Who COULD the Repubs put up to go Against Hillary?

foolish question because Hillary will not be the dem candidate. a better question is who will the dems run?

Reid----Please run dingy harry
Pelosi----please run the botox bitch
Wasserman-Schultz----please please please

its a parade of idiots.

This is hilarious - but it does raise a serious question. Who could they run? Joe Biden is a joke that even surpasses Michael Dukakis as a political joke :lmao: (seriously, even libtards would secretly admit among each other that he is the ultimate buffoon). Anthony "send dick pics to women who are not my wife" Weiner is almost as big of a joke as Biden. Pelosi, Wasserman-Schultz, and Hillary are considered unhinged, emotional train wrecks. Harry Reid is hated, has the personality of a hemroid, and is very likely to die any minute now (dude is older than God).

No wonder the uninformed buffoons on USMB are all screaming "Hillary" - there is literally no one for them to run and they are just desperate for some more "Slick Willy"...
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

I wonder how seriously you would take it if a far right nutjob made a list of Democrats who could run in 2016, then, they back that list with their polorizingly blinding partisanship as you have done.

That's how seriously Republicans take you, you're a far left blind partisan nutjob... Just so you know~

I would have never guessed you would have supported Chis as the guy that could win a general... ever... lol. I remember when you backed Mitt Romney hahaha, you prolly forgot all about it.
Paul Ryan, while he would perform admirably in office, does not have what it takes to run. He should have wiped the floor with Joe Biden but he showed the man way too much respect. Respect he didn't deserve. Christie is still fat and democrats will use that against him. Rubio has tainted himself with immigration reform and needs for that stink to blow off.

That leaves Rand Paul, who is the most likely, at this point, to run. Someone else might come forward in the coming two years, but at this point, it's Stand With Rand.

Rand Paul is unelectable in a general election....just like his daddy

Christie had gastric surgery and will be down at least 100 lbs come 2016. Christie can do something other Republicans can't.....win swing states

Paul Ryan showed what he's got in 2012...it did not impress

Rubio can show himself as a conciliator and could be effective in 2016 if Republicans still do not hate Hispanics

I know why you don't like Rand Paul, or his dad... Because they are real conservatives with a record to show it. That kills you because pointing out each others hypocrisy in Presidential elections is all Dems and Reps ever have going for them.... Imagine someone actually standing by their record and getting standing ovations, rather than because of their skin color or if they have a vagina.
Wow. I guess I missed it where Hillary said she planned to run again.
Seriously are there any early contenders?

In the general?

Chris Christie is the only one at this point that has a shot.

He has crossover appeal and a good deal of Charisma. It would really be something if he ran with Corey Booker as vice. :eek:
Three years is forever in politics. Ask me in 2015....

And this is the truth.

I like Rand, but he has a couple years to fuck up, maybe he will, maybe he won't. I have no idea if Rand will even run or if someone better will come along. At this point, sure, I can guess Rand will run... I can assume he will dominate due to the massive following of his father, the outstanding voting record, the ability to make it through sentence without a teleprompter.

Rand has a lot going for him if he wants to run for President, a massive following, tons of money (donations), well known name, younger, a Doctor, his father and the simple fact that most Republicans wanted to like Ron Paul and are excited to get behind Rand while calling Rand's dad "nuts." It's a very interesting dynamic, but 2015 is far away, and Rand has not said he will run.

Who does the Dems have? if the economy is still in "recovery mode" after 8 years, Dems are in trouble... I mean they did lose 4 million voters last election....
Possible GOP candidates

Jeb Bush: Has the stink of Bush
Rand Paul: Libertarian nutjob can't win the general election
Chris Christie: Could win general election, can't win primary
Ted Cruz: Just not a likeable person
Marco Rubio: Likeable, can appeal to moderates, will Republicans buy immigration reform?

Jeb, Christie and Rubio are all Rhinos (democrat lite) and Rubio's immigration reform is an amnesty scam being played on America designed to accomplish nothing with regards to actually stopping illegal immigration!

A Rhino = status-quo the last thing this country needs is status-quo.

Rand Paul or Ted Cruz are exactly what this country needs but I am afraid the country is too stupid to realize it.

Thus today the Right has no clear cut front runner.
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Paul Ryan
Chris Christie
Bobby Jindal
Eric Cantor
Scott Walker
Marco Rubio
Nikki Haley
Seriously are there any early contenders?

Hillary Clinton will not be running in 2016--DEMOCRATS will make certain of that. Her fingerprints are all over Bengazi--and there is nothing worse than other Democrats running for elected office having to defend her actions--(or should I say inaction) regarding Bengazi.

And if she did manage to convince the Democrat Party that she was the one--just let me say that anyone would be able to run against her and win. The only ones that hoping she runs are Republicans.

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Seriously are there any early contenders?

Hillary Clinton will not be running in 2016--DEMOCRATS will make certain of that. Her fingerprints are all over Bengazi--and there is nothing worse than other Democrats running for elected office having to defend her actions--(or should I say inaction) regarding Bengazi.

And if she did manage to convince the Democrat Party that she was the one--just let me say that anyone would be able to run against her and win. The only ones that hoping she runs are Republicans.


Benghazi was not an issue with voters in 2012

What makes you think it will be an issue in 2016? 40 Republican hearings?

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