Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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Don't get your hopes up lefties. You might find yourselves back out on the street smashing windows and torching cars after you were disappointed. Sources claim the indictment(s) have nothing to do with the President.
BINGO... We have a winner... No one in the Trump group is being rumored...You can bet if it were a Trump person it would have leaked already...

Yes, according to Billy Bob who was able to confirm that information with himself and said "yeah self, thats plenty true"
Paul Manafort and possibly Tony Podesta in connection with their lobbying efforts without registering as foreign agents. A minor BS charge which usually gets no jail time at all. Possible sentencing for both, less than three years.
Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
I would normally go with the sure bet PODESTA but you limited it to Monday and with all the baggage that needs to be unloaded with him it will probably take much much longer than Monday just to list the charges so I will go with "Clinton Accomplice" from that list
It's a distraction, nothing more. You libs are gonna be eating crow again, just like you were the day after the election. You never learn.
on monday how would you like your crow?Fried ? Baked? or crow tartar??
Same attitude you had November 7, 2016. I wouldn't gloat if I were you.
No gloating yet I have time on my side ..3 +more years to nail that sick %$#@#$% in our WH
Time is not your friend. There is plenty of evidence of collusion in the Clinton campaign, and one of the criminals is Mueller himself. If Dems can't regain control of Congress next year, Mueller, Comey, Clinton, Schultz, Podesta, Brazile, Obama, and a whole lot more are all going to hang by that noose Hillary referred to before the election.
Republicans are famous for that old switcheroo game. Mueller coming after you?? Attack Mueller. etc etc Comey too got the republican treatment . That game has whiskers on it SJ
Don't get your hopes up lefties. You might find yourselves back out on the street smashing windows and torching cars after you were disappointed. Sources claim the indictment(s) have nothing to do with the President.

Yes, an investigation into the Trump campaign has issued indictments but those indictments have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Huzzah!
That was the deal democrats made. Mueller could investigate anything at all. Where ever the evidence led him, he could go there.
The Mueller investigation is about trump and Russia. If they find anything on Obama or Hillary, it should be thrown out because that’s not the investigation. Mueller needs to remove Trump from office for the good of the country. He is racist.
Wrong; The mandate was ANYTHING involving Russian interference.. Democrats don't get a free pass..
And they shouldn't.
It’s interesting that this indictment news is getting nothing more than a whisper on Fox News while they continue to be quite loud about the Clinton collusion conspiracy theory. Makes me think the inside scoop is leaning towards an indictment of a Trump staffer.

Manafort and Flynn are the obvious suspects but it could also be a lower level staffer.

Also, I find it interesting that I don’t hear people from the Right spinning the scenario that the FBI informant who Trump just freed from the “gag order” may have provided evidence that could incriminate a Clinton associate.

What do you think is going to happen?
I think going after the Clinton's again is wishful thinking on the side of the GOP.
We already know about lies told by:

Mike Flynn
Paul Manafort
Jared Kushner
Carter Page
Jeff Sessions
Trump Jr.
Mike Cohen
Roger Stone

These lies are well documented. They can't be denied.

But my personal feeling is all these guys are too high in the food chain to be charged this early in the investigation. Remember, Clinton's investigation was already going on forever before Monica even started working at the White House. She was a Godsend for the GOP after spending all that money and wasting all that time.

So my feeling is it's going to be Flynn's son for several reasons.

He's high up enough to know what's going on but still low in the food chain.
Flynn Sr. will freak out if his son is charged.
Flynn Jr. went every where his father went and knew everything that was going on.
Flynn Jr. doesn't have the money to defend himself.

But I guess we'll see.

For the Republicans to hang their hats on an investigation of Hillary on a transaction she had nothing to do with they've been litigating for nearly a decade is a stretch. Even for them. What it shows is how clean the Obama administration was because that's all they could come up with. They've already tried wire tapping which was laughable. And Fast and Furious which was ridiculous. All they have is he was born in Kenya and only the most insane of the GOP hold on to that nonsense.
I'm really thinking I'm right. But there are so many traitors to choose from.
I wouldn't be surprised if Monday rolls around, nothing happens and CNN has to retract their story. It's happened plenty of times.

At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised
I like the way this is going right now...pop open any thread about this, the left is leading with their chins
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
I wouldn't be surprised if Monday rolls around, nothing happens and CNN has to retract their story. It's happened plenty of times.

At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised
I like the way this is going right now...pop open any thread about this, the left is leading with their chins
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
I wouldn't be surprised if Monday rolls around, nothing happens and CNN has to retract their story. It's happened plenty of times.

At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised
I like the way this is going right now...pop open any thread about this, the left is leading with their chins
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
I wouldn't be surprised if Monday rolls around, nothing happens and CNN has to retract their story. It's happened plenty of times.

At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised
I like the way this is going right now...pop open any thread about this, the left is leading with their chins
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??
I like the way this is going right now...pop open any thread about this, the left is leading with their chins
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??

it's called "take that beyatch"...why?
Just remember Frankie ,,Nothing clears up distractions like indictments
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??

it's called "take that beyatch"...why?
you old enough to remember Watergate?? was that obstruction of justice too?
yeah ok, in this case nothing has created more of a distraction...uranium anyone?...nice try eddie
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??

it's called "take that beyatch"...why?
you old enough to remember Watergate?? was that obstruction of justice too?
I was 15 on june 22nd 1972 when the story broke, nixon fired mitchell? or sirrica[sp] so the answer is no it doesn't ring a bell...btw, watergate was nothing more than a 3rd rate burglary and the GOP has become quite adept at dispensing with these bogus claims because of watergate...but you can keep insisting it is relevant if you like.
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??

it's called "take that beyatch"...why?
you old enough to remember Watergate?? was that obstruction of justice too?
I was 15 on june 22nd 1972 when the story broke, nixon fired mitchell? or sirrica[sp] so the answer is no it doesn't ring a bell...btw, watergate was nothing more than a 3rd rate burglary and the GOP has become quite adept at dispensing with these bogus claims because of watergate...but you can keep insisting it is relevant if you like.
What I'm sick and tired of is your nitwits likening Bill and Hillary to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg ,,,, Republicans WENT to Assange for info AFTER already knowing Russia was hacking Hillary ..I'm sure a repub will take the fall for that
Frankie Please tell me what it's called when a president fires a head of the FBI for investigating him A good move??

it's called "take that beyatch"...why?
you old enough to remember Watergate?? was that obstruction of justice too?
I was 15 on june 22nd 1972 when the story broke, nixon fired mitchell? or sirrica[sp] so the answer is no it doesn't ring a bell...btw, watergate was nothing more than a 3rd rate burglary and the GOP has become quite adept at dispensing with these bogus claims because of watergate...but you can keep insisting it is relevant if you like.
he Saturday Night Massacre refers to U.S. President Richard Nixon's orders to fire independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox, which led to the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson andDeputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus on October 20, 1973, during the Watergate scandal.
Saturday Night Massacr

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