Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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Much like Y2K so many years ago I suspect this will be a lot of build-up and hype that won't amount to much if anything.

The longest serving director of the FBI (after Hoover) and who is also a Republican, is not a computer glitch.
Jesus, what will you all do next? You can only move on to Tyvek bags to wear over your heads since the paper ones aren't working anymore.
What I'm not going to do is what you and every other far left moron has done since since this came out carry on like a ten year old boy who has gotten their first look at their dads Playboy. I'm going to wait and see what happens if anything even though it would fuck up your partisan bullshit maybe you should to.
You can only play that card for a few days but we all know something is coming. Reporters saw Mueller meet with the grand jury and they had inside sources tell them an indictment is coming. Question now is who? And why is Fox avoiding the story and not running with the Podesta/Clinton scenario? I would think this news would fall right in line with the narrative of their Clinton collusion story they’ve been pounding into for the past few days.
FOX has been reporting on it every 15 min today.. Your "not reporting it" crap is a bald face lie...
Ive been watching Fox. They are talking about Uranium One and the dossier. They have read the headline about the indictment but haven’t done one panel or interview or analysis that I’ve seen.
Its a breaking news item every 15 min... Take the democrat blinders off..
I’ve been sitting here for the last 3 hours with Fox News on and have heard zero discussions about it. And only a couple one liners reading the headline, then onto the next story.

Why aren’t they jumping around in excitement trying to tie this to Podesta or Clinton?
Everybody is waiting until Monday. Vegas is taking bets!

How is the Vegas betting going, there guess probably better than most of ours.
She broke numerous laws regarding the handling of classified information. She also obstructed justice by delting emails that were under subpoena and committed perjury numerous times.
Like these guys, right?
At least 6 close Trump advisers used private email for government business
and how many connected with russians in secret?
Well, Flynn did have an illegal internet connection at the Pentagon, now that you mention it:
Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon
Mueller has to tread carefully as any "Russian" indictment leads back to Hillary selling uranium for a $145,000,000 payday plus the murder of Seth Rich.

I suspect its Manafort for Jay walking. He indicts any Trump and it's Civil War
Man, you are in deep

Russia = $145,000,000 + Hillary + Seth Rich

Losing formula for Mueller
A losing formula for reality
The Russians didn't give 145 million dollars to a charity where 90% of the money goes to 'administrative fees' for nothing. It is also not a coincidence that she sat on the committee that had to approve the sale.

90% plus of the Foundation goes to Charity cause and they have an ''A'' rating
Much like Y2K so many years ago I suspect this will be a lot of build-up and hype that won't amount to much if anything.

Y2k was a theory. Indictments are different. In one clear way there is a difference...Y2k disn't happen but these indictments sure did.
You have no idea who is being indicted or what the charges are yet your acting like your about to see Indictments for the crime of the century that is your build-up and hype. For all you know this could some low level nobody getting indicted it's not like the media has never oversold a story before especially in regards to Trump.

Uh, what? I only said the indictments exist. What's with all the tears and assumptions?

Here, I'll repeat it so you don't lose focus...Y2k was a theory and these indictments are real. Understand?
If it were a Trump staffer the name would have been leaked... Its an attempt to deflect from the DNC/Clinton treason scandal.

I am going to laugh my ass off, if on Monday they say "false alarm, we got nothing"....
Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a 3 to 1 favorite in Vegas!
The odds are long for everyone else... now that's funny! Podesta is 5-1 and the rest (Trump people) are far behind.. We at least know where the big money thinks things are going to land..
Why isn’t Fox running with that narrative?
FOX has integrity.. They don't run with crap until it has cooberating evidence.. They don't run with bets... Unlike CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc who will run with any form of crap and lie about it incessantly trying to make it stick in the minds of mindless left wing dupes..

I found it amusing where people who are putting up their money are going... Money talks and bull shit walks...

Wow, all media outlets fake news, only fox pure as the driven snow, except for... start filling in the names of the fired, debunked, what you say! & not even American owned ...
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?
An unconfirmed rumor is all it is at this point...
You can only play that card for a few days but we all know something is coming. Reporters saw Mueller meet with the grand jury and they had inside sources tell them an indictment is coming. Question now is who? And why is Fox avoiding the story and not running with the Podesta/Clinton scenario? I would think this news would fall right in line with the narrative of their Clinton collusion story they’ve been pounding into for the past few days.

Stop lying already, the story was covered in every show last night and this morning on Fox. They just said they have yet to independently confirm it. It's amazing how easily you regressives lie your ass off.

Its a piece of shit Alynilskyite... and it just keeps posting up lies and crap... This the kind of drone that will cause a second revolution.. These idiots don't have a clue and will eat the crap they are feed without question.. Other dictators referred to these people as "useful idiots" right before they killed them after gaining unfettered power, thinking they would be protected. IDIOTS!.
Find a new person to blame, its so old news, he's been dead for 50 years, the guy you called Obama's mentor, except Obama was about 9 years old when he died. stick with Soros at least he is still alive. Funny stuff.
Don't get your hopes up lefties. You might find yourselves back out on the street smashing windows and torching cars after you were disappointed. Sources claim the indictment(s) have nothing to do with the President.
It's a distraction, nothing more. You libs are gonna be eating crow again, just like you were the day after the election. You never learn.
If it were a Trump staffer the name would have been leaked... Its an attempt to deflect from the DNC/Clinton treason scandal.

I am going to laugh my ass off, if on Monday they say "false alarm, we got nothing"....
Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a 3 to 1 favorite in Vegas!
The odds are long for everyone else... now that's funny! Podesta is 5-1 and the rest (Trump people) are far behind.. We at least know where the big money thinks things are going to land..
Why isn’t Fox running with that narrative?
FOX has integrity.. They don't run with crap until it has cooberating evidence.. They don't run with bets... Unlike CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc who will run with any form of crap and lie about it incessantly trying to make it stick in the minds of mindless left wing dupes..

I found it amusing where people who are putting up their money are going... Money talks and bull shit walks...

Wow, all media outlets fake news, only fox pure as the driven snow, except for... start filling in the names of the fired, debunked, what you say! & not even American owned ...
all sex perverts no wonder they like trump
Don't get your hopes up lefties. You might find yourselves back out on the street smashing windows and torching cars after you were disappointed. Sources claim the indictment(s) have nothing to do with the President.

Yes, an investigation into the Trump campaign has issued indictments but those indictments have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Huzzah!
It's a distraction, nothing more. You libs are gonna be eating crow again, just like you were the day after the election. You never learn.
on monday how would you like your crow?Fried ? Baked? or crow tartar??
Same attitude you had November 7, 2016. I wouldn't gloat if I were you.
No gloating yet I have time on my side ..3 +more years to nail that sick %$#@#$% in our WH
Don't get your hopes up lefties. You might find yourselves back out on the street smashing windows and torching cars after you were disappointed. Sources claim the indictment(s) have nothing to do with the President.
BINGO... We have a winner... No one in the Trump group is being rumored...You can bet if it were a Trump person it would have leaked already...
Mueller's team is not the team of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. No leaks until the steel bracelets are being locked.
It's a distraction, nothing more. You libs are gonna be eating crow again, just like you were the day after the election. You never learn.
on monday how would you like your crow?Fried ? Baked? or crow tartar??
Same attitude you had November 7, 2016. I wouldn't gloat if I were you.
No gloating yet I have time on my side ..3 +more years to nail that sick %$#@#$% in our WH
Time is not your friend. There is plenty of evidence of collusion in the Clinton campaign, and one of the criminals is Mueller himself. If Dems can't regain control of Congress next year, Mueller, Comey, Clinton, Schultz, Podesta, Brazile, Obama, and a whole lot more are all going to hang by that noose Hillary referred to before the election.

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