Who do you believe will win in 2016?

Who do you believe will win 2016 election

  • Trump

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Anyone that has lined the pockets of the politicians..

The American people seem to loose no matter who gets elected..

Although recent events show that the next president will be a Republican..

No one has lined Trump's pockets, so you must be endorsing him.

Can you trust someone that once lined the pockets of Hilary Clinton?

Sure....he is a businessman. He put a politician in his pocket. That's smart business. He made Hillary obligated to him not the other way around.

Let me follow up on this point. I am a manager of a business and we have a government inspector who comes in every day and it's her job to make sure we follow all government regulations. Now we do, but no one is perfect so every now and then we have a minor violation just like all businesses do. She and I are about the same age and I am a reasonably attractive guy so I have spent time developing a flirtatious relationship with this woman. Nothing inappropriate has happened and nothing will. We are both married, and both professionals so that line won't be crossed. But she has let several things slide that she really should have nailed us on because I batted my eyes at her and gave her a smile and a wink. At this point I have her wrapped around my little finger.

Does that mean I can't be trusted or does it mean that I am using the attributes and opportunities available to me to enhance the success of the business I am responsible for? Everyone is free to look at it as they see fit, of course, by my job is to make that business profitable and if a little harmless flirtation can advance that agenda I don't have a problem doing it. How is that different than Trump? Trump used money to put Hillary in his pocket and I used charm and flirtation to put the inspector in mine. What's the difference?
Another thing that plays in Trump's favor is what I will call "rock star appeal". My daughter's friends (my daughter is 22 and lives with us as she is going to college) usually identify as Democrats, in fact overwhelmingly. I have always allowed her friends to speak their minds when they visit so they have a place in our home where they are comfortable and encouraged to speak their minds and will not be judged for differing opinions. They overwhelmingly supported Obama int he last election and when I ask them why, there is no mention of issues. The vast majority say something that amounts to the idea that Obama has that "rock star appeal" and Romney didn't.

Hillary has no "rock star appeal".....but Trump does. Despite associating with the Democratic party, most of her friends (not all, but most) that I have talked to support Trump. Why? They see him as a "rock star". THAT'S what a lot of people vote for. Not policies or anything like that. Most voters don't even KNOW the positions of the candidates. They vote for who they like and who has charisma....that "rock star appeal". Trump has it, Hillary doesn't.

We will see what happens. I could be wrong. As I said, it's too early to tell...but so many things play in Trump's favor just regarding biases, historical trends, image.....man I just don't see Hillary beating him when election day comes. I could be wrong. We'll see.
Its going to be nip and tuck no matter who wins. The country is divided and that isn't a bad thing really. The rich will win at the expense if the working class no matter who wins. Note "at the expense". Facts are facts.
Its going to be nip and tuck no matter who wins. The country is divided and that isn't a bad thing really. The rich will win at the expense if the working class no matter who wins. Note "at the expense". Facts are facts.

You know that kind of rhetoric has been around since the beginning of time and it's just typical whining. Quit blaming people who are successful for your problems in life. It's just envy and scapegoating. Guess what, the rich have problems too. In my life I have experienced both times of extreme wealth and poverty and having lived both I can tell you that one is no better than the other and one is not the cause of the other's problems. It's just different.

Quit whining because someone has more of what you want. If you want it, get off your ass and go out and get it.
This time in the 2012 election cycle Rudy Giuliani was leading by 19 points and then.............., it is way too early to predict

Trump has tapped into the bitter angry lower educated white male vote , but the problem with that is they cannot win with that shrinking demographic , and as the months go by it will get een worse for trump and those who play on white fears

Wasn't the Hildebeast the FAVORITE just about now in 2008?
This time in the 2012 election cycle Rudy Giuliani was leading by 19 points and then.............., it is way too early to predict

Trump has tapped into the bitter angry lower educated white male vote , but the problem with that is they cannot win with that shrinking demographic , and as the months go by it will get een worse for trump and those who play on white fears
You confuse "fear" with "fed up".
Don't ask those waking by to give one iota of care for the rich. Class warfare is part of the system. Accept it.
Its going to be nip and tuck no matter who wins. The country is divided and that isn't a bad thing really. The rich will win at the expense if the working class no matter who wins. Note "at the expense". Facts are facts.

You know every time you blame someone else for your problems and create resentment you grant them power over you. "I can't succeed because this class or this person is holding me down"....when you say that you surrender and are no longer accepting control over your life. You wrap yourself up in this "victim mentality" and as long as you have that you will never escape and have the success you desire. The only thing that keeps a person down is themselves because they lack the ambition, the drive, the willingness to do what it takes to better themselves and put themselves in a better situation.

Success takes sacrifice and hard work. If someone isn't willing to put in the work and make those sacrifices they will never realize their aspirations. All this.....'oh no matter what happens the working class will always be victims' crap is defeatist talk for people who aren't willing to do what it takes to achieve the success they desire.

I say to them....everything you want is out there....get off your ass and go get it and stop blaming everyone else because you are not willing to do what it takes. Have some God damned dignity and quit saying "oh poor me". Take control of your own life and quit letting people control you. Be the cause of your life, not the effect of it.
Don't ask those waking by to give one iota of care for the rich. Class warfare is part of the system. Accept it.

Only because you make it so by refusing to take responsibility for your own life. When I was ridiculously rich I had no fewer problems than I did when I was in poverty. They were just different problems.

The ONLY way a person can change their life is by taking personal responsibility for the state of it.
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Regardless a lot of people vote considering their bank accounts. Hence there will always be division. Rightfully so.
Yup get off your butt and work hard. Plenty do that and will never get ahead. That is reality no matter what margin you puke out.​
Regardless a lot of people vote considering their bank accounts. Hence there will always be division. Rightfully so.

Yes most people do, but no...not rightfully so. Most people are lazy, stupid, unmotivated, unambitious, and are more interested in casting blame than taking responsibility. 'It's the fault of the 1% that my life sucks'. No...it's YOUR fault that your life sucks. 'Oh it's this person's fault that I didn't get what I wanted'. No it's YOUR fault that you didn't get what you wanted. 'Oh all these people are making me a victim'.....No, YOU are making YOURSELF a victim. Good God
Yup get off your butt and work hard. Plenty do that and will never get ahead. That is reality no matter what margin you puke out.​

No many work hard but do so without a plan. If you want to have a given type of life, then find out what it takes and then take steps to make it happen. Working your ass off is great. Working your ass off without a plan on how to advance is stupid.
Well without a degree it is very difficult. College should be the focus of every high school student. That being said class warfare goes with the system. Rightfully so. If you expect the working class to feel anything for the rich you are in the wrong country. From what I see the idea is growing.
Well without a degree it is very difficult. College should be the focus of every high school student. That being said class warfare goes with the system. Rightfully so. If you expect the working class to feel anything for the rich you are in the wrong country. From what I see the idea is growing.

So get a damned degree. My daughter had terrible grades in high school and yet she is going to college to get her degree on a mixture of grants and loans. There is NO reason a person can't get a degree except that they don't want to.

I do not expect the working class to have sympathy for the rich. I expect them to take responsibility for the state of their lives
CNN/ORC Poll: Trump alone at the top again - CNNPolitics.com

CNN)Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

Three candidates cluster behind Trump in the mid-teens, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 16%, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 14% and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12%. All other candidates have the support of less than 5% of GOP voters in the race for the Republican Party's nomination for president.

Narrowing it down to Trump, Cruz, Hillary or Sanders, who would do you believe will win? If you have another candidate in mind - write it in and vote someone else. Thanks for participating!

Vote other and write who you want to win, Will. Every vote matters.
other got 10% of the vote. Trump wins with 45% of the vote. Other votes didn't matter.
Well without a degree it is very difficult. College should be the focus of every high school student. That being said class warfare goes with the system. Rightfully so. If you expect the working class to feel anything for the rich you are in the wrong country. From what I see the idea is growing.

I am going to share something with you and this is something only one or two people on these boards know, but I am going to make it public for the first time. I am finally ready to go public with this.

I am an alcoholic. I am in recovery, but I have a drinking problem.

For years....all my life in fact, I blamed my drinking on something or someone else. 'I drink because you/she/he/it did this thing and it made me drink', 'I drink because this thing happened and it made me drink'. BULLSHIT. I drank because I was/am a drunk and all that other shit was excuses to justify what I was doing....to make it all ok. To pass responsibility onto someone other than myself. Then when people would get hurt because of what I did when I was drunk I always said 'well that wasn't ME, that was DRUNK ME so you can't hold SOBER ME responsible for what DRUNK ME did'. Pfft....yeah. The problem was it was SOBER ME that took the first drink that created DRUNK ME and SOBER ME knew full well what would happen.

Whose fault is that? I didn't ask to be an alcoholic. I didn't want to be an alcoholic. I didn't plan on being an alcoholic.

Want to know who was responsible for me being a drunk? ME. 100% totally ME. And do you want to know when it all started to change? It's when I stopped blaming other people for me being a drunk and started to take responsibility for what I was. Once I stopped making myself the victim, I put myself in a position of power where I could change my life. As long as i blamed everyone and everything else, I would NEVER get sober. It was ONLY when I said to myself "the problem is ME" that my life began to change.

Now alcoholism/addiction is a disease, but it is about the only disease that is self-diagnosed and self-treated. I submit that poverty is similar. The United States has so many opportunities and programs available to get people educated and get them into the workforce and give them the opportunities to advance and succeed that the only thing holding them back is themselves. I stayed drunk for so many years because I refused to take advantage of AA and admit that I was responsible for my sobriety and my future.

I see no difference between myself and someone stuck in poverty. The programs are there and they are effective. I stayed drunk for so many years because I was not willing to get sober. It was that simple. I was more interested in blaming someone else for my alcoholism than actually doing something to change it. Just like my alcoholism, people who are stuck in their problems do so because they are not willing to do what it takes to change their life. The opportunities and programs are there. There are no excuses except an unwillingness to put in the work and make the sacrifices.

So cut the "poor me" "poor them" bullshit. Get off your ass and make the change...until then you have no one to blame but yourself
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