Who do we want as FBI director?


First, I'll round up all the ragheads. Then the ass rangers. Then the darkies and mongrels...

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Yes, Ted Nugent has much in common with that old school Southern conservative.
Ted Nugent the pant shatting draft dodger?

First, I'll round up all the ragheads. Then the ass rangers. Then the darkies and mongrels...

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Yes, Ted Nugent has much in common with that old school Southern conservative.
Ted Nugent the pant shatting draft dodger?

A liberal accusing anyone of draft dodging is too cute.

First, I'll round up all the ragheads. Then the ass rangers. Then the darkies and mongrels...

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto. Fulbright opposed McCarthyism and the House Un-American Activities Committee and later became known for his opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Yes, Ted Nugent has much in common with that old school Southern conservative.
Ted Nugent the pant shatting draft dodger?

A liberal accusing anyone of draft dodging is too cute.
Check it out pud, he shit his pants and wore them for weeks to show up and got a deferment. Labels are for when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
YES ! Imprison trumps political enemies! Phase 1 of the despot righties want .

His political enemies happen to also be criminals. So it's just a happy coincidence that his *political enemies* will be headed for the pokey when we re-institute our government back to a lawful state.

How are they criminals ? Because they dare to defy Trump?
How are they criminals ? Because they dare to defy Trump?
No because they are entrenched politicians both left and right that came into office as middle class Americans and in a few short years they are filthy rich. They are the swamp and you are their defender. You defend political corruption.
The dirty little secret is that the FBI director ain't a super cop anymore than the CIA director is a freaking spy. They are bureaucrats who have to operate within a highly political atmosphere.
Clarke or Gowdy or Christie or Guliani

my #1 choice is Clarke cos he'll lock up Crooked Hillary and get tough on crime

my #2 choice is Christie

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