Who do you think will be frog marched in cuffs on Monday?

Who is Mueller going to indict?

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A prosecutor doesn't have to provide ANY exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, they only present the governments evidence. A true bill from a grand jury only says there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, nothing more.

Actually DOJ guidelines require US Attorneys to meet the burden of preponderance of the evidence.

Grand juries in the United States - Wikipedia

A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the probable causes tandard has been met. The grand jury's decision is either a "true bill" (formerly billa vera, resulting in an "indictment"), or "no true bill".

Probable cause - Wikipedia

Probable cause, in conjunction with a preponderance of the evidence, also refers to the standard by which a grand jury believes that a crime has been committed. The term comes from the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution:
She broke the law....laws....THOUSANDS of times.

But to be convicted of breaking a law, requites criminal intent. Which is missing in this case, making it unlikely to get a conviction. Hence why the FBI never considered even trying for an indictment.
Let's be honest. All of this talk about the Clinton's is purely a distraction tactic as once again a Republican adminstration is about to have criminal indictments.

The facts show that time and time again it's Republican administration's that are criminals typically, especially when compared to Democrat administration's.
The facts show that time and time again it's Republican administration's that are criminals typically, especially when compared to Democrat administration's.

Republican administrations had felony convictions of high ranking white house staff ever since Nixon and Watergate. When it comes to the white house more republicans received pardons than democrats received convictions.
A prosecutor doesn't have to provide ANY exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, they only present the governments evidence. A true bill from a grand jury only says there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, nothing more.

Actually DOJ guidelines require US Attorneys to meet the burden of preponderance of the evidence.

Grand juries in the United States - Wikipedia

A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the probable causes tandard has been met. The grand jury's decision is either a "true bill" (formerly billa vera, resulting in an "indictment"), or "no true bill".

Probable cause - Wikipedia

Probable cause, in conjunction with a preponderance of the evidence, also refers to the standard by which a grand jury believes that a crime has been committed. The term comes from the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution:

And that differs form what I said, HOW????????????????????????????????????

You're just not very smart are ya?????????

Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
If anyone want deep insight watch this link through Facebook. Very interesting.

Lance Wallnau

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What they found on Manafort,when they raided his house, was that he was working with the Podesta brothers on the Russian stuff about Uranium One deal. That was before Manafort and Trump.

Also, Mueller was head of the FBI investigation during the Uranium One deal.

Sound fishy yet?

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Oh what a sight to see. Who do you think will be charged on Monday? Carter "The Mouth" Page? Paul "Short time on staff" Manafort? Donald "All about adoptions baby" Trump Jr.?

Kelly Ann Conman? IDK, she just should be arrested for air pollution and bold faced liary

Who you got?
Manafort will eventually lead to Podesta and Uranium One deal, then Mueller himself as he was head of FBI at time.

Based on that, probably Flynn.

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Do you TRULY not hear / understand how STUPID you sound right now, 'oh little child throwing a tantrum'?!

It is not 'REQUIREMENTS' she 'missed'.

It is two LAWS - the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act - she intentionally VIOLATED ... over 20,000 times.

Your claim that she simply 'missed a couple of requirements' proves my original point and makes you look like an imbecile.

Ok, she violated email laws. That's your lead for a criminal mastermind as you say?

Email? :badgrin:
Again, you continue to put on display for the world to see you are a spoiled retarded child thowing a tantrum, refusing to admit she broke 2 federal laws thousands of times...which ia all on record.

Thank you for proving my point.

For the record, also, the FBI said they have thousands of documenrs, not just e-mails.

You should really go back to the kids' table now and leave this discussion for the grown-ups. You've proven you can't handle it. When you grow up, come on back.

Thank you again for proving my point...

You can call all the names you like. But when when you pretend that turning in emails is the top offense of a criminal or as you say, you're treading on thin ice. But the email shit is after you defend Trump Jr actually meeting with Russians to fuck with our elections. Email vs election espionage from a foreign govt. Put it on the scale..or come back and get all emotional with all you creative name calling to side step facts buddy.
Again, you tantrum-throwing child, you seek to minimize 2 federal laws / minimize the violating of 2 federal laws THOUSANDS of times by Hillary Clinton.

She broke the law....laws....THOUSANDS of times.

I am not facilitating your childish behavior. You continue to claim that Hillary violating those laws THOUSANDS of times meansnothing, continuing to look like a partisan inbecile.

BTW, part of Barry's 'Legacy' is setting a new Presidential record for the number times of criminal NON-compliance with those 2 laws ... meaning Barry should be doing more time right now in federal prison than Hillary ... IF the judicial system was not 'rigged' / if it were run equally, fairly.

Yet, no mention or concern with Russia fucking with our democracy and committ in espionage. Excuse me if I just don't believe your concern with law and order.
All this whining, crying, and incredulity..... all while then IGNORING HILLARY AND OBAMA COMMITTING TREASON WITH THE RUSSIANS... Do you know how fucking stupid you idiots look?

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