Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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So when it's your time at the mic your key piece of evidence for a person responsible for several crimes is missing a requirement for emails?

Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...
Reading the choices again, I would laugh my ass off if it was a 'Clinton Associate' ... like Tony Podesta, who was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency...
Mueller has to tread carefully as any "Russian" indictment leads back to Hillary selling uranium for a $145,000,000 payday plus the murder of Seth Rich.

I suspect its Manafort for Jay walking. He indicts any Trump and it's Civil War
Man, you are in deep

Russia = $145,000,000 + Hillary + Seth Rich

Losing formula for Mueller
A losing formula for reality
The Russians didn't give 145 million dollars to a charity where 90% of the money goes to 'administrative fees' for nothing. It is also not a coincidence that she sat on the committee that had to approve the sale.
I keep hearing this... please show where the Russians gave $145M to the foundation. How exactly did they do this?

How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

There is evidence enough to push an indictment. We are about to find out The Who and what, I hope. It could very well stay sealed but I’m sure something will leak out

Evidence of what? Certainly not the mythical "collusion."
Evidence to this moron is what his masters tell him to spout.... even if its a total fabrication.. He wouldn't know what a fact was if it hit his ass in the head.
How does a grand jury give the go ahead to indict after months of FBI investigation with No evidence? Please explain how that is possible
You don't really understand how this works, do you? Just because YOU don't have evidence, just because it has not been made public, does not mean that there is no evidence. Grand juries operate largely in secret. Mueller has been feeding them EVIDENCE all along.

So you think a grand jury votes tod indict with no evidence? Either you're really stupid, or you believe our system of "justice" is totally corrupt.

Which is it?

A prosecutor doesn't have to provide ANY exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, they only present the governments evidence. A true bill from a grand jury only says there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, nothing more.

Reading the choices again, I would laugh my ass off if it was a 'Clinton Associate' ... like Tony Podesta, who was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency...
Funny how snowflakes have been freaking out about 'connections to the Russians, but none of them have had a problem with Hillary, Bill, and the Podestas being on the payrolls of The lead Russian responsible for buying the uranium, the KGB, the KGB Bank, and the Russian Spy Agency...

'Nothing to see here....'
So when it's your time at the mic your key piece of evidence for a person responsible for several crimes is missing a requirement for emails?

Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...

You can call all the names you like. But when when you pretend that turning in emails is the top offense of a criminal or as you say, you're treading on thin ice. But the email shit is after you defend Trump Jr actually meeting with Russians to fuck with our elections. Email vs election espionage from a foreign govt. Put it on the scale..or come back and get all emotional with all you creative name calling to side step facts buddy.
You know, to be guilty of crimes, there have to be charges and convictions. Where are they?
No, idiot, to be PROSECUTED for committing a crime all of that is necessary.

If you walk outside and shoot your neighbor in the head then escape to a country that does not extradite people for crimes, you're STILL GUILTY of committing murder. You are just not getting PROSECUTED.
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years. She hasn't fled the country either. Where are the charges? Where is the crime?
So when it's your time at the mic your key piece of evidence for a person responsible for several crimes is missing a requirement for emails?

Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...

You can call all the names you like. But when when you pretend that turning in emails is the top offense of a criminal or as you say, you're treading on thin ice. But the email shit is after you defend Trump Jr actually meeting with Russians to fuck with our elections. Email vs election espionage from a foreign govt. Put it on the scale..or come back and get all emotional with all you creative name calling to side step facts buddy.
Again, you tantrum-throwing child, you seek to minimize 2 federal laws / minimize the violating of 2 federal laws THOUSANDS of times by Hillary Clinton.

She broke the law....laws....THOUSANDS of times.

I am not facilitating your childish behavior. You continue to claim that Hillary violating those laws THOUSANDS of times meansnothing, continuing to look like a partisan inbecile.

BTW, part of Barry's 'Legacy' is setting a new Presidential record for the number times of criminal NON-compliance with those 2 laws ... meaning Barry should be doing more time right now in federal prison than Hillary ... IF the judicial system was not 'rigged' / if it were run equally, fairly.
You know, to be guilty of crimes, there have to be charges and convictions. Where are they?
No, idiot, to be PROSECUTED for committing a crime all of that is necessary.

If you walk outside and shoot your neighbor in the head then escape to a country that does not extradite people for crimes, you're STILL GUILTY of committing murder. You are just not getting PROSECUTED.
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years. She hasn't fled the country either. Where are the charges? Where is the crime?
Oh look, another tantrum-throwing child pretending to be dumb to the fact that Obama OWNED the DOJ, the US AGs, The Directors of the FBI, and tbe head of the CIA...

...which is how Barry got away with things like illegally spying on civilians, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC, using the IRS as a political weapon against Americans, illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, and terrorists, etc....
Berstein stated 'Trump officials are looking at 20...30...40...50 years for WHATEVER these charges are'.

'Whatever they are'? That's someone talking out of their ass.

If they have evidence someone broke the law that person needs to be held accountable.

I only wish that happened equally across the board, not partisanly. If that happened, they would need to build a prison just for politicians because there would be so many.

So when is Hillary going to be held accountable?

First you have to find something to actually hold her accountable for.
Hillary has already been proven to be guilty of numerous crimes.

The really ... REALLY ... pathetic thing is Snowflakes like you already KNOW that, despite how you repeatedly argue / declare otherwise....and despite knowing otherwise you protest her innocense you continue to declare her to be guilt-free.

For example, the FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled from Hillary's server, documents never turned in to the govt AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW. By definition, by law, UNDENIABLY, she broke the law.

Snowflakes, in the face of this UNDENIABLE evidence, who claim Hillary did not break the law are like small children throwing a tantrum, demanding they are right, demanding they want what they want for no other reason than they want it (to be so).
You know, to be guilty of crimes, there have to be charges and convictions. Where are they?

That isn't true. Is O. J. Innocent?
So when it's your time at the mic your key piece of evidence for a person responsible for several crimes is missing a requirement for emails?

Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...

You can call all the names you like. But when when you pretend that turning in emails is the top offense of a criminal or as you say, you're treading on thin ice. But the email shit is after you defend Trump Jr actually meeting with Russians to fuck with our elections. Email vs election espionage from a foreign govt. Put it on the scale..or come back and get all emotional with all you creative name calling to side step facts buddy.
Again, you tantrum-throwing child, you seek to minimize 2 federal laws / minimize the violating of 2 federal laws THOUSANDS of times by Hillary Clinton.

She broke the law....laws....THOUSANDS of times.

I am not facilitating your childish behavior. You continue to claim that Hillary violating those laws THOUSANDS of times meansnothing, continuing to look like a partisan inbecile.

BTW, part of Barry's 'Legacy' is setting a new Presidential record for the number times of criminal NON-compliance with those 2 laws ... meaning Barry should be doing more time right now in federal prison than Hillary ... IF the judicial system was not 'rigged' / if it were run equally, fairly.

Yet, no mention or concern with Russia fucking with our democracy and committ in espionage. Excuse me if I just don't believe your concern with law and order.
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years. She hasn't fled the country either. Where are the charges? Where is the crime?
You are obviously too stupid to understand the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, how the FBI has thousands of pieces of evidence, and that the head of the FBI protected her from indictnent/ charges (wrote a letter exonerating her before the investigation was over...)....

Please join CC at the kids' table.
Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...

You can call all the names you like. But when when you pretend that turning in emails is the top offense of a criminal or as you say, you're treading on thin ice. But the email shit is after you defend Trump Jr actually meeting with Russians to fuck with our elections. Email vs election espionage from a foreign govt. Put it on the scale..or come back and get all emotional with all you creative name calling to side step facts buddy.
Again, you tantrum-throwing child, you seek to minimize 2 federal laws / minimize the violating of 2 federal laws THOUSANDS of times by Hillary Clinton.

She broke the law....laws....THOUSANDS of times.

I am not facilitating your childish behavior. You continue to claim that Hillary violating those laws THOUSANDS of times meansnothing, continuing to look like a partisan inbecile.

BTW, part of Barry's 'Legacy' is setting a new Presidential record for the number times of criminal NON-compliance with those 2 laws ... meaning Barry should be doing more time right now in federal prison than Hillary ... IF the judicial system was not 'rigged' / if it were run equally, fairly.

Yet, no mention or concern with Russia fucking with our democracy and committ in espionage. Excuse me if I just don't believe your concern with law and order.
No one is asking you to believe me. You are being asked to be smart enough to understand the FOIA in not a 'requirement' - it is a LAW...a task that you have demonstrated is too hard for you.
Berstein stated 'Trump officials are looking at 20...30...40...50 years for WHATEVER these charges are'.

'Whatever they are'? That's someone talking out of their ass.

If they have evidence someone broke the law that person needs to be held accountable.

I only wish that happened equally across the board, not partisanly. If that happened, they would need to build a prison just for politicians because there would be so many.

So when is Hillary going to be held accountable?

First you have to find something to actually hold her accountable for.
Hillary has already been proven to be guilty of numerous crimes.

The really ... REALLY ... pathetic thing is Snowflakes like you already KNOW that, despite how you repeatedly argue / declare otherwise....and despite knowing otherwise you protest her innocense you continue to declare her to be guilt-free.

For example, the FBI has THOUSANDS of official documents pulled from Hillary's server, documents never turned in to the govt AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW. By definition, by law, UNDENIABLY, she broke the law.

Snowflakes, in the face of this UNDENIABLE evidence, who claim Hillary did not break the law are like small children throwing a tantrum, demanding they are right, demanding they want what they want for no other reason than they want it (to be so).
You know, to be guilty of crimes, there have to be charges and convictions. Where are they?

That isn't true. Is O. J. Innocent?

Yes, the same way George Zimmerman is innocent. See how that works goofy?
You know, to be guilty of crimes, there have to be charges and convictions. Where are they?
No, idiot, to be PROSECUTED for committing a crime all of that is necessary.

If you walk outside and shoot your neighbor in the head then escape to a country that does not extradite people for crimes, you're STILL GUILTY of committing murder. You are just not getting PROSECUTED.
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years. She hasn't fled the country either. Where are the charges? Where is the crime?
Oh look, another tantrum-throwing child pretending to be dumb to the fact that Obama OWNED the DOJ, the US AGs, The Directors of the FBI, and tbe head of the CIA...

...which is how Barry got away with things like illegally spying on civilians, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC, using the IRS as a political weapon against Americans, illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, and terrorists, etc....
Where's the beef?
Clinton has been investigated for 30 years. She hasn't fled the country either. Where are the charges? Where is the crime?
You are obviously too stupid to understand the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, how the FBI has thousands of pieces of evidence, and that the head of the FBI protected her from indictnent/ charges (wrote a letter exonerating her before the investigation was over...)....

Please join CC at the kids' table.
So to summarize, no charges, no trial, no conviction. Just a lot of repug slander and character assassination.

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