Who Decides It's Hate, or Racism?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
A football star posts a tweet the other day about the lack of good judgement and common sense in the looting, destruction and violence and the need for civility, law and order and is immediately assaulted on SM, where he retracts the post and apologies? Why? The death of a black man at the hands of a cop justifies any level of destruction, theft and crime? Why? Who decides that?

Numerous people who have no part in the Floyd incident now come out to speak of their support for the protests. Why? Because saying nothing automatically gets you presumed to be a supporter of the police?

Facebook just deleted the accounts of 200 groups it says violated its hate speech policy looking to exploit the protests? Why? Why do they even have a hate-speech policy? Who decides it is hate? You don't think the protesters and violent looters there didn't exploit the protests too on Facebook? Who ever said Facebook was responsible for the things talked about by its users anyway? The media can say anything! Freedom of the Press! Isn't that freedom of speech of its users? Protecting one's right to say unpopular things even if many disagree with it? Apparently some talked of bringing weapons to the protests. Would you go WITHOUT a weapon? What if it was just to insure self-protection? Who gets to decide that is hate but the other isn't?

Two of the groups were called the Proud Boys and American Guard. I've heard of the first. Why are groups called Proud Boys and American Guard labeled hate groups (both probably conservative) yet Antifa (Anti-Fascism), a leftist group notorious for PRACTICING fascist actions, intolerance, violence and hate while wearing black garb NOT a hate group? WHO DECIDED THAT?

How is it possible to label others hateful and intolerant and fight hate and intolerance by PRACTICING HATE AND INTOLERANCE yourself? Isn't Facebook hating and intolerating all these people simply because they DISAGREE with them?

Now some guy is cycling through the woods and encounters three teens promoting Floyd protests. I'm not sure, were they handing out flyers in the deep woods or nailing them to a tree? Apparently they really annoyed the cyclist who ripped the flyer out of one of their hands (must have been in his face), then chased the other on his bike. Gee, some tense words were obviously exchanged. Why? Why annoy people with your agenda? If you want to protest, go protest! Lesson learned: Don't annoy people in the woods with your political views, right? No. He was hunted down on Twitter, wrongly accusing a number of innocent men on Twitter (no doubt greatly disrupting THEIR lives by police investigations) until the right guy was found. He has now been ARRESTED for assault, and will now stand trial after posting bond, as commenters label him a racist. Why? Who decides that? Because he doesn't like shit forced upon him in his face by snotty brats on a bike trail in the woods calling him a racist for not wanting bothered? Lesson learned: Don't annoy or disagree with a liberal.

And of course, the man has since profusely apologized for the terrible grief he caused these girls. Why apologize? You stupid cow! Why is it wrong now to express an opinion or individual view just because it's not what the PC group police would have you say in lockstep? It only makes people like them even less liked! No conservative is ever not criticized and attacked more, much less forgiven for apologizing and saying they were wrong! There is no learning from your mistakes if you are conservative, no 2nd chances. It is zero tolerance all the way. So why do it, why try? Why apologize for your well-reasoned common-sense POV or opinion as if you are not entitled to it? Why apologize for supporting law and order? Why apologize for being offended or having your privacy violated?

IT NEVER GOES WELL FOR YOU! You were a hate-monger and/or racist before your feet even hit the ground.

It only works when progressives are concerned, then, not only can they apologize for most ANYTHING, they are actually lauded for it, much less attacked or called a hateful racist. Admitting your mistakes and apologizing for them is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE for progressives. But not if your are conservative. Just disagreeing with a Progressive is by (their) definition, the very meaning of hate and racism.

A football star posts a tweet the other day about the lack of good judgement and common sense in the looting, destruction and violence and the need for civility, law and order and is immediately assaulted on SM, where he retracts the post and apologies? Why? The death of a black man at the hands of a cop justifies any level of destruction, theft and crime? Why? Who decides that?

Numerous people who have no part in the Floyd incident now come out to speak of their support for the protests. Why? Because saying nothing automatically gets you presumed to be a supporter of the police?

Facebook just deleted the accounts of 200 groups it says violated its hate speech policy looking to exploit the protests? Why? Why do they even have a hate-speech policy? Who decides it is hate? You don't think the protesters and violent looters there didn't exploit the protests too on Facebook? Who ever said Facebook was responsible for the things talked about by its users anyway? The media can say anything! Freedom of the Press! Isn't that freedom of speech of its users? Protecting one's right to say unpopular things even if many disagree with it? Apparently some talked of bringing weapons to the protests. Would you go WITHOUT a weapon? What if it was just to insure self-protection? Who gets to decide that is hate but the other isn't?

Two of the groups were called the Proud Boys and American Guard. I've heard of the first. Why are groups called Proud Boys and American Guard labeled hate groups (both probably conservative) yet Antifa (Anti-Fascism), a leftist group notorious for PRACTICING fascist actions, intolerance, violence and hate while wearing black garb NOT a hate group? WHO DECIDED THAT?

How is it possible to label others hateful and intolerant and fight hate and intolerance by PRACTICING HATE AND INTOLERANCE yourself? Isn't Facebook hating and intolerating all these people simply because they DISAGREE with them?

Now some guy is cycling through the woods and encounters three teens promoting Floyd protests. I'm not sure, were they handing out flyers in the deep woods or nailing them to a tree? Apparently they really annoyed the cyclist who ripped the flyer out of one of their hands (must have been in his face), then chased the other on his bike. Gee, some tense words were obviously exchanged. Why? Why annoy people with your agenda? If you want to protest, go protest! Lesson learned: Don't annoy people in the woods with your political views, right? No. He was hunted down on Twitter, wrongly accusing a number of innocent men on Twitter (no doubt greatly disrupting THEIR lives by police investigations) until the right guy was found. He has now been ARRESTED for assault, and will now stand trial after posting bond, as commenters label him a racist. Why? Who decides that? Because he doesn't like shit forced upon him in his face by snotty brats on a bike trail in the woods calling him a racist for not wanting bothered? Lesson learned: Don't annoy or disagree with a liberal.

And of course, the man has since profusely apologized for the terrible grief he caused these girls. Why apologize? You stupid cow! Why is it wrong now to express an opinion or individual view just because it's not what the PC group police would have you say in lockstep? It only makes people like them even less liked! No conservative is ever not criticized and attacked more, much less forgiven for apologizing and saying they were wrong! There is no learning from your mistakes if you are conservative, no 2nd chances. It is zero tolerance all the way. So why do it, why try? Why apologize for your well-reasoned common-sense POV or opinion as if you are not entitled to it? Why apologize for supporting law and order? Why apologize for being offended or having your privacy violated?

IT NEVER GOES WELL FOR YOU! You were a hate-monger and/or racist before your feet even hit the ground.

It only works when progressives are concerned, then, not only can they apologize for most ANYTHING, they are actually lauded for it, much less attacked or called a hateful racist. Admitting your mistakes and apologizing for them is a RIGHT OF PASSAGE for progressives. But not if your are conservative. Just disagreeing with a Progressive is by (their) definition, the very meaning of hate and racism.


The people pulling the marionette strings behind the curtain, that's who determines what is ideologically acceptable and what is race worshipping heresy. Who are they specifically? Don't know. Can tell you they're neither all democrat nor all republican but a blend of the two major political parties and brother, we're standing dead center in the dust of the Circus Maximus.
A football star posts a tweet the other day about the lack of good judgement and common sense
Drew Brees should have never apologized for what he said. He should have never cow-towed to those folks who disagree. But since he did, that is on him now. He will have to deal with those consequences.
A football star posts a tweet the other day about the lack of good judgement and common sense
Drew Brees should have never apologized for what he said. He should have never cow-towed to those folks who disagree. But since he did, that is on him now. He will have to deal with those consequences.
Drew did the right, moral, clear-thinking, responsible thing, what celebrities and officials everywhere should have been saying:
Be rightly incensed at the death of George Floyd. But the perp has been charged with MURDER. Destroying whole communities isn't the way to deal with it. Many more people died and were injured.

Instead he was attacked by the crazies, and ACQUIESCED.
Instead he was attacked by the crazies, and ACQUIESCED.

It's always the left that makes things like this controversial. It was never controversial to what Drew said (before he apologized). Folks like Lebron James may have every right to say what he said. But he was way off to what he said. And it's folks like him that like to stoke the issues more than it was originally intended. JMO
I'm going to have to SAVE THAT article where the video plays, as YouTube won't allow me to read it on site w/o an "account." I already have too many accounts.


If journalism were real, this would be on the 6 o'clock news.
If journalism were real, protesting the infraction of your constitutional rights would be heralded, not panned.
If journalism were real, destroying police cars, police stations, rioting, looting and burning down would be condemned as intolerable lawlessness, not celebrated as Black Lives Matter.
In everything that is done that has more right and good in it, it is overshadowed that has more social justice with the wrongs of the past superseding it. At times it is like we have regressed to being teenagers only it is not just funny, but dangerous.
View attachment 346718 I'm going to have to SAVE THAT article where the video plays, as YouTube won't allow me to read it on site w/o an "account." I already have too many accounts.


If journalism were real, this would be on the 6 o'clock news.
If journalism were real, protesting the infraction of your constitutional rights would be heralded, not panned.
If journalism were real, destroying police cars, police stations, rioting, looting and burning down would be condemned as intolerable lawlessness, not celebrated as Black Lives Matter.
Yeah, I don't understand that.

I am currently homeless, my ISP was destroyed by the flood that hit my area, so my primary email is down, and I too cannot log into YouTube. I do not understand why I can view this YouTube video directly on their site, but not in another window? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

If folks wish? I have found that video here;


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