Who do you side with? Trumps optimism or New Yorks fear?

Who's tackling this virus better?

  • Trump

  • New York officials

  • Both are acting irresponsibly

  • A mix of both is what we need.

Results are only viewable after voting.
At 88 years of age I would be stupid to take unnecessary risks. Besides many people are getting to like the quarantine lifestyle. Less travel less spending all good for the nation in a sense.
I had to get used to it before the pandemic was around because of disabilities from aging.
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.

Do you believe there is a miracle coming any day now?

I'm not concerned about if or when a vaccine is made available. Nor am I obsessed with who wins in November. Trump will get my vote and I hope he wins but unlike the left I won't become unhinged if Biden wins.

Now answer the poll troll.

Good to see you think the guy you're voting for is lying to you. I remember back when people didn't like being lied to.
Then again, some people have pride.
He just like every other politician ya tard. He exaggerates more than many but the position that his lies are any different than super predators lies is preposterous
"exaggerates"... He lies right to your face....and you just beg for more.
You live in an alternate reality. The last time I paid any attention to anything Trump said was the debate. Ironically I also listened to Biden.

Before that? I don't even remember. I don't hang on his words. In fact I pay very little attention to any politician. Their job performance/results is all I care about. Talk is cheap.

His words do seem to have an impact on you however.

And you're here every day talking politics....while not paying attention to any politician...
Explains your wacky views.
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.

Do you believe there is a miracle coming any day now?

I'm not concerned about if or when a vaccine is made available. Nor am I obsessed with who wins in November. Trump will get my vote and I hope he wins but unlike the left I won't become unhinged if Biden wins.

Now answer the poll troll.

Good to see you think the guy you're voting for is lying to you. I remember back when people didn't like being lied to.
Then again, some people have pride.
He just like every other politician ya tard. He exaggerates more than many but the position that his lies are any different than super predators lies is preposterous
"exaggerates"... He lies right to your face....and you just beg for more.
You live in an alternate reality. The last time I paid any attention to anything Trump said was the debate. Ironically I also listened to Biden.

Before that? I don't even remember. I don't hang on his words. In fact I pay very little attention to any politician. Their job performance/results is all I care about. Talk is cheap.

His words do seem to have an impact on you however.

And you're here every day talking politics....while not paying attention to any politician...
Explains your wacky views.
You are not seeing his opinion of Donald now it is all a mirage..
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.

Do you believe there is a miracle coming any day now?

I'm not concerned about if or when a vaccine is made available. Nor am I obsessed with who wins in November. Trump will get my vote and I hope he wins but unlike the left I won't become unhinged if Biden wins.

Now answer the poll troll.

Good to see you think the guy you're voting for is lying to you. I remember back when people didn't like being lied to.
Then again, some people have pride.
He just like every other politician ya tard. He exaggerates more than many but the position that his lies are any different than super predators lies is preposterous
"exaggerates"... He lies right to your face....and you just beg for more.
You live in an alternate reality. The last time I paid any attention to anything Trump said was the debate. Ironically I also listened to Biden.

Before that? I don't even remember. I don't hang on his words. In fact I pay very little attention to any politician. Their job performance/results is all I care about. Talk is cheap.

His words do seem to have an impact on you however.

And you're here every day talking politics....while not paying attention to any politician...
Explains your wacky views.
Yeah, focusing on results rather than their mindless bloviating is wacky.....
Trump staged a great amatuer passion play production yesterday, he is such a douche...What's next a Superman impositioned over his fat ass, oh sorry, they have already done that comical allusion..
I side with science. And the health professionals. I also believe in karma. Trump better hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. Sit back. This story's just getting warmed up. And they'll be no covering it up.

You only side with science when that science fits your political narrative. Don’t worry, you are sadly not alone.

I don't have a narrative. The scientists and health professionals have been pretty consistent from day one on this virus. The moron is the most protected and most tested individual in this country. Access to medical care and protection you and I can only daydream about. And the idiot still manages to get infected. Worse, he knowingly and willingly infects people who support him and who work for him...all for a photo-op presidency. Only Trump supporters have narratives. I'd like his administration to take this virus seriously, but I'll settle for voting his sorry ass out in another three weeks. Problem is, by the time January gets here, a lot more people are going to die.
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.
Recklessness is not the same as optimism.
And posting a poll in a message board with 85% pro-Trump membership may make you feel better, but it won't save Trump from defeat.
America is not a conservative online forum.
I'm sure you can find a safe haven somewhere on-line if you just look.

Poor thing
Can you please please tell Joni Ernst and McSally to publicly repeat and support Trump's "don't be afraid of coronavirus" comment? Call Tillis while you're at it.
Let’s see...we have the MSM falsely claiming over 200k Covid-19 deaths and scaremongering 24/7 on one side, and dumb Don acting recklessly on the other side. Who to believe ?

Well, since we're up to at least 11 (and counting) people infected who've been associated with him recently and we know of at least one other person who was told not to say anything (that was infected), I'd say, we won't believe the narcissistic fraud who played Hollywood director last night and re-shot his own entrance into the White House. Sorry, those 210K+ deaths?..probably undershot. We won't know until the dust settles.
Oh the partisan!

There is no doubt Don is a dumb fuck but if you believe the msm on COVID-19, you’re a dupe.
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.
Its the final nail in the coffin for NYC
Delusional, baseless, loosely-focused optimism does nothing to stem the spread nor combat the effects of this frightful global pandemic.

Other than to sucker the ignorant into participating in Herd Immunity exercises that kill many participants and indirectly kill the innocent as well.

The Orange Baboon-God is dangerous and will hopefully be rejected by the American Voter on November 3, 2020.

With any luck, on January 20, 2021, No. 46 will quote Jerry Ford: "My fellow Americans... our long national nightmare is over."
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.

Do you believe there is a miracle coming any day now?

I'm not concerned about if or when a vaccine is made available. Nor am I obsessed with who wins in November. Trump will get my vote and I hope he wins but unlike the left I won't become unhinged if Biden wins.

Now answer the poll troll.

Good to see you think the guy you're voting for is lying to you. I remember back when people didn't like being lied to.
Then again, some people have pride.
He just like every other politician ya tard. He exaggerates more than many but the position that his lies are any different than super predators lies is preposterous
"exaggerates"... He lies right to your face....and you just beg for more.
You live in an alternate reality. The last time I paid any attention to anything Trump said was the debate. Ironically I also listened to Biden.

Before that? I don't even remember. I don't hang on his words. In fact I pay very little attention to any politician. Their job performance/results is all I care about. Talk is cheap.

His words do seem to have an impact on you however.

And you're here every day talking politics....while not paying attention to any politician...
Explains your wacky views.
Yeah, focusing on results rather than their mindless bloviating is wacky.....
200000 dead seems to have escaped your focus. His too by the way.
Benito Cuomo and Adolf DeBlasio are the Axis of Evil set out to destroy New York. The next Mayor will either save NY like Rudy did, or bury it once and for all like AOC would like to.

They seem to love singling out the Hassidic Community
We have two STARK positions on the virus.

We have Trump showing optimism (some say foolish) when it comes to dealing with the virus.

Then you have New York who's powers that be are shutting things down again because of the virus.

So vote in the poll.
Recklessness is not the same as optimism.
And posting a poll in a message board with 85% pro-Trump membership may make you feel better, but it won't save Trump from defeat.
America is not a conservative online forum.
I'm sure you can find a safe haven somewhere on-line if you just look.

Poor thing
Can you please please tell Joni Ernst and McSally to publicly repeat and support Trump's "don't be afraid of coronavirus" comment? Call Tillis while you're at it.
Why would anyone want to live their life in constant fear? It is perfectly sane to be cautious but not to the point of being fearful. I mean really if everyone lived in fear constantly no one would ever get laid, ride a bike or drive a car even. Fearmongers suck from some really nasty cup and they seem to want to force everyone else to drink from that nasty cup they are passing around.
I side with science. And the health professionals. I also believe in karma. Trump better hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. Sit back. This story's just getting warmed up. And they'll be no covering it up.

You only side with science when that science fits your political narrative. Don’t worry, you are sadly not alone.

I don't have a narrative. The scientists and health professionals have been pretty consistent from day one on this virus. The moron is the most protected and most tested individual in this country. Access to medical care and protection you and I can only daydream about. And the idiot still manages to get infected. Worse, he knowingly and willingly infects people who support him and who work for him...all for a photo-op presidency. Only Trump supporters have narratives. I'd like his administration to take this virus seriously, but I'll settle for voting his sorry ass out in another three weeks. Problem is, by the time January gets here, a lot more people are going to die.
I don't have a narrative. The scientists and health professionals have been pretty consistent from day one on this virus

That is complete horseshit. They have not, they still aren't.

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