Who COULD the Repubs put up to go Against Hillary?

Hillary is going to be the next President and there is nothing the republican's can do about it.
In the general?

Chris Christie is the only one at this point that has a shot.

He has crossover appeal and a good deal of Charisma.

This would be my guess at the moment. Christie/Rubio would probably have the best shot, but the hardcore righties would be screaming "RINO" at the top of their lungs, and that could hurt base turnout.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Christy vs. Paul for the nomination, both bloody and bruised coming out of it, Hillary cruising to a win. She's so well known, she'd damn near feel like the incumbent.

No doubt, charisma's gonna matter, especially coming after our first Celebrity In Chief. We'll see if the GOP gets that.

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foolish question because Hillary will not be the dem candidate. a better question is who will the dems run?

Reid----Please run dingy harry
Pelosi----please run the botox bitch
Wasserman-Schultz----please please please

its a parade of idiots.[/QUOTE

Could be someone new. In 2005, who thought that Obama would be getting the nomination?
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

Republicans did not kick Hillary to the curb in 2008, it was the Democrats

Hillary could have easilly beated a McCain/Palin ticket. She just couldn't beat Obama. But, then again, nobody can
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

Republicans did not kick Hillary to the curb in 2008, it was the Democrats

Hillary could have easilly beated a McCain/Palin ticket. She just couldn't beat Obama. But, then again, nobody can

Oh gawd, nobody can beat Obama...that shit is barf worthy cult stuff

and that's WHAT I meant... you petty Democrat kicked her to the curb for some MAN nobody hardly heard of, had experience in nothing but shooting off his ugly thuggish mouth, but glad to see you ADMIT IT...
then expect some old woman to come in and save you eight years later

she should tell you to GO TO HELL:eusa_whistle:
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

Republicans did not kick Hillary to the curb in 2008, it was the Democrats

Hillary could have easilly beated a McCain/Palin ticket. She just couldn't beat Obama. But, then again, nobody can

You are correct sir , Obama Maximus is undefeated :cool:
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

Republicans did not kick Hillary to the curb in 2008, it was the Democrats

Hillary could have easilly beated a McCain/Palin ticket. She just couldn't beat Obama. But, then again, nobody can

You are correct sir , Obama Maximus is undefeated :cool:

so was George Bush Jr...
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

Paul, Cruz, Ryan are capable of winning the Red States in a general election

Christie, Bush and Rubio are capable of winning swing states

Who do you think Republicans will pick?
Hopefully Republicans can find someone who isn't as OLD as dirt..They kick Hillary to the curb the last time then eight years later ask some 70 year old woman to ride in and be their hero

It will be Jeb they have no one else. Rand Paul is a fruit cake going no where fast.

what's wrong with fruit cakes...we have one now who is VP..and you all love love love him
oh that's right, the fruit cake has to have a D next to their name
and can your crystal ball tell us next weeks lotto numbers?
A Clinton Bush race in 2016...aren't we so glad we fought a war to get away from inherited power?
Seriously are there any early contenders?

With all due respect to the OP, this isn't the qeustion the GOP should be asking itself.

No one ever won an election by being "Not that Guy". You vote FOR someone, not against someone, if you want to win.

John Kerry got all the people who voted AGAINST George W. Bush. He didn't get people voting for John Kerry.

The same could be said about his brother from another mother, Mitt Romney. They got the vote from the people who hated Obama. But frankly, I saw very few people here who liked Romney for Romney. Any conversation about why they were voting for Romney eventually devolved down to why they hated Obama so much.

So all that said, what does the GOP need to do to win?

They need to get a guy who connects with that working guy in the middle who doesn't care all that much about party labels and doesn't pay that much attention to elections in the three years between them.

The GOP used to win when they nominated guys who these folks could identify with. People who came from working class backgrounds but were successful in their endevours- Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan. (And yes, I know Ford didn't win, exactly, but he had people who identified with him.)

the problem is the GOP has figured they can win elections by nominating guys who were born on third base and thought they hit a triple, and then wonder why these guys don't connect.

Chris Christie continues to be the only potential Republican candidate who polls
competitively with Clinton, trailing her just 47/44. Christie has a 40/32 favorability with
Democrats, making him the only potential 2016 contender with any crossover appeal.
Clinton holds identical 10 point leads at 51/41 over Paul and Rubio.
you have to laugh at the left, they hated Christies guts until he laid some sugar about their Dear leader..

now for them he is the man to run for President..

and notice that BIG TENT of the Democrats, they only have ONE PERSON picked to run as President, and it's a old white woman...at least they might let the woman win this time, EIGHT YEARS LATER after crapping her to pick the MAN...lol
you have to laugh at the left, they hated Christies guts until he laid some sugar about their Dear leader..

now for them he is the man to run for President..

and notice that BIG TENT of the Democrats, they only have ONE PERSON picked to run as President, and it's a old white woman...at least they might let the woman win this time, EIGHT YEARS LATER after crapping her to pick the MAN...lol

Once again, the Democratic choice for President is a no-brainer as Republicans prepare to eat their own

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