Who COULD the Repubs put up to go Against Hillary?

the have no one else is their problem, and they feel their Politicians should have a job sucking off us taxpayers FOR LIFE no qualifications needed..look at Biden
I like Jindal, good choice

Can you imagine the smear from the left if Jindal even thinks of running? Kinda like how they despots of the democrat party used the OK tornados. It was sickening the things they were saying. They showed their true colors. If Jindal runs they will do the same and then blame the Republicans for doing the same when in fact the same never occurred.

Of course they will smear Jindal, he will be called a Uncle tom, a sellout, and a few other choice things they save for ANY Republican who is a minority.. but they seem to save their most vicious smears for a Republican woman...Look at Palin and the vicious things they said and still say about her.
and then they claim to be a party of a big tent, all accepting of ALL and they are the more TOLERANT PARTY..I laugh at that one

Jindal is an idiot and flubbed his own chances with his response to the state of the union.

The 2009 Republican response to the State of the Union was supposed to be Bobby Jindal’s coming out. Rubio did the same thing with his idiodic response.

Republicans are always so dopey and nasty.
Can you imagine the smear from the left if Jindal even thinks of running? Kinda like how they despots of the democrat party used the OK tornados. It was sickening the things they were saying. They showed their true colors. If Jindal runs they will do the same and then blame the Republicans for doing the same when in fact the same never occurred.

Of course they will smear Jindal, he will be called a Uncle tom, a sellout, and a few other choice things they save for ANY Republican who is a minority.. but they seem to save their most vicious smears for a Republican woman...Look at Palin and the vicious things they said and still say about her.
and then they claim to be a party of a big tent, all accepting of ALL and they are the more TOLERANT PARTY..I laugh at that one

Jindal is an idiot and flubbed his own chances with his response to the state of the union.

The 2009 Republican response to the State of the Union was supposed to be Bobby Jindal’s coming out. Rubio did the same thing with his idiodic response.

Republicans are always so dopey and nasty.

But...but.....He was thirsty

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Can you imagine the smear from the left if Jindal even thinks of running? Kinda like how they despots of the democrat party used the OK tornados. It was sickening the things they were saying. They showed their true colors. If Jindal runs they will do the same and then blame the Republicans for doing the same when in fact the same never occurred.

Of course they will smear Jindal, he will be called a Uncle tom, a sellout, and a few other choice things they save for ANY Republican who is a minority.. but they seem to save their most vicious smears for a Republican woman...Look at Palin and the vicious things they said and still say about her.
and then they claim to be a party of a big tent, all accepting of ALL and they are the more TOLERANT PARTY..I laugh at that one

Jindal is an idiot and flubbed his own chances with his response to the state of the union.

The 2009 Republican response to the State of the Union was supposed to be Bobby Jindal’s coming out. Rubio did the same thing with his idiodic response.

Republicans are always so dopey and nasty.

sure, and you call this post what? not nasty...
why do libs always project onto others what they are?
How many times have we heard that one before?

The DNC is not going to put up Hillary Clinton as a candidate for POTUS. They do not want to talk about Bengazi for two years leading up to the election--they would get slaughtered. And that's exactly how it would be.

And that's why Hillary Clinton is ineligible as a candidate for any elected office. She would literally have to write a number one best seller pointing her finger at Barack Obama to even be considered--and even then she would have to perjure her testimony to do that.

It's not rocket science--Hillary Clinton is OUT.

We talked about Benghazi before Obama was re-elected. Didn't have much weight with voters. If that is the best you got to beat Hillary ...you are doomed

I guess you can always bring up blow jobs again

The waters were purposefully clouded with the whole "video" bullshit.

But Obamessiah cultists would have voted for him if he was found with dead strippers in the trunk of his car
The DNC is not going to put up Hillary Clinton as a candidate for POTUS. They do not want to talk about Bengazi for two years leading up to the election--they would get slaughtered. And that's exactly how it would be.

And that's why Hillary Clinton is ineligible as a candidate for any elected office. She would literally have to write a number one best seller pointing her finger at Barack Obama to even be considered--and even then she would have to perjure her testimony to do that.

It's not rocket science--Hillary Clinton is OUT.

We talked about Benghazi before Obama was re-elected. Didn't have much weight with voters. If that is the best you got to beat Hillary ...you are doomed

I guess you can always bring up blow jobs again

The waters were purposefully clouded with the whole "video" bullshit.

But Obamessiah cultists would have voted for him if he was found with dead strippers in the trunk of his car

Romney tried to bring it up three times and got bitch slapped each time
Voters look at it as Republicans exploiting a tragedy

By all means bring it up
you have to laugh at the left, they hated Christies guts until he laid some sugar about their Dear leader..

now for them he is the man to run for President..

and notice that BIG TENT of the Democrats, they only have ONE PERSON picked to run as President, and it's a old white woman...at least they might let the woman win this time, EIGHT YEARS LATER after crapping her to pick the MAN...lol

And a very old 'looking' white woman..
Hillary was relevant 15 years ago.
Now she looks like 'grandma'..
I find it amusing the libs have hung their hat on a Hillary Clinton candidacy.
How many times have we heard that one before?

The DNC is not going to put up Hillary Clinton as a candidate for POTUS. They do not want to talk about Bengazi for two years leading up to the election--they would get slaughtered. And that's exactly how it would be.

And that's why Hillary Clinton is ineligible as a candidate for any elected office. She would literally have to write a number one best seller pointing her finger at Barack Obama to even be considered--and even then she would have to perjure her testimony to do that.

It's not rocket science--Hillary Clinton is OUT.

We talked about Benghazi before Obama was re-elected. Didn't have much weight with voters. If that is the best you got to beat Hillary ...you are doomed

I guess you can always bring up blow jobs again

Who is "we"?
The DNC is not going to put up Hillary Clinton as a candidate for POTUS. They do not want to talk about Bengazi for two years leading up to the election--they would get slaughtered. And that's exactly how it would be.

And that's why Hillary Clinton is ineligible as a candidate for any elected office. She would literally have to write a number one best seller pointing her finger at Barack Obama to even be considered--and even then she would have to perjure her testimony to do that.

It's not rocket science--Hillary Clinton is OUT.

We talked about Benghazi before Obama was re-elected. Didn't have much weight with voters. If that is the best you got to beat Hillary ...you are doomed

I guess you can always bring up blow jobs again

Who is "we"?

We the People of the United States.......the ones who voted in the last election
Hillary bombed as Sos so they figure they should give her the Presidency instead..

this country is so screwed
Right now, Chris Christie is the only Republican who could compete against Hillary

But that is the Chris Christie of today. The Chris Christie who would run against Hillary would be the watered down version who is pandering to the extreme right in order to get the GOP nomination. Same thing happened to McCain, same with Romney

It will be a long time before we see a GOP president
Right now, Chris Christie is the only Republican who could compete against Hillary

But that is the Chris Christie of today. The Chris Christie who would run against Hillary would be the watered down version who is pandering to the extreme right in order to get the GOP nomination. Same thing happened to McCain, same with Romney

It will be a long time before we see a GOP president

Mrs Clinton is not going to be the Dem nominee.
I think it's funny how so many who are on the most extreme edges of the political spectrum seem to be under the delusion that "EVERYONE" thinks just like they do. And folks who don't line up with their brand of extremism "don't have a chance."

If you want to get out of your echo chambers for a moment, here's a very brief "soundbite" from middle America.

Hillary - Benghazi won't hurt Hillary a bit. Like it or not, her approval rating has gone up since the latest Benghazi hearings. I think there is skepticism that she will run. But if she does, she will be tough to beat.

Cruz - Nothing to fear right now. He registers somewhere in the neighborhood of a less-likeable George Bush right now.

Paul - He cannot win the middle. His ceiling is at about 33%.

Biden - He is considered too much of a loose cannon. He's a smart guy and he's great in small groups. But he self-destructs in front of a big crowd. Kiss of death for POTUS candidate.

Bush - Longshot. Anything can happen, but he's starting with a couple of big strikes against him.

Christie - he can be the GOP's best chance to win the general, but probably can't win the primary.

RyanCan the GOP afford to lose women as badly as they did last time? Cause this guy just might lose that demographic even worse.

There are more Republicans with name-recognition than Democrats right now. And history would suggest it's the GOP's turn. A lot can and will happen between now and the primaries, but right now, I'd have to say it's the GOP's White House to lose. They appear very capable of losing it - but if they don't go stupid again, they are the favorites right now.

Just MHO
Right now, Chris Christie is the only Republican who could compete against Hillary

But that is the Chris Christie of today. The Chris Christie who would run against Hillary would be the watered down version who is pandering to the extreme right in order to get the GOP nomination. Same thing happened to McCain, same with Romney

It will be a long time before we see a GOP president

EXACTLY right. The GOP tends to take a perfectly electable moderate and render them unelectable by forcing them to kiss far-right butt.
The The repubs always nominate the person who's "turn" it is. I'm thinking maybe they'll run ol Newt again lol

This is true. No, they won't run the losers: the losers had their turn. They wouldn't run Mormon Mitt again, for instance.

So whose turn IS it?? I can't figure that out. They've sort of run out of contenders, haven't they?

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