the entire world and since I happen to live on this planet too I want it to stay intact

What happened to your famous free speech btw, or is that only for people who agree with you?

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Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.
So much for freedom of speech.:rolleyes-41:

She's free to crash our forum as a foreign propagandist, and I'm free to say she's a dirty foreign propagandist. People! We're being played CONSTANTLY by Russian trolls!! Don't just welcome them in!
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.
So much for freedom of speech.:rolleyes-41:

She's free to crash our forum as a foreign propagandist, and I'm free to say she's a dirty foreign propagandist. People! We're being played CONSTANTLY by Russian trolls!! Don't just welcome them in!
I like to hear from everybody, even those who I disagree with.
the Netherlands?

Presumably. She doesn't belong here, anyway. These foreign propagandists!!
I didn't know the user was a SHE?

I played a boy once about 11 years ago, on another message board before here, for a month or two, just to see if I would be treated differently if I were a male.... took the name John Doe when I joined the board....

I don't think it was a week, before I gave away that I was a female... I just could not pretend well, to be a man and my female side was exposed!!! :lol: I just told everyone to call me Jane instead, Jane Doe, even though my name said John doe.... :D
Just go back to Dutchland and post screeds against Trump there. You have no business in our fight.

This is much more fun comrade, nobody over here really cares about the orange circus

Oh, and in case you missed it, I actually prefered the orange clown over the psycho princess so don't think I'm one of Hillary's traumatized minions

Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.
So much for freedom of speech.:rolleyes-41:

She's free to crash our forum as a foreign propagandist, and I'm free to say she's a dirty foreign propagandist. People! We're being played CONSTANTLY by Russian trolls!! Don't just welcome them in!
I like to hear from everybody, even those who I disagree with.
I listen to you don't I? Even though you're a goofball.
What happened to your famous free speech btw, or is that only for people who agree with you?

It's OUR constitution. For the US. No one else. You want free speech in Soviet Europaland, you get it for yourself on your own time. I gather Holland doesn't have much in the way of free speech, constantly jails people who tell the truth about Muslim criminals and so on. So, what? You come here and propagandize us, when we have still more free speech than you've managed in 500 years or more? Shut up and go away. Propagandize your own country. Trump doesn't belong to you.
she lost because she is a terrible human being and ran a terrible campaign. the American people did not want to elect a corrupt, old, sick. lying, angry, bitter, woman. They also wanted to give a businessman a chance to run the country like the successful businesses that made him a multi billionaire. that's the bottom line.
Are you a Putin Minion?

That depends on the definition, I think Putin is a good guy and a good president, he actually delivered on his promise to make Russia great again and they seem to be very happy with him over there so I don't have a problem with him and wish him luck
I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate.

Eh, only muricans are allowed to post here? Or is it illigitimate to question to question the vast Russian conspiracy?
I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Don't worry, I'm back in Holland, I don't need to visit the exceptional empire to post here

But you're wrong, this does concern me, the orange saviour isn't pretzeldent of the entire world but what he does certainly affects the entire world and since I happen to live on this planet too I want to stay intact

What happened to your famous free speech btw, or is that only for people who agree with you?

I'm glad you think Putin is a good guy, but just be an opponent of his. They have short life spans.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

The biggest thing was the system.

Trump got -2.8 million
Obama got + 5 million and +9.5 million
Dubya got -500,000 and +3 million
Clinton got +8 million and +5.8 million

Not since Jimmy Carter has a Democrat got less than +5 million to get elected.

In that time Republicans have failed TWICE (that's half their presidents) to gain the popular vote, and Dubya managed to win with only 3 million.

In fact if you do the math, the Republicans have a massive advantage, especially with smaller states.

Wyoming is the smallest, staunch Republican.
Vermont is next. Staunch Democrat.
North Dakota, staunch Republican
Alaska, staunch Republican.
South Dakota, staunch Republican.
Delaware, staunch Democrat.
Montana, staunch Republican

These are the states of less than 1 million as of 2010.

2 Democrat, 5 Republican.

you left out one significant statistic. the entire PV delta was in one state, California. the exact reason why we have the EC. The founders wanted those small states that you listed to have a proportional vote, that's why they created the EC.
I like to hear from everybody, even those who I disagree with.

You just welcome in the Putin minions? Darn. Even Facebook and Twitter are trying desperately to root out this kind of organized foreign propaganda. Believe me, I've seen the Russkies take over entire forums, blot out everyone else. It's not as bad as it was a couple years ago, but they are still here ---- you know, vampires can come in and drain your blood if you invite them.
Are you a Putin Minion?

That depends on the definition, I think Putin is a good guy and a good president, he actually delivered on his promise to make Russia great again and they seem to be very happy with him over there so I don't have a problem with him and wish him luck
I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate.

Eh, only muricans are allowed to post here? Or is it illigitimate to question to question the vast Russian conspiracy?
I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Don't worry, I'm back in Holland, I don't need to visit the exceptional empire to post here

But you're wrong, this does concern me, the orange saviour isn't pretzeldent of the entire world but what he does certainly affects the entire world and since I happen to live on this planet too I want to stay intact

What happened to your famous free speech btw, or is that only for people who agree with you?

I'm glad you think Putin is a good guy, but just be an opponent of his. They have short life spans.

as do opponents of the Clintons.
I like to hear from everybody, even those who I disagree with.

You just welcome in the Putin minions? Darn. Even Facebook and Twitter are trying desperately to root out this kind of organized foreign propaganda. Believe me, I've seen the Russkies take over entire forums, blot out everyone else. It's not as bad as it was a couple years ago, but they are still here ---- you know, vampires can come in and drain your blood if you invite them.

yeah sure, the few thousand they spent on facebook ads swung the election. If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
I like to hear from everybody, even those who I disagree with.

You just welcome in the Putin minions? Darn. Even Facebook and Twitter are trying desperately to root out this kind of organized foreign propaganda. Believe me, I've seen the Russkies take over entire forums, blot out everyone else. It's not as bad as it was a couple years ago, but they are still here ---- you know, vampires can come in and drain your blood if you invite them.
With the characters we have on this board, I feel sorry for them. They are nothing more than chew toys for us.Take Candycorn for instance.....Lol
She's free to crash our forum as a foreign propagandist, and I'm free to say she's a dirty foreign propagandist.!

Ah thanks, you had me worried there for a moment

You'll have to work on your insults though, I'm usally called an underpaid Putin troll without any pride wanting to please my facist master so I can get a raise and finally buy myself a Russian post order bride..... 'dirty foreign propagandist' almost seems like a compliment
We're being played CONSTANTLY by Russian trolls!! Don't just welcome them in!

Eh, you just welcomed me in... didn't you?


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