Who Do You Believe? Bill Clinton or America’s Founders?


Sep 23, 2010

Cherry Nose found another way of saying —— Surrender America’s sovereignty to the United Nations.

People who claim to want the nation-state are actually trying to have a pan-national movement to institutionalize separatism and division within borders all over the world. It’s like we’re all having an identity crisis at once — and it is an inevitable consequence of the economic and social changes that have occurred at an increasingly rapid pace.​

Bill Clinton warns that nationalism is ‘taking us to the edge of our destruction’
Carlos Garcia Mar 10, 2017 7:46 pm

Bill Clinton warns that nationalism is ‘taking us to the edge of our destruction’

It never occurs to Bubba & Company that mankind still rejects a one government world after thousands of years countless empires, cultures, conquerors, wars, priesthoods, and governments faded away:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”—Strobe Talbot, Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, Time, July 20th, 1992.


Bill Clinton’s established the President’s Council on Sustainable Development by executive order in 1993 to implement U.N. Agenda 21 despite opposition from Congress. In 2009 Barack Obama created the “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance” to do likewise. Hillary Clinton’s husband and boss both have taken strong stands to implement world economic integration via the U.N.

George H.W. Bush supported the accord. His son signed Executive Order 13423 on January 24, 2007 . . .​


Ending National Sovereignty One Industry at a Time
By Timothy Birdnow
August 19, 2016

Ending National Sovereignty One Industry at a Time

The Coal Fraud

Question: When was the public ever aware of the Clinton international agenda during their eight years in the White House? Answer: The public was never told that this country’s submission to global government was a priority in the Clinton Administration, nor did Hillary Clinton ever campaign on it. It was never talked about, nor debated or challenged on television. There is not one network, or independent station, in favor of defending America’s sovereignty. There is not one decision-maker in television’s hierarchy who would jeopardize their career for a principle let alone risk their tax dollar incomes making an issue of the UNIC (United Nations/International Community).

Parenthetically, philosophers, great thinkers, and ordinary men throughout history have all seen government as a great evil that must be held in check. Because of today’s overpowering propaganda apparatus the public is being brainwashed into believing that totalitarian government administered by Socialist moralists can be beneficial to mankind in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. (Do moralists always go into government? Or does a seat at the public trough turn parasites into moralists?)

For thousands of years philosophers, political thinkers, and ordinary people alike believed that the least government is the best government. This country’s Founders finally gave the world freedom from tyrannical government. Now, with the help of modern propaganda tools ——TELEVISION —— Socialists would have everyone believe that a totalitarian global government will suddenly benefit mankind. A quick look at the evils practiced by totalitarian governments in the twentieth century, made possible by electronic propaganda tools, tells us otherwise.

Debate beneficial government until doomsday, but one truth stands out. The only government worth its salt is a representative form of government dedicated to keeping its powers over law-abiding citizens to an absolute minimum.

The Right to be let alone is not a Right dirty little moralists can live with

First, the Right to be let alone does not mean the Right to go live in a cave and live like a hermit. Nobody needs the government’s permission to live that lifestyle.

Secondly, I do not believe that free people want to be led. Many may not be strong enough to standup for themselves for one reason or another, but decent-people have been fighting for their individual Rights for countless centuries. The Right to be let alone is the American way of saying it.

Clarification: My use of decent-people as a compound word should not be taken as a moral judgement. It is simply my way of identifying individuals who do not want to control anyone’s life and resources except their own.

When the Socialists first got their foot in the political door back during the Great Depression they immediately began eroding the individual’s Right to be let alone. That Right is the most important Right of all. The Right to make choices in our personal lives springs from the Right to be let alone. The government may prohibit, but it should never entitle under the guise of prohibition. Entitle is why Democrats have been attacking our Right to be let alone from the day they first pulled up a chair at the public trough.

The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms. William O. Douglas

I prefer Eric Hoffer’s (1902–1983) way of saying the Right to be let alone. He pinpoints the one thing that totalitarian governments will never allow:

“The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do. It is the freedom to refrain, withdraw and abstain which makes a totalitarian regime impossible.” The Passionate State of Mind (1955).

Note that the Socialist priesthood thrives on denying Americans the Right to abstain. Socialists tell Americans what they must do rather than what they must not do. They accomplish it through tax dollar tithing; reinforced by judicial mandates and executive orders rather than legislation. Americans would never stand for it if a Supreme Deity religion pulled the same thing.

America’s move toward Socialism’s brand of totalitarian government must be reversed if this country is not to follow so many others into oblivion. Let the other countries do as they will if collectivism is what their people want, but Americans should return to the path our Founders put us on when they gave us limited representative government. It was not a promise of paradise, but it is the best form government to ever come along.

There has never been any doubt in my mind that leading Democrats are determined to abolish America’s sovereignty. Propaganda praising global markets, and open-borders, is a very clever step on the road to Americans surrendering to international institutions. Does that not worry you? It should. I am not exaggerating humankind’s eternal struggle to establish limited representative government. Freedom’s struggle is the fear that all totalitarians must defeat. Global government was formulated to abolish freedom for all time.

NOTE: Even hardcore Communists used to say that government would fade away and disappear completely in a perfect Communist state. The old Commies were smart enough to make a promise they knew they would never have to keep. Today’s democracy advocates, like Clinton and Obama, make no pretense of doing away with government altogether by falsely claiming democracy will evolve into limited government.


The United Nations crowd mastered the fine art of fabricating global responsibilities, and then taxing Americans to pay for it. Go outside of government and academe and you would be hard put finding even a small percentage of Americans who willingly accept “global responsibilities” never mind place them before their own best interests. Example: One global responsibility in foreign policy lexicon means open-borders.

Finally, going all the way back to ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, China, India, etc., the wisdom of their philosophers, thinkers, writers, and astute observers is taught, quoted, written about, and universally respected. So how come every Democrat treats America’s Founding Fathers like they were idiots?

Founding Fathers were all wealthy men who risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to make this country.There is not one piece of garbage in Clinton’s philosophy that defends this country, its Constitution, or its sovereignty. Indeed, Clinton and his kind will never risk their lives, or their tax dollar fortunes. Notice that I did not include sacred honor since they have none to risk.
The founding fathers were racist slave owning pedophiles
To PurpleOwl: Give it a rest. America’s Founders did not create slavery. Indeed, racist, and racism, were invented sins by black race hustlers. And in case you missed it,
A quick look at the evils practiced by totalitarian governments in the twentieth century,
is a helluva lot worse than owning a few slaves hundreds of years ago.

Since you played the racism card in this thread here is a bit about Marble Mouth’s legacy. In death, Mandela finally did some good —— assuming black racists will allow white South Africans to come here:

South Africa was supposed to be a powerful example to the world of how a country could move past racial divisions and become a “rainbow nation.”

But with Nelson Mandela long dead and a worsening economy, it looks more likely South Africa is on the way to becoming another Zimbabwe.

One author says it’s time for the United States to start admitting white South Africans as refugees to the United States – before things escalate to genocide.

International journalist Alex Newman, a onetime resident of South Africa and the author of “Crimes of the Educators,” says South Africa has reached a critical turning point in recent weeks.​

Next refugees for America: White South Africans?
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/11/2017 @ 5:42 pm

Next refugees for America: White South Africans?


Barack Obama takes a selfie with other world leaders at the memorial service for South Africa’s Nelson Mandela.

The coverage Nelson Mandela’s death got was just another way of saying everybody should cry for famous liberals when they croak anywhere in the world. In fact, ol’ Marble Mouth is the last so-called “world leader” I would cry for. Let’s face it, the media made him famous for moralizing, and for spending 27 years in jail. I did not need an old yardbird’s moral guidance any more than I needed guidance from the Chicago sewer rat, or secondhand guidance from the douche bags trying to cash in on the fame of a dead guy who never did anything for Americans while he was alive.

Hopefully, South Africa will become an all-black country. That could turn out to be a good thing when blacks can no longer cry racism after every black emigrates to black Africa. Nobody can cry racism living in a country, or living on a continent that is all black. There is one exception. Dirty little white moralists will scream racism when they live in an all-white country. Do-gooders will never be happy until we’s all God’s chillun joining hands every day for a chorus of Kumbaya.

Incidentally, I would also like to hear Baby Ruth comment on South Africa’s constitution after black Africans kill all the white Africans:

sure all you nazis hate nelson mandela? everyone already knows that whats your point? Are you going to tell me how much you hate joseph stalin next?
As far as Clinton, I don't believe anything any of them say about anything. I've seen them both lying. As far as the founding fathers owning slaves, they certainly did, but so what? It was perfectly legal back them, if not amoral. Many of the writings from that period show that most of the founders knew slavery was wrong. It's similar somewhat today to make a comparison to knowing something is wrong while you do it. Take Abortion for example, many people know they shouldn't do it but they do it because many portions of our society agree with it and the law says it's legal.
Many of the writings from that period show that most of the founders knew slavery was wrong.
To miketx: Exactly.

Incidentally, I always got a kick out of race hustlers and liberals across the board directing 99.999 percent of their efforts toward attacking slave owners rather than attacking slavery itself.

It's similar somewhat today to make a comparison to knowing something is wrong while you do it. Take Abortion for example,
To miketx: Conversely, Democrats defend abortion that killed 60 million babies since 1973. The majority of those dead babies were black. So in a sense Democrats defend slave owners. In my view slavery and abortion are two evils, but abortion kills far more.

NOTE: Throughout history live slaves had economic value. Dead slaves had no economic value.

Aside from the tax dollars the abortion industry receives for killing babies —— dead babies only became lucrative after the arrival of the baby parts business. I cannot think of another business where one business provides customers for another business.
America, as some of the world, see things differently with the passage of time. Behavior that was seen as normal at one time, takes on a different color with the passage of time. One hundred years from now people will wonder how our generation allowed certain practices.
One hundred years from now people will wonder how our generation allowed certain practices.
To regent: Exactly which practices?

Do you mean future Americans will wonder how our generation could allow everything Democrats did to the country?
One hundred years from now people will wonder how our generation allowed certain practices.
To regent: Exactly which practices?

Do you mean future Americans will wonder how our generation could allow everything Democrats did to the country?
Nope, it is liberalism that changes things not conservatism. If one is rich or backward would they want to change things, just conserve things as they are. As for the practices we have to wait 100 years.
Next refugees for America: White South Africans?
America’s parasite class is close to bringing this country to South Africa’s breaking point. Socialist/Communist talking points could have been written by any one of our top Democrats:

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Today, the country Nelson Mandela once led is finding that out firsthand.


Ernst Roets is a native of South Africa and producer of the film, “Tainted Heroes,” which takes a look at the deceitful political tactics of the country’s ruling party, the African National Congress, which has been in power since the country officially became a democracy in 1994. The ANC’s origins, though, go all the way back to 1912. The ANC was originally established to end apartheid and grant voting rights to people of all races.


The SACP was formed by members of the International Socialist League, along with other socialist organizations from around the world.

The ANC rejected the idea of communism in the 1930s, but in the 1950s, the ANC and SACP’s relationship strengthened. By partnering with the left-leaning ANC, Roets said, the SACP tried to mask its communist agenda. The two groups together fought for a “liberal social democracy,” which was eventually achieved in 1994. The ANC has remained in power in South Africa since the mid-90s.


“[T]he ANC … and its alliance partner, the South African Communist Party, must still hold their socialist policies and communist ideals but not put it to the forefront,” Roets said. “So they must rather present themselves or position themselves to being committed to the ideals of liberalism or liberal democracy. They then used this to garner international support, and the idea was once they get this support they could start using the government apparatus to lead the country down the path to communism.”

Currently in South Africa, more than 45 percent of the country’s households receive what are referred to as “social grants” from the government, which are paid out on a monthly basis. Roets described these as essentially the equivalent of welfare checks in the U.S. But it’s not just welfare checks the government is handing out like candy — a number of other government programs, intended for the masses but funded, in large part, by the few, are driving the country to the brink of bankruptcy.

On Saturday, the government faces the daunting challenge of somehow finding the money to pay out its promised grants — the money that nearly half of its citizens now rely upon for their livelihoods. If the government isn’t able to meet its obligations, Roets told TheBlaze, “you can expect there would be riots.”

“All indications at this stage are that they’re not going to be able to pay out these grants,” Roets said, referring to the Saturday deadline, when South Africans who are dependent on the government for their income might be in a for a rude awakening.


“The majority of people,” Roets said, “would say things need to change, so we need to go and take the stuff of the rich people because if you’re rich and you’ve earned something it’s because you have exploited poor people or it’s because of the evils of capitalism.”

South Africa faces economic crisis after years of socialist policies
Jon Street 30 mins

South Africa faces economic crisis after years of socialist policies
The thing of it is that the pop-media writes the history books and you will never find a single media personality who dares to criticize Mandela and still wants to work. The interesting thing is that the democrat party believed the media hype that America was ready for a socialist.
Nobody can cry racism living in a country, or living on a continent that is all black.
I never once heard of a black racist, or an education industry parasite, emigrating to an all-black nation where they do not have to look at white people:

Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On Tucker Carlson Tonight Suspended Indefinitely
Henry Rodgers
Political Reporter
6:00 PM 06/20/2017

Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On Tucker Carlson Tonight Suspended Indefinitely
The interesting thing is that the democrat party believed the media hype that America was ready for a socialist.
I guess you are referring to Sanders, because both Clintons are as capitalist as can be.

On the other hand, I kind of think Sanders might have had even less of chance than Hillary, just because of these kinds of attacks, although there were tons of dirty attacks on her as well. Or maybe he did have a chance, I'm not sure.
Or as General MacArthur said about the founding fathers:
:"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages, and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought,"

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