Who cost Hillary the election???

obviously, Trump KNOWS he and his team illegally conspired with the Russian govt.... and this is why he has been bat shit crazy, denying it and the Russian's part in it.....
obviously, Trump KNOWS he and his team illegally conspired with the Russian govt.... and this is why he has been bat shit crazy, denying it and the Russian's part in it.....
Obviously you're a delusional imbecile who sees things no one else can see. There is no evidence that the Trump campaign "colluded" with any Russians. Even if it did, that isn't illegal.

Your theory seems to be that if he's innocent, then he would be admitting his guilt.

You an't make this shit up, people. Snowflakes really are ethat stupid.
There is no evidence that the Trump campaign "colluded" with any Russians. Even if it did, that isn't illegal.
Sure there is....plenty of it....we just don't know for certain if all of their conspiring with the Russian gvt was wittingly or unwittingly done by all of the campaign people that conspired with them....
"Who cost Hillary the election???"

Huma's Weiner torpedoed Hillary.

It was certainly a better effort by Comey than the one he ended in July, exonerating Hillary on a charge so incredibly boring that the entire country forgot about it immediately.

So he tried again 11 days before the election, adding in Weiner, his wiener, Huma the evil Iranian in the Oval Office, their baby actually pictured on the bed while Weiner was sexting an underaged teen ------- as far as October Surprises go, it was the best I've ever seen in my life, by far. In my opinion, Comey was trying on a coup attempt --- as soon as Hillary was defeated, he went after Trump! Yeah, IMO Comey wanted to be prez himself.

I HAVE read a ….fairly.... persuasive set of stats that Comey had some effect on late voter decisions. In The Unmaking of the President: 2016 by Lanny Davis. Most of his stats are from the dreaded faked polls we are never again supposed to believe ----------- but some of his data is early voting data versus Election Day voting, in battleground states such as Florida. He did sort of make a case for Comey's influence, to some degree, but I still think people made their minds up far ahead of voting. I guess I don't believe Comey threw the election; of course it's obvious he tried. And Hillary does think it's his fault.

I do think the FBI needs to be drained, the whole swamp of it.

Comey is russia. Drain the swamp
Another thing that cost Clinton is that Putin personally took a team of peeing school girls to each of the 50 million Americans homes who voted for Trump to influence us. Something in the pee I think.
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Its a free country. And people can say whatever they want.

But come to think of it…since illegal aliens supposedly don’t have the same rights as native-born Americans—perhaps we should restrict what “not a citizen” says on message boards????

What is good for the goose is good for the gander; right?
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.

Its a free country. And people can say whatever they want.

But come to think of it…since illegal aliens supposedly don’t have the same rights as native-born Americans—perhaps we should restrict what “not a citizen” says on message boards????

What is good for the goose is good for the gander; right?
Sounds like another pravda plane here folks.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Hilary....she lost the election even with the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the White house spying on Trump for her....and even with putin giving her 145 million dollars through her money laundering charity.......

She couldn't steal the election, making her the biggest loser democrat since al gore failed to steal the election against Bush....
yes on the left, but you could be lying, so that's why I put the question mark! :D

Seems a bit silly to lie about Holland, I thought about putting the coordinates of the Kremlin there instead though...

oh, you know my head would have exploded if ya did that.....! :eek:
Just wait until mid terms, I feel sorry for your head.

:rofl: Who needs to wait? It's happening right now, to influence the midterms...!!!
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean


Are you a Putin Minion? I hate these foreigners who get onto our USA forums and try to propagandize us. It's wholly illegitimate. I wish you'd go back to Holland or wherever and post there on a Dutch or Russian list where you belong. Trump is not the president of the world and all this does not concern you.
So much for freedom of speech.:rolleyes-41:

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