Who cost Hillary the election???

With the email/server investigation and all the bad press,

and with the exoneration bashing of Comey right before the DNC convention,

And the fainting, and she's sick crapola that followed...

And the reopening of the email investigation 11 days before the election announcement/letter of Comey to Congress...

And the russian bots forwarding all bad press and even made up bad press on her

And the Russian trolls who still post on this board

And all the right wing media that pushed all of this out to the people via their News and all their internet sites

And the russian propaganda passed around by right wing sites

and Cambridge Analytica

And the Russian / NRA connection on campaign ads

And with the DNC, DCCC, and Podesta emails being stolen...

and of course Wikileaks, with giving a right wing Reporter what was going to be leaked ahead of time so they could write stories about their interpretation of the emails which was mostly false narratives...

And the coordination of the wikileaks dumps with what was going on with the two campaigns at the time of the dumps, like the first wiki leak dump was the day or two before the DNC Convention....hoping to divide Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters at the convention....

the next one was when the Trump Access Hollywood tape story broke and the Russians were interfering in our election story that broke for the first time, hardly got noticed....

YES, She lost due to the Electoral Process

3 million MORE CITIZENS voted for her than President Trump....

with all of the Murphy's Law things, and UNLAWFUL things that happened of which I listed above....

Let alone all of her own mistakes of ignoring some of her base Democratic voters....and being boring....

and having third party candidates in the race etc etc etc....

So, everyone can come off and say she was a poor candidate and all now that the election is over, cuz she did not win...

BUT, with all of those things, she still managed to get many more votes of US Citizens than Trump,

and many less votes than she would have gotten if there had not been so many things like Comey's interference and the Stolen emails and wikileaks interference listed above by the Russians.....

We are rewriting history to say she did not do well, she did extremely well considering all that she faced.

How would the election have turned out without the Access Hollywood tape?
Did the Russian government's Military intelligence hack in to and steal and then release the Access Hollywood tape on Trump?

Or did they have the stolen emails of the DNC released by wikileaks within an hour or two of the access Hollywood tape release to take the heat off of Trump and put it back on Hillary?

You're right in the sense that there were so many things both ways. To argue that any one thing changed the outcome of the election is ridiculous. It actually turned out pretty accurately given the candidates who ran.

Neither got a majority, as neither would have been predicted to get one given that they both had negative favorability ratings.

Hillary blew Trump out of the water in coastal deep blue States.

Trump won the traditional red States.

The game decider were the blue collar industrial voters who wanted jobs, not welfare.

The rest of it was all just noise. Looking at the polls, the candidates, the positions, that's exactly what should have happened. Comey, the Russians, Wikileaks, Access Hollywood, it was all noise
What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how???
I voted for Hillary - more accurately, though, it was more a vote against Trump. I knew that I'd have to vote for the Democratic candidate, no matter who it was, if either Trump or Cruz got the GOP nomination. My guess is that there were two main elements contributing to her loss:

First, she was just a lousy candidate. While her gender certainly got her many votes for reasons of shallow Identity Politics, she just had too much baggage, had a bit of a questionable past on issues and simply wasn't particularly likeable. Image is, sadly, everything in contemporary American politics, and she just doesn't cut the mustard.

Second, 2016 was The Great Pushback, a huge electoral Fuck You, directed at contrived Identity Politics and phony Political Correctness. I knew it would be substantial, but holy shit, I had no idea it would be like this. Just barely enough people had had enough of the illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left to shove its bullshit right down its throat.

This horrified liberal Brit saw exactly what I saw:

Pie is good.

given that so many people want to say that somehow the Russians or whomever threw the election.

This is exactly why I asked. Everyone keeps saying XX (fill in the blank), obstructed, meddled, influenced, etc the election against Hillary & for Trump....but when asked directly & specifically...….you can hear a pin drop

Yes, that's why I was so interested in your thread. I think we've got two separate issues here, but that's not obvious on first thought. The one is, did any of us, or any voting American, really, get influenced illicitly, or did we simply decide on our own? I'd say we decided on our own. For instance, look at the 62% white women who did not vote for Hillary!! And yet she's a white woman. Wow --- I don't see how you could claim undue influence from Russia or Comey or anyone there. Women just decided.

On the other hand, the other issue is that that of course lots of people TRIED to influence the election!! That's obvious: mostly Russians en masse and Comey and Co., but no doubt others of less interest. We know they did it. It just didn't work, that's all. I don't think any of it worked, anyway.

They'll all try again. That's why Facebook and Twitter and so on are trying to clean up the system.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

Obama! He allowed the Russians to hack her illegal server
So, everyone can come off and say she was a poor candidate and all now that the election is over, cuz she did not win...
and many less votes than she would have gotten if there had not been so many things like Comey's interference and the Stolen emails and wikileaks interference listed above by the Russians.....

We are rewriting history to say she did not do well, she did extremely well considering all that she faced.

You have a different point of view than most on this thread: you think the crooked Russians, FBI, etc., etc. actually did throw the election to Trump.

I don't agree with that, though I wonder what history will conclude, but I do agree that she did fine, really. The people who say Hillary lost the election all by herself ---------- I think they are "resulting." Resulting is when a lot of luck or outside factors affect the end result but people say, oh, I must have made a bad decision! Or performed badly. They give no weight to the factors outside their control: they assume everything is under their control, so it was their fault.

But that's silly.

I think Hillary ran a perfectly workmanlike campaign --- there was a lot I didn't like about it, like surrounding herself with blacks and Muslims and what-not to the really total exclusion of white women, because she took us for granted: bad move, turned out: 62% of us didn't vote for her, and that was certainly one of my reasons. However, her campaign was energetic and a lot better than some in my life! Think of poor Mondale or Dukakis or especially McGovern, who only won ONE state in the 1972 election against Nixon! Now, those were bad campaigns.

She did fine, really, IMO ---- a lot of people simply didn't want to vote for her, that's all. It happens. It's about the voters. Can't be about the candidate: the candidate only has one vote.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.
You have a different point of view than most on this thread: you think the crooked Russians, FBI, etc., etc. actually did throw the election to Trump.
It all added up, along with her own short comings.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

She lost that election all on her own. It was one of the worst campaigns I ever saw.

She believed the talking heads, the news, the polls and the pundits that kept telling her Trump didn't stand a chance and she had the election in the bag.

She didn't bother to campaign in the rust belt and it cost her.

Trump on the other hand ran a great campaign. He won and all the left wing idiots out there just can't stand it.

You can't cure stupid.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

Hey Jake, Seth Rich downloaded the emails and gave them to Wikileaks
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.

Yes, regressive un-Americans such as yourself are crying.

Americans are celebrating a victory!
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.

Accept that Trump is President or you're a threat to our democracy
With the email/server investigation and all the bad press,

and with the exoneration bashing of Comey right before the DNC convention,

And the fainting, and she's sick crapola that followed...

And the reopening of the email investigation 11 days before the election announcement/letter of Comey to Congress...

And the russian bots forwarding all bad press and even made up bad press on her

And the Russian trolls who still post on this board

And all the right wing media that pushed all of this out to the people via their News and all their internet sites

And the russian propaganda passed around by right wing sites

and Cambridge Analytica

And the Russian / NRA connection on campaign ads

And with the DNC, DCCC, and Podesta emails being stolen...

and of course Wikileaks, with giving a right wing Reporter what was going to be leaked ahead of time so they could write stories about their interpretation of the emails which was mostly false narratives...

And the coordination of the wikileaks dumps with what was going on with the two campaigns at the time of the dumps, like the first wiki leak dump was the day or two before the DNC Convention....hoping to divide Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters at the convention....

the next one was when the Trump Access Hollywood tape story broke and the Russians were interfering in our election story that broke for the first time, hardly got noticed....

YES, She lost due to the Electoral Process

3 million MORE CITIZENS voted for her than President Trump....

with all of the Murphy's Law things, and UNLAWFUL things that happened of which I listed above....

Let alone all of her own mistakes of ignoring some of her base Democratic voters....and being boring....

and having third party candidates in the race etc etc etc....

So, everyone can come off and say she was a poor candidate and all now that the election is over, cuz she did not win...

BUT, with all of those things, she still managed to get many more votes of US Citizens than Trump,

and many less votes than she would have gotten if there had not been so many things like Comey's interference and the Stolen emails and wikileaks interference listed above by the Russians.....

We are rewriting history to say she did not do well, she did extremely well considering all that she faced.

So what from your list changed your vote? Or someone you know?
It did not change my vote, but it did cause division between the Bernie and Hillary voters which WAS THEIR PLAN.....

The Russian push was not to get people to vote for Hillary, it was to get people to NOT vote for Hillary....to divide the Democratic voters....to make people stay home or vote third party instead of Clinton.

Specifically as the indictment spells out..... IF YOU READ IT, you would understand more....

I appreciate your answer of your vote, cause that was my intent....to find out on a personal level, if anything had changed your vote away from Hillary...whether it was for Trump, Stein, Johnson or just stay home.

The rest of your statement has been chewed on, regurgitated and spat out so many times that it's meaningless at this point. IOW, I've seen plenty of news stories, interviews, and forum threads to choke an elephant on that aspect of the information.

What I didn't know was covered in the OP....on a personal level
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

But you don't pay attention...…….I was asking if anything or anyone CHANGED YOUR VOTE, or anyone you knew voted differently and if so, why/how?

I wasn't looking for you to troll other members or their threads, thank you very much
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.
Well you got that last part right
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.

No, not all of America is crying over Hillary's loss...…..just those that voted for her

'Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck'......is your opinion

No, the people who voted for Trump wanted the change promised by Obama, but never delivered. Since Hillary promised the same as Obama, the only chance for real change was to bring in a newcomer

I do agree that Trump is a bit bright & explosive

Now, if you can stick to the subject of the OP......which is to answer the questions of...

1. who cost Hillary the election
2. did anything or anyone change your vote or someone you know
3. If so, how/why?
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.

No, not all of America is crying over Hillary's loss...…..just those that voted for her

'Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck'......is your opinion

No, the people who voted for Trump wanted the change promised by Obama, but never delivered. Since Hillary promised the same as Obama, the only chance for real change was to bring in a newcomer

I do agree that Trump is a bit bright & explosive

Now, if you can stick to the subject of the OP......which is to answer the questions of...

1. who cost Hillary the election
2. did anything or anyone change your vote or someone you know
3. If so, how/why?

After today's performance, I'm starting to wonder if the Russians didn't play a bigger role. Innocent people don't act that guilty.
Some folks care about the nation.

Sure, the problem is the definition of "the nation" though
You applauding the “abnormal” presidency is a sign that you are not among us.

Well, we're all in the Twilight Zone together so I guess I'm among you

But I'm not a citizen of the exceptional homeland if that's what you mean

the Netherlands?
We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)
During the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

See here:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

Hillary cooking her own goose does not constitute "meddling," douchebag.
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We're coming up on 2 years after the Presidential election, and the Democrats/Liberals are still crying over Hillary's epic loss. Hillary herself has blamed everyone & everything, except herself which is quite self defeating. Too bad she didn't have the fortitude to just stand up & admit her own responsibility. But I'm not interested in that.

What I want to know is just who did cost her the election & how??? Nevermind the current or ongoing narrative of Mueller's investigation. Who do YOU think is responsible & why or how???

If you are or were a Hillary supporter...…..were you or anyone you know influenced in any way to either vote against her? Or not vote at all???(which is a vote for someone, in and of itself mind you)

America is crying over Hillary's loss.

"America is crying over Hillary's loss."


Trump is a complete idiot and a train wreck.

People who voted for Trump didn't want a President, they felt screwed over by the establishment for decades and they just wanted to burn it all down.

Trump is a Molotov cocktail thrown at D.C.

Your definition if "president" must mean a politician who enjoys fucking the voters up the ass.
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