Who COULD the Repubs put up to go Against Hillary?

I think it's funny how so many who are on the most extreme edges of the political spectrum seem to be under the delusion that "EVERYONE" thinks just like they do. And folks who don't line up with their brand of extremism "don't have a chance."

If you want to get out of your echo chambers for a moment, here's a very brief "soundbite" from middle America.

Hillary - Benghazi won't hurt Hillary a bit. Like it or not, her approval rating has gone up since the latest Benghazi hearings. I think there is skepticism that she will run. But if she does, she will be tough to beat.

Agreed, I'd vote for her for sure, but I doubt she'll run.

Cruz - Nothing to fear right now. He registers somewhere in the neighborhood of a less-likeable George Bush right now.

I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No.

Paul - He cannot win the middle. His ceiling is at about 33%.

I liked his father. This one sounds like a self-promoting idiot. Still, we'll see when the vote is due. I don't vote if idiots are running, or clowns.

Biden - He is considered too much of a loose cannon. He's a smart guy and he's great in small groups. But he self-destructs in front of a big crowd. Kiss of death for POTUS candidate.

Biden is a sweetie-pie, as oh, several people in Maryland and Delaware think. But that's not enough votes.

Bush - Longshot. Anything can happen, but he's starting with a couple of big strikes against him.

Vote for a BUSH??????!!!!! When pigs fly!!!!!!!!!!!

Christie - he can be the GOP's best chance to win the general, but probably can't win the primary.

Interesting guy. I like people who just say it, don't mince around.

RyanCan the GOP afford to lose women as badly as they did last time? Cause this guy just might lose that demographic even worse.

Yeah.........I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?

There are more Republicans with name-recognition than Democrats right now. And history would suggest it's the GOP's turn. A lot can and will happen between now and the primaries, but right now, I'd have to say it's the GOP's White House to lose. They appear very capable of losing it - but if they don't go stupid again, they are the favorites right now.

Nice post! But the GOP will go stupid. Everyone smart has left by now. There's only 23 Republicans left in the country, right? The Dems owned the government during the whole 40s and 50s and this will be another long Dem spell because the GOP elected that idiot Bush and he ruined the country and the Republican Party. IMO.
Early money on Christie, and yes he can win the primaries.

I do not believe Christie will run.
He has much to do in NJ.
The state government is still in bed with public worker unions.
The election process is still run by crooked and entrenched political 'bosses'.
The methods by which the state funds non core government functions is still bass ackwards.
I think Christie will remain dedicated to the Garden State.
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

Scott Walker is making some noise in that general direction.
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

Scott Walker is making some noise in that general direction.

Paul Ryan lite
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

Scott Walker is making some noise in that general direction.

Paul Ryan lite

So? Ryan would have won if he'd been the candidate.
What is the feakin love affair with Hillary? What in the world has she done to prove herself? I see nothing in her resume that speaks of qualifications for POTUS. But considering Obama had even less I guess that does not matter to the liberal left.

She will be 68 I think in 2016, not too old but up there.

She has accomplished nothing of note and Benghazi is all her.

Bobby Jindal would be my vote to run. He is a good and decent man who has no real controversy surrounding him. He needs polished a little in public speaking but overall I would work hard for him.

That's plenty old enough. If she serves two terms, that's going on 80. I feel that is too old.
Early money on Christie, and yes he can win the primaries.

I do not believe Christie will run.
He has much to do in NJ.
The state government is still in bed with public worker unions.
The election process is still run by crooked and entrenched political 'bosses'.
The methods by which the state funds non core government functions is still bass ackwards.
I think Christie will remain dedicated to the Garden State.

Of course Christie will run: he got that stomach band surgery.

I was waiting to hear about that annnnnnnnnnnndddd....... there it is, right on schedule.
That's plenty old enough. If she serves two terms, that's going on 80. I feel that is too old.

Well, she'd be 76. 68 plus 8 is 76. I wouldn't call that "going on 80."

It's a close call, though. But we're all supposed to be working longer because we live longer, right?
I think it's funny how so many who are on the most extreme edges of the political spectrum seem to be under the delusion that "EVERYONE" thinks just like they do. And folks who don't line up with their brand of extremism "don't have a chance."

If you want to get out of your echo chambers for a moment, here's a very brief "soundbite" from middle America.

Hillary - Benghazi won't hurt Hillary a bit. Like it or not, her approval rating has gone up since the latest Benghazi hearings. I think there is skepticism that she will run. But if she does, she will be tough to beat.

Agreed, I'd vote for her for sure, but I doubt she'll run.

Cruz - Nothing to fear right now. He registers somewhere in the neighborhood of a less-likeable George Bush right now.

I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No.

I liked his father. This one sounds like a self-promoting idiot. Still, we'll see when the vote is due. I don't vote if idiots are running, or clowns.

Biden is a sweetie-pie, as oh, several people in Maryland and Delaware think. But that's not enough votes.
You stated '

Vote for a BUSH??????!!!!! When pigs fly!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting guy. I like people who just say it, don't mince around.

RyanCan the GOP afford to lose women as badly as they did last time? Cause this guy just might lose that demographic even worse.

Yeah.........I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?

There are more Republicans with name-recognition than Democrats right now. And history would suggest it's the GOP's turn. A lot can and will happen between now and the primaries, but right now, I'd have to say it's the GOP's White House to lose. They appear very capable of losing it - but if they don't go stupid again, they are the favorites right now.

Nice post! But the GOP will go stupid. Everyone smart has left by now. There's only 23 Republicans left in the country, right? The Dems owned the government during the whole 40s and 50s and this will be another long Dem spell because the GOP elected that idiot Bush and he ruined the country and the Republican Party. IMO.
I am amazed at the how politically illiterate some people can be.
I have a few issues with your post.
You stated you'd vote for Hillary Clinton...Why? No explanation. No reasoning behind the statement.
"I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No."....
Gotta tell ya, if you are so uninformed as to not know who Ted Cruz is, save the trip to the polls. The country does not want nor need the uninformed or low information people voting. I would not call in a plumber to fix my refrigerator. Get it?
Your racism is also evident. Did it ever occur to you that a person of western European heritage would also have a surname of Cruz? Yes, People from Spain are every bit as Caucasian as those from Germany, Italy, Sweden, etc. Wise up.
This is the topper..."I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?"..
Ok...Now you go ahead and find ONE thing that Paul Ryan ever did that qualified as cruel to women..Why are you so single issue? Do you really think abortion even is on the radar? Forget it. It's not going anywhere. In fact, the problem you people on the left have is your fear that taxpayer funding for the procedure will disappear. Newsflash. Most people favor legal abortion. They just want the person having the procedure to pay for it themselves.
Ryan's "votes and bills and positions"....HUH?
We talked about Benghazi before Obama was re-elected. Didn't have much weight with voters. If that is the best you got to beat Hillary ...you are doomed

I guess you can always bring up blow jobs again

The waters were purposefully clouded with the whole "video" bullshit.

But Obamessiah cultists would have voted for him if he was found with dead strippers in the trunk of his car

Romney tried to bring it up three times and got bitch slapped each time
Voters look at it as Republicans exploiting a tragedy

By all means bring it up

You mean when Obama and the interviewer rehearsed the answers?
I am amazed at the how politically illiterate some people can be.
I have a few issues with your post.
You stated you'd vote for Hillary Clinton...Why? No explanation. No reasoning behind the statement.
"I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No."....
Gotta tell ya, if you are so uninformed as to not know who Ted Cruz is, save the trip to the polls. The country does not want nor need the uninformed or low information people voting. I would not call in a plumber to fix my refrigerator. Get it?
Your racism is also evident. Did it ever occur to you that a person of western European heritage would also have a surname of Cruz? Yes, People from Spain are every bit as Caucasian as those from Germany, Italy, Sweden, etc. Wise up.
This is the topper..."I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?"..
Ok...Now you go ahead and find ONE thing that Paul Ryan ever did that qualified as cruel to women..Why are you so single issue? Do you really think abortion even is on the radar? Forget it. It's not going anywhere. In fact, the problem you people on the left have is your fear that taxpayer funding for the procedure will disappear. Newsflash. Most people favor legal abortion. They just want the person having the procedure to pay for it themselves.
Ryan's "votes and bills and positions"....HUH?

Ooooooo, gross. Yet another poster too stupid to be civil.

It always surprises me that people will come onto a forum ostensibly to discuss things with other people, and then be so verbally destructive that no one will talk with them! I mean, why be here?

Oh, well.
I am amazed at the how politically illiterate some people can be.
I have a few issues with your post.
You stated you'd vote for Hillary Clinton...Why? No explanation. No reasoning behind the statement.
"I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No."....
Gotta tell ya, if you are so uninformed as to not know who Ted Cruz is, save the trip to the polls. The country does not want nor need the uninformed or low information people voting. I would not call in a plumber to fix my refrigerator. Get it?
Your racism is also evident. Did it ever occur to you that a person of western European heritage would also have a surname of Cruz? Yes, People from Spain are every bit as Caucasian as those from Germany, Italy, Sweden, etc. Wise up.
This is the topper..."I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?"..
Ok...Now you go ahead and find ONE thing that Paul Ryan ever did that qualified as cruel to women..Why are you so single issue? Do you really think abortion even is on the radar? Forget it. It's not going anywhere. In fact, the problem you people on the left have is your fear that taxpayer funding for the procedure will disappear. Newsflash. Most people favor legal abortion. They just want the person having the procedure to pay for it themselves.
Ryan's "votes and bills and positions"....HUH?

Ooooooo, gross. Yet another poster too stupid to be civil.

It always surprises me that people will come onto a forum ostensibly to discuss things with other people, and then be so verbally destructive that no one will talk with them! I mean, why be here?

Oh, well.
By all means. Please indicate where I was not civil.
in fact it is YOU who are not civil..
"Sounds Mexican...No".
"Neanderthal anti abortionists"
"The bastard"...
And finally.."too stupid to be civil"..
You are one of these people who never reads a word they type nor are they able to hear themselves when they speak.
Please do not use big words you don't understand...Such as "civil".
I am amazed at the how politically illiterate some people can be.
I have a few issues with your post.
You stated you'd vote for Hillary Clinton...Why? No explanation. No reasoning behind the statement.
"I never heard of anyone named Cruz! Sounds Mexican. No."....
Gotta tell ya, if you are so uninformed as to not know who Ted Cruz is, save the trip to the polls. The country does not want nor need the uninformed or low information people voting. I would not call in a plumber to fix my refrigerator. Get it?
Your racism is also evident. Did it ever occur to you that a person of western European heritage would also have a surname of Cruz? Yes, People from Spain are every bit as Caucasian as those from Germany, Italy, Sweden, etc. Wise up.
This is the topper..."I thought I liked Ryan, till he got the VP nomination and I heard about his votes and bills and positions!! He's one of these Neanderthal anti-abortionists, never saw a woman he wouldn't be cruel to. Horrible. No, I'm not voting for Ryan and that's that. The bastard. Who does he think he is?"..
Ok...Now you go ahead and find ONE thing that Paul Ryan ever did that qualified as cruel to women..Why are you so single issue? Do you really think abortion even is on the radar? Forget it. It's not going anywhere. In fact, the problem you people on the left have is your fear that taxpayer funding for the procedure will disappear. Newsflash. Most people favor legal abortion. They just want the person having the procedure to pay for it themselves.
Ryan's "votes and bills and positions"....HUH?

Ooooooo, gross. Yet another poster too stupid to be civil.

It always surprises me that people will come onto a forum ostensibly to discuss things with other people, and then be so verbally destructive that no one will talk with them! I mean, why be here?

Oh, well.
Hey dippie....Despite your assumptions, my rep on this board says otherwise.
I think life itself surprises you.

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